Arc of Gunfire

Chapter 64 Heavy Hammer

Ten minutes after the air raid.

The last open fire was extinguished with the joint efforts of the third company and the first company who came to support.

When the flames disappeared, the young people cheered as if they had won a great victory.

Popov shouted: "Don't be too busy having fun! Look at the burned-out cars to see if there are any usable parts! Check the cars that were shot again. If there are any faults, eliminate them. If there are no faults, drive them to the auto repair shop. Masters, check again."

The cheers of the soldiers subsided, and Wang Zhong whispered: "It doesn't matter if you cheer them up a little, right?"

"I don't think it's good for the future," Popov replied, showing an attitude of never giving in. "This is the scope of my job."

Wang Zhong was speechless.

However, the army does need to maintain good discipline. Popov did nothing wrong and he has nothing to say.

Popov issued a new order: "The squad leaders of each squad will check the number of people to see if there are any injuries or sacrifices."

In fact, Wang Zhong had already confirmed that there were no casualties from a bird's-eye view, but at this time he pretended not to know and watched as the veterans who served as squad leaders nodded.

At this time a carriage appeared at the gate of the station.

The gate guard wanted to stop the car at first, but after seeing the driver clearly, he chose to open the guardrail.

Yegorov took the long pole used to drive the cart and did not know what it was called, and drove an old horse to drag a two-wheeled carriage into the camp.

Wang Zhong: "Do you still have this skill?"

Yegorov stopped the carriage with a long sigh, jumped down and handed the driving pole to the guard. He looked at Wang Zhong seriously: "I am a farmer, and all farmers can't drive a carriage."

At this time, several civilians on the carriage got off. After seeing Wang Zhong's generals, they became embarrassed and stood there a little cautiously.

Yegorov: "Let me introduce these people who volunteered to help us. This is Androvich, a tailor. This is Pierre, a cook. Finally, this is Nikolai, a shoemaker."

Wang Zhong frowned: "What do you want these people to do?"

Yegorov said seriously: "Tailors and shoemakers are very important! Otherwise, when the mud season comes, we will wait for the soldiers to get sick! Are you an Ant?"

Yes, no.

But Wang Zhong could only pretend to be a playboy who didn't know the sufferings of the world.

To change the subject, he asked: "What about the cook? We have a field cooking team."

"Yes, it's soup cooked with potatoes, onions and carrots, and dry bread every day. I don't dislike the rice cooked by ladies, but we need to enrich our diet!" Yegorov said, turning to the cook, "What kind of cooking are you good at? "

Pierre pushed up his glasses: "Traditional Carolingian cuisine. I am the chief chef of Mr. Boyer at our place."

Wang Zhong frowned: "So, your name is not Peter but you are called Pierre, you are actually Pierre?"

Because for a time all Europe yearned for the French court, Russians sometimes changed the pronunciation of their names to "French pronunciation." For example, Pierre, one of the protagonists in "War and Peace", is actually called Peter, but when pronounced in French, he looks more "fashionable".

Wang Zhong originally thought that the cook was like this.

Pierre straightened his clothes: "I am originally Pierre, a Carolingian who fled after the fall of Carolingian."

Wang Zhong: "Ah...that's it..."

Popov teased: "It just so happens that Alexei Konstantinovich likes French food, so you can be the general's cook."

Do I still have this setting?

Wang Zhong shook his head: "It's good to be here. As a cook, you are good at managing ingredients, right?"

"Yes. I am the master's head chef. I am in charge of the entire kitchen operation." Pierre raised his head proudly.

Wang Zhong: "Well, you go and manage the food in the supplies. If the army runs out of food, I will come to you!"


Jules On July 4, 1914, as soon as Wang Zhong put on his general uniform, Popov rushed into his bedroom: "Alexey Konstantinovich, I found the communications staff!"

Wang Zhong: "Really? So in the future, the person in charge of the map will not have to go to the headquarters to copy the map?"

The general war situation report is publicly broadcast by Agsukov's front army headquarters. Anyone with the ability to decode can receive the interpretation and restore it to the battle line situation on the map.

The Rokosov Battle Group currently does not have its own radio communication company, so it goes to the depot headquarters every day to copy updated maps.

Until yesterday, Pavlov had been doing this work himself, but today he could finally leave it to two artillery trainees.

If you have your own radio company, you don't have to waste time going to the depot headquarters.

