Daddy Fantasy World Restaurant

Chapter 42 The Voice Made in the Big Egg

When Mag led Amy past the magic potion shop, a thin old man in a black magic robe was holding a water bottle to bathe two birds.

Hearing the footsteps, Julian raised his eyes and glanced at Mag, then his eyes fell on Amy, and a small green flame suddenly rose in his deep eyes.

Mag stood sideways in front of Amy, smiled and nodded at Julian, then took Amy's hand and continued toward the restaurant.

"Father, why don't we say hello to Black Charcoal, Mung Bean, and the old magician?" After walking a few steps, Amy looked up at Mag and asked in confusion.

"We only burned down the bird cage yesterday, and I'll be embarrassed when people ask, and I've already said hello." Mag said with a smile, although yesterday was that bird's mouth, so it was thrown away. The fireball technique, but after all, it is a neighbor, so this kind of thing is still a bit embarrassing.

And Julian's look at Amy just now made him a little wary, and he saw greed in it.

If he was still the epee knight with an explosive force rating, he would probably have put the sword on his neck and asked: What are you looking at?

But now he is just a scum with a combat power of only 1.5. If he forces forward, he may be smashed back by a shower, and maybe he will be sent a fireball.

So before you figure out the old man's true intentions, you have to be on guard against him, and you can't let Amy go out by herself.

"System, how to sell physical fitness?" Mag turned his eyes and asked in his heart.

"The system solemnly reminds the host that physical fitness points are not for sale! If you complete the task of developing a chef, you will have a certain chance of getting rewards for improving physical fitness!" The system emphasized seriously.

"One thousand gold coins."

"This is not for sale!"

"Five thousand gold coins."

"The host authority is not enough."

"10,000 gold coins." Mag continued to overweight.

The system was silent for a while, and a burst of fireworks burst out in Mag's mind, and then turned into a row of colored words: "Purchase permission has been activated! +0.5 physical fitness points; status: available for purchase; price: 10000 gold."

"Tsk tsk, 10,000 gold coins are 1 million copper coins. You are such a fool in the system, a million! I have to sell 3,000 copies of Yangzhou fried rice to earn it back." Mag complained in his heart, and then smiled. : "Besides, I have no money, can I take credit? Hahaha..."


The system silently floated a line of ellipses, and then said solemnly: "Host, this system gives a serious warning: all transactions are done in cash, and no credit is allowed!"

Mag was in a good mood after daily flirting with the system. He had already calculated in his heart that he really couldn't get 10,000 gold coins in a short period of time, and it would take almost a month to sell 3,000 pieces of Yangzhou fried rice.

However, new products will be released soon. The efficiency of making bacon with bacon should be much higher than that of Yangzhou fried rice. You can prepare the bacon before the business starts, and you can also make many naan at the same time, which may make money. Efficiency is improved.

Mag is eager to improve his physical fitness as soon as possible, in addition to wanting to have the power to protect Amy as soon as possible, and secondly, of course, to help Amy lift up.

With his current body, it's still possible to hug Amy, but it's a little powerless to lift up, so restoring the physical fitness of a normal person is his immediate goal.

When I got home, I poured Amy a glass of water, looked at my watch, and it was eleven o'clock, so I went into the kitchen to finish their lunch first.

"Father, come here quickly, the ugly duckling seems to be hatching!" Amy's excited voice came from behind the counter.

"So fast?" Mag walked over in surprise.

Amy, who was squatting on the ground, looked up at him, put a little finger in front of her mouth,

He said softly: "Shh, my father, come over gently, don't scare the ugly duckling, I just heard the sound it makes, and it will definitely hatch soon."

"Really?" Mag was a little skeptical, it shouldn't be the season for hatching, right?

"Really, listen to me if you don't believe me." Amy nodded seriously.

Mag walked over lightly and squatted down, and listened carefully for a while with his ears sideways, but after a while, he still didn't hear any sound.

He wondered if it was because Amy was expecting too much and heard the wrong thing. When he was about to get up, he suddenly heard a "rustling" sound and his body suddenly stopped. It sounded like a kitten scratching the wall with its paw. The sound, if you listen carefully, is a bit like the sound of a hard beak rubbing against an eggshell, but it only rings three times, and then disappears again.

"Really! Father, is the ugly duckling about to hatch?" Amy looked at Mag with anticipation and joy and asked.

"Well, it's estimated that it will come out in the next two days." Mag nodded, the hatching speed surprised him a little, but he didn't know what would hatch. He reached out and touched Amy's head, got up and said: "I'm going to cook, millet keep watching."

"Mmmm." Amy replied, reaching out to help Big Egg cover the little blanket, and continued to squat on the ground to watch.

Mag and Amy had lunch first, and after they cleaned up and washed the dishes, they started business as usual. Mo Bai was still the first to come. Ha bang, they also came one after another, and some guests were familiar with the past few days. They all smiled and called McGonagall Boss McGonagall.

When the business ended in the evening, Amy told Mag of today's turnover. A total of 90 pieces of Yangzhou fried rice were sold, which should be the limit of Yangzhou egg fried rice that Mag can make in one day.

According to word of mouth, the restaurant now has some stable customers. Of course, there are only a few customers who can eat two Yangzhou fried rice three meals a day like Mo Bai and the others, but they come to eat every one or two days. There are many guests can accept.

"Ugly duckling, go to sleep, and come out tomorrow, or I will burn you with a fireball." Before Amy went to wash up, she squatted on the ground and patted the big egg wrapped in a small blanket with a serious face said, and then went upstairs.

Mag wiped the table with a smile. If the little guy in the egg could understand, he would be shivering.

After tidying up the dining room, Amy was already asleep when Mag went upstairs. He helped her tuck the quilt, took a shower, and changed into pajamas before laying on the bed.

Closing his eyes, Mag skillfully opened the experience pack of the bacon with bacon, and his experience in the traditional practice of bacon was quickly digested by him, from the processing of the ingredients to the ingredients and the production steps. , are all imprinted in his mind, and now it is almost a matter of practical operation.

Lying quietly on the bed for a while, Mag suddenly opened his eyes and said strangely, "System, shouldn't you issue a new mission at this time?"

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