End of ten days

Chapter 67 Rabbit

Rounding a corner, the three of them came to a dilapidated police station.

There is a bunny-headed man standing at the door here.

"It's right here!" Lao Lu said, "It seems to be over..."

Qi Xia glanced at the bunny-headed man. This seemed to be another woman.

Her mask was very torn and her suit was covered in dust. She was obviously a "human rabbit", which meant that if Officer Li really participated in her game, his life would definitely not be in danger.

"Want to play my game?" Were-Rabbit asked with a smile. 🄲

"No..." Qi Xia shook his head, "I want to ask if the man and woman who came to participate in the game are still here?"

"A man and a woman?" Were-Rabbit held one hand on his chest and held his chin with the other hand, looking a little charming, "Oh... you mean the muscular young man, right?"

"That's right."

"That's a man who doesn't understand emotions." Werner Rabbit waved his hand coquettishly, "I already told you that you don't need to be a Taoist, you just want to play with me for a day, but he's just like a piece of wood..."

Qi Xia sighed impatiently: "Where is he?"

"Young man, you are quite handsome..." Rentu suddenly reached out and touched Qi Xia's face, which startled him.

"Although you don't look that strong, as long as you stay with me for a day, I will not only give you the "Tao", but also tell you the whereabouts of that man, how about it?"

Qi Xia pushed away Human Rabbit's hand, turned around and said to the two of them: "Forget it, let's search nearby."

Lao Lu and Lin Yu also knew that they should not get entangled with the "zodiac sign", so they turned and left with Qi Xia.

"If you want to search by yourself... you have to hurry up." Human Rabbit smiled brightly, "The young man was seriously injured. If it is late, it will be too late."

"What?" Qi Xia just took three steps and suddenly froze on the spot.

"Why is he injured?" Qi Xia was puzzled.


turned around and asked, "Is your game that dangerous?"

"That's not true." Were-Rabbit twisted his waist and took a step forward, "My games are all "escape" games. Sister, I have designed very sophisticated mechanisms, but that young man relied on his own I have a good physique, but I have to use brute force to break it, what can I do?”

Qi Xia said nothing after hearing this. He turned his head and suddenly saw a few traces of fresh blood on the ground. His face turned cold and he said:

"let's go."

Several people continued to move forward, following the blood trail.

Judging from the amount of blood loss, Officer Li's injuries should not be serious. Human Rabbit is probably being alarmist.

Soon, several people followed the blood trail to the door of a pharmacy. There were constant collisions in the room, and it was obvious that someone was inside.

"Officer Li?" Qi Xia called out.

The movement in the room stopped for a moment, and Lawyer Zhang walked out first.

"Qi Xia?!" She looked a little different, and her neat face looked a little embarrassed.

She was completely soaked, as if she had just been in the water.

"What happened?" Qi Xia asked, "Where is Officer Li?"

Lawyer Zhang's eyes suddenly widened and he grabbed Qi Xia: "Please help me quickly! Officer Li is dead!"


Qi Xia felt a little confused. They followed the dripping blood all the way. It looked like it was just a scratch on the arm. How could it not work?

The three of them followed Lawyer Zhang through the door, and a very strong smell of rust wafted out.

After walking a few steps, they saw all the

Red Officer Li.

His whole body was covered in blood, making it impossible to tell where he was injured.

His lips were white, his face was ashen, and he was slumped on the ground weakly.

"What, what's going on..." Ringo trembled and ran forward, "Officer Li...where are you injured?"

Officer Li turned his head to look at Qi Xia and Lin Biao, with a wry smile on his face. He slowly stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to say something.

Qi Xia looked down and her heart skipped a beat.

It’s not a matter of “where it’s hurt” at all——

Officer Li's entire right hand disappeared.

There was a very rough break at his wrist. It didn't look like it had been cut off at all, but rather torn off.

And it seemed that in order to stop the bleeding, he found a wire and tied it on his arm. The wire was embedded tightly in the flesh, and the nearby flesh turned purple.

Because of this, only a small amount of blood remained at the break of the arm.

"Oh my God..." Ringo wanted to do something to help, but found that he couldn't help at all, "Lawyer Zhang, what happened?"

"That rabbit game..." Zhang Chenze bit his lip hard, "That woman is simply a pervert..."

Qi Xia's eyes gradually turned cold. He came to Officer Li's side and wanted to say something, but every word was stuck in his throat.

He had imagined many scenarios of meeting the other party, but he could never have imagined the current situation.

"Lawyer Zhang, take them out." Officer Li suddenly said, "I want to talk to Qi Xia alone."

"Let's talk alone?" Several people were a little confused after hearing this.

Zhang Chenze thought for a while and nodded.


He took Ringo and Lao Lu out of the room.

Seeing everyone leaving, Officer Li smiled bitterly and said to Qi Xia: "What are you frowning for? It looks like you have been wronged a lot."

"I..." Qi Xia sighed and could only say, "I will avenge you, that rabbit..."

"No..." Officer Li shook his head, "That woman is crazy, don't get involved in her game."

Qi Xia's unspoken words were choked in her throat again, and she didn't know what to say.

Officer Li smiled weakly, "Have you found a way to get out of here?"

"No..." Qi Xia said in despair, "I think I might be wrong. Not only did I fail to find a way to leave, I even killed Qiao Jiajin and Tiantian."

There was only Officer Li left here, and Qi Xia finally expressed the sadness hidden in her heart: "I thought everything was too simple..."

Officer Li grinned his white lips, then moved his body to make his sitting position more comfortable.

"What's wrong?" Officer Li asked, "Is there anything else you can't solve?"

Qi Xia didn't know how to describe "Xiaoxiao", so she could only shake her head.

Now that even Officer Li, whom he trusted, was about to die, Qi Xia felt that his headache was coming again.

He shook his head and pretended to be fine and asked, "Why did you leave me alone?"

"I have something I want to talk to someone before I die."

Officer Li touched his pocket and took out a worn-out cigarette box. There were two moldy cigarettes inside. He probably found them in an abandoned building.

He picked up a cigarette and hung it on his lips, then touched his other pockets and cursed under his breath.

"I forgot that I didn't find fire. I won't be able to smoke this before I die..."

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