Card Room

Chapter 049-050

↘End♂ben♂God♂Lizhan↙Mobile phone user input address:

[Chapter 49, Financial Crisis 9-Theft Gang]

Noon, Shanshui B\u0026B.

When Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang sent Shao Qingge downstairs after lunch, a girl was excitedly reasoning with the boss: "The house price at the beginning was 10,000 gold coins, yesterday it rose to 20,000, and today it rose to 40,000! Boss, you too Too pitiful? It doubles in a day, why don't you go grab money!"

The boss is righteous: "Everything is going up in price now, how can the accommodation fee not go up? You can't live it."

The girl's eyes widened in anger, and just as she was about to curse, the boy behind her suddenly put his arm around her shoulder and said, "Tingting, we can't live anymore, let's move out, it's too expensive to live here, and the house price might double tomorrow. ."

There was a hint of panic in the girl's eyes, and she lowered her voice and said, "But where can we move? Shanshui B\u0026B is the cheapest place to live in City A, and other places might be more expensive, so you won't let me sleep on the street, will you? When you were chasing me, you said you wanted me to live a good life, but now, let alone a good life, I don't even have a place to live..." She said that her voice was already crying.

The man's face was ugly, and after a moment of silence, he changed his voice and said, "Boss, can we pay for the accommodation with instant noodles and milk?"

Only then did the boss get interested: "How many do you have?"

The man said, "Can I give you a box of milk and instant noodles for tonight's accommodation?"

The boss raised two fingers: "Two boxes."

The corner of the man's mouth twitched suddenly: "Don't go too far!"

The boss shrugged and said with a smile: "Before the prices did not go up, a box of instant noodles was 3,000 yuan, a box of milk was 2,000 yuan, adding up to 5,000 yuan. My accommodation fee here is 10,000 yuan a day. It's not too much to ask you two boxes, right? Two boxes, I love living. don't stop."

The young men and women looked at each other and finally agreed.

The woman goes through the renewing procedures in the hall, and the man returns upstairs to move food.

Yu Hanjiang leaned into Xiao Lou's ear and said in a low voice, "It seems that these two people have no money to pay for the house, they underestimated the trend of rising prices, and they didn't pay the house in advance... or you have foresight. , and directly paid the accommodation fee for seven days.”

Xiao Lou used to take his parents out for travel during the winter and summer vacations. He used to pay the accommodation fee online at one time, because the prices of hotels in the tourist season and off-season would change greatly, and some hotels had different room rates on weekdays and weekends. Book in advance and be prepared.

He spent only 80,000 gold coins for seven days of accommodation at a time.

For those challengers who did not pay off the house payment in advance, today is only the second day, and the accommodation fee has risen to 40,000 yuan, and it will rise to 80,000 yuan tomorrow. The initial funds of the challengers cannot even pay the room fee.

At this time, it is a good choice to use the materials collected in advance to pay for the room.

And once the supplies are stolen or robbed, it's over. Therefore, Xiao Lou especially hates guys who rely on "stealing other people's materials" to clear customs. This is simply breaking his life.


After the three of them left the hotel, Shao Qingge decided to return to the hotel alone with his notebook, always keeping an eye on the stock market situation - the materials he hid under the bed had been stolen, but his place was the safest.

Xiao Lou went to the city to investigate, and Yu Hanjiang went to the construction site again.

Perhaps because the weather was too hot in the afternoon, no one gathered in the central square to make trouble, and the investors who stood on the roof in the morning and held up banners to speak out also dispersed. 80% of the shops on the street were closed, and the whole city looked empty, only the supermarket was still full of people and there were long queues.

Xiao Lou walked around the neighborhood. Since Director Liu of the Market Supervision Administration came forward to give everyone a reassurance, there was no large-scale bloodshed on the second day of skyrocketing prices.

He called Yu Hanjiang and asked softly, "How are you doing, Team Yu?"

Yu Hanjiang said: "On the construction site, the boss couldn't give a solution. The workers all went home, and the construction site has completely stopped."

Xiao Lou asked: "Do we need to organize the transfer of materials?"

Yu Hanjiang said, "Let's see the situation tomorrow. I'll find a way to get a car to facilitate the delivery of supplies."

