Arc of Gunfire

Chapter 46 The quiet time before dawn

Amid Wang Zhong's wild laughter, the heavy tank gradually drove to the front of the white horse.

At this distance, Wang Zhong could clearly see the tactical number of the vehicle: 67. It may be that heavy tanks are relatively rare, so the tactical number is also missing one digit.

The tank hatch opened, and the commander stuck his head out: "Excuse me, Lieutenant Colonel, is this the village of Upper Penye?"

Wang Zhong: "Yes."

The commander saluted and asked: "Someone here is calling for reinforcements? Is it you?"

Wang Zhong: "Did you receive the ode?"

"No, no, I'm not a monk, I can't hear it. But after we arrived in Bogdanovka, the 63rd Infantry Army, which was organizing the defense line there, told me that someone in Upper Penye Village was calling for reinforcements. It was 11 o'clock at night, and we were the only ones who could get here in such a short time."

The commander patted the top of the turret: "Although this guy is slow and has many faults, it is still much faster than the infantry's legs."

Wang Zhong asked in confusion: "Where are the cars?"

The commander laughed: "It's good that the Proson Air Force can leave us a few jeeps."

At this time, the driver and the driver stuck their heads out: "Seryosha, there are jeeps left because they know that our Lada will break down by itself."

Everyone laughed except Wang Zhong.

Although Wang Zhong claimed to be very familiar with Soviet jokes, he was an outsider after all, so he reacted a second later and laughed along.

The performance of the Soviet-made Lada sedan was so poor that it became part of the Soviet joke.

After laughing, Wang Zhong said seriously: "You came from Bogdanovka? How are the fortifications there?"

Wang Zhong's mission - to be precise, the mission of the Second Battalion of the 31st Regiment of the Fourth Tank Army, is to hold on here for 38 hours, the purpose is to buy time to establish a defense line in Bogdanovka.

So it is reasonable for Wang Zhong to ask about the situation of the defense line.

The tank commander Seryosha shook his head: "Don't mention it. When we drove out of Bogdanovka, there were not many anti-tank piles, only one anti-tank trench was dug, and the machine gun bunker firepower points were all under construction.

"It is said that the enemy air force attacked too fiercely during the day, and the speed of fortification construction was greatly reduced."

At this time, Yegorov also came with his staff. When he heard Seryosha's words, he cursed: "What is the air force doing? Isn't it said that there are 3,000 planes in Kosalia? How come we didn't see any of our planes? "

Wang Zhong raised his eyebrows. If the war here was similar to that on Earth, then the Ante Empire's air force would have been wiped out at the airport when the war started, and the air force commander would have committed suicide.

Of course, there might be some discrepancies in this time and space. After all, in this time and space, God can guide missiles, which is quite different from Earth.

In addition, he keenly caught a word: Kosalia, which sounds like an administrative division. A division that can deploy 3,000 aircraft is probably quite large.

We will slowly understand these things later. What we should consider now is how to make good use of the heavy tanks we have just obtained.

The first thing is to confirm whether the protection level of this vehicle is the same as in the original time and space, which determines how Wang Zhong will use it in the future.

Wang Zhong: "I am not very familiar with your tank, Lieutenant. Introduce it to me. ”

Seryosha is a nickname, and Wang Zhong certainly can’t call him that since they are meeting for the first time. Theoretically, he should call him by his long father’s name, but Wang Zhong doesn’t know.

So Wang Zhong can only call him by his military rank.

The second lieutenant saluted: “This thing is really powerful. When we participated in the Winter War, it was almost over. Manaheim was about to win. We participated in the final offensive, and all the anti-tank weapons of Manaheim couldn’t penetrate it! If it hadn’t been for the mechanical failure at the end, we could have pushed the enemy all the way!”

Wang Zhong: “I didn’t ask you about your experience, I asked about the detailed parameters of the vehicle body. For example, the thickness of the armor or something.”

“Sorry, the parameters, right! Front..."

