American Comics: The Strongest Villain

American Comic: The Strongest Villain Chapter 72

"Are you avoiding me?" Su Sheng withdrew his divine power, and the overwhelming hatred and pressure disappeared instantly.

Diana breathed a sigh of relief and looked over again. "The look in your eyes just now was terrifying!"

"I won't eat you again, are you afraid of a hammer? Wait, I seem to be able to eat people?" Among his nascent abilities, he seemed to have the ability to acquire language and memory through swallowing. He crawled from the depths of the earth When I came out, I swallowed a scientist who discovered him because of the language barrier, and then I mastered English.


Ps: The Gods of Olympus in the new 52 Wonder Girls feel that they are all perverts, and they are relentless when they eat brothers and sisters. However, Greek mythology does not do well in terms of morality and ethics! In addition, for the group with really strong original intentions, he killed almost all the gods. After Diana became the God of War, the whole audience was abused.

Chapter 87 Next time target Flash?

You live in the eyes of others and get lost in your own heart.

So Su Sheng doesn't mind what others think of him, even if he is said to be a lunatic, he will admit it when he is happy, and get over it if he is not happy, he only does what he wants to do. But cannibalism? This item is definitely not on the list of things he will do, just like he can't accept the woman he is tired of being used by others!

Otherwise, why would he, who has no scruples to do whatever he wants, take pains to form the Birds of Prey team? Why remind Laura to go?

Although this process is also quite interesting!

"It's fine to eat people, remember the conditions you promised me." Su Sheng stretched out his hand to help Diana up and glanced at the slightly twitching newborn. "The real Nima resists beating, his twice the strength didn't kill him."

Diana didn't look at the newborn, but looked at Lennox, who had only his head left, and called his name softly and sadly.

"Don't be too sad." Su Sheng said comfortingly, gently put her shoulders on her shoulders and took her into his arms.

Diana did not refuse, and many things happened after she separated from Su Sheng, which made her, who has always been strong, almost unable to bear it.

"Life is like this, there are joys and tears." Su Sheng said in a deep tone, patting Diana on the back. "One part is mainly responsible for joy, another part is mainly responsible for tears."

"You bastard!"

Diana, immersed in comfort, instantly realized that this was wrong, and angrily pushed Su Sheng away.

Su Sheng shrugged and pointed at Chu Sheng. "How to deal with this guy, are you going to kill him?"

Diana hesitated.

It stands to reason that Chusheng should be killed to completely solve the crisis of the gods, but after all, he...

"Give him to me."

A voice suddenly sounded nearby, and then a man in a suit with a purple skin like an eggplant walked over with a smile.

"He is Apollo, the sun god, and he has become the new god king." Diana explained in a low voice, ignoring her anger with Su Sheng. "Giving the first birth to him, maybe... is a good idea."

"Are you sure you want it?" Su Sheng asked Apollo with narrowed eyes.

"I am the Lord of Mount Olympus now, and I think I have the right to dispose of him. Of course I don't want to be your enemy, so maybe you can put forward conditions?" Apollo smiled.

"Give it to you!" Su Sheng waved his hand and emphasized: "But remember, this is what you want."


The smile on Apollo's purple eggplant-like face became even brighter. The grateful Pilgrims and Diana nodded slightly, turned around and disappeared with the newborn.

"If you die by yourself, no one can save you." Su Sheng chuckled, just in time to see the fire storm flying back from a distance.


After the Firestorm status was lifted, it instantly turned into Riley and Valentina.

The two looked at each other and snorted dissatisfiedly.

"The opinions were not unified, so people ran away?" Su Sheng asked with a smile.

"Yes." Reilly replied in a low voice.

"Okay, let's get out of here first." Su Sheng said and jumped back to the Disciple. Although Lai Li and Valentina were not happy with each other, they could only transform and fly over.

Diana turned and handed Lennox's head to Hera, holding her and Shirt Girl in her hands and preparing to go.

"Wait, are we going with him? Ann, are you safe?" the shirt girl asked hastily.

"If he wants, there should be no safer place than beside him." Diana said and led them to jump over.

In the Disciple.

The girl in the shirt was holding the child in her arms and looked at the environment on board curiously. Hera was relatively calm, but she was also a queen before. Riley and Diana chatted about what happened after they separated, Valentina and Laura stood aside silently, one was angry and unwilling, the other was shocked and bewildered.

Su Sheng is tinkering with the Disciple.

At this time, the benefits of learning are reflected. The scope of application of electronic engineering is still very wide. Although you may not be able to repair everything, you can at least understand the basic operating principles. After checking, Su Sheng activated the Disciple.

Slowly back up, enter stealth mode, and take off into the air.

"It's a good luck, except for the slight loss of the defensive barrier and the outer fuselage, there is no serious problem." Su Sheng turned his head and asked with ease. "Do you have a place to stay?"

"Yes!" The shirt girl hurriedly said an address.

After a while, the Disciple slowly landed beside a farm in the suburbs.

"This is my home, no...I lived here before the accident, I don't think anyone will come here for the time being." The shirt girl explained, and everyone got off the spaceship and entered the farm together.

The farm is not very big, and the environment is relatively quiet.

Su Sheng turned around and lost interest and returned to the dining room of the Disciple.

Su Sheng picked up a bottle of wine and drank it, his thoughts gradually diverged.

The people who attacked the Disciple were most likely sent by the Council of Time Lords. Firstly, the way they saved the Legendary Squad by themselves changed history. After playing tricks, there must be revenge. It's a pity that this group of guys targeted the disciple number instead of themselves. It's a pity that they couldn't copy the ability.

"The next time the target is to find the Flash, anyway, you can travel through time and you can't wait, go directly to the era when he became the Flash to copy the Speed ​​Force, so that if the Disciple is attacked in the future, you can't travel through time and don't have to worry about capsizing. gone."

"So you can copy other people's abilities? Including divine power?" Diana's voice sounded from the door.

Su Sheng looked up and smiled, "Why are you here?"

"Come to talk to you about what's next." Diana walked to Su Sheng's side and wanted to sit down, but Su Sheng grabbed her wrist and directly pulled her into his arms. She struggled a few times at 3.2 and gave up without breaking free. "What's the condition you said before?"

"Take a picture." Su Sheng said with a smile.

"Take a photo? What kind of photo?"

"You!" Su Sheng smiled lightly. "Clothed and... unclothed."

"You..." Diana already knew the camera and what it meant to take pictures. She subconsciously wanted to refuse such a shameless condition, but she couldn't say what she had agreed to refuse before.

"Come with me." Su Sheng smiled and got up and pulled Diana to his collection room.

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