Of course, there were those who couldn't understand Mrs. Liu and the others. Seeing that they really stayed, they immediately got up, patted their buttocks and left.

This Gu Chengrui didn't know that someone was waiting for him at the entrance of the village. After entering the Hongyun Building and unloading the bean sprouts and tofu, he opened a basket and said, "Uncle Zhou, do you want to take these?"

Chef Zhou looked at the two yellow things and one black and red thing in the basket and asked, "What are these things?"

After finishing speaking, he picked up a piece of stewed tofu and said, "Why does this look like tofu?"

Gu Chengrui secretly said happily: "You old man, this is dried stewed tofu. How about the taste?"

He really didn't expect that there is tofu here, but there are no other soy products. It seems that this tofu business can really go on forever.

After Chef Zhou heard it, he put it under his nose and sniffed it carefully. Unexpectedly, it was quite fragrant, so he broke a piece and put it in his mouth to taste it.

I didn't expect that the more you chew, the more delicious it will be. Compared with the usual stir-fried tofu, mixed tofu tastes better, then nodded and said, "If you accept it, how do you plan to sell it?"

"To tell you the truth, it was made by Jiannei Xin. Uncle is an expert, why don't you give me a real price."

"I can't make the decision myself, I have to get the consent of shopkeeper Liu." After Chef Zhou finished speaking, he asked the boy next to him to call someone.

But he himself looked curiously at the other two and said, "Aren't these two soy products?"

"Yes, this is tofu skin, and this is yuba, both of which can be fried, mixed, or stewed.

However, the yuba is dry, so it must be soaked in warm water before making it. "

Chef Zhou nodded, took a serious look at everything, and then began to think of how to do it in his mind. If this allows him to research one or two new dishes, then this year's Chinese New Year will be a big fat years.

When shopkeeper Liu came down, he saw Chef Zhou standing aside in a daze, stepped forward and pushed him, and said, "What are you thinking, so engrossed?"

"You're here, Brother Gu and the others have brought two new things, and I'm thinking about what to do." Chef Zhou said after regaining consciousness.

"Oh." Shopkeeper Liu asked curiously after looking at the contents of the basket, "Is it all made of soybeans?"

"Yes." Gu Chengrui nodded, and then briefly explained what they did.

Shopkeeper Liu also tasted a piece of dried tofu and nodded, "Yes, the taste of this dried tofu is not inferior to that of meat, but we do not accept semi-finished products in restaurants, so if there is original flavor, we will accept it.

As for the price, how about eight cents per catty? "

"Dried bean curd and bean curd skin can be sold at eight renminbi, but dried bean curd sticks are worth twenty renminbi per catty."

"Twenty Wen a catty, isn't it too expensive?"

"To put it bluntly, three catties of soybeans yield almost one catty of dry bean curd sticks, plus firewood, and we only earn labor costs.

If you change to the second person, you have to sell it for at least twenty-five Wen a catty. "

Shopkeeper Liu picked up the bean curd sticks and looked at them carefully in the sun. They are very delicate and dry. The key is that they can be transported long distances and stored for a long time. They are indeed rare good things.

Then I thought that a catty of beans would have to be sold for five cents at the grain store, so I finally hesitated for a moment before nodding my head and said: "That's fine, I will pay the price you said, keep these for now, and then I will decide how much I want tomorrow."

"Okay, as for the dried tofu, you can keep it for the bar." After Gu Chengrui finished speaking, he moved the things into the kitchen, settled the money, bought some medicinal materials, and then rushed back.

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