Cross-border surveillance

Chapter 81 I admit that I spoke a bit loudly before

The crazy big buffalo was lying there with a rusty steel drill stuck in its neck. Blood was pouring from its wounds and mouth and nose. It had been struggling with its limbs so much that the ground around it was rolling.

This scene is quite shocking to ordinary people.

In particular, there was a sharp contrast between the wild buffalo's rampage and the image of it lying there motionless. Tao An, the instigator, suddenly became the focus of the villagers.

He looked fair, tall, tall and elegant, but he actually killed the crazy buffalo with a steel drill!

It was so dazzling that the villagers didn't even notice that the cow had a steel drill inserted into its neck and was bleeding. Then it struggled and lay there motionless...

Tao An stood ten or twenty meters away from the big buffalo and looked at it quietly. Even though it had stopped moving, he still did not relax his vigilance. It would never go wrong to be careful.

He remembered that when he was very young, his grandparents killed the New Year pig, and the pig blood had already dried up. He was about to put it into the pot and use boiling water to soup the pig hair. However, the big fat pig that was obviously dead fluttered, and the pig butcher almost missed it. Kick your balls to pieces.

Anyway, even if you are overly cautious now, it is better than an accident happening.

Seeing that the crisis was over, the villagers gradually gathered around, talking about everything, some were scared, some were regretful, some were excited, some were amazed, and some were in an uproar...

"You were so black just now. My liver was shaking when the cow was running, and I was going crazy."

"The second uncle called and said he was bitten by a snake. I'm afraid it was a five-step snake."

"Tao An, you got it? You don't have anything to say? He just happened to be a black man, and you actually stabbed him to death with a stick. You are so cruel that you will be criticized."

"It's a pity for this cow, it can still plow the fields for several years."

"Yeah~, I can't tell you, the kids who came back from the city are all very fussy. I heard that you are practicing martial arts recently?"

"Where's the second uncle? He's still up in the tree. His foot poles are soft and he can't get down. Please come and help me..."

Seeing the chattering villagers swarming in one after another, Tao An was so noisy that he couldn't hear what they were saying, but he still reminded loudly: "Stand far away first, don't get close, just in case the cowboy steals the bag, we'll deal with it." Well, it’s amazing to complete it to a French style.”

After returning for a while, Tao An's native dialect became smoother and smoother. He had lived in the provincial capital for many years, and although he usually spoke dialects, the accent was still a little different in his hometown. How can I put it? Compared with his hometown, the provincial capital The dialect there is a bit "racial".

Anyway, after his reminder, the villagers had different moods, but they did not dare to approach the dead mad cow. It was really that the guy before was too scary. As the so-called tiger dies, it still has residual power. Although the mad cow is not a tiger, it still has residual power. .

In this way, Tao An became the focus of the villagers.

"Isn't it amazing how much money you have to make?" A village woman looked at Tao An and exclaimed. She couldn't imagine that the gentle Tao An was capable of killing a mad cow with a stick without even seeing it clearly.

To be honest, her words in dialect would definitely hit the brains of people from other provinces.

Someone on the side echoed: "My enemy, are you not afraid of stepping? If it were me, the foot pole would even flicker, let alone give it a moment."

"Good luck, good luck. I was also bitten by black hair. I gave it a blow in a panic, and when I found out, I killed it." Tao An tried his best to be conciliatory. It was not that he was deliberately hiding anything, but it was just too troublesome to explain.

While he was being watched, the old man, who was called his second uncle according to his seniority, finally came down from the tree with the help of others.

When he saw the dead buffalo, he felt extremely complicated. He was definitely afraid, but he was also heartbroken. He felt sad for the cow he had raised for many years, and also felt sad that this was a huge loss.

Such a big cow is now worth 10,000 to 20,000 yuan, which is a lot of money for a rural family.

But the matter had come to this, and he had no choice. He looked around with turbid eyes, and finally looked at Tao Anxin with lingering fear and said: "It's best if people don't get into trouble."

Nowadays, although the poor are still poor and the rich are still rich, no matter how poor you are, at least you can live a decent life. The sky will not collapse if a cow dies in the family. The best result is that everything is fine.

If someone was injured or had an accident because his cow went crazy, my second uncle wouldn't know what to do.

"Second uncle, the cow is dead, can we still eat the meat? If we sell it, we can recover some losses." Someone turned their attention to the dead mad cow.

Although Tao An, who killed the mad cow, attracted more attention, for rural people, many times they are more concerned with reality. No matter how good Tao An is, it is still his business. At most, people will be amazed, and people will discuss it for a while after dinner, but Niu An Ah, these things are closely related to everyone's lives.

The second uncle also shook his head in confusion and said: "I don't know if beef can still be eaten, I'm afraid it's not. I saw it was bitten by a Luo Tietou, and he went crazy after a haha. It's poisonous. I'm afraid. It’s serious”

Luo Tietou is a highly venomous snake. Tao An has heard of this, but can the venom of this snake make a big buffalo go crazy? Could it be a neurotoxin? Not necessarily, it's also possible that the big buffalo is just going crazy because of the pain. Anyway, things are like this, and it's useless to worry about it so much.

"What can we do?" Someone asked how this would end.

The frightened second uncle simply sat on the ground and sighed: "We'll see what they say when the police and firemen arrive."

