"This is……"

Han Ning blinked, feeling that the scene in front of him was very strange.

According to the anime and novels he had read before, this scene should be that the winged demon's heart withered and transferred his body's energy to the big egg in its abdomen.

Now the situation is reversed, the energy in the big egg seems to be absorbed by the heart.

"No matter what... let's make it completely unable to survive first. If it is resurrected, we will suffer."

With this thought flashing through his mind, Han Ning said directly to Yinyi, "Tear out the heart and the big egg to prevent it from suddenly resurrecting and attacking us."


Yin Yi swung his sword and with difficulty dug out the huge heart, which was as big as two heads, from the Winged Demon's broad chest.

The Winged Demon's muscles and bones are so hard that it is difficult to cut with silver ripples. If it really wakes up, there may be no soul beast present that can be its opponent.

The heart was cut out by silver ripples and tied up in the air, but it was still beating slowly, showing its extraordinary vitality.

The Winged Demon's body was separated from its heart and began to rapidly become gray.

The size of the egg is one size smaller than the heart, only about 40 centimeters long. The surface is covered with blue and purple patterns, but the surface looks wrinkled and dim. It is still unknown whether the creature inside is alive.

Yin Yi cut open the Winged Demon's head and took a look, digging out a black crystal stone the size of a fist.

It's just that the crystal has lost its light and is gray in color, as if the energy inside has been exhausted.

"You keep the heart and the big egg first, the rest of us can't take them."

Han Ning thought of the strange beating of his heart and waved his hand, rejecting the heart offered by Yin Yi.


Upon hearing this, Yin Yi tied up her heart and big egg with thin vines, one on the left and one on the right, just like Han Ning tied up his waist bag.

It's just that these two gadgets are very big, covering half of Yin Yi's body, which looks quite funny.

"This Winged Demon is so big. It has the heads of various animals and looks like a mammal. How could it hatch an egg?" He Yang stood aside, frowning and looking at the large egg dug out of the Winged Demon's body. egg.

"They are more like birds... they also have a pair of wings on their backs, and their hearts are extremely powerful, which shows that their cardiopulmonary function is amazing. Although they look a little disgusting, if they can be used as soul beasts, they will probably be very powerful. "Teacher Zheng touched his chin, thoughtfully.

"Bat wings... aren't bats also mammals..." He Yang beeped softly.

"Who knows, maybe the creatures in this world are different from our Blue Star." Teacher Zheng shrugged without arguing.

"There's something going on here again!"

At this moment, Lin Tianhe, who was standing on the other side of the pool and was responsible for cleaning up the body of the Winged Demon, suddenly shouted.

Xiao Yu beside him put his roots into the body of the Winged Demon, and among the branches and leaves, red fruits were growing rapidly.

Xiaoyu swung the vines, submerged them into the water, and pulled out a large turtle about 2 meters long with brown skin.

On the once round head, the right side of the brain was slightly sunken downwards, as if it had been hit hard with a blunt instrument.

The injury to the left side of the brain looked the most horrifying. A layer of scalp disappeared out of thin air, revealing the white skull under the scalp.

"This turtle doesn't seem to be dead yet."

Lin Tianhe had experienced several battles and behaved very cautiously. He hid behind Xiao Yu and directed Xiao Yu to stuff a fresh fruit newly grown on a branch into the turtle's mouth.


Nearly two-thirds of the tortoise shell behind the turtle was broken into pieces, revealing the thick but dull flesh inside.

It whimpered lowly, raised its head with difficulty, and swallowed the fruit into its stomach.

Making this movement seemed to consume all its energy.

The big turtle lay on the ground, panting slightly, staring at Xiao Yu and Lin Tianhe behind it with a pair of dark eyes.


Others heard the movement here and came closer.

"This turtle... doesn't look like a creature at the bottom of the valley." Lu Xiuning looked at the turtle's appearance.

It has a brown body, and the broken tortoise shell on its back is covered with tiny spikes similar to rock thorns. There are also three raised rock ridges on its head protruding from the turtle shell.

The turtle tail that changes from thick to thin behind is covered with earthy yellow spikes.

Compared with the dark style of the valley soul beast, it is more like an earth soul beast.

"Woo, woo~"

This big turtle is quite spiritual. It may know that no one is hostile to it. Under the gaze of everyone, it uses its body that has regained a little strength to try to lift one of its turtle paws and keeps pointing to the location of its abdomen.

"The abdomen is injured? Help turn it over." Lin Tianhe stuck his head out and said to Xiao Yu.

Xiaoyu got the order, tied the big turtle's body with vines, and turned it over so that its face was facing the sky, so that everyone could carefully observe the injuries on its body.

A ten centimeter-sized hole was punched through the belly of the big turtle by some kind of blunt instrument or the fist of a creature, with strands of blood and pus flowing out. It seemed that a long time had passed since the injury.

Han Ning could clearly sense that its life was in danger and it would die at any time.

"It's seriously injured, Yinyi, help it."


Silver Ripple threw out a few vines and penetrated into the big turtle's wound. Green light penetrated into the turtle's body.

With the input of wood spiritual energy with healing capabilities, the big turtle was damaged by the alien energy, and the wounds that could never heal began to heal slowly.

Even where the scalp on the top of his head disappeared, a new scalp slowly grew.

The sunken part of the right brain arched upwards and regained its roundness.

The large hole in the abdomen began to grow granulation and slowly healed.


The big turtle perked up and let out a grateful whimper to Yinyi.

"Big turtle, why are you here? Were you caught by them?" Han Ning looked at the big turtle that was gradually regaining its strength and asked.

"Huh?" Wugui tilted his head, not understanding what Han Ning said.

Helpless, he had no choice but to point to the dead winged demon next to him, and then to the turtle.

"Woo!" When the big turtle saw the Winged Demon, a look of anger immediately appeared on its face, and its body began to tremble slightly.

"It should have been captured." Seeing its excitement, everyone could make guesses even though they didn't understand the language.

"Then do you still know the way back? Can you take us back?" Han Ning pointed in the direction of the top of the mountain and made a walking gesture.


The big turtle nodded vigorously.

"Well, let's rest for a while and regain some strength first." Han Ning nodded.

Lin Tianhe's Xiaoyu has the ability to produce fruits. The bodies of the Winged Demons that everyone collected were not thrown away, but were placed next to Xiaoyu, allowing it to absorb the nutrients inside and produce fruits one after another.

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