Doomsday Wonderland

Chapter 44 It’s a pity that the girl is me

"Hey, are you good at fighting?"

Lin Sanjiu was about to take a look at the contents of the diary card when Hu Changzai came up and asked this question quietly.

"Ah?" She was a little unsure of how to answer, "It should be considered average, right?"

While talking, a group of six people were walking towards Longhua Road - six pairs of shoes stepped on the ground covered with thick sand, making a soft "sand" sound. Other than that, no one spoke; the air was filled with nothing but scalding sand and a strong wind that kept making strange shrieks.

Hu Changzai took a step behind and was silent for a long time. Just when Lin Sanjiu thought he had given up the conversation, he suddenly sighed heavily and said under his breath: "You know, I shouldn't be in this action team."

Lin Sanjiu said "Oh" and didn't care - why are you telling me this? She glanced at him with her peripheral vision and saw that he was still a little far away from her, so she spread her palms against her body. The diary card with a few lines of small words written on it was lying quietly in her palm.

"I'm serious! I've been in the Oasis for so long, and I've been working in the backup power management team, mainly responsible for cooling the generators. I don't know how, but I was suddenly transferred to the action team... Although I have evolved It's true, but how can I fight with my abilities?" Hu Changzai complained several times in a very depressed manner - since he evolved, he has not even had a fight, and now he suddenly has to fight with the fallen species. , he was indeed worried.

Lin Sanjiu, who was in front of him, seemed not to have heard anything and was still walking forward with his head lowered - Hu Changzai sighed and closed his mouth. Unexpectedly, her face suddenly changed and she turned around.

"You mean, they suddenly transferred you here today?" Lin Sanjiu's face turned pale.

Hu Changzai was a little confused. He pushed up his glasses and said, "Yes... I'm still wondering."

Lin Sanjiu's hand holding the diary card trembled involuntarily.

【Diary Card】

Time: 10:48PM

Location: Gate of Tuanyuan Food Processing Factory

Range: five meters in radius

Man A: " this again?"

Man B: "No! There is a new girl in there who is pretty. What a pity."

Man C: "How many places are there on this team?"

Man B: "The note in the captain's hand says that only three people can come back alive this time."

Man A: "The captain will definitely come back. Even though she is young, she is very capable."

Man Ding: "Yes, fortunately our brothers don't have to go on missions, and we don't have many interceptions..."

Man C: "By the way, didn't you offend a cadre last time? I heard you were almost sent on a mission?"

Man Ding: "Fuck, don't mention it, I spent a lot of money..."

The man spat.

What follows, except for some gossip from the gatekeeper, is nothing more than the record that Lin Sanjiu ran back to the gate and put the card away. The record stopped at the line "10:52PM, diary card withdrawn". Lin Sanjiu stared at this line, feeling a little dazed for a moment.

As the man A said, if this team really has a "survival quota", no need to ask, captain Xu Xiaoyang will definitely occupy one. The loyal dog-like woman beside her, Xiao Hui, should be on the list of survivors if nothing else happens. Among the remaining four people—himself, Feng Qiqi, Hu Changzai, and Gao Fei—Hu Changzai, who was suddenly transferred to the team, will almost certainly be given up.

Next, no matter what she thought, Lin Sanjiu felt that she and Feng Qiqi were the two remaining dead people.

For a moment, Fang Dan's words flashed in her mind again.

"No wonder... the casualty rate on missions is so high." She murmured, walked half a step faster, and patted Feng Qiqi on the shoulder.

Mather did not follow. The person closest to her in this action team was Feng Qiqi. Looking at Feng Qiqi who turned around, a puzzled expression appeared on Lu Ze's face. Lin Sanjiu hesitated for a moment, then finally gritted his teeth and handed over the diary card: "Look at this."

Her very low voice suddenly aroused Feng Qiqi's alert - he took the diary card, carefully covered it with his palm, and quickly glanced at it when no one else was paying attention.

At the same time, Lin Sanjiu slowed down his pace and pulled Hu Changzai to his side.

"Hey, you're a girl, what are you doing..."

"Are you done? I have something important to tell you." Lin Sanjiu interrupted him impatiently, "Go and ask the captain a question and see if she is lying."

"What are you doing? What are you talking about?"

"Go and ask her, 'Captain, I have an appointment at six o'clock in the morning. Do you think I can make it?'" When speaking, Lin Sanjiu deliberately emphasized the word "I" heavily.

"Why are you asking this?" Before he could finish his sentence, Hu Changzai thought of something. His confused look disappeared completely, and his face suddenly became a little ugly.

Sweat broke out on Lin Sanjiu's forehead. She looked at Hu Changzai and forced a smile: "You're not stupid either."

Without saying any nonsense, Hu Changzai took a deep breath, adjusted his expression, and strode towards Xu Xiaoyang, who was first in the team.

The conversation between the two was vaguely transmitted through the hot air to the ears of Lin Sanjiu, who was walking at the end. As expected, Hu Changzai asked the question word for word. Xu Xiaoyang was silent for a while, and then answered in a girlish voice: "...Who knows, but at six o'clock, it should be about the same."

Next, no response was heard from Hu Changzai. Less than a minute later, UU read www. He came back with a livid face.

At this time, Feng Qiqi had also read all the diary cards and returned them to Lin Sanjiu, his expression extremely solemn. He looked at Hu Changzai, who had just come back, and asked before Lin Sanjiu: "How is it?"

Hu Changzai shook his head heavily.

"Lies." He mouthed this silently.

Lin Sanjiu's heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

No matter what Xu Xiaoyang said, she knew clearly in her heart that Hu Changzai could not go back - only under such circumstances would her answer be judged as a lie by him.

Hu Changzai, who suddenly understood his situation, looked so heavy and gloomy that he could almost squeeze out water.

Feng Qiqi asked in a low voice: "...are we the two left?"

Lin Sanjiu said coldly and softly: "The girl who the gatekeeper said 'what a pity' is me."

"...Then are they planning to use the fallen species to deal with us, or are they going to do it themselves?"

"I don't know. I'll just have to stay as far away from them as possible...but you can turn into their appearance to confuse the audience."

"Well, actually -" Feng Qiqi suddenly lowered his eyelids and smiled bitterly: "Transformation is Lu Ze's ability, I can't use it. At best, I am just an ordinary person with a strong body."

Lin Sanjiu's heart skipped a beat and she subconsciously stopped. Just as she was about to open her mouth to speak, she heard Xiao Hui in front of her suddenly scream: "Everyone, be careful!"


There are a lot of plots and ideas that I want to write into the article, but there is always a feeling that my hands cannot keep up with my brain...

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