Ask Sword

Chapter 64 Wade

At the same time, in the northeast of Chang'an City, Anxingfang, and Yan Guogong's mansion.

In the courtyard, the flower gardens that were originally stretched in stretches were forcibly knocked down, covered with soil, and piled up with hills of medicinal herbs.

On the bluestone floor, there are stoves everywhere, and a casserole for boiling medicine placed on the stove.

The smell of medicinal herbs lingered above Duke Yan's mansion. The servants in the Duke's mansion, under the command of the doctor, carefully supervised the cooking time of each medicinal pot, constantly removing the medicinal soup and replacing it with new medicine.

".Yan Guogong used to be the great general of Zhenguo, a master of martial arts and body training at the level of a master, with a strength of blood that is rare in the world.

But the moon is full and short, Yan Guogong accumulated too many obvious and hidden injuries in his early years, and in his later years, his energy and blood are exhausted faster and more violently than the same age."

In the courtyard, Qiu Quan, the chief physician of Shangyao Bureau, was talking in a low voice with his brother, Qiu Jing, a medical officer of Imperial Medical Bureau, "Bloating glossitis, sallow complexion and heart palpitations are just symptoms.

The real internal cause is acute consumption of yin and blood, spleen deficiency and blood stasis. "

"Selling True Yin?"

Qiu Jing said tightly: "For the past half month, we have been administering medicines according to the method of urgent consumption of Yin and blood, but Duke Yan's blood condition has not recovered for a long time, the heat and poison are repeated endlessly, and the virtual fire has not yet returned to its original state.

Do you want to try the product of invigorating blood? Removing blood stasis can regenerate"

Yan Yundang was born in the second year of Tianjian 70 years ago. He joined the army as a young man and accompanied the army to attack the Turks many times. He made great military exploits and was named Duke of Yan.

Although due to old age, all kinds of hidden wounds left by fighting with enemies and aliens could not be restrained, they broke out one after another, his vitality and blood collapsed, and he fell from the realm of a martial arts master equivalent to a monk in the Candle Sky Realm, and it was difficult to recover.

But the emperor was still very concerned about and sympathetic to Yan Yundang, and sent Qiu Quan, the chief physician of the Shangyao Bureau, and Qiu Jing, a medical officer of the Imperial Medical Office, to Duke Yan's mansion to treat him.

He also urgently promoted Yan Lin, the eldest son of the Duke of Yan, to the official position in the court, and made him General You Jinwu to show his undiminished favor to the Yan family.

On the one hand, it is because Yan Yundang has indeed made outstanding military exploits,

On the other hand, it is because, in the first year of Shenlong fifty years ago, Yan Yundang participated in the coercion of the "Sage Empress Wu" with the official position of Jinwu Guard Youyi Zhonglang General Fu Zhonglang, Played an important role in-

The favor to the Yan family is also to beat some old officials who still remember the era of "Holy Empress" and "Wu Family".

Qiu Quan shook his head, no longer trying to figure out the emperor's deep thoughts, and concentrated on the medical case in front of him.

During this period of time, the members of the Yan family also invited a lot of famous and prestigious doctors among the people, and the prescriptions they gave were different.

You said to use rhino horn rehmannia soup that clears heat and detoxifies, cools blood and dissipates blood stasis,

I said to use the loess soup that removes the hot knots of the internal organs,

He said to use Zixue Dan to treat fever and coma.

Famous doctors provided various prescriptions, and the Yan family did not dare to give Yan Yundang a drink. They mainly listened to Qiu Quan and Qiu Jing's advice and drank some medicines to treat the urgent consumption of yin and blood.

In addition, I also drank some relatively mild and harmless blood-nourishing medicines-such as Siwu Tang made from rehmannia glutinosa, angelica, white peony root, and Chuanxiong.

However, it has not been effective for a long time, and Yan Yundang's physical condition is still getting worse.

Fatigue, dizziness, palpitations, pale face, tongue inflammation, numbness of hands and feet,

It is so decayed that it is impossible to see that he was once a martial arts master.

While the two were thinking,

"Aye, Second Uncle—"

A crisp female voice came from outside the courtyard, and I saw Qiu Feng approaching with her mother and sisters holding hands.

"Feng'er is back?"

Qiu Quan got up to greet him with some guilt. In order to be able to take care of Yan Yundang's condition at all times, he has been living in the other courtyard of the Duke's Mansion. Even if his daughter went to the school for the first exam, he didn't go to watch with him, "How did you do in the exam today? "

"It's okay, you should be able to pass the first test."

Qiu Feng sat down at the table and talked about some of what he saw today.

Qiu Feng's father, Qiu Quan, listened and kept nodding. He frowned slightly when he heard his daughter say that herbal medicine might not get the first place, "Is there anyone competing with you for the first place in herbal medicine in the first exam?"

"Yeah. It's a student from Weizhou."

Qiu Feng nodded and said: "It's the little doctor I mentioned before, who used strange methods in the Chang'an post house to cure the little doctor who was the son of Xiangzhou prefect Yong Hongzhong."

"It's him?"

Qiu Quan was a little surprised, the Qiu family has practiced medicine for generations,

The medical case of Yong Hongzhong's dizziness was analyzed afterwards by members of the Qiu family. At that time, Qiu Feng only used acupuncture to prick the Baihui, Touwei, Fenglong, and Xuanzhong acupoints, but the temple and Fengchi acupoints were not punctured. Qi and blood, conditioning the head Qi machine,

The Fengchi point can calm the liver and quench the wind, clear heat and relieve the exterior, clear the head and improve eyesight.

However, no matter what he said, the little doctor finally cured Yong Hongzhong's dizziness—no matter how weird the "reset method" he said sounded.

"His accumulation of herbal medicine is profound, not inferior to that of his daughter."

Qiu Feng replied: "There should be a family history."

"Is that so?"

Qiu Quan nodded, "It seems that the medical case of the son of the prefect of Xiangzhou should not be cured by luck."

"Wait, he's from Weizhou?"

Qiu Jing seemed to have thought of something, suddenly frowned and muttered: "A little doctor from the south"

"Why, did you think of anything?"

Qiu Quan was a little surprised, his brother rarely showed such an expression.

"No, nothing."

Qiu Jing hesitated to speak, he just thought of the student who talked about malaria and mosquitoes in the restaurant half a month ago.

The theory that malaria is caused by mosquitoes has completely overturned the theory of external pathogens for hundreds of years, and it has a great impact on Qiu Jing, the medical officer of the Imperial Medical Office.

But when I think about it carefully, I feel that it makes sense - since ancient times, doctors have taken many measures to prevent malaria, and the protection against wind, cold and humidity has never been absolutely effective.

Mosquito control may really be the key to a new door.

Qiu Jing only knows that Tantai Leshan has recently lived in seclusion in the academy, and has been researching the direct connection between malaria and mosquitoes, and the results are about to come out.

Tantai Leshan didn't leave the customs, so he couldn't tell his family about it, so he could only ask Qiu Feng: "Where does that Yanzhou student live? What's his name?"

"Live in Huaidefang."

Qiu Feng thought for a while and said, "It seems to be called Li Risheng?"

"Huai Defang, Li Risheng"

Qiu Jing memorized the name firmly and looked towards the west of the city.

Do you want to meet me?

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