Qi Duo murmured to himself.

He looked like he had discovered a shocking secret. at this time.

Mew, who had been curled up in Xiaozhi's arms, regained some strength again.

It tried its best to fly in front of Lucario


Mengmeng, are you saying that you want me to dedicate my strength to this tree?

At this time, Mengmeng is already extremely weak.

But it also understands that because of its willfulness, it has caused great harm to the World Tree.

Now if you want to bless the World Tree, you must use the power of the huge waveguide.

Among all the people present, only Lucario can release such a powerful waveguide.

But Mengmeng also understands.

The current World Tree is in danger and wants to be repaired The waveguide it has paid for is probably the same as it was back then.

Sacrifice....It's inevitable.

Meng Meng was very embarrassed, and kindness made it difficult for Meng Meng to speak.

But the situation now is critical.

This is the last resort. Okay! I do!

When the dream words came out, Lucario didn't hesitate at all.

Just like Yalang back then.

Knowing that he would sacrifice himself, Lucario immediately agreed.

"Lucario, wait a minute!

If you use the power of waveguide here, you will meet the same fate as Yalang!"

The gentle Xiaozhi wants to persuade Lucario.

But at this time, Lucario has already made a decision, and it will not waver in its thoughts.

I know.

Lucario's voice is very soft, but And extremely determined.

The wave guide is with me!

Lucario silently recited the words Yalang taught it in his heart.

Its trainer is dead, how can it live alone.

The seal thousands of years ago may be just for this moment.

For Once again, save the home that it and Yalang cherish so much!

"Lucario..."Xiaozhi's words came to his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

I have made up my mind, Xiaozhi, there is no need to say anything more.

With that said, Lucario came to Mew.

It made the same move as Yalang back then.

Lucario placed one hand on his chest and raised the other hand in front of Mew.

The wave guide is with me. At this moment, Lucario's figure overlaps with that of Yalang back then.

The same is true for the state of mind.

Master Yalang must have been trying to protect me back then. like...Ash protects Pikachu the same way.

However, the development of things is always accompanied by various unexpected occurrences.

Lucario released all his waveguide power towards Mew.

It's just that compared to the waveguide power that Yalang burst out from the Flower of Time before.

The gap between the two is as thick as clouds and mud.

Lucario's waveguide power could only barely cover Mew's body.

There is no way he can shine the whole world tree like Yalang!

【Rika: Is Lucario going to imitate Aaron and sacrifice himself to save others?】

【Bonnie: Something's wrong! Lucario's waveguide power seems not enough!】

【Sheba: How is that possible? Lucario is Aaron's Pokémon. There is no reason why Pokémon should be weaker than humans. Relax, it's just that you haven't fully released it yet. 】

Xiba vowed, and he fully agreed with what he said. only

【Sirona: Shiba, but you seem to have forgotten one special case, and that is Xiaozhi. Even Ash’s Pokémon may not be able to beat Ash.】

【Natsu: That’s right. My Pokémon’s superpowers are not as good as mine.】

【Shiba: Huh? Not so!】

【Arcelora: Aaron's waveguide power is already greater than Lucario's, and the situation now is much more complicated than before. Haven't you seen that even if you accept Lucario's waveguide power, the situation of Yggdrasil still hasn't been alleviated in any way!】

【Musashi: Isn’t this guy a crow’s mouth?】

【Kojiro: It’s also possible that my brain is stuffed with muscles and I can’t see the situation clearly.】

【Musashi: Right! That's it. I've heard that this King of Shiba always moves his muscles faster than his brain.】

【Kojiro: Hiss! Stay away from him, don't get infected!】

【Sheba:? ? ? 】

You are slandering!

【Yulongdu: Next time this topic comes up, you should use less of your brain, which is full of muscles. After all, no matter how powerful your muscles are, they can’t replace the role of your brain.】

【Cattleya: The current situation is very critical. Once the power of Lucario's waveguide cannot be supplied to Lucario, the destruction of World Tree and Mew will be a foregone conclusion. 】

The topic suddenly became heavy.

Looking at the constantly collapsing World Tree in the live broadcast.

The audience has a sense of powerlessness.

Can Lucario really do that?

Although sacrifice is worthy of praise and tears, what if it is a unnecessary sacrifice?

It must succeed!

The audience is praying for Lucario.

Looking forward to a miracle happening!

【Xiaozhi: I will never stand idly by! Now that I have the power of waveguide! Then I will save the World Tree! Whether this is the future or a parallel world! I am who I am! No matter which one I would make the same choice! It is my duty to save the world tree!】

【Xiaomao: What a hot-blooded idiot, I reluctantly approve of you this time】


In the picture -

Lucario used all the power of the waveguide to barely cover the dream.

