Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

80 Control - What is 1 + 1?(Chapter preview)

"P-Precision?" Chris answered while still raising his hand.

I chuckled, "Are you asking me or are you saying that's your answer?"

"U-Umm… I-I'm answering?"

Chris still answered half-assedly and everyone got a good chuckle out of that. However, seeing him brush his fingers on one of the buttons on his shirt made me think of the time I swiped a button off of his clothes.

Everyone would think of that feat as pure speed but there was more to it than that.

Well, I was hoping to get a small debate from the class I'm teaching, but Chris already gave us the answer I was looking for.

"Okay, guys. We could stop chuckling for now because Chris is right. In my opinion due to my personal experience, the most important thing to have in wielding weapons– doing anything in general is control. I know Chris said precision but it's close enough, okay? We could be the strongest one or the fastest one, but if we don't know how to use our bodies to perform the commands our brain wants to, it's all useless…"

Everyone was giving me pensive looks but I continued.

"For example, let's say you could throw a basketball from end to end easily, how confident are you to control it in a way that it'll always go inside the hoop? Anyone? Let's talk about guns next. I've been teaching a class to properly use them but who's confident enough to tell me that they have the ability to shoot in quick succession while maintaining the tightest grouping possible?"


"Look, we could go on and on about the examples and even if there's a saying that speed trumps everything else, they're fucking wrong. I'm not downplaying their strength, agility, or dexterity but if we try to factor everything else and look at it with everything on the table, control is– Yeah? Mark? You're scrunching your eyebrows, do you have a question?"

"U-Umm, boss… I think you lost me for a bit there… Can you explain it again in a much simpler way?" Mark replied earnestly though a few of my students and a bunch from the crowd seemed to share the same sentiment.

"Oh. Sorry… Simple, huh? Oh! Okay, what's 1 + 1?"




Silence. Complete and total fucking silence.

I just chuckled before I waved them over, "C'mon, I'm not mocking your intelligence. Answer me properly. What's 1 + 1?"

"2..." they replied with a mix of reactions.

"That's right! The answer is 2, but why didn't we answer with 3 or 1 though?"




I was met with silence again but this time, Mark was looking a little frustrated and he just exasperatedly replied.

"Haaa… The answer is 2 because it's just the right–"

Mark was still in mid-sentence when he stopped completely, and a look of realization came upon his face. With that said, everyone listening in nodded a few times and let out excited from the simple revelation.

I waved them over once more, "That's simple as it gets, right? Anyway, I think we've covered this part now so I think it's time to move on to a more physical demonstration."

As soon as I said that, they grew even more excited but I suddenly pulled out a knife and a freakin' pineapple.






"Weird, huh?"


'It's so fucking fun to mess with people, heh.'

Everyone was still gobsmacked these past few seconds and they just watched me pick up the knife and hold the pineapple in my other hand.

"Watch closely, okay?"


I didn't mind their blank stares as I took my time meticulously removing the excess leaves on the top first before I held it diagonally and started to peel the skin off. Each slice was as precise as possible and once I completely removed the skin, I made diagonal indents on the flesh of the pineapple to remove the eyes with a simple pattern.

After that, I just placed the finished product on top of the chopping board I used before looking proudly at everyone.



"No applause? Tough crowd…"


The whole place was still fucking silent but Tatiana spoke up from the audience's side.

"U-Umm… Isn't this supposed to be a CCW Class? Why are we being shown how to prepare a pineapple?"

"Did you watch closely?"

"Well, I did but–"

"Okay, I was just doing a little prep work for the actual thing."

"What actual–"

Tatiana was still in mid-sentence when I flicked my wrist and my knife just went through the pineapple in front of me without bracing it. And before all of them could breathe, I flicked my wrist for the second time, going back to its original position while using the same route.

Instead of them just blankly staring, they were now looking at me attentively, but then I raised the top of the pineapple with the leaves on it before I picked up a very thin slice. It was so floppy because of how thin it was and they could almost see through the pineapple with the right lighting behind it.

"What the fu–"

Each of them were still in shock before I chuckled and flicked my wrist several times over.











I have 10 students in total so I prepared 10 slices for each of them. With that said, they were as thin as the one I made previously but the pineapple still didn't topple over. All of them couldn't believe their eyes and none of them were moving when I laid all the slices at the table like they were playing cards.

"Have a bite, it's sweet."

My words seemed to have woken up from the trance and each of them rushed to the table and examined each piece. Well, a few skeptics checked what's left of the pineapple but in the end, their reactions were the same.

"Holy fucking shit!"



"How did you do that?!"

"That's impossible! It's the knife right?!"

I chuckled, "Why don't you try for yourself?"

I easily handed my knife over and the ones that tried failed miserably. Even Tatiana walked up to the table with a curious glance but once she tried to replicate what I just did, she also failed the challenge. She was just deep in thought as she would steal a glance but Russel took my knife from her and had a go as well.

Let's just say that if I didn't have a fast reaction, the pineapple that flew several feet would've been wasted.

After a short bit, I let my students eat the slice I made for them before I continued the lesson.

"Sweet, right? Anyway, a sharp knife like this one could help but what I did was an example of what deathly precision could give us. I'm not saying you should be able to do what I just did, but I do hope that all of you would be able to reach this standard in the future or something close to it. However, from our theory earlier, being able to do this is like answering 100 on a 1 + 1 question."

Russel chuckled from the back, "More like 1 million, bro. You're fucking nuts!"

