Arc of Gunfire

Chapter 81 Bloody Loktov

The only 76 gun on the position opened fire.

When the armor-piercing projectile hit the enemy tank, it created a string of sparks, and then the tank turret exploded into the sky.

The commanders of other tanks turned their telescopes around, trying to find the 76-gun emplacement in a pile of shelters.

However, in order to protect the only 76 gun, the camouflage in front of the gun position was carefully arranged. Even if the muzzle smoke of the 76 gun was very loud, it was not easy to detect.

The only problem is that the camouflage was also affected during the artillery preparations, so there are some flaws.

But this time the Plosans who were suddenly attacked still failed to find the gun emplacement.

At this time, the 45mm gun opened fire.

Compared with the immediate effect of 76 guns, the effect of 45 guns is very embarrassing.

One armor-piercing bullet was inserted into the front armor of the No. 4 tank, and the other round simply missed the target. It bounced off the outer armor like a table tennis ball and flew a long way before landing again on the field with few patches of turf left. .

The Prosen tanks began firing randomly with machine guns, trying to force out the hidden anti-tank guns.

At this time, No. 4, tactical number 251, suddenly stopped and fired a shot.

It mistook the fake anti-tank gun made of wood for the real thing.

The fake cannon was blown into the sky by a 75mm grenade, along with a scarecrow disguised as the gunner. The scarecrow even had a smiley face nailed to his head with a piece of paper!


Wang Zhong watched all this from a bird's-eye view, and recalled the praise of the Soviet anti-tank gun's excellent camouflage technology in the autobiography of Karius, the "Tiger King" on Earth.

Obviously there will be smoke and flash when the artillery fires, but under Yegorov's guidance, the gun position has been camouflaged and the gun position has not been exposed yet!

Yegorov observed the situation beside Wang Zhong and said: "I learned this from the Manaheim people during the Winter War."

Manaheim is a region whose inhabitants are called Manaheimers.

As soon as Wang Zhong heard Yegorov's words, he felt that it was not surprising that these disguises were so effective. In the future, even if Yegorov disguised the anti-tank gun as a talking tree, he would not be surprised.

The 76 gun fired again.

The hit No. 4 tank still maintained its original speed, but the tank members jumped out of the tank one after another, and then flames burst out from the turret base, and the tank turned into a "chariot of fire" and continued to rumble forward.

It wasn't until the ammunition in the tank exploded that the guy slowly stopped.

At this time, the commander of the enemy's No. 231 vehicle finally discovered the gun position of the 76th gun. The tank stopped and began to rotate the turret.

Soon enough, a 45mm anti-tank gun shell hit the No. 231 car between the turret and the turret seat, jamming the turret.

The enemy did not give up and began to turn the car body to take aim. When it was almost turned, the gunner actually opened fire directly.

The artillery shells that were not accurately aimed hit the open space in front of the 76 gun, blowing up all the camouflage into the sky.

At the same time, the explosion also alerted other tanks, and eight tanks stopped at the same time!

The dense attack formation of the Prossen people has this advantage. Although being bombarded by the 203 heavy artillery will be blown up badly, and one shell will fall and take away dozens or hundreds of people, this formation is more effective when facing direct fire from anti-tank guns. The advantages are truly endless.

In the blink of an eye, eight grenades landed around the 76 gun.

Wang Zhong frowned. At first, he thought that the enemy had such good eyesight that he could see the 76-gun hidden behind the wall. But now he discovered that at least six of the eight vehicles were hit by the impact of the shells on the No. 231 vehicle just now.

In this round of shooting, only two shots landed relatively accurately in front of the 76 gun, blowing the covering sandbags into the sky.

Three gunners operating the 76-gun were killed at once.

The gunner shouted: "We have been discovered, retreat quickly!"

Then the remaining people dragged the 76 gun's open bracket with all their strength and pulled the gun back.

When the man guarding the mules and horses saw this, he immediately led two mules over and wanted to use the mules to drag the cannon away.

At this time, the machine gun swept over, hitting the artillery shield with a clang.

The two 45-gun guns opened fire with all their strength, trying to cover the retreat of the 76-gun guns.

The 45 gun commanded by Alexei Balfionovich hit a No. 4 with three rounds in succession, finally forcing the members of the No. 4 to abandon the vehicle.

When he was directing the cannon to aim at the second target, he suddenly saw the target stop and turned the muzzle of the gun.

"Quickly retreat!"

