I once heard a senior writer say that there are generally three types of endings in novels.

Solution, ending, breaking game.

The solution is to solve the problem;

What ends is human;

What breaks the game is the heart.

It sounds esoteric, and it actually took me a long time to figure out what it meant.

The solution is easy, but the ending is difficult.

As for breaking the game, that is the highest state.

The better the ending, the easier it is for readers to remember.

The reason why the front-end time is updated very slowly is that I don't know how to finish it, so I have been thinking about it for a long time.

I have always disliked game resolutions. After the story is over, the protagonist is the best, and the story is over.

In contrast, I really like American blockbusters that seem to end, but leave a suspense in the end.

I still remember the first online novel I read: "Zhu Xian".

At the foot of Qingyun Mountain, Zhang Xiaofan lived an ordinary life with Big Yellow and Little Hui. In the end, Lu Xueqi appeared, and the eyes of the two met...

"How many years, the sorrows of the world, are all in this deep glance... Then, the bell rang, and the green clothes fluttered gently, as if with a smile."

This is the end.

When I read this book, I was still in junior high school, and I thought, "Why is it over?"

Many readers hope that Mr. Xiao Ding will continue writing, because readers feel that the book is not over.

"Did Zhang Xiaofan and Lu Xueqi end up together?"

This must be everyone's biggest concern.

In fact, Mr. Xiao Ding may have told everyone. Or maybe, no.

But in any case, I personally think this is a very good ending, leaving readers with infinite reverie.

Leng Se's first book "The Awakening of Ability in the End Times" actually ended in this way.

Because I feel that the ending of the protagonist is in the reader's heart, not in the author's pen.

Therefore, I don't like to solve the game, and I don't like the ending, but I want to break the game but find it is not easy.

I just wanted to give everyone an impressive ending.

Maybe in another two years, three years... or even ten years, you can still remember the end of this story, Qi Fan, and our somewhat tragic "God".

If it can do that, I feel like it's a successful ending.

Just like after finishing the book "The Awakening of Supernatural Powers in the Last Days", many readers came to me and said, "Author, continue writing!"

In my opinion, this is success.

Explain that the end of the story is not written to death, so that readers feel: "Oh, that's it!"

Well, having said so much, I don't know if everyone understands, after all, I know that many of the readers are still students.

All in all, I hope this ending can satisfy everyone, let everyone go to aftertaste and reverie!


The new book "Supernatural Powers" has been released, here is an advertisement for the new book, friends who haven't read it yet, hurry up and get in the car!

This is Leng Hue's third book. As I said, this is another story based on the world background of "The Awakening of Ability Awakening at the End of the World".

With a million-word novel as the background setting, it must be very exciting.

For the new book, I also had to re-read the first book I wrote, the purpose is to hope to surpass it.

As you all know, the first two books of Leng Se were all harems at the end, so in the book "Supernatural Powers", I decided to make some changes.

The character of the protagonist is naturally sunny and cheerful, with a little bit of humor from time to time.

Well, the main reason is that I don't want to create a cold protagonist, because I think this kind of protagonist is too boring, maybe because Leng Se himself is a sunny and cheerful person! (laughing)

There will still be many female characters, and there will be various ambiguous stories with our protagonist.

However, Ning Tiancheng is different from Ning Qiu and Qi Fan. He is more dedicated than the previous two, and he is loyal to the one he loves.

Friends who hope to support "Universe Invincible Pretending System" can continue to support "Super God and Supernatural Person"!

This book will definitely not disappoint you!


Finally, thanks to the readers who accompanied me along the way!

It is because of your company that I am who I am today! Thanks! (applause, sprinkle flowers)

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