But even so.

This scene won't last long.

The next moment, all the waveguide power that Lucario had condensed shattered.

Damn it, my waveguide alone is not enough!

Lucario's tone was filled with desperation.

Lord Yalang, I'm sorry that my waveguide is not strong enough!

In the end, I can’t even follow you?

At this moment, the original hope turned into despair.

Qi Duo looked at this scene in disbelief.

The development of the matter had long gone beyond her opinion, and her despair improved somewhat when Lucario chose to sacrifice.

Even if you can't bear it, that's the best outcome. only.

Lucario actually couldn't save Yggdrasil.

Unspeakable guilt enveloped her at this moment.

If she had not chosen to explore the secrets of the World Tree, nothing would have happened.

Just when Qi Duo fell into self-doubt.

Xiaozhi stood up

"Lucario, my waveguide is the same as Yalang's, right?"

What! What are you going to do, Xiaozhi?

Lucario suddenly had a strange idea in his heart.

The next second, this idea came true.

Xiaozhi's eyes were burning, and he picked up Lucario and put it on his back. Gloves on the crystal.

Wearing them on the left and right

"I can do it too! Aaron, if you hear my voice, please lend me your strength!

Lucario and I both need your power!"

Xiao Zhi closed his eyes tightly and raised his hands in front of Meng Meng.

Xiao Zhi calmed down and felt the power of the waveguide flowing in his body.

The golden lines on the gloves were like blood vessels, causing the orb above to light up.

This The glove is originally a tool used to assist in the use of the power of waveguide, and it can be regarded as the inheritance of the waveguide braves of the past generations.

At this moment, it is finally worn in the hands of this generation of waveguide brave Xiaozhi!

With the help of the gloves, Xiaozhi gradually feels the power of the waveguide in his body. The power of the waveguide.

Xiaozhi's powerful talent is undoubtedly revealed at this moment!

In just this moment, a little bit of the power of the blue waveguide was condensed in the center of Xiaozhi's hands!


Looking at Xiaozhi who has condensed the power of the waveguide, Pikachu also understood Xiaozhi's determination.

As a partner, Pikachu valued Xiaozhi's choice.

However, the sadness still could not dissipate.

Xiaozhi finally...It will be the same as Yalang.

Is this the ending of all wave guide heroes?

"No, Xiaozhi! If you continue to do this, you will be like Yalang..."

Qi Duo couldn't bear it. She still couldn't watch a teenage child make such a big sacrifice.

However, Xiaozhi interrupted Qiduo's words without hesitation.

"If I don't do this now, Yggdrasil will collapse! Once the World Tree collapses, all Pokémon under the World Tree will die! Even a dream..."

"If someone must be sacrificed! So why can't it be me!"

"I...He’s also a waveguide hero!"

Across a thousand years!

The figures of Yalang and Xiaozhi overlap at this moment!


Strengthening his heart, the waveguide power in Xiaozhi's body also surged out like spring water!

The unimaginably huge waveguide power hidden in Xiaozhi's body bloomed at this moment!

In the end, these waveguide powers passed through Xiaozhi's hands. Released.

They turned into a huge blue ball, shrouding the dream in it!

Xiaozhi's words made Lucario a little dumb.

Xiaozhi, who was about ten years old, actually had such an awareness.

It... A Pokémon that has lived for thousands of years is actually not as courageous as Ash.


Lucario no longer hesitated.

It raised its hands to condense the power of the waveguide.

The power of the waveguides of Ash and Lucario were like Two souls and bodies that have been separated for a long time. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) They merge with each other at this moment.

The waveguides of the two merge with each other and at the same time envelope the dream.

This moment.

A bond spanning thousands of years is formed at this moment.

This also sets the tone for future encounters!

【Cocobul: Could it be that Xiaozhi, you are the real genius! I'm still wondering how Xiaozhi learned how to use the power of waveguide. I have thought of thousands of ways in my mind, but I have never thought of this one! This is no longer something a genius can describe!】

【Ma Shide: I don’t know how many times I have said this. Xiaozhi is a genius and understands everything! He is a rising star in the future fighting world!】

【Erin: Sure enough, the power of the wave guide hero will bloom again in Xiaozhi's hands.】

【Yaxuan: Such a powerful power is many times more than mine! And this is an easy-to-understand way of practice! Xiaozhi is the only one! He was born to be a wave guide hero!】

【Sirona: It turns out that Xiaozhi's waveguide power is so powerful by nature that he can master it with only the simplest guidance. Unfortunately, my idea of ​​increasing the waveguide power of my Lucario failed.】

【Shiba: As soon as you get excited, you become a champion! It's really scary!】

【Xiaozhi: My future self is so awesome!】

【Xiaozhi: Wait, why can I use the power of waveguide now? How weird!】

【Kona:? ? ? 】

Guandu, Baiyin Town.