The lieutenant told Wang Zhong the detailed parameters of the tank. Wang Zhong didn't remember the specific parameters of KV1 very clearly, but he felt that the 120mm defense on the front of the turret should not be penetrated by the enemy's 50mm fire stick, and the 80mm with an angle on the hull should be enough to make the enemy suffer.

The only worry is that the enemy will push up the 88mm anti-everything gun-all the equipment of Proson is so German, there is no reason to miss this most German thing.

Fortunately, Wang Zhong has a bird's-eye view. As long as he stays at the front line and observes the enemy directly with his naked eyes, the 88 gun will be discovered before it is unloaded.

The remaining question is how to get the tank commander to give up his position.

Wang Zhong looked at it from a bird's-eye view. This tank did not have a soldier card, which means it was not a unit under his command.

"Second Lieutenant," Wang Zhong said, "I am Count Rokosov, the supreme commander here. I commanded the troops to fight the enemy here for a day. You can see the wreckage of the enemy tanks and vehicles in the village, and the Jingguan at the entrance of the village. It was also me who ordered the hymn monk Sufang Batu Wendusu to ask for help. I want you and your crew to accept my command. " "Of course!" The second lieutenant agreed readily, "You should look at your rank." Wang Zhong switched to a bird's-eye view and found that the military badge was not added at all. Could it be that just verbal agreement is not enough, and you have to gain the trust of friendly forces? Wang Zhong decided to give it another try: "I now ask to command you directly, which means I need you, the commander, to give up the command position. "

The second lieutenant frowned: "Have you received armor training? Do you know how to use the equipment on the vehicle?"

Wang Zhong: "No, but I have commanded the No. 422 vehicle of the 2nd Battalion of the 31st Tank Regiment of the 4th Tank Army to destroy eight tanks."

The second lieutenant pondered for a second and shook his head resolutely: "No, sir, the crew and I participated in the Winter War. We were injured and bled together. Think about it for a second. If an unknown officer suddenly jumps out, Will you agree to command your comrades in your place?”

At this time, Yegorov said angrily: "So much nonsense! The count has superb command skills, we have all seen it with our own eyes! If you don't believe it, go and see the tanks in the village and in the wilderness!"

The second lieutenant was still stubborn: "I am an armored soldier. Count, you see the sign as an infantry officer, right? I didn't have to accept your command originally, but now that the battlefield situation is like this, we agree to accept the command."

"Look at the kill ring on the gun barrel. Even if you really destroyed eight tanks, you didn't kill as many as we did!

"Does the count doubt our strength?"

Wang Zhong raised his hand to stop Yegorov who wanted to continue speaking.

He wanted to directly become the commander of the vehicle, mainly because this plug-in was of great use in urban combat.

Moreover, the T28 is a scumbag tank with a thin skin and big stuffing. It will lose when faced with a cannon. It is impossible to destroy so many enemies without using Wang Zhong's plug-in.

But KV1 is different. This thing can crush all enemy armor.

Moreover, Wang Zhong suddenly thought of a strategy that could give full play to the performance of the KV1 without being the commander himself.

After winning the battle and gaining the respect of the No. 69 tank crew, and they began to accept the command with sincerity, it was not too late to send another tank over.

Wang Zhong: "I trust you, Second Lieutenant. Moreover, I have directly fought against enemy tanks, and I know the power and accuracy of their tank guns very well. I have a way to give full play to the advantages of your armor."

Wang Zhong got off his horse and gestured to Yegorov: "Map of the village."

Yegorov made a gesture, and Pavlov himself took out the map from his bag.

Yegorov was shocked: "Where is the staff officer next to you who is carrying the map bag?"

"Sacrificed." Pavlov said calmly, unfolded the map and handed it to Wang Zhong, "Count, you tell me."

Wang Zhong couldn't help but take another look at Pavlov. At this time, the commander of the No. 67 heavy tank also jumped out of the car and came to the map.

Wang Zhong adjusted the direction of the map so that the side facing him was the south, then pointed to the west of the village and said: "This is an open field. The enemy's battle today - no, it was already calculated in yesterday's battle Shoot at Zhu Yuan, they will lay smoke here when they attack."