Xiao Lou urged: "Be careful yourself, I'll wait for you at the homestay."

When he hung up the phone and went back to Shanshui B\u0026B, Xiao Lou unexpectedly saw a man and a woman standing in the lobby with a gloomy expression, who had just discussed with the boss about paying the rent with milk and instant noodles, each carrying a travel bag, but both bags were flat. , apparently not too much stuff in it.

The woman's eyes were red as if she had just cried, and her voice was clearly trembling. She pointed at the boss's nose and scolded: "Our things were stolen from your homestay. As the boss, of course you should be responsible! What! Why don't you know? You are lying!"

The boss looked innocent: "I think you're a scumbag. If you can't pay the room fee, you say things have been stolen? Who knows if it's true or false... I haven't seen you go out in the past two days, and you've been hiding in your room all day long. Shit, maybe you two are the thieves."

The woman was extremely angry: "Who are you calling a thief? Don't spit!"

The man was also obviously provoked, and came over and tore the boss's collar: "Check the surveillance and see who stole our things!"

The boss rolled his eyes: "You think I'm a five-star hotel? Where does the surveillance from a small homestay come from..."

The three quarreled in the hall, Xiao Lou noticed something was wrong and immediately returned to his residence.

- Someone came in.

Before Xiao Lou left, a hair was caught between the crack of the door, and at this time, the black short hair

The hair fell into the corner.

Obviously, the door has been opened. It's just that the door lock didn't show any signs of being picked.

Could it be a master at unlocking like Team Yu?


Xiao Lou suddenly thought of a card.

After clearing the Bloody Maple Leaf in the Secret Room of Hearts 3, there will be a fixed reward card [Universal/Key].

This key can open any type of door lock in the secret room world without leaving a trace. A key can be used up to five times, but if two people commit a crime together, it can be used 10 times.

The thief can follow the challenger's movements at any time. After the owner of the room leaves, he will use the universal/key to unlock the door and steal the supplies.

Maybe the thief was staying at the homestay, and at this moment there was a pair of eyes staring at him behind him.

Realizing this, Xiao Lou suddenly felt a chill down his spine.

He tried his best to maintain a calm expression, pretended not to find anything, opened the door and entered the house, locked it.

After locking the door, he quickly sent a message to Yu Hanjiang: "The thief stole the supplies of the couple on the second floor. Team Yu, come back as soon as possible, maybe the thief has already set his sights on us."

Yu Hanjiang replied in seconds: "Come back immediately, pay attention to safety."


At the corner of the corridor, a pair of eagle-like eyes kept staring at Xiao Lou's back.

It wasn't until Xiao Lou entered the house that the middle-aged man said in a hoarse voice, "The challenger who lives in 207 is very cautious. There is no supplies in the house, and all the food is put in the travel bag."

The young man next to him said, "Impossible? There are three of them, and they can't live for seven days with the food in their bags. There must be a lot of supplies stored elsewhere. By the way, the tallest person will eat every day. When I went out, maybe I went to check the supplies, but he was moving too fast, and he was always vigilant in detours, so I couldn't keep up with him at all."

The middle-aged man sneered: "They must have stored a lot of supplies. There is not enough food in their backpacks. There will always be times when they can't help but go to get the goods. It's not too late to start again." He paused and turned to look. To the young man beside him, "Ignore the residents of 207. Have you investigated the other rooms?"

The young man laughed and said, "Brother Xu, don't worry, except for Room 207, all the challengers on this floor put their things in the room."

The middle-aged man slightly hooked the corner of his mouth: "At night."


Yu Hanjiang quickly returned to the homestay.

After he entered the room, he rushed in front of Xiao Lou in three or two steps, with worry in his eyes: "Are you alright?"

Xiao Lou smiled and shook his head: "Don't worry, I happened to be outside when they moved, I'm fine." He pointed to the corner of his hair, lowered his voice and said in Yu Hanjiang's ear: "Our room, a thief came in just now. "

Yu Hanjiang looked at the hair and frowned slightly: "But when I opened the door just now, the door lock was normal."

