Don’t Think That Tomboys Are Easy To Deal With

Vol 2 Chapter 1: , demanding from parents

My name is Hao Siyu. On this day, I was playing computer games in the university dormitory as usual, except that my roommate Chen Li was applying a facial mask. Occasionally, I would be scared when I forgot about it and looked back at her. It was a pretty comfortable life.

I almost stayed up all night playing games, and by this time I was feeling a little tired. Then I suddenly remembered an important thing today, and quickly picked up my phone and checked my account.


 The balance in the account was only two digits, which made me scream in confusion.

I carefully checked my bank card account, Alipay account, and WeChat account, but there was no money remitted.

 I called my parents immediately when I realized something was wrong.

“Dad, why didn’t I receive the living expenses from home today? Don’t you always remit money to me early in the morning on the 10th of every month?”

The voice on the other end of the phone was even more haggard and tired than mine, as if it was not me but my dad who stayed up late playing games yesterday. In fact, at this time, due to the reality that the balance was too low and the tension of asking for money from my family, My sleepiness has already flown to nowhere.

"I have discussed with your mother and will stop giving you living expenses from now on."

 They really stopped my living expenses!

 I was so frightened that I suddenly trembled, and at the same time I became a little more awake.

“…Dad, you want your son to die.”

 “You are obviously a daughter, right?”

I couldn't help but smile bitterly when I heard this, because I am indeed a girl, but I always wear boys' clothes, my daily routine, and even my personality and behavior are the same as those of a boy. My friend once joked that even if I were thrown into an all-boys school, all I would do would be... People think that if they are more delicate than ordinary boys, they will not look out of place at all, so they give him the nickname tomboy.

  But my parents had clearly never corrected me before, and today they suddenly reminded me that they were probably going to settle the accounts with me, and I couldn't help but feel panic in my heart.

I had long thought about this day, but I didn’t expect that when I went to college, my parents would threaten me with living expenses.

“…but how can I live without living expenses?”

"I didn't say you can't be accommodating, but you must do three things for me."

I breathed a sigh of relief and thought that as long as I could achieve three things, it shouldn't be too difficult with my intelligence, so I wouldn't starve to death.

 However, after hearing those three things, my little heart suddenly rose in my throat.

 The first thing is to get a boyfriend.

 The second thing is to get an A in the next college exam.

 The third thing is to get a perfect attendance award.

“Dad, if you just say you want me to die, why don’t you do it?”

Just hearing these requests makes me want to be stabbed to death.

I defended myself to my father and said, "Let's not talk about anything else. The next exam in our university will be in two weeks. I haven't been absent before the perfect attendance award, so it's not a problem. But the award will end this semester in two months. Wait. Your daughter will be starved to death in two months!"

"Why are you in a hurry? Listen to me. Every time you achieve one of these three things, we will give you one month's living allowance. If you complete all of them, we will restore your monthly living allowance. You are now a grown man. It's time. It’s time to think about the future, don’t always think about playing games!”

How old-fashioned does this concept have to be? In universities nowadays, love is an elective course and sleeping is a compulsory course. How can anyone still take it so seriously?

I despised my parents for their old-fashioned ideas in my heart, but then suddenly there was a sound of hanging up the phone from the phone.

I shouted into the phone so anxiously that I wanted to tear my throat out, but there was no other sound except the hang-up sound.

 I then quickly called a few more times, but found that the other party had set me on the reject list.

At this point, I couldn’t help but hide my face and let out a long sigh.

I have no idea at this time. Which of the above items is not as difficult as the sky for a tomboy like me?

  It is really God who wants to destroy me.

I immediately threw myself at Chen Li, my roommate in the same dormitory, with a mournful face. Unexpectedly, I used too much force and both of them fell to the ground. But I didn’t even bother to apologize. I cried loudly and said, "Chen Li." Li, please help me think of a solution!"

Chen Li is one of my best friends. She is extremely beautiful and charms many boys. She always meets several suitors when she walks on campus, but she rejects them all no matter how handsome they are. Some girls with evil intentions even started rumors that she was having an affair with me, who often dressed as a man, but in fact she was a super snob and had no interest in college students without high incomes.

At this moment, Chen Li was wearing headphones and applying some cosmetics that I couldn't name on her face, so she didn't know what was going on. After she was knocked down by me, her face turned slightly red, and she frowned and said, "Auntie, can you go down first? ? If anyone sees our posture, we will be really doomed."

I immediately stopped crying and let go of Chen Li, but she still glared at me reluctantly: "Next time you bump into me like a headless chicken, don't blame me for falling out with you, and you don't know that you are Isn’t it bad for someone’s heart to come over with a sumo?”

I nodded, stretched out three fingers and said to God: "I will definitely pay attention next time, but you don't need to attack me personally, right? I know I'm not as good-looking as you, but at least I look handsome in this outfit, and my appearance isn't terrible. Does it make your heart feel bad?"

"Your inferiority complex is the main point for me. The key is that you are quite handsome in men's clothing. It's terrible. My heart beats faster for a girl. If this matter gets out, how will I be able to hang out outside in the future." Chen Li bit He gritted his teeth, showed what I thought was a bit annoyed expression, and then asked me, "Why were you panicking just now? Why are you crying?"

  She knows that my psychological quality has always been very strong. If I am so panicked and crying, something big must have happened.

 “My family won’t give me any living expenses!”

“…This doesn’t seem to be a big deal?” Chen Li said dumbfounded.

"You! Are you going too far? This is a matter of life and death for me?" I pointed at Chen Li angrily and said.

Chen Li quickly comforted me: "...Calm down first and explain carefully what happened."

I then told Chen Li about the previous suspension of payments from my family and the three conditions they had given me.

“Well, in short, I understand. It’s really unreasonable for you to discuss this matter with me.”

  … “…If you think about it carefully, it’s really like this.”

Chén Li is different from me. Her family situation is much better. Even her weekly pocket money is higher than the monthly income of ordinary people.

It is a complete waste of time to ask this kind of people about survival strategies. My monthly living expenses are not as much as what Chen Li spends for a day or two, so naturally I can't make her feel anxious.

“But you can at least help me solve a level, such as introducing one or two boyfriends, the kind of people who can pretend to be my boyfriend.”

 I plead.

Chen Li sighed helplessly, looked at me with a pity in her eyes and said: "I know you are still far from the beginning of love. Although you are a college student, a girl who still deals with games has a really bleak future. 'Ah, when it comes to finding a boyfriend, you actually asked for 'one or two'. Are you planning on cheating or starting a reverse harem?"

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