Conan's other self

Chapter 42 Treasure hunt in progress

A few days later.

"Doctor, it's time to replace your car!"

In Dr. Agasa's Beetle, Moto Kojima, who was the largest and could only sit in the passenger seat, expressed his opinion, "I can't sit down at all!"

"You guys really don't know how to be polite at all." Conan's mouth twitched and he complained in his heart.

But the next moment, what surprised him a little was that Mitsuhiko actually helped.

The only one in the trio who didn't express an opinion was Ayumi who was sitting in the back row.

Ayumi was sitting on her left with Maplehara by the window, and on her right was a helpless Conan, looking left and right.

The jealousy in the car seemed to be materializing.

These elementary school students are as good as Conan in this regard.

Feng Yuan looked at the scenery outside the window and sighed.

In fact, Dr. Ali has been planning to change his car recently. He has recently made a small fortune through his invention.

The problem is, Dr. Ali also wants to buy a new Beetle-shaped car.

But that would be inconvenient for traveling with small children.

So the doctor, who has always liked these children, is now confused.

Fortunately, Feng Yuan helped him change the subject: "Okay, we will be there soon. As long as you can find the treasure, the doctor will have money to change his car."

The car will have to be replaced sooner or later.

Fengyuan also plans to pay for it himself.

Although the money left by Kudo Yusaku and his wife was said to be used to track the black organization, it is natural to use part of it to facilitate travel.

Moreover, he recently used Dr. Ali's account to make a fortune in the capital market, and he now has his own small treasury.

Dr. A Li followed Feng Yuan's words and agreed.

After all, they were just elementary school students. Ayumi, Genta, and Mitsuhiko soon began to discuss the treasure.

Just like talking about lottery tickets, we always talk about how to spend it.

Part of it will be used to replace Dr. Ari's car, and another part will be used as funds for the activities of the Junior Detective Team, and the rest...

The trio then began to fantasize.

Conan, caught between Ayumi and Mitsuhiko, is filled with the desire to complain.

He could tell at a glance that this was just an activity organized by Dr. A Li. Of course, it was impossible to find treasures. It would be nice to have a few toys.

Moreover, most of them are puzzles that he can solve even with his glasses.

I don’t know how Feng Yuan could bear it...



Conan glanced at Fengyuan and became serious.

If it was just the doctor's idea, then he would just have to watch the elementary school students play... But...

What if that guy Maplehara was also involved?

Maplehara, who noticed the sight, glanced at Conan who was looking serious for some reason.

"Wow! What a big house! Is this really your uncle's villa, Doctor?"

In a clearing in the woods, there is an old two-story villa.

The doctor took out the key and opened the door and replied: "That's right! My uncle's name is Agasurisuke, and he is a well-known rich man in this area. Fifty years ago, he passed away after hiding his huge wealth. ."

"Of course I've come here to look for it," Dr. Ali continued, "but I haven't found it yet. So I'm asking your young detective team to help me look for it this time."

The trio happily followed Dr. Agas into the house. Conan lagged behind and came to Fengyuan, who always liked to walk at the back. He asked tentatively: "Hey, Fengyuan, is the so-called treasure hidden by you?" Are you up?"


"Don't try to lie to me. You didn't even look at the layout when you entered the room. You must have been here with the doctor."

"Oh... I came here," Fengyuan explained, "but it was the doctor who hid the things, and I didn't do anything."

This is the truth.

A few days ago, the doctor asked him to hide toys with him. He had only fully recovered from the cold, so he didn't have much interest in participating.

However, he found strange patterns on some things in the house, like graphic reasoning... Of course, he was not very interested.

Conan naturally didn't believe it.

Counting it all, he had been "cheated" by Fengyuan several times, and he would not be fooled again this time.

Just as the Ayumi trio greeted the two of them, Conan walked over and carefully looked at the surrounding layout.

When passing Dr. Agasa, Conan noticed a painting on the wall.

The man in the painting is probably Dr. Ari's uncle, and the fireplace in the background is exactly the same as the one in the room.

Being able to find a painter to paint for him at his home, Dr. Ali's uncle is indeed a rich man.

Conan thought this, and then noticed the footprints on the ground.

Since no one has lived in this house for a long time, there is a lot of dust on the ground, so there will be relatively clear footprints left in some places.

The most numerous are obviously the footprints of Ayumi and others who just ran past, but there are also footprints that clearly belong to adults.

After glancing at Feng Yuan, who had already joined the trio to start hunting for treasure, Conan secretly complained, and then looked at the doctor's shoes.

"What's the matter, Conan?" the doctor asked.

Speaking of which, Doctor seems to have not called me Shinichi for a while... Thinking to himself, Conan said: "Doctor, your deception is too obvious, you can see it at a glance."

"What kind of deception?" Dr. Ali looked puzzled. Has he ever done anything like this? "

"These are the footprints," Conan reasoned. "Your footprints went directly to the room over there - those are Maplehara's footprints over there, right?" He pointed to the place where the trio had not been, "You have been wandering around this room... I guess you left these footprints on purpose. In fact, it was just a trick to deceive me..."

"You think too much," the trio began to rummage through the boxes, and Fengyuan, who didn't want to join in the trouble, came back, "I just walked around a few times while waiting for the doctor to hide something."

"Besides, why didn't you tell me about that footprint?" Fengyuan pointed to the ground nearby.

Those are the footprints of an adult.

But not Dr. Agasa's.

Conan's face changed slightly and his expression became serious.

Before, his mind was full of wanting to expose the doctor and Maplehara's tricks. In addition, the first thing he saw was the doctor's footprints, so he preconceptionally thought that the adult's footprints were all the doctor's.


"Is this really not something you two set up on purpose?"

"No." Fengyuan shook his head, "The doctor and I didn't have this when we came here last time."

This meant that someone else had entered the house since he and the Doctor had last left.

According to Dr. A Li, no one had lived in this house for decades, and it would be demolished soon, so a few people became a little more vigilant.

Conan thought for a while, seemed to have thought of something, and asked Fengyuan: "Fengyuan, when did you discover these footprints?"

"When we first came in."

Fengyuan was confused and didn't know what this question had to do with the person who came in.

Conan looked strange.

"So...have you already called the police?"

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