Now that people in rural areas have access to the Internet, you can always go to them for anything, and they are like omnipotent.

The siren was getting closer and closer, and probably because the news spread quickly, people came one after another to watch the excitement, and more and more people gathered.

While waiting, the second uncle who was in the center looked back at Tao An and said, "Anzai, you almost had an accident today, and it's all thanks to you, otherwise you wouldn't have known how to settle the matter and come to my house for dinner tonight."

The old man was frightened and expressed his feelings with the simplest thoughts.

Tao An shook his head and declined politely: "It's okay, second uncle. I was just a little frightened. Let's forget about eating. After all, even if it wasn't me, Mad Cow won't be solved in a minute when the police and firemen arrive."

The second uncle still wanted to hold on, but someone next to him turned his attention to Tao An again and asked: "Did you react to the situation just now? If it were me, I would probably be gored to death by a bull's head. !”

Tao An couldn't laugh or cry, and secretly thought that although he had stabbed the mad cow to death with a hammer, he was still in the category of a normal human being. Whether it was a coincidence or an accident, it could all be explained. After all, people will die when they are killed, and the same goes for cows.

If he was glowing and could kill him with one punch, or if he was killing him with sword energy and light, then he couldn't explain it. Although he didn't have that ability now, it wasn't a big problem at the moment anyway.

The villagers felt it was just exciting at the moment, and it wasn't too bizarre.

Of course, this is also on the premise that no major accident occurs, otherwise it would not be such a harmonious picture at the moment.

Without waiting for Tao An to say anything, the police and firemen arrived at this moment. They were led by some villagers to the col. Good guy, there were quite a lot of people here. There were police, special police, firemen, and even medical staff behind them. There are twenty or thirty people in one after another.

The sharp-eyed Tao An actually saw the anti-camera person behind the crowd!

It's just a cow going crazy. Is it such a big battle?

However, if you think about it carefully, this kind of thing can be big or small. At the most small level, it is just a cow going crazy, and at the most serious level, it is very likely to cause death. In order to prevent accidents from happening, it seems normal to pay attention to it.

What is undeniable is that some public security special police officers came with guns, real guys, and as soon as they arrived, the air seemed to be filled with an aura of safety. Even if the mad cow had died before, it seemed that they did not make people angry because of their arrival. safer.

As soon as they arrived, they began to evacuate people and inquire about the situation.

However, what is ironic is that the villagers are afraid of mad cows but not afraid of them. The evacuation work is a headache. They are speechless if they can't be beaten and scolded. Moreover, there are many people talking about everything around, making it very noisy for people to handle the case. 'The staff had a headache.

Fortunately, the mad cow was dead and the situation would not be worse.

When the police and fire fighters arrived, people's attention was attracted, and Tao An quietly retreated behind the crowd. He had no interest in being in the limelight, and he even wanted to sneak away silently.

However, after quickly understanding what happened, he was still pushed out...

"It's you!" Officer Wang, who was leading the team, said in surprise when he saw Tao An being pushed out of the crowd.

Tao An didn't get close to each other in this situation, and the two parties were not familiar with each other, so he could only smile and said: "Officer Wang, you led the team here."

This is something that is unclear. Officer Wang, who had a gun in his waist, waved his hand and said, "They said you killed the mad cow with a hammer? Do you still have this ability?"

"I'm lucky, I'm lucky, but I was in a panic and was forced to do nothing," Tao An said with a frightened look on his face, but it wasn't much of a pretense.

Although it is a bit outrageous, it is the fact. He has understood it before, so he nodded and said: "It is indeed too dangerous. You are really lucky this time. You will never think of such a thing in the future... but if it really happens It’s better to stay away and wait for us to deal with it. It’s too late to regret anything that happens.”

Whether it's out of duty or just to show off, they are at least sincerely considering the safety of the masses.

They arrived later and did not witness the previous scene with their own eyes. Moreover, the mad cows were dead, so they were not as nervous as at the beginning. The next step was to follow the process.

Tao An asked by the way: "Officer Wang, what will happen to this cow next?"

His words attracted the attention of some people around him.

"If something like this happens, even if the cow dies, we still have to take it back, and we need a few people to work with us to make a record. By the way, you killed the cow, so you have to go too," Officer Wang After thinking for a while he said.

Tao An quickly said: "No, I mean, what should I do with this cow? After all, my second uncle has raised it for several years. You also know that this is a big loss to his old man."

"I can't say this. According to your statement, the cow was bitten by a snake and went crazy, so it is poisonous and most likely cannot be sold. There is nothing we can do about it..." Officer Wang sighed, thinking that he was unlucky. He couldn't say it.

While talking, other police officers were maintaining order. The fire fighters went to the cow to check the situation. The medical staff who came with them withdrew when they saw that nothing happened. However, there were anti-cameras filming and questioning everywhere...

Officer Wang's words silenced everyone around him, and his second uncle's eyes dimmed when he heard his words.

Yes, if something like this happens, what else can you do besides admitting that you are unlucky? Police officers are not obliged to compensate.

After thinking for a while, Officer Wang asked tentatively: "By the way, does this cow have insurance? If so, you can ask the insurance company for compensation..."

In fact, he just asked casually, everyone knows about insurance, especially rural people, who are not in the habit of buying insurance for their livestock.

Upon hearing this, Tao An and everyone else subconsciously looked at the extremely melancholy second uncle.

