To put it bluntly, the heart formula is the formula for the flow of qi through the meridians and acupoints. Although he doesn't know how to make the flow of qi flow as he wants, he still has to figure out where it should go.

The road has to be walked step by step, and martial arts is naturally the same. Gu Jingyun, who has always liked to explore the essence of things, spent half the night drawing a picture of the flow of qi in the heart formula. There are four formulas in total, which are four pictures.

Gu Jingyun checked it once, and after making sure it was correct, he put down his pen and went to sleep.

Li Baolu slept so refreshedly that she kicked off the quilt and stretched before realizing something was wrong.

She rubbed her head in confusion and said, "When did I fall asleep last night?"

Gu Jingyun was woken up, turned over to her with a displeased face, "If you count from the time when your breathing is long, you fell asleep after meditating for about a quarter of an hour."

Li Baolu was a little embarrassed, and promised: "I will definitely not fall asleep again tonight."

Gu Jingyun snorted softly, sat up holding the quilt, pointed to the desk and said, "Memorize the four pictures by heart, find out the corresponding acupoints on your body, and then practice." Gu Jingyun said rather speechlessly: "Even If you don’t even know the meridians and acupoints, what can you do if you start practicing?”

Holding the two pieces of paper, Li Baolu was in a daze, "Master didn't say they were acupoints, he only asked me to recite the mantra silently while meditating..."

The acupoints and meridians in the formulas are all abbreviations, some of them are nicknames, and they want to be catchy. For Li Baolu, who has only heard of common acupoint names such as Baihui and Sun, she really doesn't know "Juque" The word means "Juque Point", by the way, where is Juque Point?

Li Baolu hurriedly found out the picture drawn by Gu Jingyun, which was also thoughtfully annotated. It turns out that the Juque point is on the midline in front of the body, six inches above the navel.

Li Baolu groped her body, and then hesitantly touched a spot for a while and asked, "Is it here?"

Gu Jingyun couldn't help but rolled his eyes, stepped forward, took her hand and tapped it on one point, and said: "That's right, I don't think you should rush to practice tonight, it's better to identify the acupoints you want to use first. Let's talk about it."

Li Baolu held the four pictures thoughtfully, "How did I forget that people in the martial arts love to click on the acupoints when they fight, and the gas travels in the meridians and impacts the acupoints, so the human body structure diagram must be learned. In addition, there are also the functions of various air pockets in the human body, and the consequences after hitting..."

Li Baolu flipped through her family's medical books, and finally turned to the chapter on acupuncture and moxibustion. Her eyes lit up and she said, "Thanks to my ancestors for their help, everything I want to know is recorded in it."

Li Baolu looked at the pile of things on the desk, and decided decisively: "I want to study medicine, learn from my Li family's medical skills."

To put it bluntly, martial arts is the exercise of the human body, which requires a lot of knowledge applied to medicine, so why not just study medicine?

It’s no wonder that people in the martial arts world in the film and television dramas of the previous life have the ability to heal injuries with one or two hands. Looking at her family’s heart formula, there are only four sentences that involve nine acupoints. Although she hasn’t read her family’s heart formula as a whole , but the master said that these four sentences are just the beginning, and it takes at least fifteen years to learn them all.

Because the master who is extremely talented has only practiced for fifteen years before he can complete it.

Li Baolu closed the medical book, and said with piercing eyes, "I'll learn from the structure of the human body!"

Gu Jingyun blinked, tilted his head and asked, "I remember that everyone who studies medicine starts with recognizing herbs and their medicinal properties."

"But we don't have medicinal herbs at home," Li Baolu said as it should, "Anyway, it's all the basics, which one is different first?"

Li Baolu dug out her study schedule and struggled with her pen for a long time. In the morning, Qin Xinfang's class was indispensable. After the lunch break, she had to practice martial arts with her master for the first hour, then she had to practice calligraphy for an hour, and there was still half an hour left. Extracurricular reading, these cannot be compressed.

Li Baolu planned her time very tightly, but compared to Gu Jingyun's, she was still a lot more relaxed. She looked at her schedule, then at Gu Jingyun's, and finally squeezed the time for extracurricular activities by half. Medicine frees up two quarters of an hour.

But this kind of study intensity is obviously not enough. She can only arrange it flexibly. When she doesn't go out to do farm work in the morning, she takes out medical books to study, and then arranges the time in the evening.

Gu Jingyun was satisfied after reading it. In the past, when he wanted to read at night, Baolu always pulled him back, saying that reading at night was bad for his eyes, so he only asked him to recite the book.

But after reading the book once, he remembered it, and memorizing it would not only be boring but also a waste of time, he might as well read more books that he was interested in if he had the time.

Now it's all right, she has to read at night, so she won't bother him anymore, right?

Li Baolu couldn't help sighing, "Obviously the number of subjects has been reduced a lot, why is my time always not enough? And I'm not yet four years old, it's too cruel."

Gu Jingyun was used to the occasional nonsense of his fiancee, so he went directly to wash up.

