End of ten days

Chapter 86 My Mission

"Dad, there will be a parent-teacher meeting next Friday afternoon. Can you come back then?"

I suddenly opened my eyes in a trance. The severe pain in my neck made me realize that I must not give up at this moment.

Although the seat was folded down very slowly, it had already made me lie down completely at this moment.

Zhang Huanan couldn't use any force at this angle and could only keep dodging backwards.

After I folded the seat completely, my left hand continued to grope and soon found another button.

Once this button was pressed, the entire seat would slowly move backwards.

"Fuck you..." Zhang Huanan was constantly squeezed backwards by my seat, and there was no room for movement.

I finally escaped the bondage of the wire, and I only felt a dull pain in my throat, but now was a life-and-death moment, and any non-fatal injuries could only be considered flesh wounds.

I immediately raised my pistol and turned around, but my eyes were dark and my brain had not recovered from the lack of oxygen.

Based on the sound and experience, I aimed the gun straight ahead and prepared to get rid of Zhang Huanan.

But at this time, the whole car shook suddenly.

After a few seconds, I came to my senses. It was an earthquake.

I have lived in Inner Mongolia for more than 30 years and have never experienced an earthquake.

But this earthquake was so clear that it made it even more difficult for me to keep my body steady, even though I was already a little dizzy.

After firing two shots in a row, Zhang Huanan suddenly stood up and grabbed my hand tightly.

I had fought with him before. This liar was not very strong, but his moves were very insidious.

He held my pistol with one hand and reached for the little finger of my left hand with the other hand. After grabbing it, he twisted it hard.

I didn't expect this move, and I retracted my left hand instantly. The next second, I finally regained my vision, but I saw Zhang Huanan took out a hammer from somewhere.

Before I could react, the hammer flew to my head.

In an instant, I felt dizzy and my soul seemed to be separated from my body.

I knew this was a sign of fainting, and the next few seconds would be my last chance.

At this time, the car began to slide randomly due to the violent earthquake. I vaguely saw from the car window that the houses on both sides of the alley were collapsing, cracks appeared on the walls, and even cracks appeared in the sky in the distance...

Wait... the sky is cracked?

Before I could react, Zhang Huanan's hammer fell again, and I narrowly avoided it.

I came to my senses and knew that if I couldn't kill Zhang Huanan here, he would kill Xuanxuan, and more people would be defrauded by him in the future. Even if I wanted to die here, I would definitely drag Zhang Huanan into hell.

I stretched out a finger and stabbed Zhang Huanan's eyes fiercely. I felt a burst of wet heat on my finger and pierced his eyeball directly.

He wailed and loosened his hand holding the pistol. I immediately aimed at his chest and fired a shot.

The bullet clearly drilled into his lung tube, but at the same time, his hammer swung again and flew on my temple.

I don’t know if the next few shots were because the earthquake was too severe or because I was hit in the temple, but I completely lost control of the direction. Although I wanted to make up a few more shots, my balance was completely destroyed.

I could see a dark place in front of me, and I didn’t even know where I fainted.

The hammer seemed to be falling on my head.

But I didn’t feel anything.

The warm liquid soaked my eyes, and I only heard the "bang bang" sound from my skull.

Everything was shaking, everything was breaking.

The huge sound in the distance came like a wave, screams, shouts, the sound of vehicle collisions, and the sound of building collapses broke out instantly.

No, I still can’t die.

I have to deal with Zhang Huanan quickly, and then get out of the car to save people.

I need to call the team and ask for support.

Save people, save people immediately.

Every minute of precious rescue time lost during an earthquake is a waste of life.

I have my mission, I can’t sit back and do nothing...

But will I... still be alive?


Am I alive now?

When I opened my eyes, there were nine strangers sitting in front of me.

This place looked a bit like an interrogation room, but we never prepare round tables.

The round shape does not give people a sense of oppression, but rather a sense of reunion and comfort, so the tables in the interrogation room are usually square, while the dining tables in the hotel are round.

At first I thought it was some trick played by Zhang Huanan... But thinking about it carefully, he and I should both be dead.

I reached out and touched my head. The skull was slightly sunken, but there was no bleeding.

I touched my neck again and felt a tingling pain.

It seems that the injury I suffered at that time is still there, but I am not dead. What's going on?

Both the neck and the skull are fatal injuries, but I am sitting here fine. I can not only see and hear, but also touch my wounds.

The senior in the police station once told me that when a person dies, he will recall the things he has done in his life like a revolving lantern.

But I don't remember ever seeing these nine people in front of me. Each of them has a strange face and is looking around like me.


So this isn’t a flashback, but a strange dream?

A minute later, the man in the goat-head mask killed someone without hesitation, and I finally knew my mission.

Even if this is a strange dream, even if this is hell.

My mission is not over yet.

This is where I continue to pay off my debt.

I want to destroy those evildoers, and I want to save all the innocent people.

This time I will never hesitate again, and I will never let myself regret it.

I am a police officer, and even here I have to fulfill my duties.

Unexpectedly, the identity I drew turned out to be "Liar", and the next step was a dilemma.

Do I want to save the lives of innocent people first...or do I want to survive and kill the masked pervert myself?

After a few seconds of mental struggle, I understood.

Never follow the suspect's lead. He wants us to kill each other, but I want to save everyone.

As long as everyone survives, there is still hope for everything.

It's a pity that even if I win this game, I can't go back.

I killed someone.

I can't face Xuanxuan anymore. The only thing waiting for me is legal sanctions.

So my end point can only be here.

There is no chance for a do-over in life, and there is no way I can change my past.

It's a pity that I don't even have a cigarette in my pocket, and I didn't bring the lighter that Xuanxuan bought me with her pocket money. I don't know how uncomfortable the following days will be.

If possible, I really hope to smoke another Cordyceps sinensis.

So just let me finish what I have to do and then go quietly.

My name is Li Shangwu.

I'm going to start lying.

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