Unexpectedly, his eyes lit up and he said: "Hey, don't tell me, my cattle actually bought insurance. Last year, someone went to the countryside to sell livestock insurance. I was so annoyed that I bought it by the way. It only cost a few dozen yuan. It's really useful." Will you accompany me?"

What about this?

Officer Wang immediately smiled and said: "This is easy to handle. You can find the insurance policy later, and we will help you contact us..." After saying this, he looked at the camera behind him and said: "Someone is crazy. So many people were mobilized for the cow's "injury" incident, and even the county TV station came. It might be on the local news. Now is the Internet age. I saw that many people used their mobile phones to film it. I guess it will be posted on WeChat Moments and short videos. The video has some public opinion, and with our communication, I guess the compensation won’t be a big problem.”

Hearing what he said, it seemed that things were moving in a good direction, and the second uncle's frown relaxed.

The next step is to go through the process, take photos and records, and ask people about the situation. Firefighters plan to remove the cattle. They need to issue a certificate after testing. If they are still edible, they will be returned. If they are not edible, they need to be formally destroyed.

Then, some relevant personnel need to go back with them to take notes. It is just a process. After all, it is not a crime, it is just an ordinary accident.

As a relatively key figure, Tao An naturally wanted to follow.

But he suddenly thought of the white flower dew that was still brewing at home. If it went away, it would delay the crucial finishing work, so he had to ask Officer Wang: "Can I not go with you? There are important things at home, can you be accommodating?" Ah, if that doesn’t work, I’ll go by myself after I finish my work?”

"This... is not impossible. After all, you are not a criminal. Strictly speaking, you have done something good. We basically understand the situation and have recorded it. Please take a look and make sure it is okay to sign. Just one word will do." Officer Wang thought for a while, but he didn't know what the situation was, and he actually agreed.

This surprised Tao An himself, but it was the best thing to do, and it didn't have to be so troublesome.

Taking the simple record he handed over, Tao An looked at it and saw that it was true, so he signed his name.

For him, this matter has come to an end, and the rest of the matter will naturally be handled by his second uncle and his family at the police station. Regarding the compensation for the dead mad cow, the police station will try its best to help.

Things are almost settled, those who should go home go home.

When the show was over, Tao An noticed that, my dear, hundreds of people from all directions had gathered to watch the fun. Didn't they all say that rural areas are now sparsely populated, where did these people come from?

And the few people taking pictures with their mobile phones seem to be local internet celebrities who are somewhat famous, right?

"Mr. Tao, we are from a local TV station. Can we do a simple interview with you? I'll just ask you a few simple questions and you can answer them casually. We already know the rest."

Just when Tao An returned home, the man carrying the camera found him.

I was actually interviewed one day? Bullfighting hero?

It suddenly occurred to him that people in movies, TV shows or novels would immediately think of doing something with cattle after practicing martial arts. He never thought that he would actually have such a day...

"Is there money for interviews?" Tao An asked curiously.

The person holding the microphone almost choked at his words and couldn't laugh or cry: "Mr. Tao is joking, there must be no money. We are all very poor. The local TV station itself doesn't pay much attention, but in order to maintain it, we always pay attention to it." Find out what happened and report it."

"It's just a joke. Don't take it seriously. Just ask whatever you want. I have no problem. By the way, can I code it during the broadcast? I just don't want to be in the limelight. This is not something worth showing off." Tao An laughed. smiled.

The corner of the other party's mouth twitched, thinking, "Are you thinking too much?" We just work hard (and do it half-heartedly), can we really make you famous?

But he still said: "Of course we will comply with the wishes of the parties concerned. Okay, let's officially start. May I ask Mr. Tao, how did you learn about this matter at that time, what did you think when you came here, and what did you see? What is your mentality when facing a mad cow? How do you feel now..."

These are all normal questions, and there is no prior communication and drafting. Tao An can answer truthfully, and the two parties will separate after a simple exchange. After all, this is not a big news, and there will be no waves afterward. .

In short, the matter ended like this, and people gradually dispersed, each going back to his own house to find his mother.

Of course, in this era where everyone has a smartphone, this matter has gradually begun to spread locally. After all, there are still some people who post short videos on WeChat Moments...

After returning home, Tao An slapped his forehead and wondered whether he should laugh or cry: "You came with me to go there together. Not to mention the thrilling experience, you also lost a steel drill?"

His steel drill that stabbed the mad cow to death was taken away as 'evidence'.

After working hard for several hours, it was only noon when I got back, so it was still early before the final moment of boiling the white flower dew.

Putting aside everything else, Tao An began to seriously examine his experience, and he felt quite enlightened.

"I have to say that after experiencing this, my 'combat power' has at least doubled!" After thinking about it, Tao An had to admit this fact.

The so-called doubling of combat power is not due to the sudden improvement in his physical fitness or the skills he practiced, but because of his spiritual growth. After overcoming fear, his mentality will naturally be different.

Individuals practice martial arts behind closed doors, no matter how hard they practice, they will not even be able to pass the psychological level in times of crisis. It would be good if they can perform half of their abilities, but when they overcome the mental hurdles, their abilities can be used normally. In that way, It will definitely be different.

