End of ten days

Chapter 75: Plot of Mind

"If everyone already understands the rules, please take your seats. Please listen to the announcement in the room for the next instructions."

Digou arranged everyone and came to the front desk alone.

In both corridors, everyone was already in place.

The "senders" are all sitting in the first room of the corridor. In the corridor are the "spies" sent by each other, and in the last room are the "recipients" and "hostages".

The rules of this game seem very simple, that is, the "sender" hands the password to the "spy", the "spy" hands it to the "recipient", and the "recipient" checks the password and finally opens the door.

However, the rules that can be explained in a few words make everyone feel uncertain. After all, the most important part of this game lies with the opponent's team.

"Everyone." Digou said with a microphone at the front desk.

At the same moment, his voice came from the broadcasts in various rooms and corridors.

"The game will start in ten minutes. Now please contact the "spies" with the "sender"."

Ringo looked at various props in the room, constantly thinking about countermeasures in his mind.

Box, lock, key, letter.

Three of the four items can be crushed by the shredder.

To avoid the shredder, the envelopes must be placed in a box and then locked.

In this way, the entire box cannot be thrown into the crusher, and the "spies" can only be delivered to the other side.

But the question is what to do with the "key"?

Although she didn't know what tools Qi Xia had on hand, judging from the game's settings, it was impossible to have matching keys or any lock-opening tools.

So how does he open the box after receiving it?

"Dong dong dong"——

There was a faint knock on the door, and the "spy" girl opened the door from the outside.

"Are you ready?" she asked expressionlessly.

Ringo looked at the girl and asked: "What's your name?"


Character? "

"Jiang Ruoxue, are you okay?"

"Ruoxue, do you want to join us?" Lin Ye asked straight to the point.

The girl named Jiang Ruoxue thought for a moment and said, "It's too risky to join you. I can't take the gamble."


"That's right." Jiang Ruoxue nodded, "If I help you win the game and you choose not to accept me at the last moment, I will die as well."

Her expression was serious, as if she had already thought about this issue.

"Your worries are reasonable." Ringo nodded and started the chat method she was best at, "But we might as well make an assumption. From your understanding, if your team wants to win the game, they will use what way?"

Jiang Ruoxue frowned slightly and said, "You mean... they will also cooperate with "spies"?"

"Well, that's what it means." Ringo said, "Just like the interview, we are now a "two-way choice", and the same is true for you. What you have to consider is not whether we will abandon you, but whether your original team will Abandon you."

"They won't." Jiang Ruoxue said firmly, "Abandoning me for a bad old man is impossible no matter how you think about it."

"They are not "for a bad old man", but "for survival."" Ringo slowed down his tone as much as possible, which can make the other party's mental alertness continue to lower, "Ordinary people will control their lives in their own hands, not In other people’s hands?”

Jiang Ruoxue obviously hesitated this time.

She opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something, but she remained silent.

"And I cooperate with you just to survive."

"Then you send them out

What about the "spies"? Jiang Ruoxue said, "He is obviously your teammate, but can you just give up on him?" "

"I have known him for no more than four hours, and it is even more impossible to risk my life because of these four hours of acquaintance." Ringo said seriously, "And how long have you known your teammates? Will they take risks for you?"

Jiang Ruoxue was stunned for a while.

After thinking about it again and again, she still did not agree to Ringo's request.

"I can't believe you. Please hurry up and prepare the letter. I suggest you make it firmer. I will do everything possible to destroy the letter inside." Jiang Ruoxue shook her head and said, "Don't say anything else."

"Can I ask why you are so insistent?" Ringo finally asked.

"Amu is my boyfriend, do you need any other reasons?" .🅆.

As a psychological counselor, Ringo knows that it is almost impossible to break down a person's psychological defenses in a few minutes. This is a plot that can only appear in science fiction.

Normal people are extremely defensive against strangers, especially in situations where life is at stake. Every word spoken by both parties may kill the other party, so they will only be more careful than usual.

Ringo stopped wasting time and instead focused on the box in front of him.

If you don't consider cooperating with a "spy" at all, is there any way for Qi Xia to get the letter?

On the other side, Amu, who was sitting in the "sender's" room, also met the "spy" Lao Lu.

"I said, young man, please give me the things quickly." Lao Lu held the door frame with one hand and said impatiently.

Amu scratched his emerald green hair and cast a contemptuous look at Lao Lu.

He didn't look at the things on the table, but thought for a while and said: "Old man, how about buying the life of your companion for ten "Tao"?"



"What the hell...?" Lao Lu was stunned, "Ten "Tao"?"

"You don't seem to be stupid. You naturally know the rules of survival here, right?"

Lao Lu thought for a long time before slowly speaking: "What stupid things are you saying, young man? How can you betray your teammates for ten "Tao"? Besides, I paid for the tickets..."

"Fifteen." Amu continued, "In addition to the rewards you should get from this game, I will give you another fifteen "Tao"."

Lao Lu slowly looked at the ground, hesitation written on his face.

"Don't think about it, old man, you should know how to survive "100%"." Amu tapped his fingers on the table, his voice full of warning, "We will accept you and let you survive. After we go out, we will each Run for something.”

Lao Lu asked cautiously: "Give me fifteen "Tao"...don't you get nothing?"

"It doesn't matter." Amu shook his head nonchalantly, "If we take each other's life, we can get the spoils from each other. It can't be said that we get nothing."

"Where is that woman?" Lao Lu asked again, "Isn't she your partner?"

"It's just a woman!" Amu came forward and looked at Lao Lu fiercely, "When the woman dies, we can just look for her. But once I die, the situation will be a bit worse..."

Lao Lu felt that there was an unspeakable danger in the man in front of him.

But if you think about it carefully, Qi Xia and others can't find fifteen "Taos" in their bodies. If they agree to the other party's request here, they will make a lot of money.

"I want a deposit." Lao Lu said, "Give me five "Tao" now."


"This way you won't be able to kill me." Lao Lu smiled, and the sweat slipped from his face, "'killing people to seize the right' is not acceptable, right?"

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