While Alexey was shouting, he directly started to drag the cannon, and the group of people just forcibly took the cannon out of its emplacement.

The enemy's grenade fell immediately, and the explosive fragments just hit the small mantlet of the 45 gun.

Alexei's shoulder, the only one exposed outside the gun mantlet, shook, but he gritted his teeth and said nothing. He continued to push the gun, shouting while pushing: "Quick! Go to the backup gun position!"

The mules and horses originally equipped by this artillery group were all killed by the enemy's firepower, and they could only move the artillery manually.

Wang Zhong was watching, and Yegorov put down his telescope: "Two of the three artillery groups have been taken away, and it will be dangerous for the remaining one to continue shooting."

As he spoke, he stuck his head out of the window and gestured below.

The veteran guarding below read Yegorov's gesture, nodded and ran away.

Wang Zhong asked curiously: "What did you say?"

"Tell the last artillery team to retreat into the preset second sniper position."

Wang Zhong: "Do we still have a second sniper position?"

Previously, Wang Zhong had given all the defense tasks to Yegorov and went out to investigate the villages outside, so he had no idea about the layout of the fertilizer factory's main position.

Yegorov explained: "I referred to the experience in Upper Penier. After the enemy tanks enter the complex terrain, the shooting range and observation field of view will be limited, and the infantry can take advantage of the familiar terrain to quickly eliminate the tanks. Accompany the infantry and use Molotov cocktails to destroy the tanks.

"The terrain of this fertilizer plant is much more complicated than Haupenier, which only has a Y-shaped road. If the enemy dares to come in, we will make this fertilizer plant a burial place for the enemy!"


Prosen's troops did not know Yegorov's arrangements, nor did they know that all the anti-tank guns here had left their first-line positions and entered the second-line positions to wait.

They were still firing at anything that looked like an anti-tank gun.

Many gaps were made in the wall of the fertilizer plant - in fact, these fake gun emplacements were deliberately arranged so that the Prosin Army could enter the fertilizer plant from these places.

The enemy gradually approached close to fighting distance. Following the battalion commander's order, the infantry originally hidden behind the tanks spread out to both sides, forming a skirmish line, and advanced past the tanks.

They tiptoed close to the gap in the wall they had just blasted, and found that there were no anti-tank guns at all, only wooden sticks, templates disguised as gun mantlets, and scarecrows disguised as gunners.

A sergeant stepped over the sandbags of a fake gun emplacement and was knocked to the ground by a sudden burst of machine gun fire.

The position of the machine gun is very tricky, and the tank outside the wall is just out of sight, making it impossible to destroy it with direct artillery fire.

Sergeant Proson, who led the troops beside the wall, habitually threw away the smoke bomb.

However, the machine gun ignored the smoke grenades and fired three rounds continuously to block the entrance.

In this situation where he was beaten to death but was still half disabled, even soldiers as brave as Proson did not dare to easily try to cross the restricted area.

The situation at the other gap was similar, and the Prossens were just blocked outside the wall.

At this time, the Prosen Army's platoon command tank decided not to wait, and took the initiative to break the deadlock. The platoon leader who had been looking over his shoulder retracted into the tank turret, and the huge steel monster rushed towards a wall with no gap at full speed.

It is estimated that the platoon leader's thinking was that there must be no gap and no well-designed machine gun to block it.

The brick wall was knocked down directly, and the steel behemoth roared into the yard, facing two Molotov cocktails.

The first shot missed and hit the driver's observation window. A small amount of flammable liquid splashed into the cockpit and was immediately extinguished by the mechanical and electrical staff with a fire extinguisher.

The second shot hit the air inlet and radiator of the tank engine very accurately. The fire instantly caused secondary damage and set the entire engine on fire.

The Prosen tank crew reacted quickly and abandoned the vehicle without waiting for the commander's order. As a result, they were mowed down by submachine guns as soon as they got out of the hatch.

Then the tank detonated.

After the platoon leader "died for his country," the other tanks immediately stopped.

Then a tank fired a grenade at the wall, blowing a new hole out.

The tank platoon began firing grenade rounds, quickly leveling a section of the wall.

The infantrymen rushed in howling, and were mowed down by the machine guns placed on the sides.


Wang Zhong watched the battle from a bird's-eye view and couldn't help but admire: "You arranged the crossfire well."

"This fertilizer plant has been expanded three times, and each expansion was planned separately. As a result, the terrain is extremely complicated, and most of the buildings are made of reinforced concrete, so it becomes like this." Yegorov became modest. .

