Dragon Clan: Undercover at the beginning, the road to becoming a god

Chapter 570 The final sanctuary, Lulin City, Dragon King Ze’s friend

The frozen soil of Northern Siberia, the edge of a wilderness covered by wind and snow all year round.

In the Nibelungen, the man walked into the building in the center of the haven with a serious expression. Around him, there were a dozen guards holding sniper rifles loaded with the Philosopher's Stone, aiming at him, but he didn't pay attention. He knew that this It's just that they are carrying out daily security work. Anyone who comes close to here will be surrounded by weapons that are deadly even to dragons to prevent anyone from invading, even people from the committee.


The guard at the door of the building asked seriously.


The man handed over a piece of paper with the committee's seal.

The guard took it and checked it carefully. After confirming that the appearance matched, he still asked according to the procedure.


"Lulin City, citizen number XXX."


"Wife Jovini, citizen number XXX."

"The purpose of coming to the final sanctuary?"

"Keep it secret!"

"Okay, let go!"

The guard nodded and put the voucher into the furnace behind him to destroy it to prevent it from being reused.

Lu Lincheng also stared at the certificate turning into ashes, then nodded, said hello, and walked in.

The final sanctuary is the most mysterious place in this safe haven. If you want to enter here, you must get permission from the committee, otherwise even he, the secretary-general, is not qualified to enter.

The guards stationed outside may have looked at the door for a long time, but they are also not qualified to know the secrets inside.

In the past, Lu Lincheng would have rarely had the opportunity to come here, but as the external situation has changed in the past few months, the committee has given him more and more approval notes. During this period, he has entered the final sanctuary more often than before. The years add up to more.

After entering the door, Lu Lincheng skillfully found the protective clothing in the elevator and put it on directly.

The elevator rumbled down and soon reached a depth of tens of meters underground, and it still did not stop.

Lulincheng suddenly felt an inexplicable panic, as if he sensed a rat running away in panic before an earthquake, or a crowd of people on the beach who saw a tsunami hit with their own eyes.

Lu Lincheng couldn't help but take a deep breath and try to calm himself down.

He understood that this kind of panic was not an illusion, but a biological instinctive stress response. There was a huge elemental turbulence under his feet. Once it broke out, it would be a disaster more terrifying than a nuclear bomb.

But he did not back down. His mission this time was to meet the monster that was more terrifying than the nuclear bomb.

After a while, the elevator finally arrived, and the door opened. The space in front of you was extremely wide, and an unknown crimson light dimly illuminated everything. Under your feet was a huge alchemical matrix, with faint blue mercury flowing in the matrix.

This is a structure very similar to the underground ice cellar of Kassel Academy. It is this matrix combined with something that turns this place into the Nibelungen.

Milky white mercury vapor spurts out from various vents. This liquid is highly poisonous to dragons. It is also a necessary material for building an alchemical cycle. It is also the reason why he must wear protective clothing.

Lu Lincheng walked to the center of the alchemy matrix. There was a huge circular mercury pool with only a metal bridge leading to the center of the circle.

"Start the lift!"

Following the man's order, four broken bronze pillars slowly rose from the mercury pool. Each bronze pillar was engraved with ancient dragon inscriptions. This was obviously a legacy of the dragon civilization in the past.

There is a red gold chain hanging on each bronze pillar, and four chains are connected in the center. After the bronze pillar is completely raised, a pale human figure is hung up.

This pale humanoid looks like just a child. After the mercury flows away, his childish face can be seen clearly, but there is a twisted dark golden spear stuck on his chest, like the Messiah being crucified.

"Dragon King, Ze!"

Lu Lincheng called out the other party's name with a solemn expression.

It was clear that the other party was a prisoner who had been sealed by Gangnir, but he looked as if he was facing a formidable enemy, as if he was facing some terrifying devil.

"Why was the academy headquarters attacked by the Dragon King? Does what happened in Japan have anything to do with you? Didn't you and Ange agree to start planning next year? What are the changes now?"

He asked a series of questions word for word. These were the news that the committee asked him to come to confirm, and he himself wanted to know the specific situation.


His voice was broadcast in the empty space, but he received no response.

Under the same deathly silence, he waited patiently for half an hour, and then he was finally disappointed.

As before, Long Wangze's expression was as frozen as a statue, and he did not answer his questions, making people even doubt whether he was still alive.

Even though he was S-class, he did not dare to violate the regulations and observe closely, so he could only leave with regret.

And just when Lu Lincheng turned around and was about to report to the committee that he had found nothing, a childish voice suddenly sounded in this silent space.

"Aren't you doomsday sects always looking forward to the end of the world? Why are you so concerned about things outside?"

Lu Lincheng's figure suddenly stiffened, and his eyes looked at Lu Mingze full of disbelief.

This dragon king actually spoke and answered him?

