40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 25 The Long Night (Part 3)

Chapter 25 25. The Long Night (3)

A gorgeous and huge chandelier swayed gently. It had six curved and outward-extending corners, and white candles burned slowly on it.

The flames complement its golden surface, making the swaying light of this chandelier so enchanting, even romantic.

There is no doubt that this is a perfect chandelier for a dance party.

It will make the atmosphere very suitable for ambiguous friction and provocative dance steps. Under its light, everyone will have their thoughts flowing.

They would stare into their partner's face, their hands would be placed in places where they could feel the heat and softness of flesh, and their breathing would be short and rapid.

But the sad part is that Khalil won't dance with anyone here.

Besides, he didn't come here to attend the dance. If I had to say it, it was more like he was here to destroy this dance.

He took a step forward, swung his sword, and his head flew up.

Turn around and kick horizontally, breaking a person's jaw and sending him flying.

Grabbing him by the feet, stabbing him in the heart, and throwing him across the hall. Causing a woman who hurriedly ran away by her skirt to scream and fall to the ground.

"Be quiet," Khalil said softly. "You are still playing music. The screams will make it difficult to hear."

The woman was so focused on screaming that she didn't hear him clearly. However, it is true.

In this ballroom, there is indeed music playing.

Soft and gentle, with a bit of a frivolous smile, the female voice hummed ambiguously, making the night more provocative. If you are lucky enough to dance to such singing, you will probably be very lucky.


Khalil exhaled softly and wiped his face.

The protracted killing brought a huge amount of blood. His clothes were completely soaked with blood, and even his hair became wet, which was quite annoying.

He moved his wrist, and then slowly walked towards the noble who was knocked to the ground.

Khalil was very picky when it came to doing this. He chose to place his footing cautiously, choosing to step over the corpses and broken flesh, preferring to walk slowly in a pool of blood rather than encounter them.

Although, this still inevitably leaves the boots stained with blood. But at least he didn't have to feel the body of a dead person anymore.

"No, no, let me go"

The woman who fell to the ground sobbed and begged, with no aristocratic demeanor. Khalil couldn't help but laugh. He had seen too many similar situations tonight.

At first, every noble would be confused when seeing him.

Then, after he showed his blade and caused the killing, they either promised money or started threatening with power.

After realizing that money and power cannot stop the blade, they will break down and cry.

Some people tried to resist, some tried to escape, and some tried to confess the so-called 'family secrets' to him in exchange for their own survival.

This is so interesting, Khalil thought.

Despite the warnings he had given, few people cared. The nobles seemed to take this as a bad joke.

Well this is no joke. Khalil doesn't like jokes.

The woman who fell to the ground naturally didn't know what Khalil was thinking. At this moment, she just wanted to stay away from this monster that suddenly appeared and killed everyone.

She lay in a pool of blood and crawled forward. The clean skirt and velvet gloves were stained with blood, and the bodies of his companions were scattered all around.

She had once been familiar with the smell of blood, but now she found it almost driving her crazy. She had obviously killed many people with her own hands, but she was now trembling with fear.

"Yeah." Khalil nodded helplessly. "Honestly, if you're going to run at least stand up, ma'am."

He walked over and pulled her up from the pile of corpses regardless of the woman's struggle. The woman struggled like crazy, so he grabbed her shoulders and applied a little force, letting the pain curb her madness.

And the ghost didn't care.

He just breathed calmly, his face was covered with blood, and there was nothing but peace in his dark eyes.

After a while, the woman gave up struggling and screaming. She sobbed in fear, breaking into sobs.

Staring at this self-proclaimed noble face that was completely destroyed by fear, the ghost suddenly laughed.

"It's always like this, beg for mercy, beg me to let you go."

He began to talk to himself.

"Promise money, promise status, promise everything you are used to trading. Within the rules of interest, you can use wealth and status to buy and control anyone, but I do not belong to this rule."

"To be honest, lady, if you keep knocking on the door of hell, sooner or later, the devil will come to you."

After saying this, he ignored the woman's pleas and struggles, raised his left hand and pinched her neck. Then he exerted force violently, causing the crying and begging for mercy to end.

Tonight, there are still many things waiting to end.

Throwing the body away, the ghost shook his head tiredly. He came to the open door of the ballroom and walked out slowly.

The majestic corridor was filled with blood and corpses, and the guards were killed one by one by him without any awareness. But this time, Khalil didn't even choose to take a detour. He entered from the front in an upright manner.

The blood-soaked robe dragged his body, and the sticky heaviness made his skin tingle. They seemed to be reminding Khalil not to forget what he had done tonight.

Of course he won't forget it, but actually it doesn't matter whether he remembers it or not. After a while, these things will completely disappear.