Xiao Lou rubbed his chin and said thoughtfully: "I never understood why the hotel supplies where Mr. Shao lived was stolen, why was there no sound? Are all the waiters in the hotel lobby blind? Or, these Can a thief escape?"

Yu Hanjiang turned to look at him: "What did you notice?"

Xiao Lou said: "If my inference is correct, this thief probably came after he had successfully cleared the 3 Hearts Chamber of Secrets. In their hands, there are two functional cards that are very convenient for stealing."

Yu Hanjiang recalled the reward of the 3 of Hearts, and suddenly realized: "Cloak and key?"

Xiao Lou nodded: "The invisibility cloak has 30 minutes of invisibility every day. The reward key can open any door lock. When the room is empty, they can put on the invisibility cloak and directly open the door to go in and take the supplies. Wrapped in a cloak, milk and instant noodles will become invisible and transparent objects, and they will be taken away without knowing it.”

Yu Hanjiang used an invisibility cloak to enter the warehouse once in the decoration market today.

The invisibility cloak was originally a limited card for the 3 Hearts Chamber of Secrets. It is not easy for this thief to be able to perfectly clear the blood-colored maple leaf in the three secret rooms of Hearts.

Xiao Lou followed: "Moreover, this thief is not just for customs clearance. They probably want to steal a lot of materials, sell them for money in the later stage, and make huge profits in the secret room of the financial crisis!"

Yu Hanjiang's face suddenly sank.

He also thought of this possibility.

If it is purely for customs clearance, there is no need to steal so many materials, how much food can be eaten in seven days?

However, according to Shao Qingge's description, three groups of challengers have been stolen from the hotel where he lived, and the materials lost by the two girls next door included several boxes of milk and instant noodles.

When Yu Hanjiang entered the door just now, the couple in the hall was still arguing, and obviously a lot of supplies were lost.

This proves that Xiao Lou's inference is completely correct - the person who stole the materials did not want to pass the customs, but wanted to take advantage of the financial crisis when the materials were scarce, steal other people's materials to earn a lot of gold coins, and take the gold coins out of the secret room.

They knew very well that the challenger whose supplies they stole would not survive seven days.

To exchange other people's lives for money is simply eating "human blood steamed buns"!

Yu Hanjiang didn't want to meddle in his own business at first, but since these people stole the Shanshui B\u0026B and sneaked into his and Xiao Lou's residence - if they dared to attack them, he must take care of them!

Yu Hanjiang looked serious and analyzed: "The cooldown of the invisibility cloak is refreshed every day at 24:00 in the morning, and the usage limit is 30 minutes. 24

:00 During this time period, many people will sleep in the house, but there are also some people who are not asleep. It is more risky to enter the house and steal things directly. I prefer that they will do it around 3:00 in the morning. "

Xiao Lou nodded: "At three o'clock in the morning, everyone was asleep at that time. They took the key to open the door and went in, and carried away the supplies in the room... But what if someone hid something under the bed? They moved too much, Wouldn't it wake people up?"

Yu Hanjiang said: "So, they must have other tools for committing crimes in their hands."

Xiao Lou's eyes lit up: "For example, inhaled anesthetics? If someone resists, will they stun them directly?"

Yu Hanjiang nodded: "After they enter the world of financial crisis, they only need to find a way to buy a lot of narcotics on the first day, and then they can survive by stealing things - not only can they live well, but they can also sell and make a lot of money later. "

Really smart.

Unfortunately, cleverness is not used in the right way, and you have to pass the level at the expense of other challengers.

Xiao Lou clenched his fists and said, "What can Team Yu do?"

Yu Hanjiang's eyes were deep and he said coldly, "Let the snake out of the hole."


[Chapter 50, Financial Crisis 10 - Unexpected Changes]


Yu Hanjiang rode the small truck he borrowed from the construction site in the afternoon to move a large amount of supplies.

The two who had been paying attention to the challenger's movements spotted him immediately.

As Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou moved supplies, they whispered, "I don't have enough to eat. I went to get five boxes of milk, five boxes of biscuits, a box of chocolates and a box of canned fruits."

