Abnormal items

Chapter 32 Abnormal Items

"Why are you yelling so loudly? It makes my head buzz."

"You... okay, go quickly, that guy is coming soon." Deng Ying sighed resignedly.

"Hey hey hey" Jie Zuo slapped his head and stuck out his tongue, making a cute gesture.

"Go downstairs first. The things are in the lobby of the hotel."

Xie Zuo didn't talk nonsense this time. He ran to the elevator entrance and started pressing the elevator.

"?What are you doing?"

"Wait for the elevator!" Xie Zuo said matter-of-factly.

"What elevator are you waiting for! This is the third floor, why don't you just take the stairs?"

Jie Zuo still wanted to argue, but the cry of "quacking" was already very close.

Without saying anything, Jie Zuo turned around, walked into the stairwell, and started going down the stairs.

"Ha ha ha ha"

"Why are you laughing?" Deng Ying was a little confused. Jie Zuo, who had just climbed down to the next level, suddenly laughed.

"It's nothing, I thought of something fun." Jie Zuo covered his mouth and looked like he was suppressing a smile.

Dengying didn't ask again, knowing that even if he didn't ask Jie Zuo, he would tell himself.

Sure enough, he was still waiting for Deng Ying to ask his answer, but when he found that the other party didn't talk to him at all, he shrugged boringly: "Don't you think we are being chased by a duck now?"

"Huh?" Dengying didn't understand what Jie Zuo meant at first. He didn't understand until he heard the cry of the girl who was chasing Jie Zuo with unknown degrees of burns.

The sound of "quack, quack, quack" kept chasing behind Jie Zuo. If you listen carefully, it really sounds like a duck quacking.

At this time, Dengying was a little impressed by Jie Zuo. He could think of so many things in such an environment. How heartless this person was.

Because people in the hotel don't often take the stairs, the stairwells are not well maintained. The sensitivity of the voice-activated light was not high, and the light from the lantern was too dim, so Xie Zuo almost walked downstairs in the dark.

The three-story building is not high. After a few minutes, Xie Zuo went down to the lobby on the first floor. But because he was not going downstairs very quickly in the dark, the distance was shortened by the "woman".

"Tell me where the thing is?" Jie Zuo urged, listening to the "duck quacking" coming from the stairwell.

Dengying also knew that the matter was urgent, so he didn't hesitate: "Have you seen the front desk? It's under the cabinet at the front desk."

The lobby is as bright as when Xie Zuo first came to this hotel. The only difference is that the people who were busy at the front desk have disappeared, and the entire hall is empty.

Xie Zuo didn't waste any more time and rushed towards the front desk with a single stride.

Just when Xie Zuo arrived at the front desk, the "woman" also chased him out of the stairwell.

A "quacking" sound came from the woman's throat, and looking at the "woman" Jie Zuo in a bright place only made her feel even more disgusting.

"Where! Where!" Seeing that the woman was about to rush over, Jie Zuo became nervous.

"It's just under the front desk, look for it."

Jie Zuo squatted down and rummaged carefully under the front desk, but never found any strange items.

"Could it be that your senses are wrong?"

"No, you have to look for it here."

As soon as Dengying finished speaking, the "woman" had already rushed over. Helpless, Jie Zuo had no choice but to pull out a baseball bat from underneath and hit the "woman" on the head.

The sound of "bang" was clear, and the "woman's" head was thrown back after being hit.

"Alas, this guy turns out to be so weak." Jie Zuo immediately became stunned after a successful attack.

"I don't know who was chased just now. I kept screaming." Dengying couldn't help but pour cold water on Jie Zuo Dese's appearance.

"I'm not afraid of her, it's just that it's too disgusting. I don't want it to touch me." Jie Zuo explained weakly. When he found that Deng Ying didn't pay attention to him, he picked up the baseball bat and said "Hey hey" He walked towards the "woman" with a smile.

"It's not that it's weak. Ordinary items can't work on it. It seems like you're really in trouble. This baseball bat should be an abnormal item in this space. Just wait a moment and I'll see if I can analyze its function. ." Deng Ying stopped speaking after finishing speaking.

Jie Zuo called twice and found that Deng Ying no longer answered. It seems to be to analyze the usage of this stick.

Jie Zuo curled his lips and turned his attention to the "woman" again.

"Hehe, you were so happy chasing after me just now. Now it's time for me."

The "woman" was obviously wary of the baseball bat and slowly moved back.

Jie Zuo became even more excited when he saw the "woman" retreating. He walked out from the front desk and said to the "woman": "Only now do I realize that I was wrong! It's too late! You've done so much for me all night. Let's end it today." Let me settle the accounts with you." Jie Zuo's accent suddenly changed to a less authentic Beijing dialect, his body tilted and his mouth curled.

If anyone else here sees it, Jie Zuo looks like a gangster who molests women.

"Go...die!" Maybe Xie Zuo's look irritated the "woman". The "woman" roared from her throat, and a pair of hands thrust toward Jie Zuo.

Xie Zuo held the baseball bat at first gear, and when his hand came into contact with the baseball bat, a metal collision sound was made.

The baseball bat almost came out of his hand, and Xie Zuo's hand was numb from the shock.

"I'll go, it's pretty awesome!"

The "woman" forced Jie Zuo back and began to howl in pain, and then flames burst out of her body, and her whole body was wrapped in flames.

"Fire Man? Are you the Flame Spirit of Vengeance? I am your most beloved summoner!"

The "woman" ignored Jie Zuo's nonsense, opened her mouth and rushed toward Jie Zuo with a pillar of fire.

Xie Zuo rolled around to avoid the flames. But part of the clothes was still burned. After extinguishing the flames on the clothes in a panic, Jie Zuo showed a wry smile - how could he fight?

Xie Zuo was carrying a baseball bat and neither advancing nor retreating, he was completely embarrassed.

Just after Jie Zuo dodged the third flame jet and his shirt was completely wiped out, Deng Ying finally replied.

"It's called the Soul-Eating Hammer. If the soul is not injected into it, it is stronger than an ordinary bat. But once the soul is injected into it, its power is unpredictable. The more souls are injected, the greater the power."

"Um...but it's a stick, why is it called a hammer?" asked Jie Zuo, who always misses the point.

"I don't know!" Dengying replied firmly with three words. In fact, it can be heard from the voice just now that the shadow in the lamp worked very hard to analyze the effect of the Soul-Eating Hammer. Jie Zuo heard the voice that was obviously much weaker than before, and felt embarrassed to bother Deng Ying anymore.

"Okay! How to inject soul?" Jie Zuo was avoiding the flames spit out by the "woman" while chatting with Deng Ying. He was particularly skilled in half-hearted work.

"Feel it carefully, it will tell..." Before Deng Ying finished speaking, he saw Ji Zuo pressing his face against the stick: "The magic wand, the magic wand, tell me who is the most beautiful woman in the world... cough , No. How can I feed your soul?" Jie Zuo asked with a thin voice, raising his orchid fingers, "shyly".

"You...what are you doing!" Not only Dengying was shocked, but even the "eldest sister" who had been spitting fire was stunned.

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