Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 8 Fuzzy Information

After all, it is the police, and the dead are seen more often. When Luo Yuan hid aside, Zhao Qiang and Team Chen covered their noses, took a wooden stick and began to rummage through the stomach to verify the victim's identity! It didn't take long for the support people to come along the opened path, and they were shocked when they saw the giant snake, but it was already a dead snake after all, so they didn't feel so scared after a while.

Wang Fei was the first to be carried down the mountain on a stretcher. Before leaving, he glanced at Luo Yuan from afar, with a complex look on his face that was painful.

Nothing will happen to Luo Yuan from now on.

Several people muttered to Team Chen and Zhao Qiang for a while, then put on gloves, put the corpses into transparent nylon bags, and began to carry them down the mountain.

Since Huang Jiahui came out, she has been silent and in a trance, and she also keeps away from Luo Yuan. Luo Yuan originally wanted to talk to her, but seeing her like this, he gave up.

The return was relatively smooth, and there was no danger. Luo Yuan got out of the car at the gate of the police station, changed his clothes, and asked for Team Chen's number before leaving, saying that he would notify him after the identity of the corpse was confirmed. Then he took a taxi and left.

When the car drove to the urban area, Luo Yuan checked the time. It was less than three o'clock, so he asked the driver to stop at the Industrial and Commercial Bank and walked into the bank.

He has only worked for less than a year, and his usual salary is only enough for his own expenses, and he basically has no savings. However, after his parents died in a car accident when he was a freshman, they couldn't find compensation for the perpetrators. In order to continue his studies, Luo Yuan had no choice but to sell the family house. There are still more than 200,000 left.

He looked up at the bank's mobile information. The fixed interest rate of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China has been raised to 15 points. Such a high interest rate only appeared during the economic chaos in the 1990s. Luo Yuan has studied economics, such an abnormal behavior is enough to show that there is an undercurrent surging.

He walked to the bank counter, originally he wanted to withdraw one hundred thousand. As a result, I was told that because there was no appointment, I could only withdraw 50,000 yuan. After Luo Yuan withdrew the money, he walked outside the bank, saw the bank's ATM, and then withdrew another 20,000.

Luo Yuan took a heavy purse, took a taxi to the moving company, and rented a pickup truck. He drove directly to the supermarket and started buying like crazy, drinking water, instant noodles, food, clothing, canned food, cooking oil, whatever he could think of, and he didn’t stop until the truck couldn’t fit any more.

When I watched the storage room in the room gradually filled with food and other daily necessities, and even most of my bedroom was occupied by bags of rice, I felt a sense of satisfaction spontaneously.

The so-called food at home, do not panic. If the order of the world really collapsed, so much food and drinking water would be enough for him to survive for a long time.

He turns on the computer. Both forums and news have a lot of posts about plants growing wildly and animals mutating. Some netizens in rural areas even claimed that people in their villages disappeared every day, and people were in panic.

But most of the posts like this received mediocre responses! Maybe there is too much information like this, and netizens have already become numb. Or you have never experienced it, or you simply don’t believe it.

If it was before, Luo Yuan would also be one of them, but after what happened today, his thoughts are different.

He began to search for information about the army. Most of this information was buried in the vast tide of information without attracting attention at all, but Luo Yuan still found many clues. There are various indications that the domestic military region seems to be in an extremely busy state, and the news is full of words such as exercises and transfers.

Then he saw a message about Brazil. Looking at the time, it was ten days ago.

"Because of climate change, Brazil's log exports have been frustrated!"

With a thought in his heart, he continued to search for Brazil. He found that Brazil seemed to have disappeared during this period. Except for the news ten days ago, there was no recent information at all.

Most of the Amazon forest, known as the lungs of the earth, is located in Brazil. The virgin forest coverage is quite high. This is not comparable to Mount Zhu, which is no more than 200 meters in absolute height. It is a paradise for animals, a forbidden place for humans, and all kinds of weird things. Dangerous creatures abound.

A giant snake appeared on a small hill like Mount Zhu. The current situation in Brazil may have been extreme. Without information about Brazil, it is precisely the worst information.

