Abnormal items

Chapter 62 Jie Zuo’s “Horror Story”

"Ah~~an old-fashioned plot." Jie Zuo lost interest and looked to the side.

"What did you say?" The boy glanced at his left side.

"Nothing? So have you found a way to catch the ghost?" Jie Zuo asked casually as his eyes began to look around for the beautiful "female classmate".

"Well, everyone and I discussed it for a while before you came and came up with a way..." the boy said, staring at Jie Zuo.

"What can I do?" Jie Zuo had already discovered his "target" and began to wink at the little girl. The little girl was so frightened that she kept hiding behind her companion.

"Tch." Sensing Zuo's indifference and disregard for him, the boy who was the class cadre spat in displeasure. But I still explained to Jie Zuo: "We plan to have everyone tell a horror story, and the one who tells the most boring story is the most suspicious..."

"It's storytelling again, can't there be something new? Innovation, innovation, the talents most needed in the 21st century are innovative talents." Xie Zuo interrupted the words of the class cadre boy and complained feebly.

"What...what do you mean?" the class cadre boy asked doubtfully.

"It's not interesting, I mean I have a better way, like... eh? Where's my stick?" Xie Zuo looked back and realized that he didn't bring his stick or lantern.

"Forget it, there is no stick, classroom chairs will do. We will use the chairs to beat these people one by one. Whoever is okay will be a ghost. Isn't this much more convenient." After Xie Zuo finished speaking, he stood up and started to get the chair behind him.

"Oh, wait." The boy quickly stopped him, and a few timid girls among the students began to sob.

"I...I don't think this method is very good. What if...what if the ghost's performance is particularly easy, right...right. So we'd better use the method I mentioned!" the class cadre boy stammered. After finishing speaking, he began to solicit opinions from other students.

"Yeah, let's use the monitor's method." There was a chorus of agreement from the students.

"Oh, you are the monitor." Jie Zuo said to the boy who kept talking.

The boy raised his head proudly.

"Tch, what's so great, I...I was also the team leader for collecting homework!" Jie Zuo thought for a long time and finally remembered that he had also been a class cadre.

The squad leader looked at Jie Zuo speechlessly - is there any point in comparing this in this situation?

"Okay, let's get started." Seeing that Xie Zuo, who was the most troublesome, had no objections, the squad leader clapped his hands to signal the start.

Get one of the ghost's eyes——

The old man's voice suddenly appeared in Jie Zuo's ears. Jie Zuo looked around and found that his classmates had no reaction, as if they hadn't heard him.

The first person to tell the story was a shy boy with freckles on his face.

"The story I want to tell is...The little boy was suffocated to death in the pool." After the boy finished telling the story, he lowered his head, and the only sound around him was the occasional "pop" sound from the burning candle.

I don't know if it was because of the lighting, but Jie Zuo looked at the little boy who lowered his head and his face began to turn livid under the candlelight, and his eyes slowly bulged outwards. Except for Xie Zuo, no other students seemed to notice anything unusual about him.

Jie Zuo pursed his lips, said nothing, and stared at the second storyteller.

This is a beautifully dressed little girl. It can be seen that her family conditions are relatively good: "In this school, there is a girl whose family is rich and she is very beautiful... Later, people found her body in the toilet. Her face was scratched and her tongue was cut out."

After the girl finished speaking, she stared at Jie Zuo. Scars began to appear one after another on her face, and some liquid began to flow from her mouth.

"Um, don't you think she's weird?" Jie Zuo stood up and pointed at the second girl telling the story.

The other students who didn't tell the story looked at each other, as if they thought Jie Zuo was a little confused.

"This classmate, Yuzi is very normal. Are you too nervous?" The monitor looked at the second girl telling the story and said to Xie Zuo.

"Oh, I'm too nervous..., shit! The blood coming out of her mouth is almost over your feet. Are you blind?" Jie Zuo pointed at Jie Zuo, who had been staring at him since he finished telling the story. The girl, who still had blood in her mouth, yelled at the monitor.

"Okay, classmate, I don't care what's wrong with you, but if you continue to be so crazy and break the rules of the game, then you are probably the ghost." The monitor spoke righteously to Jie Zuo with the blood dripping from his feet. explain.

Jie Zuo's mouth twitched, and he sat down helplessly, holding his chin and looking at the "female classmate" with blood dripping from his mouth.

The third person told a story about a child who accidentally fell from a building. Then Jie Zuo watched as his head began to slowly deform after he finished telling it, while the people around him still ignored it.

There are ten students in this circle, and Xie Zuo is the last one.

Jie Zuo watched the fourth lecture, and then circles of strangulation marks began to appear on his neck. He stared at Jie Zuo, and Jie Zuo suddenly understood something.

"I asked, can I join the queue?" Jie Zuo raised his hand before the fifth person spoke.

"Oh, you want to talk first?" The monitor looked at Jie Zuo.

"It won't work if you don't talk. I'll be dead by the time you finish talking."

"What, what did you say?" the monitor asked, not hearing clearly what Jie Zuo was mumbling.

"Nothing?" Jie Zuo scratched his head.

"Okay, if you want to talk, just do it." The monitor waved helplessly to the fifth person, indicating that he would talk later.

"Ahem." Jie Zuo coughed lightly: "What I want to tell you is an incident that I have really experienced." When Jie Zuo said this, he looked around and saw the trembling looks of several classmates who had not yet told their stories. , nodded with satisfaction: "Everyone knows that dry toilets are the kind of toilets in rural areas that dig a pit and discharge directly into the pit. Once I went back to my hometown and had too much for dinner, so I got up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet. Rural areas It was very dark at night because there were no street lights and I didn’t take a flashlight.

I am naturally timid, so I searched around until I came to the toilet, took off my pants and squatted down, just when I was about to start. Suddenly I felt someone touching my butt, it was wet and sticky, like a rough tongue. I was so frightened that I picked up my pants and ran. The next day I asked my relatives to go and look at the toilet. Guess what I saw? "At this point, Jie Zuo paused. The students around him who had not yet told the story looked at Jie Zuo nervously.

"You...what did you see?" the monitor asked after swallowing.

"I...I saw it. Because the pit had not been cleaned for a long time, the contents overflowed. Last night, my butt was directly touched..."

"Stop talking." The monitor covered his mouth as if he wanted to vomit.

The squad leader for a long time said with a sullen face: "Does this count as a horror story?"

"Isn't it scary?" Jie Zuo asked back.

"In a sense, it's really scary." A classmate who didn't tell a story interjected.

I owe you two chapters today and I'll see if I can make up for it tomorrow.

Am I a mourning melon?

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