Wang Zhong was about to speak when he suddenly noticed that a platoon of enemy tanks and accompanying infantry turned to the right, seemingly intending to outflank the chemical plant from the north.

He didn't care that he couldn't see this group of people in his actual field of vision at this time, and asked Yegorov directly: "The enemy is outflanking us from the north! What should we do?"

Yegorov: "There is only a narrow road with one lane and one lane over there. If two cars meet head-on, they will have to push the bull. I have already arranged it, just watch it."


Vasily's friend Filipov, who plays the drums, immediately retracted when he saw the Prosen Army tank and said to his partner: "Coming, coming!"

The partner immediately cranked the generator wildly to charge the detonator.

After shaking it for about ten times, my partner touched the switch with his hand, and the electric shock made his hair stand on end.

"Okay!" he said, picking up the detonating rod and inserting it into the detonator.

Yes, the detonators produced by Ant need to be charged on-site because the battery performance is too poor, and the test of whether it is fully charged depends on whether it hurts when it is charged. If it hurts, it is full.

It's just...very Ant Empire style.

Filipov stuck his head out again and watched the enemy tanks and infantry enter the alley.

He waved vigorously, and his partner twisted the blasting rod.

The explosives planted on the road exploded immediately, engulfing the leading tank and the accompanying infantry.

"Ula!" Someone shouted, and the young soldiers hiding behind the wall threw the lit Molotov cocktails over the wall.

Suddenly the road turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The tank at the end wanted to reverse out of this hell, but the agile soldier climbed over the wall, jumped on top of the tank, opened the lid and threw two grenades inside.

The warrior was immediately mopped down by the Prosens.

More soldiers stuck their heads out from the top of the wall and fired into the alley.

A Prosen team was wiped out in an ambush!


Wang Zhong was speechless.

Yegorov didn't know that he had watched the whole process: "Don't worry, the boys are all good, and the enemy will be eliminated."

That's right, although some people sacrificed their lives because of being too careless, the enemy was indeed eliminated.

Then the phone rang.

Wang Zhong was shocked: "Has it been repaired?"

Yegorov has already answered the phone: "This is the front finger. What? Okay."

He covered the receiver and said to Wang Zhong: "There is no enemy attack on the garrison. Ask us if we need support. They can separate a battalion."

"Need it." Wang Zhong replied decisively, "Order them to come over immediately. We must drive out all the enemies who have broken into the factory!"

At this time, the situation has actually become clear.

The enemy attacked with only two battalions reinforced with tanks. One battalion on their side was severely consumed by the terrain. With another battalion of fresh troops, the enemy should withdraw, and maybe even a intact Panzer IV tank could be captured.

The tank that was killed by a grenade should still be able to drive if you shovel the sludge on the dashboard.


Major General Randolph observed the front line: "The enemy seems to be well prepared. It is probably impossible to attack with such a small number of troops."

The chief of staff also agreed: "The effect of our artillery may not be too obvious. Tomorrow we should concentrate our firepower on artillery preparations to kill the enemy and destroy the fortifications as much as possible."

"Tomorrow? No, no, let's do it today. Let the troops release smoke and withdraw! Then the artillery will continue to blast. Anyway, they didn't consume much ammunition along the way."

After all, many times the artillery battle ends before the artillery fire.

At this time, the communications staff officer ran over and said: "Major General, the 223rd Grenadier Regiment has captured Lower Lini Village. They can immediately set out from Lower Lini Village to outflank Loktov."

Randolph: "Is the news correct?"


"Well, then we will postpone the artillery preparation time until the 223rd Regiment arrives. It is expected that at -" Major General Randolph looked at his pocket watch, "at three o'clock this afternoon, all troops will be deployed on the front arc at the same time, and artillery fire will begin. Prepare. After two hours of preparation, launch a full-scale attack! The air force will also coordinate as much as possible. It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t happen.”


When Wang Zhong saw the enemy releasing smoke, he immediately realized that the enemy was about to run away.

"Egorov! Let the boys charge, remember not to rush out of the smoke, and kill as many enemies as possible in the smoke!"

Yegorov immediately turned his head: "Sergeant, blow the whistle, attack."

After giving the order, he asked Wang Zhong: "Do we need to let the artillery fire? There should be no reconnaissance planes in the sky now. Position B will not be discovered even if it fires."

Wang Zhong: "No, I want to keep this secret and give the enemy a surprise at the critical moment."

