Cross-border surveillance

Chapter 27 Some lives are just like cheating

In the clean and tidy farmyard, at noon, Tao An and the others each had a deck chair, blowing on a fan, setting out a fruit plate and iced drinks, and chatting about the whole country. It was quite comfortable, but it was too hot.

"Xiaochen, Xiaohan, come back and play at home when you have time. I'll ask your uncle to prepare delicious food for you." Liu Xiaorong's voice came from the surveillance camera, communicating with Tao An and the others through the air.

Liu Haochen smiled and waved: "Okay auntie, but Uncle Greedy has been cooking for a long time, and he will definitely have enough by then."

"The more you eat, the happier you will be. Okay, Auntie is busy, so I won't talk to you anymore. Xiaohan needs to remember that if you have the opportunity, you can introduce a girlfriend to Xiaoan. That's it, you guys are having fun."

"Don't worry, Auntie, I remember," Zhao Shihan replied with a smile.

After the phone call ended, Tao An was speechless and said: "You guys are laughing, my mother always urges me to find a girlfriend."

"It's normal. After all, my age is here, so the elders are worried." Liu Haochen expressed his understanding.

Zhao Shihan said seriously: "Brother An should really find a girlfriend. It's not a problem to be single all the time. Many of my girls are jealous of you, and they are just waiting for you to speak."

"This kind of thing depends on fate. You can't force it." Tao An said calmly. He was still young anyway, so take your time and wait until you meet someone you really like.

Liu Haochen stared at his phone and suddenly changed the subject: "I'm going, the class reunion thing that day finally came to an end."

"Oh? Tell me about it." Tao An immediately became interested.

He immediately shouted: "What happened that day was very unpleasant and a bit big. The boy who was beaten was a bit capable. He threatened to send several of his classmates who beat him to the police for a few years. They also conducted an injury assessment. Well, it turns out that he was so angry because he couldn't express his love. He didn't care about the friendship between classmates at that time. It's simply worthless."

"I have to say that our squad leader is really responsible. In the past few days, he not only went to the detention center to visit the boys who took action every day to express his gratitude for their generous action, but also worked hard to deal with this matter."

"The boy who was beaten refused to let go. The squad leader wanted to mediate at first, and didn't want the relationship between us to become too tense. However, the shameless guy actually took the opportunity to threaten the squad leader and agreed to his confession. He even lost his face."

"Originally, the squad leader wanted to handle this matter with gentle means. Since the guy didn't want to lose face, the squad leader immediately became tough. The specific details are unclear. It seems that some connections were used. The guy not only did not pursue the case, but also canceled it. The case came to my door to apologize, and then nothing happened again.”

"I heard, I heard, I don't know if it's true or not. The guy seemed to be frightened, and he ran away to the south in despair the next day. You said it caused a scene. It was a good class reunion, but it turned out It’s like this”

After hearing what he said, Tao An couldn't help but sigh: "People change. When you grow up, you are not as innocent as you were when you were a child. Fortunately, we didn't go that day, otherwise we might have been implicated."

"You can't say that. If we go, things may not turn out like this. Everything has two sides," Liu Haochen shook his head.


Zhao Shihan said excitedly at the side: "This matter has been spreading in the group these days. It's because of this that some situations of many squad leaders in recent years have been revealed. It's half true and half false. It's spread like crazy. of"

"What's going on with the monitor? I didn't even notice," Liu Haochen asked curiously.

He was curious about the monitor, but Zhao Shihan didn't show any jealousy at all. Instead, he answered directly: "I heard people in the group discussing that the monitor went to Shanghai University with excellent grades in high school. She has always been a top student. Ba's world is not something we mere mortals can understand. It only took her one year to complete her credits at university, and then she went to study abroad as an exchange student. She came back directly at the beginning of the year with a doctoral diploma from a world-renowned university."

"It's not over yet. After I came back, the squad leader took over a company and it was running smoothly. She was a domineering female president. The problem is that she is still two years younger than us. She jumped up a grade in the beginning and was only twenty years old. The life of one or two years is a legend to us. We ordinary people can't even see her back. We don't know how high we will reach in the future."

Hearing this, Liu Haochen slumped down on the recliner and said: "Look at other people's achievements, and then look at yourself. The work has not been implemented yet. It is nothing. The gap between people is simply wider than that between people and pigs."

"Don't insult pigs," Tao An joked, but he also lamented: "Sometimes you have to admit that some people's lives are just like cheating, which is simply unreasonable."

Zhao Shihan's focus was different from theirs, but she said thoughtfully: "Don't you find it strange?"

"What's weird?" Liu Haochen was puzzled.

She continued: "Think about it, when we were in ninth grade, the class president skipped a grade. With her grades, high schools across the province were scrambling to get her and offered many generous conditions. She could have skipped a grade again. But she actually stayed, and she stayed for four years, until she graduated from high school. Regardless of her age, her grades in her first and second years of high school could have directly recommended her to many well-known universities."

"No, wife, what do you want to express?" Liu Haochen was confused.

Zhao Shihan continued: "Don't you realize it yet? There is a big problem here. Many students speculated that the monitor could have skipped grades continuously. The reason why he stayed was probably because of someone. At the class reunion that day, the monitor said that he had already skipped grades. She had someone she liked, which further confirmed this. Then after going to college, in Ange's words, she suddenly continued to cheat. The classmates guessed that she showed it because she was not in the same university as the person she liked. Yes, and there is also the fact that she has kept a very low profile in the past few years when she went abroad, and there was no news of love at all. After getting her doctorate diploma, she came back without hesitation despite the efforts of large foreign companies to persuade her to stay."

"After taking over the company, the operation is booming. After everything in the company is on track and settled, I can't wait to organize a class reunion..."

"What do you think, why is she so eager to organize a party? The answer couldn't be more obvious. She wants to see her sweetheart!"

After hearing what Zhao Shihan said in one breath, Tao An and Liu Haochen were both a little stunned. It seemed quite reasonable?

"No, I admit it makes sense, but isn't it a bit too magical?" Liu Haochen said in disbelief.

Zhao Shihan thought it was normal and said, "How is this impossible? After all, reality is more magical than literary and artistic creation. And is there any other reasonable explanation for the monitor's performance?"

"I can't refute it," Liu Haochen shrugged, saying that it was too difficult for him to struggle with this.

Zhao Shihan continued: "Instead of worrying about these, it is better to think about what kind of boy is worthy of the monitor, and what kind of magic power does that person have? Not only were the students curious, but the big incident that day spread on the Internet. , and even caused discussions among some well-known bloggers, but the matter quickly disappeared from the Internet."

"Girls just like gossip, and it doesn't matter what we have nothing to do with." Liu Haochen didn't care, and turned to Tao An: "Brother An, if you are idle, you are idle, let's have a game? Let's go to the canyon together. Kill him until he bleeds like a river?"

"You can play by yourself, I have to practice later." After waving his hand, Tao An looked at Zhao Shihan and said, "Shishi, don't think so much. What if you guessed wrong? After all, I was the class leader back then. She is cold and cold, always rejecting people thousands of miles away, and because she is a top student, it is very stressful for me to face her personally, so it is impossible for her to be a love brain."

"Maybe, but you boys don't understand girls. Many unreasonable things happen to girls. It's normal. Don't forget that the monitor's surname is Jiang. Isn't there a saying on the Internet that people with the surname Jiang are easy to become stupid? Here, haha," she said with joy.

Tao An stopped discussing this topic. Time was almost up. He stood up and said, "You two can have fun by yourselves. If you have nothing to do, go for a walk around. I'm practicing..."

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