To use the simplest analogy, why do some bad people make people feel scared and fearful? Is it because of how awesome they are? Of course not. Generally speaking, the physique of bad guys is not much different from that of other people, but why do they make people afraid? It's because they have a psychological advantage, are not afraid, and dare to take action. This is the source of fear.

When ordinary people face them, they are psychologically suppressed and can only restrain their hands and feet, knowing that they don't have more arms and legs than themselves.

"Today I faced a mad cow. In that situation, it was equivalent to a life and death crisis. I was able to calm down and finally killed it, overcoming the fear in my heart. Although the process was short, it was tantamount to a life and death fight. For my own growth, I don’t know how much better it is than finding a so-called actual combat experience as a sparring partner. Next time, when I face a similar dangerous situation, I have experience and will not be so panicked. I can perform my skills normally or even for a long time. , isn’t this equivalent to doubling the combat effectiveness?”

After summing up, Tao An had to admit this fact.

To be honest, Tao An lives in a peaceful society, and such "experience" opportunities are rare. If it were in another world, many fledgling martial arts practitioners would fail at this first step. People who have never seen blood , is not qualified to be a member of the Jianghu. It can be seen that blood means killing and danger.

I don’t know why, but recalling the scene of stabbing the mad cow to death, emotions such as fear, excitement, etc. suddenly came to my heart. Finally, when he stabbed the mad cow, these emotions calmed down, so that he actually felt a kind of fear in his heart. Inexplicable emotions are surging, as if looking forward to a similar situation happening next time!

When such an idea appeared in his mind, Tao An himself was shocked. Why did he have such an idea?

"Is stimulation also addictive? After overcoming fear, people will feel an indescribable pleasure? That's why I have such an idea?"

No wonder so many people abroad like to commit suicide.

Tao An clearly understood that his thinking was wrong.

"With a sharp weapon, you have a murderous intention. After seeing blood, your mentality will be different. No wonder Du Qingfeng always talks about practicing martial arts before practicing morality when teaching his apprentices. If the mentality is unstable, once people see it, After blood, it is easy to go astray. When a person can only use violence to solve problems, then he will definitely not be accepted by the world."

Understanding that there might be something wrong with his mentality, Tao An felt a little scared after realizing it. Fortunately, he discovered it in time, otherwise it would be difficult for him to guarantee whether he would do anything impulsive in the future. Now that he has discovered it, he slowly It’s still too late to adjust your mentality.

What we have to admit is that many times in a person's life, one thing will change his future, whether it is good or bad. When standing at a crossroads, if you cannot recognize yourself clearly, you will probably only go from one extreme to the other. The other extreme…

"Pay more attention to changes in your mentality in the future, and don't do irreversible things accidentally and impulsively."

The ringtone of the cell phone interrupted Tao An's thoughts, and before he knew it, the time came to a critical moment for making Baihualu, so he didn't think too much and started to get busy to distract himself.

Coming to the kitchen, various ingredients of white flower dew have been boiled in the electronic casserole for a day and a night. A faint mist of water rises, and the various strange flavors are mixed together to make it extremely complex.

When the time came, he turned off the heat and carried the casserole to the main room. After opening the lid, even though he added water many times a day, only half of the pot was left inside. The various ingredients were mixed together, like a pot of thick soup. Like, showing a turbid yellowish color.

If it weren't for the last step that hasn't been started, Tao An seriously doubts that this thing is actually a magical white flower dew. Fortunately, it is only a semi-finished product at the moment.

A porcelain basin was placed beside the pottery. A piece of filter paper was covered on the porcelain basin and fixed with a rubber band. Then, the casserole was picked up and the hot cooking substance was poured down to filter. No impurities were needed, only liquid was enough.

The filter paper can only pass through liquid, and the filtering is very slow, but Tao An is very patient.

It took more than ten minutes to complete. More than a liter of yellowish liquid was obtained, and the rest was useless.

At this time, the real critical moment comes, and lake mud needs to be added to act as a catalyst.

Tao'an had already prepared the lake mud. He took out the soaked and sealed bamboo tube from the water tank and brought an electronic scale, a spoon and a glass.

After the bamboo tube containing the lake mud is opened, it has been soaked in water for many days and becomes very moist. The originally dusty lake mud inside becomes a paste in the humid environment. It is a bit like the clay used to make porcelain, but it is much more delicate than that. many.

The electronic scale weighed the spoon and cup, and then Tao An used a spoon to dig out the proportion of paste and lake mud from the bamboo tube and put it into the cup.

After confirming that the ratio was correct, he sealed the bamboo tube again and put it in a water tank for storage. The rest can be used in the future, so this storage method is needed.

Then he added a certain amount of water to the part of the lake mud that was taken out and put it into the glass, and stirred it. Finally, he got a cup of off-white liquid, a bit like expired milk.

This is the key to white flower dew. It plays a decisive role. Whether it succeeds or not depends on the final result of pouring in the boiled and filtered liquid.

Without hesitation, Tao An began to pour the lake mud liquid in and stir it while the cooking liquid was still cooling.

A magical scene happened. The originally dim liquid had a complex smell. But as the lake mud liquid was added and stirred, its various complex smells became lighter, and its color itself also changed. Even the original liquid quickly became... It's thick, first like a paste, then like syrup, and finally turning into a paste that's a bit like jelly.

When the final lake mud liquid is poured in and stirred, what finally appears in the porcelain basin is a dark brown paste, exuding a faint fragrance of vegetation. It is difficult for Tao An to describe the specific smell. If he has to describe it, it is There is a natural taste of nature.

