Abnormal items

Chapter 29 Weird Hotel

"Dong dong dong" knocking on the door is not urgent, not slow, very regular. It can be seen that people outside are more patient.

"Who is it?" The knock on the door kept ringing, and Jie Zuo couldn't ignore it even if he wanted to.

No one spoke, but the knocking on the door became more urgent, "Dong dong dong dong."

Jie Zuo was so annoyed that he got up, put on his shoes, and went to turn on the light in the room, but for some reason the light in the room couldn't be turned on.

After Jie Zuo tried several times to no avail, he went to prepare to call the front desk to find out who was knocking on the door in the middle of the night.

The room was dark, and Jie Zuo took out the lantern covered under his clothes. The red light turned the whole room red, and Jie Zuo used the red light to touch the phone.

I picked up the phone and put it to my ear. No matter what number I dialed, there was a busy signal on the phone.

In the red room, Jie Zuo was holding the phone and cursing, and the knocks on the door became more and more urgent.

"Okay, okay, stop knocking." Jie Zuo pressed his nose, ready to open the door to see who was so unethical.

"Creak" The door, which was fine during the day, now creaked as if it was missing lubricant.

The door opened, but there was no one outside, and the lights in the corridor were all turned off.

"Why do you think the first thing you do when you come out with these weird things is turn off the lights?" Jie Zuo complained in a low voice.

The dark corridor was extremely quiet, and the knock on the door just now seemed to be Jie Zuo's hallucination.

"Huh." Jie Zuo stuck his head out of the door in surprise and looked outside.

"This hotel has cost me so much money."

Jie Zuo was very angry at this guy who disturbed his rest. He had never been a generous person.

"The not-generous Jie Zuo" decided to go find this guy who randomly knocked on people's doors and tell him that sleep is very important for "elderly people"!

Xie Zuo returned to the room, picked up his key card, put on the lantern, closed the door in his room, and walked out.

All the lights in the corridor outside have been extinguished, and the only source of light is the lantern held in Xie's left hand.

Under the red light of the lantern, everything around him turned red and looked weird.

Xie Zuo held up a lantern and carefully looked at the surrounding environment. The corridor was so quiet that you could even hear your own heartbeat.

Jie Zuo had a puzzled look on his face as he walked - he always felt like something was wrong, but what was wrong? I can’t tell.

This feeling made people very irritated. As Jie Zuo walked forward, there was darkness behind him. It felt like there was something behind him. Jie Zuo turned his head twice unexpectedly, but saw nothing except that he almost twisted his neck.

The heart is getting more and more irritable, and an evil fire is rising from the heart, which makes people can't help but shout, laugh and jump to vent their anger.

But this is the reaction of a normal person. Jie Zuo didn't yell or laugh or jump. He just walked calmly, like an old man going out for a walk - his pace was arrogant and full of mysteries that others didn't dare to mess with. of confidence.

"Is anyone there? My toilet is broken, can I use your TV?" Jie Zuo knocked on the door of a room, but there was no response. Jie Zuo knocked hard again: "Open the door! I'm not a regular service!" Still no one answered.

Jie Zuo knocked on eight or nine doors in turn, and finally came to the conclusion that either he was the only one living on this floor, or something had really happened to him.

Jie Zuo shook his head indifferently, with a look of irony on his face: "Hahaha, I'll get married when I get back this time!" After saying that, he looked around and found that nothing happened, and walked in with a disappointed look on his face.

After walking for about twenty minutes, Jie Zuo's feet that had just fallen made a sound like stepping in the mud.

Jie Zuo brought the lantern closer and saw a pool of bloody and disgusting things stepped on Jie Zuo's feet. At a glance, this unknown thing has black hair, some flesh, and a lot of red blood. Jie Zuo poked around with his foot and even saw an eyeball. He didn't know if it belonged to a human or some animal.

This puddle of stuff was just spread out on the carpet. An expensive carpet was laid on top of it, and you had to step on it if you wanted to move forward.

Xie Zuogang hesitated whether to let it go and let the unmerited guy go.

Suddenly there was a "bang" of the door closing in the distance. The sound was very loud and seemed particularly harsh in the silent corridor.

Jie Zuo didn't hesitate, he raised his legs and ran forward, and there was a continuous "pah, pah, pah, pah" sound coming from his feet.

Under the illumination of a lantern, the wall covering on the left side began to peel off layer by layer, revealing the dark wall inside.

The wall seemed to have been touched by fire, and was dark with a burnt smell.

"Mom," Jie Zuo exclaimed exaggeratedly, but his footsteps did not stop at all.

The wallpaper on the wall was peeling off faster and faster, and an arm that was severely burned by the fire stretched out from the exposed wall.

There were large burn scars on the arms, and some arms were even burned without any skin left. The hands on the arms were withered and fleshless, like five dry branches, and the nails on the fingertips were long and black.

His arms were scratching randomly in the air, and the puddles of flesh and blood under his left foot were getting thicker and thicker.

Jie Zuo dodged his arms while lying on the bloody flesh at his feet, and walked forward with difficulty.

It's too late to look back now, all I can do is move forward.

"Oh my god! It's so scary!" Jie Zuo shouted exaggeratedly, but there was no look of fear on his face, instead he was full of excitement.

The further you walk, the denser the arms become and the more sticky things under your feet.

He went around and to the left, jumped left and right, rolled around, turned over on his waist, and performed all kinds of difficult movements, but his body was still broken into pieces.

"A good piece of clothing will be scrapped." Jie Zuo looked at his trendy "beggar clothes" and became even more angry at the guy who caused the trouble: "I want him to pay for it!"

There are so many arms in front of them that they look like a wall. The arms are so densely intertwined that anyone who looks at them has their scalp exploded.

Xie Zuo squeezed in while holding his head. After his shirt was pulled into a sling, Xie Zuo finally squeezed out.

There was still the hotel corridor in front of him, but it was clean and there was nothing there.

A bunch of withered hands behind Jie Zuo were scratching in vain at Jie Zuo, but they couldn't reach him.

"Ha~~tui" Jie Zuo looked at the withered hands behind him arrogantly, gestured with his middle finger, and walked away wearing a "sling" and walking straight.

Finding the room that suddenly closed was much easier than Jie Zuo thought. The doors in the surrounding rooms were all normal, but the door in this room seemed to have been burned by fire.

There was a layer of black dust on the door. Jie Zuo wiped it and saw the house number on the door - 331.

"Well! Isn't this my room?" Jie Zuo scratched his head and knocked lightly on the door.

A voice came from inside the door: "Who is it!" The voice was very familiar. To be precise, it was Jie Zuo's own voice.

The expression on Jie Zuo's face became very strange, and there was the sound of getting out of bed while getting things.

Jie Zuo then knocked on the door, "Okay, okay! Stop knocking!" This time Jie Zuo was even more sure that it was his own voice.

"Creak" the door opened, and Jie Zuo and Jie Zuo inside the door looked at each other.

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