Wang Zhong tapped the point on the map.

He could see clearly from the bird's eye view that the enemy's smoke hit the same location twice, so now he could accurately point out the location of the enemy's smoke on the map, exactly.

Yegorov traced the map with his big hand, and then exclaimed: "How did you achieve the position of the smoke with your bare fingers? I will also trace it with my hands."

Wang Zhong: "Just a little trick. In short, the enemy's two attacks today hit smoke here. I guess they will also hit smoke here tomorrow. My plan is very simple. You hide at the entrance of the village to the west, right here!"

He clicked on the map and repeated it twice.

Wang Zhong: "The infantry will put camouflage on you. When the enemy starts to emit smoke, you will start the engine and rush all the way into the smoke. When you rush out of the smoke, the enemy's offensive front should be here."

Wang Zhong clicked a few more times.

Second Lieutenant Seryosha nodded: "This happens to be our advantage range. If it is farther away, we may not be able to hit it."

Wang Zhong: "There is smoke behind you. When the enemy is about to get behind you, just reverse the car to get into the smoke, and then wait for the enemy to come out of the smoke while reversing."

"You only have one vehicle and can maneuver along the road, but the enemy needs to form a formation to cover the infantry, and they have to walk on mud."

Second Lieutenant Seryosha asked: "How many tanks does the enemy have?"

Wang Zhong recalled what he saw from a bird's eye view and replied: "Twenty cars, what?"

Second Lieutenant Seryosha smiled: "Then maybe we can kill them all."

Wang Zhong: "The enemy infantry is well-trained and also has anti-tank grenades, so be careful."

Seryosha: "Don't worry. We saw Manaheim's Molotov cocktails in the Winter War. We will be careful."

Wang Zhong reached out and patted Seryozha on the shoulder: "Leave it to you. I wanted your position as commander just now, not because I didn't trust you, but because I wanted to avenge the 422 crew who fought with me."

In fact, it is to play a plug-in role.

But it's true to say that Wang Zhong really wants revenge.

Seryozha asked: "How many people are left in this crew?"

Wang Zhong: "Only me and the driver are left."

Seryosha asked again: "How did you become a commander? You are obviously an infantryman."

Wang Zhong told the story of the timid corporal.

Second Lieutenant Seryosha was speechless: "So there is such a thing, and I misunderstood you too. I thought it was the noble boy who wanted to drive a tank for fun!"

Yegorov: "We thought so at the beginning, but let me tell you, Count is as capable as Suvorov coming back. When the No. 422 crew was still there, they called him the Star of Victory!"

Although Yegorov was blowing a rainbow fart, Wang Zhong couldn't be happy when he heard about the 422 crew.

Second Lieutenant Seryosha observed Wang Zhong's expression and asked cautiously: "Can I go see your car? The armored forces will pay homage to those brave comrades, and I want to express my respect."

Wang Zhong nodded: "Of course you can, but first put the tanks in position so the infantry can camouflage you."

Yegorov said loudly: "This is simple. Leave it to us when you get to the right position. You should take the time to rest!"

Seryosha jumped onto the tank in one step, got into the turret, put on his earphones and ordered: "Ashka, move forward!"

The tank engine roared, but the tank became motionless after a few roars.

The driver complained: "Damn it, the gearbox is stuck again!"

Wang Zhong was speechless. He knew that the failure rate of KV1 tanks was extremely high in the early days of the war, but he did not expect to encounter it at this juncture.

He quickly asked: "Can it be repaired?"

The driver quickly climbed out of the cab and said with a smile: "Of course!"

As he spoke, he opened the big bag on the side of the turret: "We brought a bunch of replacement spare parts, and we can repair it in an hour."

Second Lieutenant Seryosha spread his hands: "It always broke during the Winter War. Later, the design bureau modified it and said that it solved the problem. However, we still brought spare parts and tool boxes based on our experience during the Winter War."

Wang Zhong breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that this crew is a real veteran crew.

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