The young man saw this scene from the window and said excitedly: "Brother Xu, he really went to get some things, and canned fruit, this is a luxury food! Tonight, let's also sweep the 207 goods by the way, when the time comes How about moving again?"

The middle-aged man nodded: "Okay, let's talk about it at night."


At night, the whole street was extraordinarily quiet, and all the rooms of Shanshui B\u0026B turned off the lights one after another.

People fell asleep.

Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou disappeared in the darkness, waiting patiently for the thief to come.

two in the morning...

Two thirty in the morning...

Time passed very slowly, but neither Xiao Lou nor Yu Hanjiang felt sleepy. The two of them sat by the bed and waited, worried that their voices would cause the thief to be alerted. way to communicate.

Xiao Lou: "Aren't you coming yet? This thief is too cautious."

Yu Hanjiang: "Wait."

Xiao Lou: "Team Yu, did you really go to the warehouse to bring so many cans of fruit? When I carried it just now, I found that the boxes were all heavy."

Yu Hanjiang: "It's not canned fruit in the box."

Xiao Lou looked up at him suspiciously.

Through the light of the street lamp, you can see Yu Hanjiang's handsome face. The man's eyes are particularly deep. He looked at Xiao Lou, and the corner of his lips lifted slightly, and said, "It's a brick on the construction site."

Xiao Lou: "..."

No wonder it was so heavy when lifted!

Team Yu actually went to the construction site and brought back a few boxes of bricks, attracting thieves to take the bait.

At three in the morning, Xiao Lou was very sleepy.

But at this moment, the two suddenly heard the sound of the room being opened.

Xiao Lou regained his energy immediately, and used the invisibility cloak at the same time with Yu Hanjiang.

The door was clearly open, but he couldn't see where the other party was, as if a gust of wind had blown the door open.

The two thieves approached the bed and found that there was no one in the house, and were stunned for a moment.

The young man asked, "Where are the people? I clearly saw them enter the house."

Another middle-aged man's voice was slightly hoarse, and he said coldly, "Maybe he went through the window and left. It's easy, it's more important to find supplies."

Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang could hear their conversations, but couldn't see where they were - the two wearing invisibility cloaks turned over the bed directly. From Xiao Lou's point of view, it was as if the bed had been lifted by a pair of invisible hands. , the picture is very magical.

A large number of cardboard boxes were exposed under the bed, and the young man said excitedly: "So many! Brother Xu, you guessed it right, these three really put their food elsewhere. Great, today's harvest is really rich!"

He leaned over to move the box, only to find it was extremely heavy.

The man gritted his teeth and said, "Could it be a box of canned fruits?"

The other person seemed to sense something was wrong and whispered, "Open the box and see."

The transparent glue at the seal was torn apart forcefully, and the two of them leaned over to see...

A neat box of bricks.

Still brand new red brick.

The faces of the two people turned green in an instant, and they turned to run, but the next moment, the door was slammed shut and locked, and a low and cold voice came from the air: "Wait for you for a long time."

Another voice with a gentle smile: "We also have an invisibility cloak, and we also successfully cleared the three secret rooms of Hearts, so I guessed the means of committing crimes." Xiao Lou changed the topic, restrained his smile, and said solemnly. : "How many challengers have you stolen? This way of clearing the customs of starving others to death and supporting yourself to death, you really can't think of it!"

The two panicked for a few seconds at first, but quickly calmed down.

The middle-aged man said lightly: "Since you are also friends from 3 of Hearts, you should know the principle of 'making the best use of everything'. [Invisible Cards] and [Key Cards] are very useful in this world. It is better to cooperate with us. All four of them together - I promise,

When leaving the 3 Spades secret room, the gold coins in the two hands will not be less than 10 million. "

Judging from the voice, the man should be around forty years old, very calm.

Xiao Lou said coldly, "Relying on killing other challengers to clear the level? Do you still have humanity?"

The young man laughed strangely and said, "What kind of humanity are you talking to me in this world? I just don't want to die, I just want to live! What does it have to do with me if other people die? Stop talking nonsense, if you are willing to join us, we The four of them have joined forces to make a lot of money. If they are not happy, then we will not work together. We will not touch your materials again, so don’t meddle in your business!”