As soon as he finished speaking, the phone rang.

Wang Zhong picked up the receiver: "I am Brigadier General Rokossov."

Pavlov's voice appeared on the other end: "Brigadier General, we have some new situations here. You should come to the brigade. The phone line may be tapped by spies."

Wang Zhong nodded: "Okay, I'll go right away."

After hanging up the phone, he shouted to Gregory: "Prepare a car! Do you still have a car?"

Gregory nodded and left.


When Wang Zhong pointed it out in the past, he saw Alexei Balfionovich, the "starry boy", being bandaged, and said: "Go to the hospital if you are injured. You have already fulfilled your responsibility."

The young man looked at Wang Zhong: "Brigadier General, aren't you also injured? Why are you still on the front line?"

Wang Zhong looked at his shoulder. He was suddenly shocked to realize that he had been able to support himself for two hours despite an injury to his shoulder. This physical condition could only be said to be that of a stuffed bear.

When Wang Zhong was distracted, the young man asked again: "Brigadier General?"

Wang Zhong: "Ah, I am only slightly injured."

"Me too, the bullet passed without causing much damage or even breaking the bones." Alexei Balfionovich said proudly, "So I want to stay on the front line and stay with me The artillery team is together!"

At this time, the loader of his gun crew shouted: "Actually, he just wants to look cool so that he can brag about it to his girl in the future!"

Everyone laughed, including Alexey himself.

Wang Zhong also smiled. Although the city was bombed and shelled this time, Natalia was definitely safer in the laundry team than on the front line.

During the booing, I don’t know who started singing first:

I remember a small provincial town,

Lonely, remote, and depressing.

The city’s boulevards, markets and churches,

There is also a hazy mist echoing.

I saw——

Dear familiar figure,

blue round hat,

blue coat;

Dark skirt, girlish figure,

My short-lived love!

Tanya, Tanya, my Tatiana,

Do you remember this hot summer?

I can't forget that time

That time of love!

Wang Zhong stood aside until they finished singing the song before turning around and getting into the car driven by Gregory.

I don’t know if it’s because death and destruction are right next to me, but love on the battlefield has a different kind of beauty. Wang Zhong bless the couple from the bottom of his heart.

When he arrived at the brigade headquarters, he learned that Natalia had been killed in the air raid.

Because he didn't know how to face the young Alyosha, Wang Zhong didn't have time to tell him the news until he died in battle.


"In summary, I have three good news and one bad news." Pavlov looked a little more haggard than the last time Wang Zhong saw him, and he had less hair on his head.

It won't be long before Wang Zhong has a bald chief of staff.

Wang Zhong: "Let's tell you the bad news first. I'll see how bad it can be."

Pavlov: "The enemy's panzergrenadiers captured the village of Lower Lini and drove out our troops who were resting in the village. Now they can outflank us from the village of Lower Lini. We must deploy troops to defend the southeastern part of the city ”

Wang Zhong's brows immediately twisted into knots.

This is equivalent to doubling the defensive surface at once. If the force in hand is spread out on such a wide front, it will be as thin as paper.

"Then tell me what's the good news." He changed the subject.

"First, our mission has changed."

Pavlov stopped, as if specifically asking Wang Zhong to ask questions.

Wang Zhong: "What has changed? No need to wait until July 11?"

"Yes, we will defend until the 63rd Army comes to take over the defense."

It’s better to wait until the 11th! That at least has a specific time. Wouldn't it be bad if the 63rd Army Group Army was unable to move when friendly forces were in trouble?

Wang Zhong: "Where's the second good news?"

"The remnants of the 23rd Tank Corps have entered the city and will be with us soon. They also have about 20 BT7 tanks."

Wang Zhong said "Oh", which was barely good news.

Although BT-7 has basically no defense, it can run fast and can penetrate the side and back of No. 4. According to the standards of War Thunder, "this is a good vehicle". As long as it can run fast and can penetrate it, it is a good vehicle. !

"Where's the third one?" Wang Zhong continued to ask.

Pavlov: "The railway is expected to be repaired before nightfall. The reinforcement train assigned to us by the Crown Prince is already waiting. It will come over as soon as it is repaired."

Wang Zhong frowned: "Is this a military parade specialist sending us again? Could it be the T35?"

That's what I said, but in this situation, T35 has to be used. After all, the cannon on that thing is not a decoration, it can still be used.

Pavlov shrugged.

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