Of course, what's more important is that with a communication company, you can directly accept orders. Now the orders from above to the Rokossov battle group have to be transmitted through the depot headquarters.

However, Wang Zhong always felt that the superiors might deliberately let his battle group bask in the sun here.

After all, the base camp battle report is already announcing that a counterattack is imminent.

After Wang Zhong found out that he had become a celebrity yesterday, he specifically looked for newspapers from the past few days to read - he didn't read them before because it was really difficult for a young man from the earth who traveled through the 21st century to read newspapers.

If you just read the newspapers, the front line is now in a good situation. The Prosen Empire has suffered heavy losses due to the determined resistance of the Ant Empire Army, and the situation of the war will soon be reversed.

This style of "annihilate 100 million enemies and turn like the wind" is too familiar.

Wang Zhong had a bad feeling.

He could only prepare his troops as much as possible.

"Let's go," Wang Zhong put on the Guards cloak assigned to him, "go and have a look. Where are they?"

Popov: "The house next to the headquarters is in place. I'll take you there."


Two minutes later, Wang Zhong frowned and looked at the Inquisition team lined up in front of him.

"Didn't you mean the communications company?" he asked Popov, "Why is it the supervisory team?"

Popov: "You misunderstood, Alexei Konstantinovich, they are the local Inquisition counterintelligence force, responsible for using radio positioning vehicles to detect spies' radio stations.

"They have all learned how to use telegraphs and decode them. The best thing is that they themselves are inquisitors. When decoding, the confidential inquisitors who do not need to carry guns are watching. Captain, please introduce to the brigadier general."

The captain leading the team took a step forward: "We have obtained the radio and code book, and were already working on decoding today's war report before you came!"

Wang Zhong: "What about counterintelligence work?"

Captain: "All the local suspected spies have been shot, so there is no need to locate the radio station."

The efficiency is so high. Should it be said that it is worthy of being a blue-hatted tribunal?

Popov said next to him: "They were idle anyway, so I pulled them over. It saves time rather than waiting for the communication company to be replenished from above."

At this time, Pavlov came out of the headquarters and immediately frowned when he saw the blue hats: "You actually brought the Tribunal's electronic detection team here! Do you know how many reports I have to write for this matter!"

Wang Zhong said seriously: "I know you can do it, Pavlov. You are a professional soldier with a sense of honor and an excellent clerk!"

"Don't give me rainbow farts. Look at the circles under my eyes. You've slept well. Look at me!"

The dark circles under Pavlov's eyes were indeed very obvious, and it was obvious that the chief of staff was worried.

Wang Zhong decided to run away quickly, not wanting to listen to Pavlov's words of bitterness: "Your Majesty Bishop! Isn't it time to greet the honor guard troops that were added to us today?"

As mentioned yesterday, the crown prince wants to give Wang Zhong the military parade professionals from the palace guard of honor. They may be looking at the useless multi-turret heavy tank T35.

Wang Zhong's current idea is to use it first regardless of whether it is easy to use or not.

The T35 has thin armor, so dig a hole and fill it with its body and the like to use as a fixed gun emplacement. The 76mm and 45mm guns on the tank are not just for show.

That tank also has a machine gun!

As long as it is used properly, the Prosen devils can be eliminated.

Popov looked at his watch and nodded: "Yes, it's time to arrive if the military column is not delayed."

However, the troops were often delayed due to enemy air raids.

But Wang Zhong really has nothing else to do. All he can do now is logistics, and his plug-in is not used.

He didn't know how to deal with the official documents of Ant's military system. The original owner didn't know how to do this. He got zero marks in all relevant subjects. He graduated because of his good relationship with the crown prince.

Wang Zhong is a Chinese, and he can communicate well by relying on the spoken language left by the original owner. There are a lot of grammatical errors in his articles. Lyudmila asked him to write a letter to his hometown before, and he took his time to write a page, but was Lyudmila picked seventeen mistakes.

From then on, Wang Zhong resolutely implemented his "illiterate" acting style.

In short, Wang Zhong, who was unable to do clerical work and did not want to do it, decided to run away and wait for the honor guard.

"I'm waiting at the station. You guys are busy! Gregory! Bring the car over!"

Wang Zhong shouted as he walked in the direction of the car.

Popov: "I'll go too."

Pavlov: "What are you going to do? Help me with the paperwork! As a bishop, you already have some paperwork that you need to stamp!"