Thinking of this, Luo Yuan couldn't help but feel chills all over his body.

At this time, the sound of keys opening the door came from outside. Luo Yuan looked at the time and found that it was almost five o'clock. Without thinking about it, he knew that Zhao Yali should have come back from get off work. He couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

"Xiao Yuan, has Wei Qiang been here?"

Luo Yuan opened the door, Zhao Yali's complexion was worse than in the morning, and she looked worried.

He didn't know whether he should tell her, the news might be too cruel for her. They're engaged, they've bought a house, and they're renovating it. Originally planned to get married in the new year, but now there is only one bad news, and even the corpse is beyond recognition.

Maybe she will know this bad news sooner or later, but it will take a while, Luo Yuan hesitated: "Should be back soon!"

Zhao Yali's face paled slightly, and she said to herself: "What the hell did he do? Why didn't he even return a call, he wasn't like this before."

"Maybe I was caught by something!" Luo Yuan paled and comforted him!

"Do you think he might have an affair?"

"He's not that kind of person, don't think too much, besides, his salary is not given to you, I'll go out to eat first." Luo Yuan explained, then changed the subject.

"Let's eat together, I'll cook right away!" After chatting with Luo Yuan for a few words, Zhao Yali was in a better mood and said politely.

"Forget it, how can I keep taking advantage of you all the time!" Luo Yuan said while walking outside in embarrassment, he really didn't want to lie to her again, he felt uncomfortable.

The small restaurant opened at the entrance of the community, and because Luo Yuan was a frequent customer, the proprietress of the restaurant seemed very enthusiastic. Today's physical exertion is too much, so Luo Yuan ordered two more dishes?

But halfway through the meal, the phone call came.

Luo Yuan took it out and saw that it was Captain Chen. He already had a guess in his mind, so he immediately picked it up.

Captain Chen's dignified voice came from the opposite side: "Xiao Luo, you should be mentally prepared first, I will tell you some bad news." He paused for a while, as if he wanted to give Luo Yuan time to prepare, and then said: "The corpse It has been checked out, and one of them is your brother-in-law, we are also very sorry!"

Luo Yuan already knew that there was no surprised expression on his face, and he said in a heavy tone: "Thank you, Captain Chen. In fact, I already guessed it in the afternoon. I wonder if you notified my sister?"

"The people in his unit have been notified, because the corpse is beyond recognition and the decay is serious, I still suggest that the family should be cremated immediately after meeting." Captain Chen said.

"Well, I will persuade my sister!" Luo Yuan said.

"Xiao Luo, you can't come back to life after death, let's watch it, sorry, let's talk next time."

After Luo Yuan hung up the phone, he was silent for a while, then quickly checked out and went back.

As soon as he opened the anti-theft door, a strong burnt smell hit his face.

Surprised, Luo Yuan hurried into the kitchen. Zhao Yali collapsed on the ground with a shovel in her hand. The pot on the gas stove was billowing with smoke, almost catching fire.

Luo Yuan quickly turned off the switch of the gas stove, took another bowl of water, and poured it on the pot.


There was a soft sound, and the water vapor evaporated.

After dealing with all this, Luo Yuan looked at Zhao Yali, only to see that she was numb and motionless, she didn't even react when Luo Yuan came in, it was more silent mourning than heartbreak.

"You don't want to die? Do you know that the house is about to burn down? What happened?" Luo Yuan didn't comfort him, but cursed angrily. Because he knew that any comfort at this time would be futile.

She gave Luo Yuan a blank look, and suddenly burst into tears, crying hysterically, which made people's hearts throb.

"It's okay, it's okay!" He knelt down and patted her on the shoulder: "Is it okay to cry?"

Suddenly Zhao Yali hugged him with her backhand, crying more and more!

"Dead...he is dead, Wei Qiang is dead... woo woo woo... he was fine yesterday morning... I even scolded him... it's all my fault, it's all my fault."

"It's not your fault, it's fate. If he hadn't gone to Gaotang Town, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened." Luo Yuan comforted.

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