The call was getting closer and clearer.

Khalil had not seen what was behind the curtain, but he was aware of it. His reason allowed him to reject these voices again and again.

He knew that they came from darkness and belonged to darkness.

In other words, they are darkness itself.

Since ancient times, they may have been waiting hungrily for humans. The one who called him was naturally one of them.

Therefore, he will not allow himself to become their puppet, nor will he allow himself to be tempted by them. He will eliminate all possibilities.

However, this power is really terrifying.

After only four hours of accepting it, Khalil had completely reached a new level.

The once thin body has now become strong, and the bullets that once needed to be dodged can now be completely disintegrated with just one look.

The dangerous machine sentries have changed from the once formidable enemies into a group of moving scrap metal. With just a thought, they could no longer detect his presence. Immediately afterwards, they pointed their guns at each other.

What kind of power is this?

The ghost shook his head with emotion and walked out of the fortress.

The oncoming cold wind made him sober up a lot, and unnecessary thoughts were thrown away again. Khalil bent his knees slightly, and then jumped up. In the even slightly fragrant air of the upper hive, he rushed to his next destination.

——He doesn't need to kill all the nobles, he can't kill them all in one night.

But he can ignite the fire, and he can dismember the families that control most of the power and power one by one. After that, the ghost will do everything for him.

While the remaining nobles are busy tearing each other apart, the ghost will turn them into embers in the wind.


Is this really what you want to do, ghost? Or is this just wishful thinking on my part? Furthermore, your origin

yes. Where are you from?

Khalil smiled bitterly, a wave of anger toward himself beginning to burn within him.

He took a deep breath, suppressed it again, and then started running.

At the beginning of tonight's killing, he made a list of families that needed to be eliminated.

At this moment, the family that he belonged to was not on the list of the tower he was running towards.


Gunshots continued.

Automatic guns, shotguns, and laser guns are inferior products assembled manually, high-end products from other hives, and assembly line products produced in factories.

No matter where they come from, they are roaring now.

No matter where they come from, at this moment, they are held in the hands of a group of people full of fear, using them to vent their emotions that have nowhere to vent.

Then, does this work?

——The answer is naturally no.

From the other end of the narrow corridor, ghosts came rushing towards me. He stretched out his claws like some kind of terrifying predatory monster, and with just two staggered swings, those who had been shooting at him turned into many corpses stacked on top of each other.

No one could stop him, not even at the cost of their lives.

The ghost crashed out of the window and reached the other side of the square in just a few vertical jumps. The neon lights couldn't illuminate him, and the gang couldn't catch his shadow.

All they knew was that gunshots were ringing out, screams, and the strong smell of blood dispersing in the foul air.

No one would believe the existence of ghosts unless they saw them with their own eyes. However, seeing it with your own eyes means that they are not far from death.

Six minutes later, Ghost picked up the last gang member and threw him off the building. The latter's screams rang out in the cold wind, and finally, a dull sound of touching the ground marked the end of his life.


Ghost wiped the blood from his hands, pursed his lips and sat on the edge of the building.

Khalil was gone and he knew it.

But what is he going to do?

Ghost had no answer, he just felt a little annoyed. He had completed his mission and Khalil had not shown up.

So, do you want to wait?

Back to the shelter?

In a few hours, maybe he'll be back.

Will he come back?

The ghost raised his head blankly and glanced at the dim sky. The broken neon lights could not illuminate the deep darkness. Staring at the thick clouds, a heavy feeling suddenly began to fill his heart.

——Just a slight trance, and the cold feeling came again.

The ghost didn't even have time to get angry at himself, before his eyes widened and he fell into the frenzy of illusions.

Confusing and rapidly interlacing images piled on top of each other, flashing by in an indescribable frenzy.

He saw fire, fire that burned the entire planet. Scarlet to the point of blood, three stars emerged from the darkness in the sky, twinkling ominously. A familiar voice sighed painfully from the other side of the stars, seemingly sad, and the golden light flashed away.

I'm sorry, ghost.

A voice sounded in the wind and then disappeared.


No, no - don't do that!

Ghost clenched his teeth suddenly, his teeth colliding with each other and making a rattling sound.

His will caused a huge force to burst out in this still-growing superhuman body. Another future quickly approached. The flame was still the same, but its color had changed. The dazzling golden light made his eyes hurt. , also made him feel like he was struck by lightning.

The ghost fell backwards, twitching on the cold top of the building. It took several minutes for him to regain his composure.

He struggled to get up, the cramps and muscle twitches slowly dissipating. It would only take a few dozen seconds for him to regain his strength, but he couldn't wait any longer.

The ghost limped to the edge of the building, clenched his fists, and jumped down.

The cold wind was still there, but he already understood what he should do.

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