"This is White Flower Dew? The result is almost as described in the formula. Is this considered a success?" Looking at the final product, Tao An was not completely sure. After all, this thing has not been verified.

At this point, he doesn't have to worry so much anymore. He already has an idea on how to verify the effect. Now he needs to wait for the white flower dew to cool down completely before storing it.

While it was cooling down, Tao An found a glass bottle, washed and dried it, then put the white flower nectar into the glass bottle and closed the lid.

Not to mention, this dark paste is not sticky at all and is very malleable, which makes it easy to transfer it to a glass bottle.

"Is this thing White Flower Dew? Is the effect really that magical? It dissolves when it comes into contact with water. It doesn't take much to take a bath. It's probably enough to wash your hair. The whitening effect is obvious once, and the scar removal is initially effective after the second time." , three times to remove body odor, four times to stabilize the skin, smooth and delicate, and five times to make the body naturally emit a unique fragrance that suits itself, which lasts for a long time, and is completely unmatched by the smell of perfume..."

Tao An looked at the one-liter glass bottle in his hand and muttered, even at this time, he was personally skeptical about the effect of white flower dew. After all, he didn't dare to verify it.

And what I have to say is that if the effect is really as stated in the formula, once this thing comes out, I'm afraid there won't be any other similar products. There won't be any that can fight. Of course, the premise is that there are so many To hit the market with quantity, he can't even make waves with just such a handful in his hands.

But the quantity is not the key, the effect is where its real value lies. Just like the incense, the effect is there, who can deny its value? If operated properly, it will be a terrifying money printing machine!

At present, Tao An knows how much he weighs. There are many things that he has not thought about at all, and he does not dare to think about them. He is still in the accumulation and exploration stage. One day, when the time is right, many things will naturally develop to a certain level.

"I don't know if this thing is poisonous or not. You can't use humans to verify the effect at the first time. Score a few steps. Well, it's late. Let's practice it first. If there is no problem in the end, then take it to a testing agency for testing and get the test results. , as for whether to sell it or not, and what the price will be, we’ll discuss that later.”

No longer entangled, Tao An put away the white flower dew and got busy again. He concentrated on practicing martial arts and never fell behind every day.

After practicing, he took the time to open the other world monitoring software. However, the sun was rising over there and the yard was empty. It seemed that several of Du Qingfeng's apprentices had gone to work. There was nothing worth paying attention to. Tao An closed the monitoring screen.

He originally planned to drive to the town or county next to buy something to verify the effect of white flower dew, but after looking at the sky, it was already too late, so he had to give up.

There was nothing else to do next, so he simply watched short videos to pass the time.

As a result, Tao An soon came across several similar short videos, and they were local. They were about him killing the mad cow earlier, shot from different angles.

However, the matter was urgent at the time, and it was not a staged shot, and there was nothing critical. At best, it was just a scene of the villagers joining in the fun. There were almost no real scenes of him stabbing the mad cow to death with a pick, and the occasional shot was very shaky. Haven't caught his face yet.

Moreover, the villagers' short video accounts had almost no fans and insufficient attention, so this incident did not cause any waves, and at most it was mentioned in the local chat room.

Big data is very annoying. After all, it is about his own affairs. Tao Anduo watched two videos from different angles. As a result, multiple videos were about this matter in a row. In the end, he saw a short video that made him laugh and cry.

It was probably hastily made by a small local internet celebrity, who stole the villagers' videos and edited them, and also added exciting music and narration.

'Everyone, please pay attention. This man's name is Xiaoshuai. He is an expert hidden among the people. He stabbed a mad cow to death with just a steel drill. Here's what happened...'

The short two-minute video was mysterious at first, but it turned out to have no substantive content at all. The key scenes of the cut-out video only lasted two seconds and were still blurry. In short, there were only a few responses and not many likes in the comments. many.

This video style just follows the trend and will not attract much attention, let alone have any substantial impact on Tao An's life.

If you don't pay much attention to this matter, the past will be in the past and will soon be forgotten.

Soon a text message reminder interrupted Tao An's boring time. When he switched the screen, he saw that it was a bank account notification. More than 160,000 yuan was directly credited to his bank account!

"This is an order for Ningshenxiang. Has the payment been received?"

Tao An was stunned for a moment and quickly reacted. He immediately opened the backend of the online store to check the order. Sure enough, someone clicked to confirm receipt of an order sent to Hangzhou. However, it was in the morning and the payment had just arrived. The account is after taxes and platform sharing are taken out, and the payment speed is fast enough.

At the same time, Tao An also saw that several orders had been clicked to confirm receipt, and the payment for the goods would be received one after another.

"In other words, from now on, I will slowly start not to worry about money. When all the money is received, will I become a multi-millionaire?"

Realizing this, Tao An himself felt a little unreal. That was tens of millions, and it was legal cash at his disposal!

Before he came into contact with the surveillance software from another world, his biggest 'income' was the living expenses plus tuition given by his parents, which at most did not exceed 20,000.

And next, all I have to do is wait. Before long, my net worth will even exceed what my parents have accumulated over decades?

