Cross-border surveillance

Chapter 73 Nothing can be done without rules

After a few hours, Jiang Jinyu didn't see half of Tao An, which made her feel extremely frustrated. She even had the urge to use some means to find traces of Tao An, such as finding an excuse to adjust the surveillance, such as Call someone and ask.

Thinking about it, she didn't do that, it wasn't necessary. Although she came here to 'encounter' Tao An by chance, it was not good to be too deliberate.

With her physical strength, it was impossible for her to run for several hours. She spent most of her time walking, but unfortunately she never saw the figure in her mind.

"At this point, I'm afraid he has already finished practicing and left. There is no need to continue. If you come back in the afternoon, you will definitely meet him. If not, you will meet him tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. One day you will meet him!"

To cheer herself up, Jiang Jinyu finally gave up on this chance encounter, so she called the driver to pick her up...

Tao An, who was silently practicing in a corner, didn't know that Jiang Jinyu had been looking for him for several hours. After finishing the exercises, although he felt a little tired, his whole person felt an indescribable sense of relief. Every time he practiced , the body has been tempered and the physique has been improved. The feeling is simply wonderful.

After several hours of practice, he was sweating and feeling a little uncomfortable. He planned to go back to his sister's place to wash up. There was nothing to do at noon, and he also planned to briefly deal with the mud he got yesterday.

But when he picked up the phone, he was a little dumbfounded. The series of missed calls were like a reminder.

Since when has your phone been at risk of being called up? This is an experience Tao An has never had before.

After taking a look at the missed calls, Tao An found that they were basically from two people. A small number of them were from Zheng Jinen, the stickman who had had a call with him once. Seeing his missed calls, Tao An guessed that the guy hadn't given up yet. He didn't know what he was trying to do, so he ignored it for the time being. From the bottom of his heart, he really didn't want to deal with the guys from Bangzi Country, not to mention that the other party definitely didn't have any good intentions.

To Tao An's surprise, more than 80% of the missed calls were from Uncle Luo, the fisherman he met yesterday.

"Why is Uncle Luo calling me so many times?"

After pondering for a moment, Tao An estimated that it was probably because of the Ningshenxiang, but he couldn't find any other reason.

After thinking about it, whether it was out of politeness as a junior or someone else's help, Tao An had no reason not to call back, so he called the other person back.

The call was quickly connected, and it seemed that the other party had been waiting all the time. Tao An said immediately: "Hello, Mr. Luo, I'm sorry, I was busy earlier and didn't look at my phone. Is there anything I can help you with?" "

"Xiao Tao, it's really hard to call you. I didn't answer dozens of calls. I thought you were kidnapped." Before, the phone calls one after another seemed to be urging people to die, but now they are no longer in a hurry. , and was still in the mood to joke with Tao An.

Tao An smiled and said: "Mr. Luo, you are joking. In today's society governed by law, surveillance is everywhere. It is almost impossible for kidnapping to happen. Besides, what are they trying to do by kidnapping me?"

"Yes, life is better now and society is stable. This is all bought with the blood of the older generation... Oh, look at me, an old guy, I talk a lot. Don't mind me."

After saying this, he paused for a while and then said: "It's like this, Xiao Tao. Let me just say it directly. Do you have time now? I have something I want to talk to you about."

"You are free now, Mr. Luo, where do you want to meet? I will go directly to you." Tao An did not refuse. He really had time, and another person helped him. From Mr. Luo's words, Tao An judged that He must be a respectable old man, and there is no reason to refuse either emotionally or rationally.

Uncle Luo smiled and said: "No need to trouble you to make a trip. There is a pavilion not far away from where we fished yesterday. What do you think?"

"Okay, junior, it's not far from there. Let's go there." Tao An looked up and nodded.

"Well, see you later."

After hanging up the phone, Tao An went directly, but he was thinking in his mind that Uncle Luo wouldn't let him go to him, maybe he lived in a place where ordinary people couldn't go there, and he was so impatient, could it be that he was directly conquered by Ningshenxiang?

Anyway, he soon knew it and he no longer thought about it.

Soon Tao An arrived at the agreed place, and soon Uncle Luo came leisurely. He didn't bring any fishing gear today, so Tao An quickly got up to greet him.

"Little Tao, please wait for a long time. I am old and my legs and feet are inconvenient. Sit down, sit down. You are welcome. I would like to trouble you to run over." Uncle Luo said with a smile after entering the pavilion.

Tao An said: "I have just arrived. Mr. Luo, please sit down first."