Popov: "The Crown Prince told me to ensure that the things are received by the Rokossov Battle Group, and I am carrying out his instructions."

Wang Zhong: "No, I'll just accept it in person. You go help Pavlov handle the paperwork."

Popov looked at Wang Zhong with resentment.

It seems he doesn't like doing paperwork either.

The two were staring at each other when gunner Dmitri led a trainee to run over: "Your Excellency General! Take a look at the artillery shells issued to us by the depot!"

Wang Zhong already had one foot on the pedal of the jeep. When he heard this, he looked over curiously and saw that the student Dimitri was holding a crate with "76 mm artillery shells" written in paint on the outside.

Wang Zhong: "What's wrong?"

The 76 gun is the only treasure in his hand. If the T35 is unreliable, anti-tank will rely on this 76 gun.

Dimitri opened the lid of the crate, revealing the tightly packed "ammunition" inside: "These shells!"

He pulled out an "ammunition" and showed it to Wang Zhong.

"It's canned pickles!"

Wang Zhong held his forehead.

In various memoirs, he had read many anecdotes about supplies being sent to the wrong people, but he had never seen many cases of people sending the wrong caliber or species.

The key box also has Cannonball written on the outside.

Wang Zhong: "Go find the chief of staff!"

Pavlov: "Looking for me again? Well, you really should ask me for this one... Show me the supply list!"

Wang Zhong took advantage of this moment to get on the jeep and patted Gregory on the shoulder: "Let's go!"


When he arrived at the train station, Wang Zhong frowned at the smell of blood.

He stopped a stretcher and asked the wounded on it who seemed to be in good condition: "How is the situation on the front line?"

As soon as the wounded man opened his eyes and saw Wang Zhong's uniform and general stars, he immediately wanted to salute, but Wang Zhong pressed him down: "No need to be more polite. How is the front line?"

"It's too bad. I'm from the military reserve. I was already deployed yesterday. The enemy is almost outflanking them. It's estimated that the wounded train won't be able to get out tomorrow."

Wang Zhong frowned.

He looked at Popov: "It seems that our battle preparations must be made as soon as possible. I think we can start building defenses today."

Popov: "Have you chosen the location of the fortifications?"

"You've chosen." Wang Zhong nodded. In the past few days, he only looked at the bird's eye view when he had nothing to do. He had already memorized the entire topography of Loktov.

He continued: “Our defensive support point should be set up at the fertilizer plant in the southwest. The factory building is made of solid reinforced concrete, and several commanding heights are very suitable for observation points.

“If we have howitzers, we can control the entire southwest side of the city after setting up observation posts on them.

“The fence of the fertilizer plant is a double-layered red brick structure, with some small gaps on it to set up anti-tank guns. After the gun positions are exposed, they can be quickly moved using the cover of the fence.

"If we have tanks, there are several strips of woods on both sides of the southwest road where we can ambush the enemy."

Popov looked at Wang Zhong who had so many treasures: "When did you... know all this?"

Wang Zhong: "Before you came, I could see clearly while riding on Busifaras."

You should be able to see it clearly from a bird's eye view while walking.

Popov: "But are you sure you want to use the T35 to fight an ambush? If the ground is rough, it can only reach a speed of ten kilometers per hour, which is not as fast as a person walking."

Wang Zhong also frowned: "I mean if there is a good tank. Even if it is BT7, I will fight in an ambush battle."

At this time, there was a whistle in the distance.

The man in the dispatch room came out. It had only been a few days. He looked much older: "Hey, Brigadier, your car is at another platform, going up the overpass."

Wang Zhong waved to the uncle and said to Popov as he walked: "He was still using honorifics the day you came. you feel it?"

Popov nodded: "People are panicked."

The two led the guards across the overpass to the other side.

By this time the train had started to pull into the station.

Wang Zhong stopped and stood on the overpass looking at the things fixed on the long flatbed truck.

He suddenly realized that he had been led astray by Pavlov.

As soon as the product came up, he took it for granted and named the "parade star" T35 heavy tank, which caused Wang Zhong to forget that before World War II, the Soviet army had another darling in the military parade ceremony.

That is the B-4 Steel Hammer heavy howitzer.

Wang Zhong looked at the eight 203mm B4 heavy howitzers on the train that was gradually coming to a stop below, and couldn't close his mouth.

Damn it, I suddenly became a wealthy man!

Crown Prince! Although I don’t know you, you’re doing a great job!

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