As if to prove that this was not an illusion, the child's face slightly evoked a teasing smile.

"The more chaotic it is outside, the better it is for you guys, isn't it?"


Lu Lincheng finally confirmed the fact that the other party had spoken. After hesitating for a moment, he immediately pressed the alarm device in his hand to alert all members and allow the committee members to focus on defending this place.

After doing all this, he calmed down and answered Lu Mingze's question.

“We doomsday sects just want to preserve the fire for mankind, we are not looking forward to the end of mankind.”

"Ha~ It's hard to say!"

Lu Mingze laughed mockingly.

"For some people, proving that they are right is more important than their own lives or even the entire world."

"Maybe there are such people, but so far, we are just watching the outside world."

Lu Lincheng shook his head, and then looked at the hanging child with sharp eyes.

"Rather than this, I care more about another point. I've obviously asked you the same question before. Why are you willing to take the initiative to speak this time?"

Hearing this question, the committee members who were observing the conversation from behind the screen monitors also nodded. They were indeed more concerned about why Lu Mingze answered the question than the question itself.

According to the intelligence, Lu Mingfei is still living a peaceful dog-licking life, and nothing has changed.

Logically speaking, Lu Mingze shouldn't have changed much.

The Bai Wang incident only broke out three days ago. Lu Lincheng had already asked the same question three days ago. Why is Lu Mingze's attitude different this time?

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Lu Mingze. Based on their understanding of Lu Mingze, it would not be surprising if the other party refused to answer.

However, this time, Lu Mingze was unusually generous.

"Well, it doesn't hurt to tell you!"

After attracting everyone's attention with one sentence, a sly smile appeared on his face, and his tone changed from fox-like slyness to pure joy.

"A friend came all the way to visit me, so of course I should wake up and greet him!"

After hearing this answer, the channels on Lulincheng's headphones quickly became a mess.

"What friend?!"

"Impossible, how could he have friends? Lu Mingfei's friends can't be here!"

"That's right! This is the Nibelung, and it's the highest-level Nibelung. It's impossible for anyone without a mark to enter here!"

The committee members sounded horrified and panicked for a while before regaining their composure.

That's right, only people with marks in the Nibelungs where they are located can enter, and the only person with marks in the outside world is Lu Mingfei. No other mark, even the mark of Odin or the mark of Jörmungandr, can be entered. Not enough to open the door here.

This gate is what they believe is the biggest basis for them to survive the end of the world and continue in the future dragon era. They believe that even the Dragon King cannot forcefully break through this gate.

After calming down, they issued instructions to Lu Lincheng.

"A lie must be a lie!"

"Scaremongering! The medical team, check his physiological indicators to see if he wants to take the opportunity to escape!"

"Lu Lincheng, keep asking! Purposeful lies also have analytical value!"

Various instructions were sent in all directions, but the only thing that remained unchanged was that everyone believed it was a lie.


Hearing the uneasiness hidden in the calm tone of the committee members, Lulincheng took a deep breath.

Although he agreed with the committee members' judgment and felt that it was impossible for anyone to invade this Nibelung, looking at everyone's performance, he inexplicably remembered Lu Mingze's words just now - "For some people, proving that they are right , is more important than your own life and even the entire world."

Moreover, when he saw the expression between Lu Mingze's brows, his heart couldn't help but skip a beat.

Compared to his furious supreme form and his cunning, cold and arrogant fox form, the expression on his face now is slightly childish, more like a child, happily looking forward to the arrival of his friends.

It was an expression that was so innocent that it was incompatible with the opponent's status as the Dragon King, and could easily be judged as acting.

However, Lu Lincheng had personally experienced the scene of the Rhine explosion, and had personally seen the scene where Lu Mingze had to take a shot of Rhine in order to protect the little girl, and was captured by them.

Therefore, in his heart, Lu Mingze actually has a child side. He is just too lonely, so he doesn't want to give up any companions.

The cunning devil and the lonely child are two sides of the dragon king in front of him, just as the deep-seated violence and bloody sorrow are two sides of the dragon's blood.

And all this time, except for the lonely child state that was witnessed by only one person in Lu Lincheng when he protected the little girl, Lu Mingze has always been in a cunning devil state when facing them, whether it is with Angers Whether it was a transaction or facing the rage they captured, he never showed the same fragile posture as before.

But now, he, who has always maintained a tough attitude and showed no fear even in the face of death threats, has rarely shown a child-like expectation.

If this expectation is not about acting, doesn't it mean that what Lu Mingze said is completely true?

And if Lu Mingze's so-called friend really exists and can really come over...

"Put down the elevator! Freeze Dragon King Ze! Martial law for all! Order from the Secretary-General! Martial law for all!"

Lu Lincheng took a deep breath and suddenly yelled like crazy.

The highest authority of this safe haven is the committee, but he is the secretary-general who is responsible for executing tasks. In an emergency, he can mobilize all the weapons except the final sanctuary.