After the two sides exchanged some pleasantries and sat down, Uncle Luo said bluntly: "Xiao Tao, you should have guessed the reason why I am looking for you. I am looking for you specifically because of the incense you gave me yesterday."

"I think Mr. Luo, you have already experienced the effect of that kind of fragrance," Tao An said with an unsurprising smile.

Nodding, Uncle Luo sighed and said: "Yes, after I went back last night, I thought about the incense you gave me, so I lit one and tried it. I can't say it has any effect. To be honest, I haven't slept in it for many years." Such a good sleep. Over the years, I have been fishing to soothe my mind, but the effect is very little. Many times, I dream about those scenes and wake up and can't sleep anymore... Oh, look, I talked too much again. Anyway, it was me yesterday The best sleep I’ve had in more than ten years, thanks to your scent.”

"It's a great honor for me to help Mr. Luo have a good night's sleep," Tao An said sincerely.

Although Tao An only came into contact with the other party twice, his words and deeds were different from ordinary people, especially the stability that the older generation fought for with blood, and those pictures that woke him up and made him unable to sleep. What pictures? Maybe it was a scene of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. Tao An was 80% sure that this Mr. Luo was probably a GM who had shed his life and blood.

"Okay, let's not beat around the bush. I'm looking for you this time. You said that you made that incense. I want to buy some from you as a private person. I really need it, and I often suffer from insomnia. Duo Meng's old friend also needs it very much. When the time comes, I will show it in front of them and let them beg me, hehe." As he spoke, Uncle Luo himself became happy.

It's a lie to show off, but it's true to help his old friends solve their insomnia and dreaminess.

Hearing this, Tao An hesitated.

Upon seeing this, Uncle Luo groaned: "What? Are you in trouble?"

Tao An quickly said: "That's not true. Well, let's put it this way. It's true that the incense was made by the junior himself, but the process is very cumbersome and I can't make much in a month, so the quantity I have here is also limited. If Uncle Luo If you want it, just buy it. It doesn’t matter if I give you some as a gift. No matter how many juniors there are, I can’t help you. I still hope that Mr. Luo Haihan will do it.”

"There is no reward for no merit. We have never owed anything to you. If you have the heart, I will accept it. If you give it to me again, I will not take it. I have also taken many health care products over the years, but the effect is not as good as yours." It's not worth mentioning in front of me, so are you worried about the price? If you still have some extra money, I still have some pension. If not, my children and grandchildren should respect this old thing like me. So you don’t have to worry about this issue at all," Uncle Luo said carefully.

This was so confusing that Tao An didn't know how to answer, so he simply said: "Mr. Luo, the production of that kind of incense is indeed very complicated. There are some special ones that can only be made once a month, and you can't make much each time. Can you It depends on how much you need, I will give you some evenly."

The price was not mentioned. For Tao An, the cost was just like that. He had a strong idea of ​​what money should be earned and what should not be earned. He could be jealous of those rich people who were not short of money, but he was not interested in these old people who deserved respect. , he can give it away for free without hesitation.

"First tell me the price. Don't lie to me. It should be whatever it is. I know you have that intention, but I can't rely on you to take advantage of you. If you lie to me, I will understand. I will still pay for it when the time comes. I won’t miss you, and it’s useless if you refuse,” Uncle Luo said seriously. He had his persistence, and even though he said it casually, there was an undoubted flavor.

At this point, Tao An could only say: "Okay, as for the price, the first time I sold it online was 666. The second time I had a headache, the price was a bit expensive...", he said here Carefully looking at Uncle Luo, who looked serious, he said bravely: "The price I set for the second time is 16,888 a piece!"

Mr. Luo had obviously seen the big winds and waves. He was not surprised by the price. Instead, he nodded and said: "You sold it cheap the first time. The price the second time, that kind of fragrance is worth the price, and it can even be used." It is said that it is great value for money, and there are no rules without rules. Since you have set the price, then follow your price, otherwise it will be chaos."

At this point, he changed the topic and said helplessly: "Unfortunately, I can't afford the price you set for the second time. I can't even buy half of one with my monthly pension. Although my children and grandchildren have I have a career, but I can’t spare that much money to buy incense for my old man to use every day.”

He had already said it for this reason, but it took such a turn, which was quite embarrassing.

After thinking about it, Tao An hesitated and said: "Why don't I give you some as a gift? Don't mention the money. Just treat it as a little thought from me."

Mr. Luo immediately waved his hand and refused righteously: "No, let me think about it..."

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