"Heh. Anyway, my goal here is to not just teach you how to prepare a pineapple but to be able to protect yourselves while using the right amount of power, speed, etc. on our movements. We can't be that precise all the time but the idea is we should try… to do everything just right without unnecessary movements or lack thereof. Any questions before we start with the exercises? Russel?"

"Yeah, I have a question."


"Earlier, in the gas station… Why didn't you just lop the head of the fast zombie we encountered? You could've, right? But you just chopped its arm off before passing it off to Tatiana… Why did you do that? Can you elaborate on it using the 1 + 1 thingy?"

"Oh, that time? Well~ It's gonna get a little complicated now but hear me out. My wakizashi and Tatiana's knife were obviously shorter than that thing's arm as it was gunning for us, and even if we're able to go for its head right then and there, we can't just risk it if we're trying things out. We might come up short and end up giving an answer of 1 instead of a 2 in a 1 + 1 question."


"With that said, cutting one of its arms off will make the encounter much easier so we could make the 1 + 1 question into a 1 + 0 question. Even if our answer is 1, we changed the question so we just did right. Well, Tatiana tripping it down and me distracting it at the last second affected the whole thing too but we shouldn't dwell on it too much. The 1 + 1 question is just a way to, you know, look at it in much simpler terms."

Russel nodded slowly while squinting his eyes, "Oh, u-uh... I think I'm kind of getting your explanation..."

"Okay then. Now that we're done with the questions, we could start actual training. To my students, grab a bokken that you feel comfortable with and we'll start with basic movements first. Tatiana?"


"Come here, help me with this."


Tatiana obliged with my request and she helped me teach my CCW class. We first taught the group how to properly hold them before I made them do simple drills. The drills were just swinging them alternatingly with a cross and an 'X' pattern though Tatiana gave them drills of her own.

She even shared some of her insights and class concluded at 7:32 PM.

It took longer than I thought but I'm sure once they remembered the drills we've taught them, we could be on schedule next time and they could also practice on their own.

'I wanted to do more but I have so little time… I'll just do my workout after the meeting… I hate not being on schedule…'

I was walking down the stairs with Kaley and she turned to me when we entered our room.

"Something wrong?"

"Oh– not really. I'm just irritated that my schedule is a bit off. I'd like to do more things but there is not enough time. Everything works in my head but actually doing it have things I didn't account for…"

"We have all the time in the world now, don't we?" Kaley smiled before bumping my shoulder.

I smiled back before I nudged her as well, "Heh. You're absolutely right. How's the class though? Did I manage to teach you something?"

"Of course! I learned a lot!"

"Oh, I'm asking because I didn't hear you that much…"

"Well– I didn't utter a word 'cause I'm listening to every word you said. You troll a little too much but it's just a setup to make everyone listen once you turn it up a notch. I'm just so focused, the jokes just went over my head."

"Right, I remember you when you focus. You don't even make so much as a squeak when you're taking things in."

Kaley chuckled before she leaned closer, "Well… there's one thing that makes me not as quiet when I... take it in..."

"Oh… that one, huh?"


Kaley and I were just looking each other in the eye as her hand was touching 'me' just above my crotch. I let her do what she wanted before she placed my hand over her breasts but the moment she snaked her hand inside my pants, someone started knocking on the door.

Our breaths were just starting to get heavy but before Kaley kissed me, I called out to the person behind the door.

"Who is it?"

"Bro? It's me! A moment please?"


I looked at Kaley and said that it would be just a moment so we made it look like nothing happened before I walked towards the door and opened it.


"Hey, bro. Umm… Jay asked me to tell you that they would like to move to the furthest house by the canal system. They looked around earlier and they picked that one. I already told them that no one's living there but they just wanted to make sure."

"Oh, no problem. Tell them they could also borrow a car to move their stuff but tell them to stay a bit more for dinner and the meeting after so they wouldn't go back and forth. Oh, if they need furniture or some other stuff, just tell them to tell Rin and she'll hook them up."

"Okay, I'll tell them. Bye."

"Take care, man."

As soon as that conversation was over, I quickly closed the door and locked it before turning around and seeing Kaley just in the process of removing her bra while still wearing her top.

The moment she removed the hook from the front, her top just got stretched even more as her huge breasts were finally free from captivity. She started to massage them while looking me in the eye, and I could see how her nipples got hard and protruded from the shirt she was wearing.

I was just about to pounce on her when someone started knocking on the door again.

As soon as that happened, Kaley never looked so irritated when she covered herself with our blanket. I didn't ask who was behind the door because I opened it abruptly so we could get things done.

Once I did, I saw Russel just about to knock for the second time and I put out a fake smile.


"Can I have the pineapple?"





"Sure, go ahead. It's in the fridge, I think…"


For the second time, I quickly closed the door behind me and locked it because Kaley and I were already itching for something to happen between us. These disturbances were slowly getting in our nerves and we couldn't sneak a bit of time for ourselves.

With that said, I found her wearing nothing but her shirt and her cotton panties, and she was already inviting me under our blanket.

She was sucking on her fingers as she was looking at me, but as soon as I was about to remove my shoes and my shirt, another set of knocks resounded from the door.

Kaley and I never looked so frustrated but she just quickly covered herself while I turned around and put my hand on the door knob.

'I swear if this is Russel again, I'll shove that pineapple up his ass like what happened to that nazi in hell…'

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