Even though Tao An's parents opened a restaurant and it seemed to be running well, he could guarantee that his parents definitely didn't have tens of millions in savings, which was far from enough. As for how much, he didn't ask, and even if he asked, his parents wouldn't tell him. , maybe your parents will think you have ulterior motives...

Although he had expected something, Tao An still couldn't suppress his emotions, and even the matter of killing the mad cow was forgotten.

After all, he was only twenty-three or less than twenty-four years old. He had so much money at a young age, so it was good that he didn't jump up and down with excitement.

"How can I spend this? I can't spend it all!"

At this time, he was happy and confused. He had no choice but to do so. He was just an ordinary person and had never experienced that kind of extravagant life. According to his standard of living, this money would be enough for a lifetime. Unlike those rich people who only had 10 million yuan. It can probably be spent in one day.

"Is this guy bubbling up again?"

After not struggling for long, Tao An, who was checking the online store, turned to the review section and raised his eyebrows. He saw that when Ningshenxiang was first put on the shelves, the netizen who was jumping up and down with only one punctuation mark in his name actually left a message again. .

After all this time, that guy is still paying attention to his online store!

However, the guy's attitude in his latest message took a 180-degree turn.

‘The store manager’s Ningshenxiang is sold out again, store manager Niubi, store manager you are a real boss, store manager you are a folk craft wonder’

‘I admit that what I said was a bit loud before, I was wrong, and now I apologize to the store manager’

'My personal experience is that the store manager's Ningshen Incense is very effective. Everyone who has used it says it is good. My grandpa bought a few of them from somewhere. I have tried them in the past two days and they are amazing. I have also tried them. Although the price is still ridiculously expensive, I am convinced. I just want to see my grandpa want to beat me.'

‘Manager, I sincerely apologize to you. I can’t take back my previous message. Just think of me as farting.’

‘What about that? I also want to buy some. I agree that it’s expensive. I plan to give it as a gift. This is its greatest value. But it’s out of stock. You sir have a large quantity. When will you put some on the shelves? ’

'Follow me and set a special reminder. I will buy it as soon as you put it on the shelves.'

'You should put it on the shelves soon...'

Tao An's mouth twitched when he saw these messages. Good guy, he gave a rainbow fart at the beginning, then sincerely apologized, and finally begged for Ningshenxiang to be put on the shelves. He also wanted to buy it.

Even though he had never talked to that guy before, Tao An still felt a little secretly happy. I asked you to hurt me so much in the beginning. I still liked your unruly look.

"Ningshenxiang. At first, the squad leader came to my online store by chance. She bought it because she was interested and had enough money. Later, because she was an old customer, the price was outrageous the second time. She took care of the business a little bit, and then it was just Jung Jin-eun, that evil guy actually bought it.”

"By some mistake, because of Mr. Luo, for some unknown reason, the Ningshenxiang was sold out all at once. The person who can sell it is either not short of money or has an unusual status. This is for sure."

"As for this netizen, his grandfather actually used Ningshenxiang. It seems that although this guy does various things online, he is probably not an ordinary person in reality."

He rubbed his chin and thought, but what the hell, what is that guy like, what kind of person is he, and what does he have to do with Tao An? If you can't hit it with eight poles, how can you find it by following the network cable?

These are all secondary. What Tao An is considering is, based on the current situation, should he make Ningshen Incense again and put it on the shelves? He hesitated.

It must be produced, and he must use it himself. The ones he has are only enough to last for a month or two, but sales must be considered.

There is no doubt that selling on the shelves is like picking up money, but Tao An is worried that it will cause some bad consequences. Making too much money will attract people's jealousy. He can't resist such consequences yet, even if Mr. Luo gave him ambiguous reassurance, but He, Tao An, has nothing to do with Mr. Luo, so why should he protect him from wind and rain?

And if you think about it deeply, if it reaches a certain level, even if Mr. Luo insists on being on his side, can he really withstand it?

This is where Tao An hesitates. He wants to make money, but if he has too much money and his own abilities are not enough, then it is not a good thing but a bad thing.

People must know how to recognize themselves. The more times like this, the more calm they must be.

"Let's see, not to mention putting Ningshen Incense on the shelves again for sale. I haven't even prepared the raw materials for the third batch of Ningshen Incense. Even if I prepare it now, it will be more than a month later."

Instead of worrying so much, Tao An plans to verify the effect of white flower dew in the next period of time, and then consider other things after getting the test report.

Before he knew it, it was already dark, and he estimated that it was almost time. When he was about to take out his old phone and open the other world monitoring software again, a message suddenly popped up at the top of his new phone.


The message had only one word and was sent via WeChat, and the person who sent the message surprised Tao An. It was actually the squad leader Jiang Jinyu.

Her WeChat name is the same as her online name, also called An Zhiyu.

Why is the monitor sending me a message at this time? And just one word...

Tao An was a little confused when he saw the information.

The class monitor sent me a message late at night to ask if I was there. She is still a beautiful and rich woman, and I haven’t contacted her for many years. We only met for dinner not long ago. Tao An really wants to ask the family who knows...

The key is how to answer this?

At this moment, Tao An thought of a joke on the Internet. When someone you haven't contacted for a long time asks if you are there, he usually wants to borrow money from you!

"But the squad leader shouldn't ask me to borrow money, right?"

There was no one around to make suggestions, and Tao An didn't think anywhere else. He simply replied: "Is something wrong, monitor?"