Xiaoxia and Xiaogang were stunned.

Just now, Xiaozhi imitated his appearance in the live broadcast to release the power of the waveguide.

Unexpectedly, he was actually released!

Why didn't they realize that Xiaozhi was such a monster before?

How come the new abilities you developed are as simple as eating and drinking?[]

This makes us look like crap!

Not to mention Xiaoxia and Xiaogang.

Even Xiao Mao, who was not far away from them, saw the power of the waveguide released from Xiao Zhi's hands.

A mouthful of lemonade sprayed directly into the face of the bikini beauty next to me.

Suddenly, Xiaomao felt that his luxury cars and beautiful women were no longer attractive!

Xiaozhi, you deserve to die!


In the picture - under the power of the waveguide that Xiaozhi and Lucario are continuously delivering.

Meng Meng's originally flushed cheeks gradually began to show signs of recovery.

The dream gradually returned.

However, due to the release of the power of the waveguide, many blue lightnings appeared on Ash and Lucario's bodies.

These lightning bolts are a sign that the body is about to collapse.

Once the power of the waveguide is released too much, the final result will be like Yalang's

"Xiaozhi, stop it, you will die if you continue like this!"

Qiduo couldn't bear to call Xiaozhi.

In the past few days, Qiduo really admired this boy named Xiaozhi.

Maybe in the near future, he will become the champion.

How can a boy with such a talent The thought of being able to die here caused boundless self-blame to surge up in Qiduo's heart.

This time, it might be its last adventure.

Xiaozhi's painful look was also seen by Lucario on the side. Just like Kido thought.

Lucario also thinks that Xiaozhi should not die here!

Whether it is for himself or Pikachu, who has just reunited with him at this time.

The suffering he has suffered does not need to be endured by Pikachu.

"I am absolutely! absolute! Won't give up! dream! Take it, this is my last waveguide!"777 Xiaozhi's eyes revealed Juejue.

Xiaozhi never regrets his choice!

He...But Xiaozhi!

【Nazi: Give up, you don’t want Pikachu to see you leave again】

【Hanako: That’s what Xiaozhi is like. Sometimes he won’t even listen to what I say. The moment Xiaozhi made his choice, everything was doomed. ]

Hanako’s words were very gentle.

But within the tenderness is respect for Xiaozhi.

Hanako has always been a perfect mother, she will respect her children's choices.

Even if this choice will cost Xiaozhi his life

【Hanako: Go ahead and do what you think is right. Mom will always support you.】

【Lillie: In tears! Woohoo~】

【Dr. Ohki: Hanako has always been an excellent mother. 】

this moment.

The audience understood one thing.

Xiaozhi's great character must be inseparable from his mother's teachings.

And Xiaozhi who can sacrifice for the sake of justice.

What an angel!


In the picture - just after Xiaozhi said these words.

Lucario's eyes moved.

At this time, it also made up its mind.

As said before, Lucario didn't want Pikachu to suffer the pain it endured.

At the end, Lucario raised his eyes and looked at Mew, who was gradually beginning to recover.

The hanging stone in my heart finally fell.

In this case.


"We're going to succeed, Luca."

Xiaozhi also noticed the change in Mew, but before he was ready to share it with Lucario,

Lucario used his last bit of strength to knock Xiaozhi out.

"Lucario, why?"

Xiao Zhi looked at Lucario in disbelief. It was almost successful. What is it trying to do?

Xiao Zhi! You still have Pikachu, and you still have your family! For them, you should also live well!

Definitely! want...Live well!

"Lucario! Can't the two of us live together? It's obviously almost successful!"

Hearing Lucario's voice, Xiaozhi retorted desperately.

No, I know. My body has reached its limit. Life or death is no longer important to me, and you still have bonds! Don't let your friends down!


Say no more!

Lucario interrupted Ash directly.

Immediately, Lucario turned all his attention to Mew.

At the same time, he released all his waveguide power in one breath.

The waveguide is with me, just like Aaron said.

If it stays in my heart, the waveguide will last forever.

As the words fell, the blue waveguide power surged out of Lucario's body, and then poured into the dreamy body in front of him.

At this time, Lucario has burned his life force.

Convert all the vitality into the power of waveguide.

Dreams are infused with such a large amount of waveguide power.

The body gradually returns to its healthiest state.....

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