Black Iron Crown

Chapter 10 Savage Attack

"Host: Rainer Moreland"

"Age: 16"

"Age: 16"

"Politics: 50 (full value 100)

"Healthy 95

"Current Territory Building: None"

"Current Reputation: None"

"Current subordinates: Valas, Logan"

"Current Title: None"

"Current Army: Armed Soldiers 60, Archers 20"

"Current Territory: Fort Moreland"

"Current Family: The Moreland Family"

After opening the system interface, a series of attributes came into Leiner's eyes. Except for the two extra subordinates, everything was the same as it was three months ago.

Reiner has recently taken a fancy to a high-yielding farm. This kind of farm covers an area of ​​200 mu, which can greatly increase food production, and the data is fixed. Whether it is placed on barren land or fertile land, it can harvest a lot of food.

However, the price of this thing is still too high. Although a farm of 200 acres of land can provide food and drink for more than 200 people in Leiner Castle, including male and female servants, servants, and other idlers, but a hundred The unit price of meritorious deeds also made Reiner daunted.

So he can only choose to wait. There are many such building products. The most expensive one Leiner has seen so far is the fifth-level barracks. Putting ordinary soldiers in it for a year can transform it into the top of the era. Only 500 soldiers can be converted every year, and the price is 20,000 meritorious service, a figure that Reiner can't imagine.

The Scarlet Griffin Knight has been sparring with Reiner's knights non-stop for three months, which has also improved their combat effectiveness a lot.

The setting of the Scarlet Griffon Knights and the human knights who stick to the bloody plains and integrate the blood of the Griffins have to fight against the wolf cavalry of the orcs and the terrifying strong orcs all the year round. They almost represent the limit of human beings. .

Of course, there is no such magical existence as orcs in the world that Reiner lives in. The only opponents they can find are humans. It is conceivable that they have fought against orcs.

Reiner is currently mobilizing the citizens to develop cultivated land, and the low productivity is nothing more than insufficient equipment and too little cultivated land.

Cultivating cultivated land requires money and time, and poor serfs simply do not have the financial resources and rights to cultivate it. After all, they are just the private belongings of the nobleman, Leiner, legally and in fact.

Unlike the freeman, if the freeman wants to reclaim arable land, he needs to submit an application to Rainer and pay a fortune in order to obtain the right to use a piece of arable land for a certain number of years.

Because fundamentally, all the land in Fort Moreland belongs to Reiner.

Leiner sent out all the cattle, draft horses, and plow horses, and used the gold coins given by the system in the novice gift package to buy many advanced agricultural tools, including many tools including the Spanish heavy plow.

According to Leiner's estimate, his private arable land can increase from 1,500 mu to 2,500 mu in one winter this year. For this, Leiner paid the price of giving each serf who participated in the reclamation a meal. .

When next spring begins, it will be time for the frigid wheat seeds that Leiner obtained from the novice gift pack to play. I believe that the wheat seeds that grow specially in the frigid regions will definitely shine in the northern border.

Smoke curled up from the chimney. The weather in November was extremely cold, and the ground was covered with a thick layer of snow. The villagers who had worked hard all day in the forest were finally able to return home to rest.

This is a small-scale village in Leiner's eyes, with less than a hundred people. Of course, it is only from Leiner's point of view, and what they are doing is after praying in front of the fire, Only after this will they start eating their most important meal of the day, dinner.

Alan was a serf in his thirties,

Allen means meat in the language of the empire. It is estimated that this name is his parents' hope that their son can eat meat every day.

He collected firewood and grass roots in the forest all day today, and the benevolent baron allowed them to forage in the forest, otherwise this winter will undoubtedly be even more difficult.

The knight lord was training in the baron's castle recently, and even his son was taken away. The whole village was guarded only by some knight retinues.

Kneeling in front of the fire and praying devoutly to the Holy Father, he added another sentence: "I hope the rule of the Murander family can last forever!"

He is very clear that he has already lived a very good life among the serfs. A pot of vegetable oatmeal soup with a little meat on the surface is boiled in the clay pot. In the winter when food is scarce, a serf can still eat meat. , Roasted on fire, his two sons don't have to go hungry, compared to the serfs in other territories, they are already very happy.

He doesn't have any ambitions, and he is already grateful for the life he is living now, and he also knows that all this is brought about by the benevolent rule of the Moreland family, so he prays like this.

Suddenly, he heard a scream outside the door. Such a thing should not happen in a quiet and peaceful village on weekdays.

With doubts in his heart, he opened the door and walked out.

"Oh, my holy father! They're coming again!" Aaron looked at the horror in front of him and couldn't help but cursed: "Cursed! Damn the Klade people! You will go to hell!"

As he said that, he picked up the dung fork by the door and rushed up. As a serf soldier who had been on the battlefield several times, he was also considered to have combat experience.

The reason why he was so angry was very simple. The Klades living in the frigid forest finally couldn't bear it anymore. They marched southward amid hunger, intending to plunder the land of the imperials.

In front of them were three Klad barbarians in ragged clothes, covered in animal skins, with layers of frostbite on their faces. They kicked open the gate of Alan's neighbor's house, rushed in and took away their food.

And Allen's neighbor seemed to be stabbed by the wooden spear in the opponent's hand. In this era, neighbors always have to keep each other warm, so he was so angry about this kind of thing.

Seeing Alan and several other villagers rushing towards them like wolves and tigers with dung forks, the three Klades panicked.

Although they are called barbarians, it is not that they are physically strong, but because they are too poor and have low productivity, they have not produced any civilization at all.

On the contrary, their physical fitness is not even as good as that of the residents of the Empire due to their low productivity. If it is a one-on-one duel between the Kraders and the Imperials, then there is a 70% chance that the Imperials will win. Of course, those Except for the barbarians in charge of fighting in the tribe.

Therefore, the three Clades, who were obviously scattered, did not dare to confront the villagers at all. They directly picked up the food bags in their hands and ran quickly. After chasing for a while, they still let them run away.

"Damn it!" The annoyed shouts of several villagers echoed in the empty snow field, but the barbarians disappeared without a trace.

When they returned to the village, the subordinates arrived in a hurry.

"It must be reported to Lord Sir, and this matter must also be known to Lord Baron. Perhaps the Klade Barbarian's offensive is about to start again!"

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