Xiao Lou had long expected that in order to survive in the card world, there would always be people who would do anything to survive. Without the shackles of law and morality in reality, the evil of human nature will exceed his imagination.

He is not good at arguing with people, not to mention different ideas, and there is no need to reason.

"A gentleman speaks but does not act" simply does not work in this world.

Therefore, he intends to do it directly.

Xiao Lou leaned into Yu Hanjiang's ear and gave a signal, Yu Hanjiang understood it, and quickly came to the window to guard it to prevent two people from escaping through the window, while Xiao Lou activated the circle he had drawn a long time ago.

Before the two thieves entered the house, Xiao Lou drew many rings to form a dense network of rings, and then used the floating operation method to raise the rings to the ceiling.

The two thieves didn't realize that there was actually a huge net on the ceiling.

By the time I noticed it, it was too late-

Xiao Lou lifted his finger lightly, and countless metal rings with a diameter of 30cm suddenly fell from the sky!

The two thieves were wearing invisibility cloaks, and Xiao Lou couldn't see them, but they still existed, and they were entities, instead of directly turning into air - the collision of entities would not directly ignore them.

Countless rings smashed down like a torrential rain, however, two rings in the corner of the room were swept away and fell to the ground, making a crisp metal landing sound.

--right here!

Xiao Lou is precisely positioned.

Yu Hanjiang rushed over with a vigorous step, kicked his left foot hard, and he heard a scream.

Immediately following, Yu Hanjiang stretched out his hand and yanked in the direction of the scream. Although he couldn't see the other party in his eyes, he was able to judge the other party's position based on the ring and the scream, and accurately grasped the other party's arm. , twist it hard to the back!

The man let out a pig-killing sound.

Yu Hanjiang said coldly: "The invisibility cloak is just to make people invisible to you, not to make people unable to touch you."

He simply and neatly pressed the person to the ground, and Xiao Lou immediately manipulated several metal rings, forming a dense network of rings around him so that the other party had nowhere to hide.

Yu Hanjiang said, "Take off the cloak."

The other party gritted his teeth: "Fuck, you can still do magic?!"

Xiao Lou said: "This is not magic."

The young man seemed to finally react and exclaimed: "Is it a card? Do you have such a powerful card?"

He finally understood that he had kicked the iron plate this time and was doomed. The man hurriedly changed his words and said, "Brother, please spare us, let us go, and split the stolen supplies into half of you?"

However, before he finished speaking, his back suddenly felt a strange coldness.

Biting cold instantly penetrated through the heart, from the back to the front of the chest, the man looked down at his chest in disbelief.

is a knife.

The knife pierced his heart unmistakably from behind.

There was still bright red blood flowing down slowly from the tip of the knife. He stared wide-eyed and stared at the knife in a daze. He only had time to say, "Xu...Brother..."

The next moment, the body with the bloody dagger was pushed out with force, and suddenly pressed towards Yu Hanjiang.

Yu Hanjiang reflexively ducked to the side, and immediately following, the window was smashed open with a bang, and the glass shattered to the ground!

The middle-aged man nimbly jumped out of the broken window and disappeared into the night in a blink of an eye.

Due to being killed by a knife, the effect of the invisibility cloak was ineffective, and the corpse of a young man lying in a pool of blood gradually appeared on the floor of the room. His eyes almost stared out of his sockets. Obviously, he couldn't believe it when he died... Will be betrayed by teammates.

Yu Hanjiang looked at the corpse under his feet, his face extremely ugly.

Xiao Lou was also shocked by this sudden change and was speechless.

After a long time, Xiao Lou said in a trembling voice: "In order to escape, he actually stabbed his teammates to death and threw the corpses over as shields? Or is he afraid that his teammates would reveal where the supplies were hidden, so he simply killed them?"

Yu Hanjiang said with a sullen face, "Damn it! Not even a beast!"

Team Yu had never heard swear words, and it was obvious that he was very angry this time.

No more than three prisoners have been able to escape from his hands so far.

Today, of course, because of the invisibility cloak, Yu Hanjiang couldn't accurately locate another person. However, being put together like this, not only did the thief fail to be caught, but he also let the other party kill his companion to silence...