That's right to ask, right? If nothing happened, she would ask me if I was there for no reason.

After meeting Tao An that day, Jiang Jinyu ran to West Lake in the morning and evening starting from the next day, hoping to meet Tao An by chance. However, she always came back disappointed, but she still persevered.

How could she give up on the person she had loved for so many years and thought about being so close?

However, she didn't know at all that Tao An ran away home in the afternoon of the second day after meeting her, and everything he did in the past few days was completely in vain.

She didn't call directly to ask in the past few days. She just wanted to meet Tao An by chance and approach Tao An in a plain way, so as not to be too direct and abrupt.

But she came back disappointed day by day. Of course she couldn't give up, but it wasn't an option if she continued like this.

She went to Hangzhou on a business trip, and her company was still in the city. Even if she kept changing her itinerary, there were still a lot of things waiting for her to deal with there.

She really couldn't spend it anymore, and she was reluctant to leave him like this, so she boldly took the initiative to contact Tao An and meet her once. She was very happy to see her sweetheart. She had already thought of excuses. The business trip was over, and she was an old classmate. It's a rare chance encounter. Let's have a meal to deepen the connection. After all, we might have another chance to get together after we leave.

Originally, this kind of thing was normal. As an old classmate, it was nothing to just have a meal. How could we be alone in a strange city? We couldn't temporarily find another old classmate from other places to make up the balance.

But in the final analysis, Jiang Jinyu's "purpose was impure" and he didn't even know how much courage he had to take the initiative to contact Tao An.

This is the same thing for men and women...

When it comes to people they like, men and women actually have similar mentality. The difference is just in the way of expression.

It's like a man who likes a woman and regards her as his goddess. He feels anxious about getting close to her, hesitates and musters up the courage to say a word to her, and then it's like he's waiting for the verdict.

On the other hand, girls are actually the same. The one who takes the initiative is in a state of worrying about gains and losses. This has nothing to do with men and women.

Many people think that it is natural for boys to chase girls, and it is natural for them to pay all kinds of licks and lick them. Even if they end up with nothing, they think it is normal. After all, they are chasing girls. After chasing them, they will be full of merit and romance, even if the man is a rich man. The second generation, the girl's appearance and personality are in line with his psychological expectations, but she is just from an ordinary family.

Now this kind of thing has happened to Jiang Jinyu. The male and female identities have changed. She is beautiful and rich, smart, capable and sensible. She pursues someone when she likes them. She doesn't think there is anything wrong with this.

She has her own thoughts and ideas and has not been brainwashed by the 'boxer'. She feels that girls should be supported and cared for. If this doesn't work, there will be more in line.

For Jiang Jinyu, liking is just liking, and there is no difference between men and women. Is it wrong to pursue the person you like?

In the bedroom of a luxury hotel, Jiang Jinyu was lying on the bed in pajamas. Her beautiful face was so nervous looking at the phone that her delicate body under the quilt was tense, and her silkworm-like toes were curled up with nervousness. get up.

However, Tao An’s monitor, is there something wrong? ’ A few replies directly broke her guard.

There was no reply like this. She hammered the quilt wordlessly. Fortunately, Tao An replied, and there was no situation where the message was sent and disappeared, otherwise it would be called an embarrassment.

What is he doing now...

Just like how a boy feels when he summons up the courage to send a message to a goddess and gets a reply, Jiang Jinyu also had the same thought at this time, but he quickly typed and sent: "How are you doing these days, old classmate? I will send you a message tomorrow. It’s time to go back to the magic city. It’s rare to meet in the same city. Why don’t we have a meal to say goodbye? After all, I don’t know when we will meet again next time.”

She tried her best to make what she said look calm and natural, but in fact she was very anxious and looking forward to it.

When she sent this sentence, she subconsciously looked in the direction of the wardrobe, where she had prepared ten or twenty sets of clothes and skirts in various styles. As long as Tao An agreed to meet for dinner, she would have to worry about what to wear to the appointment.

When Tao An saw the message from Jiang Jinyu, he still didn't think much about it and typed a reply directly: "Oh, I'm sorry, squad leader, I can't eat. I went back to my hometown a long time ago. I wish you a safe journey."

Jiang Jinyu was dumbfounded when he saw the message. Did you run home? When did this happen? Why didn't you say anything? So what is the chance encounter that I have been thinking about for several hours in the morning and evening these days?

Well, why do you tell me when they will go back...

"That's it. Let's get together next time if we have a chance." Jiang Jinyu typed a reply with an extremely conflicted mood. The loss was certain, but it was not painful.

The two parties were not familiar with each other at all, and there was nothing to talk about at this time. Tao An was about to put down his phone, but he thought that the other party was the first person to buy his Ningshen Incense, and he also took care of business when he put Ningshen Incense on the shelves for the second time. So I typed: "Squad leader, I have some good news for you."

"What?" Jiang Jinyu asked immediately. It was good not to be able to meet and talk.

Tao An sent her a message saying: "My Ningshen Incense has been sold again."

"Congratulations then." Jiang Jinyu was also sincerely happy. She didn't know why she was happy. Maybe your happiness is my sunny day?

Tao An said: "Although I didn't know you were the squad leader at the time, I still want to thank you for taking care of the business and treat you to dinner if I have the opportunity."

He just wanted to be polite, and even if he was the squad leader, the money would not be refunded.

