Abnormal items

Chapter 4 Jie Zuo’s Revenge

Resting Mental Hospital, Dean's Office.

"Did Jie Zuo buy a social film from Griffin?" The speaker was Carmen Adams, the director of the Hospice Hospital.

"Yes, yes, I heard it clearly at that time!" A man in a hospital gown stood aside timidly.

"Then do you know what Jie Zuo is going to do?"

"I don't know about this, but it's definitely not to relieve loneliness late at night." This man, who was obviously a patient in the hospital, said with a lewd expression.

Carmen pondered for a while and said: "Okay, thank you. I will consider your application for vacation leave."

"Thank you, Dean," the visitor seemed a little excited: "I will come and tell you if there is any news."

"Yes." Carmen agreed softly, which was considered an answer.

The visitor slowly exited the office, and only Dean Carmen was left in the whole office: "Humph, Rest Hospital. This name is really unlucky." Dean Carmen stood by the window, as if saying to himself, and as if Crooning with someone else.

After successfully getting the goods from Griffin, Jie Zuo started his own plan.

He had long been dissatisfied with the dean who was so godly and arrogant. Especially after he was force-fed drugs, his impression of the dean dropped to a freezing point.

Jie Zuo has never been a generous person, and now is Jie Zuo's revenge time.

He scraped off the pattern on the disc's surface with nail clippers. Now no one except Xie Zuo knew what the contents of the disc were.

After placing the disc close to his body, Xie Zuo walked towards the office area in a grand manner.

Theoretically, patients are prohibited from entering the office area, but Jie Zuo can always sneak into the office building and employee dormitories in various ways. After being caught, this guy said that as a patient, it was reasonable to supervise whether the doctors who treated him were doing their jobs properly.

The hospital was so annoyed that they had no choice but to reach an agreement with Xie Zuo - Xie Zuo could visit the office area without affecting the doctor's office. However, it is strictly prohibited to enter the dormitories, especially those of female employees.

Therefore, Jie Zuo did not encounter any obstacles when entering the office area.

"Xie Zuo! You're here." After seeing Jie Zuo, Lina quickly put down the broom in her hand and ran towards Jie Zuo.

Lina is a new nurse, and I heard she is the daughter of a chaebol. However, this chaebol has many children, and Lina is just a transparent one among them.

When Lina first came here, Jie Zuo was very interested in her, but after discovering that Lina was not angry no matter what joke she made, Jie Zuo lost interest.

In Jie Zuo's words, this little girl is worthy of being a lady, always with a smile on her face, but a smile that refuses to be ignored. Even though Jie Zuo's prank scared her to the point of tears in her eyes, she still had that fake smile on her face. This made Xie Zuo feel a little irritated.

Once a dangerous patient escaped from the ward and forced Lina into a small corner. Xie Zuo was digging earthworms nearby for the ward next door, ready to see how the guy in the ward next door was fishing in the basin.

I happened to see the little girl, with tears on her face, a smile on her face, and her whole body trembling, using standardized words to comfort the patient.

Jie Zuo picked up a big stone from the side and threw it at the patient. Then while he was in a daze, he found an opportunity and came to Lina's side.

The patient was more than two meters tall. He touched the big bump on his head and let out a roar. He rushed towards Xie Zuo and Lina.

Jie Zuo picked up Lina and ran away, cursing as he ran: "You idiot, come after me, grandpa!"

Since then, Lina often came to Jie Zuo to talk. Occasionally, he would complain about a certain leader and gossip in front of him. Show the emotions you should show at your age. But most of the time Jie Zuo was just in a daze, or said perfunctory "Okay, okay, let's go take a shower", but Lina never cared.

"Yes, are you cleaning?" Jie Zuo said with a dead eye.

"Yeah, I heard from the director that there will be a leader's inspection tomorrow and he wants us to clean up." Lina looked very happy to see Ji Zuo.

"Oh, leadership inspection!" Xie Zuo suddenly became interested: "Then the dean will give a briefing to the leaders."

"Really? I saw Sister Susie sorting out information today. She seemed to be asking the director to give a briefing about the hospital."

"Oh, then do you know where Susie is?" Jie Zuo asked.

"Sister Susie, it seems to be over there in the reference room. Do you want me to accompany you?" After saying that, Lina came over and pressed against Jie Zuo, as if she wanted me to go with you, let me go with you.

"No need." After Jie Zuo said that, he walked towards the data room, ignoring Lina who was pouting behind.

"I have to do business. I'm sorry Lina, you are too young and not my type." Jie Zuo thought carefully about Lina's petite figure and the airport. : "Well, I'm sorry for A," Xie Zuo said silently in his heart.

"Hey, beautiful Susie, what are you doing?" Jie Zuo leaned at the door of the information room, flicking his hair in a gesture that he thought was cool.

Susie is a forty-year-old aunt who is very kind to everyone. She is a veteran in the hospital: "Xiao Xiezuo, why did you think of coming to see me today?" Susie said casually while sorting out the files.

"Haha, I miss you."

"Come on, thank God if you don't cause us any trouble." Susie put the compiled files aside: "Tell me, what is it, or who do you want to persecute."

"No way! Sister Susie, please don't accuse me wrongly. An honest young man like me will always be bullied."

"It's best." Susie picked up the materials and prepared to go out.

Jie Zuo hurried over to help hold the door: "By the way, Sister Susie, Lina seemed to be looking for you just now. She seemed to be in a hurry."

"What! Then why didn't you tell me earlier? It couldn't be that another patient came out of the critical area."

"Hey, I forgot." Jie Zuo scratched his head.

"Please help me deliver these materials to conference room No. 2." After saying that, he put the materials in Xie's hands and left in a hurry.

Jie Zuo looked at the information in his hand, and his face gradually changed: "Hey hey hey hahaha. JOJO, I am no longer a human being." Jie Zuo put his hand on his forehead and raised his head and laughed.

There was no one in the conference room No. 2. After Xie Zuo came to the conference room, he took out his own CD from his pocket and replaced the CD that Su Xi had originally prepared for the director with a short video introducing the history of the hospital.

After doing all this, Xie Zuo left the conference room with a happy face.

Bu Gang was still playing with the lantern in the ward. He had been playing with the lantern every day since Qin Zuo gave him the lantern.

"Xie Jie Zuo, why doesn't the light come on?"

Jie Zuo glanced at it and said casually: "How can it light up without lamp oil?"

"That's right, what kind of lamp oil do you think it is?"

Jie Zuo turned over and was thinking about the ugly appearance of the dean tomorrow - kneeling on the ground and kowtowing, saying to the inspecting leader that he was definitely not a pervert, and that I was just someone who was toyed with by pornographic movies. People.

"Hahaha" Xie Zuo laughed to himself when he thought of this.

When Bu Gang saw that Jie Zuo didn't respond, he asked again: "Jie Jiezuo, what kind of lamp oil did you say it is?"

Jie Zuo turned around irritably: "Lamp oil is lamp oil, what kind of lamp oil is there?"

After saying that, he ignored Bu Gang and turned over to continue imagining the dean's ugliness.

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