Yu Hanjiang's face was ashen, and he said solemnly, "We have to move as soon as possible."

Didn't expect things to turn out like this.

Instead of dealing with the thief, he exposed himself.

Yu Hanjiang frowned and said, "I can't stay here any longer. That beast actually killed all his comrades in order to escape. The method was very cruel. Maybe he will go back and take revenge on us."

Moreover, there is an extra body in the house. If someone calls the police tomorrow, they will not be able to explain it.

Although this person was not killed by them, it was because of them.

Xiao Lou felt a little uncomfortable, he took a deep breath to adjust his mood, and quickly called Shao Qingge.

Shao Qingge was sleeping when he was suddenly awakened by the phone. The man's lazy voice was still a little confused: "Professor Xiao, what's wrong? Look for me at midnight..."

Xiao Lou said: "We have some situation here and we need to transfer immediately. Do you want to come with us?"

Shao Qingge sat up from the bed with a carp: "What's the situation?"

Xiao Lou reluctantly said, "Team Yu and I originally wanted to lead the snake out of the hole to catch the thief, but two thieves, one of them killed his companion in order to escape."

Shao Qingge was completely awake: "Kill, kill?!"

Xiao Lou briefly recounted what happened. When Shao Qingge heard that someone had died in room 207, he said decisively, "I will act with you. I don't want to be caught by the police as a suspect. We will meet downstairs in the hotel in 10 minutes."

The three of them didn't have much luggage, so they each carried a bag and met downstairs.

Shao Qingge's face was very serious: "This thief really killed his partner?!"

This person is not only cruel, but also very decisive, killing his teammates at the critical moment without hesitation.

Yu Hanjiang is not afraid of revenge, but Xiao Lou and Shao Qingge rarely face such thugs after all. He is afraid that two people will have an accident. It is easy to hide with open guns and difficult to guard against dark arrows, so it is safer to move to a safe place as soon as possible.

On the construction site, he checked in the afternoon. The workers went on strike completely, and it was completely abandoned. The price of goods will continue to rise tomorrow, and the construction site will not resume work in the future. It can be used as a temporary hiding place for three people.

Yu Hanjiang pushed the truck, and Shao Qingge and Xiao Lou quickly followed.

They plan to go to the underground warehouse to transport the supplies away overnight.

On the street in the middle of the night, it was terribly quiet, and the expressions of the three of them became more serious than the other.

It was almost four in the morning when we arrived at the warehouse, Yu Hanjiang opened the door, Xiao Lou and Shao Qingge also stepped forward to help and quickly moved the boxes.

However, before they finished moving, they heard the sound of hurried footsteps not far away.

Yu Hanjiang immediately put his finger to his mouth: "Shh... someone."

Xiao Lou and Shao Qingge held their breath and hid behind the door. Looking out through the crack of the warehouse door, they saw a dirty boy hurriedly walked to the corner, pushed out the broken tricycle full of rubbish, and rode on it. Got in the car and ran away in a hurry.

Xiao Lou was stunned, and said softly, "Is it the little guy that Team Yu saw before, disguised as a garbage collector?"

Yu Hanjiang nodded: "It's him."

Xiao Lou asked doubtfully, "He's in the middle of the night, where is he going?"

Yu Hanjiang didn't understand this guy's thinking either, and said, "I guess he's also a night owl."

Xiao Lou looked at the young man's back, and after a moment of silence, he suddenly said, "Team Yu, don't you think this guy seems to have been following our movements all the time? On the day I checked in, I paid for the room for 7 days, and he also Pay for 7 days; we hid the supplies in the underground warehouse, and he also hid in the underground warehouse; we moved in the middle of the night, and he also ran away on a bike..."

Yu Hanjiang thought about it carefully: "It's almost four o'clock in the morning, so many coincidences - they can't be coincidences."

The three looked at each other.

Yu Hanjiang said decisively: "Follow up and have a look."

The author has something to say: I am late to go to the hospital to check my body update, sorry!

I have to go to the re-examination tomorrow, so tomorrow is also the time to go to bed at night to update it, and everyone will brush it before going to bed!

After these two days of work, I will adjust it back to noon, alright.

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