"Then it's settled," Jiang Jinyu replied with a smile, this opportunity has come.

Tao An scratched his head while holding his cell phone, "No, I just mean it, why are you taking it seriously?"

No matter what, it’s just a matter of one sentence. Don’t say that asking her to have a meal doesn’t know how old the monkey is. Even if she does treat her to a meal, it’s not a big deal. I typed: “That’s okay, you go to bed early.”

When he was done, he threw his phone away. The old phone sent a motion capture prompt from another world's surveillance software, and he focused his attention there.

Looking at the message from Tao An, Jiang Jinyu felt quite confused. She deleted, deleted, and typed some words, but in the end she only said the word "um". After that word disappeared, Tao An didn't read it at all, let alone her mood. .

"Hey, what is this? How did those sweet loves come about? What are the moods of those boys when they chase girls? What should girls do in return? Who will teach me... …”

Jiang Jinyu was so depressed that he rolled on the bed. He looked like a domineering Bingshan CEO, she was clearly just a little girl.

Soon a phone call came. It was Qujiu who called her and said: "Mr. Jiang, the schedule has been arranged. We will leave at ten o'clock tomorrow morning. We will go to the company at noon and rest for two hours. We have a meeting in the afternoon. Are you ready?" Is there anything I need to arrange?”

"Well, that's it." Jiang Jinyu immediately returned to his senses, without any of the little daughterly attitude before.

She clearly distinguishes between business and personal matters, and manages her emotions quite well.

Tao An didn't think much about it. He was paying attention to the monitoring software of the other world and saw Zhao Yang appearing in the yard.

Before the others arrived, Zhao Yang put on his posture and asked softly: "Mr. Tao, are you there?"

"Yes, yes", Tao An thought for a while and replied, and the voice appeared in Zhao Yang's mind.

Zhao Yang smiled and said: "That's good."

Tao An: "..."

"Mr. Tao, after you fell asleep last time, I followed what you said, pretending not to know anything and that nothing could happen. I secretly paid attention to various news as usual, but the results were not satisfactory. I didn't understand at all. What?" Zhao Yang then said to himself.

Tao An smiled and said: "That's good. You have done well. If you continue like this, you will always gain something."

"Well, I think so too. By the way, although I didn't get any valuable information, I heard that some important figures from the imperial court are coming to Yuzhou recently. The sect pays great attention to it and advises the disciples to stay calm during this time. Point, after all, our Jianghu sect and the imperial court are still clearly divided, there is no need to offend the big shots at this time." Zhao Yang said and told Tao An about the Yutai Sect's instructions.

Tao An said: "Your Yutai Sect naturally has its own considerations when giving such orders. Just obey."

"I think so too," Zhao Yang nodded.

Noticing the arrival of Minghui outside the yard, Tao An said at the right time: "Your senior sister is here, let's do this for now. It's okay. I'll continue to sleep."

"Yeah", Zhao Yang nodded and said nothing more.

Tao An said he was asleep, but in fact he was still peeking at the screen.

After Minghui arrived, she didn't communicate much with Zhao Yang. She was as calm as ever and guided him in his cultivation.

While peeking at the screen, Tao An was thinking, what Zhao Yang said about a big shot from the Hong Kingdom court in another world coming to Yuzhou, could it be related to Du Qingfeng's affairs? Could it be caused by the Yutai Sect starting to exert its strength? Will things turn around for Du Qingfeng?

Unfortunately, there was too little information and he could not guess. He only hoped that Zhao Yang could find out more.

Everyone said that he fell into a deep sleep, and Tao An stopped talking, even until Zhao Yang finished his training...

The next day, Tao An finished his work and drove to the town at noon and went straight to the farmer's market. He had been very familiar with the town after going to the town so many times. It happened to be the market that day, and he spent more than 500 yuan to buy I got a spotted pig weighing dozens of kilograms.

This is used to verify the effect of white flower dew. After verifying the pig, although he does not plan to raise it, it will not be wasted and can be slaughtered and eaten.

Originally, he could just buy a piglet, but it was too young and he couldn't bear to do it. He was really deceiving himself.

On the way back, he met villagers, and Tao An learned from them the follow-up to yesterday's mad cow incident. The dead mad cow was taken for testing. The meat contained toxins and could no longer be slaughtered. It was taken away by the relevant departments for safe disposal. However, with the help of the police, the insurance company paid compensation for the second uncle's dead cow. Although it was not at the market price, it recovered most of the loss. This result is undoubtedly the best.

When Tao An returned home, he was surprised to see a villager leading a child standing at the door of the yard. The adult was also holding a pig leg in his hand.

What's going on?

Tao An stopped the car and asked, "Uncle Third, who are you?"

He knew the pig leg guy, he was called Uncle San based on his seniority, he was an honest and honest middle-aged man.

When the other party saw Tao An, he immediately smiled and said, "Xiao An, I'm here to thank you. I've heard about what happened yesterday. If it hadn't been for your stone, my Tao Duo would have ended up not sure what would have happened. I heard I couldn't sleep all night because of this. I was always worried. I only have one seedling in my family. If..., you must accept this pig leg anyway, otherwise I will have a bad conscience."

As he spoke, he stubbornly handed the pig leg to Tao An, and asked Tao Duo to bow to Tao An to thank him. This was the simplest way for him to express his gratitude...

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