When the two of them opened the door, it was only getting brighter outside, and the two children went to the yard to dance the five-animal show according to the itinerary. Qin Xinfang and He Zipei had already been here, and even Qin Wenyin was sitting on the railing with her clothes on.

Seeing the two children coming hand in hand, they both showed happy smiles.

Gu Jingyun was also very happy to see his mother, and hurried forward to greet her, "Mother, are you feeling much better?"

Qin Wenyin smiled and nodded, and said softly: "It's much better, you can go out for a walk."

She looked at Li Baolu, smiled and waved to her.

Li Baolu hurriedly ran to her future mother-in-law, and obediently showed her a big smile.

Qin Wenyin looked in a good mood, pinched her fleshy face and said, "Baolu seems to be getting fatter again, she's so cute."

Li Baolu: "..."

Gu Jingyun laughed out loud, Li Baolu has been working hard to lose weight since Bai Yitang disliked her for being too fat. She ate less at first, but she was growing up and couldn't bear hunger at all, not to mention that He Zipei didn't allow her to starve herself , so dieting to lose weight is simply impossible.

Baolu could only strengthen her exercise. She practiced the basic skills three times a day, and she was sweating all over, but after exercising too much, she became hungry quickly. In the past two days, she ate all the afternoon pastries for the two of them, and her appetite increased by half Wan, this person didn't lose weight, but got fatter.

Qin Xinfang was also amused when he heard this, and when he saw Baolu staring at Qin Wenyin with tears in his eyes, he waved to the two children and said with a smile, "Okay, come and do the morning exercises, we're going to hoe the ground soon."

The four stood in a row to dance the Wu Qin Xi. Except for Li Baolu, the other four were all out of breath after jumping down.

Qin Wenyin walked around the courtyard four or five times slowly, and then turned back to watch Li Baolu practice the basic skills her master taught her.

Qin Xinfang looked at Li Baolu, who was out of breath and only sweating slightly, and sighed, "Baolu's body is really good."

So Qin Xinfang decided to exchange Baolu for a small hoe that was one size bigger.

They made a good deal of weeding, but they couldn't make a good deal of hoeing, because they didn't have machines or even cattle, so they could only hoe one hoe at a time.

Fortunately, the Qin family's agricultural work time is only half an hour every morning.

In the past, Li Baolu liked to read textbooks silently when digging the ground with a hoe, but today she changed to memorizing acupoints.

Qin Xinfang didn't hear the voice of Baolu reading the textbook silently for a while, and turned to look at his nephew, seeing that he was also quietly hoeing, not knowing what was going on in his mind, so he couldn't help asking: "Baolu, why didn't you study today?" ?”

"Uncle, I have to memorize the acupoints and meridians of the human body today, so I won't memorize them."


Li Baolu said earnestly: "I want to study medicine and practice martial arts. I will be able to treat you when I finish my studies."

Qin Xinfang was speechless for a while before saying: "No one taught you, how do you learn?"

"Self-taught. I have medical books. I don't want to become a famous doctor like my grandfather. I just need to know some basic diseases. The most important thing is to be familiar with the meridians and acupoints of the human body."

Qin Xinfang pursed her lips, and said to her seriously after a while: "If you want to learn, you have to go all out, strive to do better, and don't give up halfway."

He said: "It is the most unforgivable thing to avoid giving up halfway. You have to study and practice martial arts. Neither is easy. Have you made up your mind to study medicine?"

For Qin Xinfang, whether it is literature, martial arts, or medical skills, all of them require dedication to acquire knowledge. Li Baolu originally wanted to practice martial arts and he supported her, but now that she is studying medicine, he is a little worried that the child is acting on a whim.

But Li Baolu solemnly promised him after serious consideration: "Uncle, don't worry, these are of great use to me, and I am also interested in them, I will not give up halfway."

Martial arts is a new field for her, and she is really interested in it. How many people in the previous life wanted to learn such advanced kung fu, but they haven't learned it yet. If she has this condition, she will be struck by lightning if she doesn't cherish it.

As for medical books, in this era when doctors are scarce, it is safer to know some medical skills, not to mention that I have three sick children.

This set of medical books was inherited by her grandmother without telling her second uncle. In addition to keeping a copy and returning it to the Li family, she also hopes to learn more. Maybe she can add a few words to the medical books in the future, so as not to let it go Inheritance.

Seeing the determination in the child's eyes, Qin Xinfang was both happy and worried, but he immediately made plans for her, "Although you have the four medical books inherited from the Li family, they are all the essence and many basic things. No. You have no one to teach you. It is even more difficult to learn medical skills, so you must not lose the basics. In two days, the weather will be cooler. I will take you to Wucun and ask your grandmother if your grandfather has anything else. Keep the notes, if you have, you can use them for reference, we will go to the county again to find out if there are other medical books. It is best to find an atlas of herbal medicine, you must know herbal medicine."

Li Baolu's eyes sparkled, and she shouted happily, "Uncle, are we going to see my grandmother?"

Gu Jingyun threw down the small hoe unhappily, and said, "I'm going too!"

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