Arc of Gunfire

Chapter 12 Map

While complaining in his heart, Wang Zhong put on a straight face: "Everyone has their first time on the battlefield. We'll see, Pavlov's Major.

"Report the situation now. Have you encountered any resistance from the enemy?"

In fact, Wang Zhong estimated that switching to a bird's-eye view might be more effective than Lieutenant Colonel Yegorov's direct report.

But the form still has to go, just like those people who cheated on games before time travel, they still have to act to some extent.

And by listening to the report, you might be able to get some information that you can't see from an overhead perspective.

Yegorov: "We did not encounter any large-scale resistance. The enemy was overwhelmed by us. Many enemy troops were confused about the situation and retreated along with the retreating troops."

As he spoke, Yegorov rubbed his nose: "I would say that these Plosen people are not as difficult to deal with as the Manahem people in the Winter War! They were able to defeat the Carolingians before, probably because their opponents were better!"

Wang Zhong: "Be lenient if you tell the enemy. Did you just say you found the map?"

"Yes, this is the enemy division headquarters! We have completely captured the enemy's maps and documents!" Yegorov pointed to the building behind him, "Come and take a look!"

After saying that, he turned around and walked inside.

Upon seeing this, Staff Officer Pavlov immediately said: "Yegorov is from a peasant background and he is a bit rude."

"I don't mind." Wang Zhong said straightforwardly. He came from a working-class family, and there were many rural children in his high school class. He really didn't mind this.

In other words, Wang Zhong, the time traveler, does not have those bad habits of the time and space nobles.

Entering the room, Wang Zhong saw the large map on the wall at a glance. This is what he needs most now! The range he could see from his bird's-eye view was too small, and he didn't know the overall situation at all.

Moreover, there was a country name on the map. Only at this moment did Wang Zhong finally know that the khaki thing he was wearing was the military uniform of the Ant Empire.

Wang Zhong didn't know which part of the planet the Ant Empire was in, because the map on the wall was just a regional map.

Judging from the place names on the map, it should be a province of the Ant Empire. The western edge of the map is the border area of ​​the Prosen Empire, where the Prosen Army's attack was launched.

Similarly, relying on the place name, Wang Zhong knew that the city they were guarding now was called Ronezh City. To the south of the city was the sea, and the enemy's naval gunfire came from the sea.

Before his death, the Duke also said something like "the navy did not stop the enemy."

I just don’t know whether the southern sea is a “big lake” like the Black Sea, or a real ocean.

We still need to get the world map as soon as possible.

However, since I am in the army and am still a commander, I should have relatively easy access to the map, so I shouldn't have to worry about this - probably.

Yegorov has already begun to explain: "This is the enemy's deployment map. The enemy's military symbols are similar to ours. After all, nobles communicate a lot in peacetime. Look here, does this symbol look like our commander? Ministry logo?”

Pavlov said angrily: "That is the symbol of the headquarters. Our country uses the abbreviation HQ to represent the headquarters, and the enemy does the same. In addition, the single-headed eagle symbol in front represents the group army headquarters."

Yegorov: "That's it."

He looked up at Wang Zhong.

Wang Zhong studied the map.

He usually plays some military games, such as "Ambition of Iron" which is more about grand strategy and light-oriented, and wargames that are more about tactical command and more hard-core such as the SGS series and so on.

When Wang Zhong was in elementary school, there was an interactive column for readers in "Tanks and Armored Vehicles" that simulated historical battles. Some battles that had happened in history were often published, along with abbreviated versions of battlefield situation maps, so that readers could analyze the situation. Cut out the picture, draw your plan, and add text to explain your plan for each step.

After receiving letters from readers, the editorial department will select some more feasible readers' battle plans and have them reviewed by professionals.

Wang Zhong will definitely participate in this interactive column every time, but his "battle plan" has never been adopted.

However, by participating in this activity, he acquired basic map recognition ability, and the experience of playing military games enhanced this recognition ability.

Wang Zhong quickly completed his interpretation of the deployment of Proson's troops on the map, and murmured: "In order to pursue the speed of attack, the enemy left a lot of gaps."

Modern warfare does not have a battle line in the strict sense. When playing Hearts of Iron, a player came up with the term "line filler". This type of division generally pursues the ultimate cost-effectiveness, and its only function is to fill the battle line and avoid the enemy. A small group of troops "slipped" over.

But in fact, even if there are "line fillers", the battlefield is still full of "gaps". Especially in the World War II era, the area that a division of people needs to control has greatly increased, so there are gaps everywhere that can be slipped through.

The offensive method summarized by the Soviet Union in the middle and late stages of World War II was to use floods to flood the German defense lines.

The Germans have high military quality and can often defend certain support points for a long time. However, the Soviet army targeted these support points by encircling them without attacking them, inserting themselves behind the support points and breaking the supply lines of the support points.

After Wang Zhong's research, his confidence was greatly enhanced: maybe he could slip through the enemy's gap and return to his own side.

He turned to Yegorov: "Did you just say there was a path?"

Yegorov immediately pointed to the map: "Yes, here. The Prosen people's map was not carefully marked, so I think there should be no enemies on the path. In addition, there is a forest next to the path, which can avoid enemy aerial reconnaissance. "

Wang Zhong: "Very good. Are you familiar with this road?"

"I'm from here," Yegorov said. "When I wasn't joining the army, I often drove an ox cart on this road to pull goods."

"Ox cart!" snorted Pavlov, "slow and smelly."

Yegorov: "Not every farmer can afford a horse, and we are not Cossacks."

Wang Zhong: "Continue, are you sure we can return to our front here?"

"Of course you can. Leave it to me. But there is a problem. We should be defeated across the board now, right?"

Wang Zhong was asked, and he didn't know.

When Yegorov saw that Wang Zhong was silent, he sighed and said: "Then it's a mystery. I don't know where to retreat to meet friendly forces. In the civil war, I experienced such a big rout, and I was rout thousands of miles away. We only stopped when the enemy's logistics could not keep up and we could not pursue them."

Wang Zhong actually wanted to ask about the civil war, but it seemed that this was common sense in this world and it was difficult to ask.

At this moment, Captain Sergei rushed into the room, saluted and loudly reported: "The monks of the state religion are following!"

Pavlov was overjoyed when he heard this: "Great! Maybe there will be poetry monks!"

Wang Zhong frowned.

Ode monk?

What the hell?

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