Not only the other security personnel who were on shift or taking a break, but also the committee members who were discussing issues were frightened by his sudden yelling.

"What's going on? Lincheng, you can't believe it, right?"

"What did you find when you suddenly issued such an order?"

"There is indeed something wrong with Dragon King Ze's attitude. Let's just listen to Lu Lincheng first. War preparations don't consume too many resources anyway."

"That makes sense!"

The committee members discussed with each other for a while, but did not blame Lu Lincheng for making his own decisions. In the face of this kind of supremacy, there is no harm in being cautious. They made Lu Lincheng the secretary-general because of his prudence.

Under Lu Lincheng's loud orders, the entire safe haven began to take action. Dazzling flares were fired with sharp sounds, and all shift and rest personnel were on emergency alert with heavy firearms.

In the final sanctuary deep underground, the lifting platform of the mechanical structure also made a "click-click" sound. Four bronze pillars slowly descended, preparing to sink Lu Mingze into the mercury pool. The nearby nozzles also continued to pour into the water. Liquid nitrogen was sprayed out from inside to lower the temperature of the mercury, intending to completely freeze Lu Mingze's physiological functions.

Even the Dragon King will automatically fall into hibernation at this low temperature.

However, facing this crisis of imminent freezing, the expression on Lu Mingze's face still showed no panic at all. Instead, he revealed an extremely leisurely contentment in his joking.

"It's too late to act now! My friend is very fast!"

He raised his eyebrows, looking as high-spirited as a child showing off for the first time.

As the words fell to the ground, thunder suddenly erupted from the sky and the earth.

The next second, the whole earth began to tremble.

Before the siren could sound, a slender figure suddenly fell from the sky. The figure looked as fragile as catkins, but the sound of falling was like thunder.

The above-ground building that could withstand an eight-magnitude earthquake, that is, the ground fortress of the final sanctuary, was cut open by this slender figure like a crisp biscuit, and everything along the way was easily destroyed.

After easily separating the ground fortress with a huge canyon-like crack, the figure hit the ground unabated, and actually turned the ground into an abyss with one punch.

The earth was easily crushed like tofu, and cracked in a V-shape like a clamp, hitting the ground as deep as a hundred meters.

Lu Mingze and Lu Lincheng, who were deep underground, just looked around and saw the sunlight projected from the sky.

Seeing this scene, everyone could not help but be stunned.

The earth turned into an abyss in just an instant. Whose general is this?

One committee member thought of something. He covered his chest and chanted tremblingly.

"The waves of the rock show his stretching before awakening. On the day he fully stretched, the mountains turned into abyss... He is the master of the earth, the king of the earth and the mountains!"

Dragon King's name shocked everyone, and the entire channel fell into dead silence.

They all thought of this possibility, but did not dare to say it, as if if they said it, the nightmare would come true.

And deep underground in the final sanctuary.

"Wow! The environment here is so bad!"

The slender figure jumped down and landed lightly on the ground beside her. Her beauty, like an angel or a goblin, was simply out of this world. However, the look of disgust on her nose as she pinched her nose gave her a little more girlish agility. A little more real.

The invisible realm instantly opened, and [Elemental Replacement] was activated, converting thousands of tons of mercury that was highly poisonous to dragons and just smelly to her into bright red wine.

Then, she glanced at Lu Mingze who was hanging on the chain.

"However, it matches you perfectly!"

If she hadn't considered that Su Mo would come, she wouldn't have helped Lu Mingze purify the place here!

Lu Mingze: "..."

"This...is your friend?"

Seeing the girl's shocking appearance, Lu Lincheng had no time to care about her beauty, and asked Lu Mingze for confirmation in a dry voice.

The Dragon King who would appear here at this time should not have had the second possibility, but he vaguely felt that the friend he was waiting for was not this one.

He made this judgment not because the King of Earth and Mountain in the information was male, but because he saw with his own eyes that after hearing the girl's voice, the high-spirited face of Dragon King Ze in front of him suddenly disappeared and was replaced by a An embarrassing face with a bitter gourd face.

And sure enough, when Lu Mingze, who was originally leisurely and contented, saw that it was Miss Xia Mi who came here, his expression suddenly changed, with a hint of panic in his disgust.

"Why is it you? Where is Su Mo!"

Damn it, could this dandruff female dragon want to kill herself while Su Mo wasn't paying attention and devour her remaining authority?

Facing Xia Mi alone, Lu Mingze felt more nervous than facing an entire doomsday sect.

Although the Doomsday Faction is the enemy and Xia Mi is a teammate, without Su Mo's threat, with the credibility of this female dragon, she might actually be able to attack her allies!

And now he is indeed no match for Xia Mi from the Three Gods Realm.

Damn it! Longyou Shoal was tricked by shrimps.

Where is Su Mo? Come and save me!

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