Evolution From Mushrooms

051 Mysterious Voice (4 More)

At night, Chen Mo's weapon was ready, but he thought about it and didn't use it.

These people are all in the car, especially the chariot, which is very well sealed. Once the filter is opened, the spore powder may not be able to float in for a whole day.

If it can't be wiped out completely, it will find an abnormality for the opponent instead.

And the other side is also calling for support.

Chen Mo immediately felt that it was a major mistake not to call the chariot over.

If there were chariots, they would be able to knock down these people and drag the target away at dawn.

Fortunately, Chen Mo has a backup plan.

It was not until dawn that all the soldiers got out of the car.

"Preparing to search for traces, the giant python was seriously injured, we must catch that giant python along the blood trail."

There is little blood.

However, the traces of being crushed by the giant python are very obvious.

"The snake appears to be in a panic."

A soldier said.

"Indeed, but the blood stains are a little less, we have to pay attention, and I'll leave it to Brother Liu later."

The captain smiled back.

Last night, it was really thanks to this kid. He couldn't hold back his face before, but now he has completely let go. The opponent has strength and is a bull.

It's perfectly fine to call a brother.

"Captain, don't worry, everything is on me."

The soldier surnamed Liu patted his chest and said confidently.

His reaction speed is faster than ordinary people! Stronger!

If the boa constrictor wanted to sneak attack, it had to pass his level first.

"There are a lot of mushrooms growing around here."

Some soldiers noticed again that there were clumps of mushrooms on the ground.

"It may be that the weather has been relatively humid these days, and the mushrooms have grown tremendously, or they may have mutated. Be careful not to step on the mushrooms."

The captain wanted to continue sampling, but at a glance, there are five or six kinds of mushrooms. The sampling is so troublesome. Think about it or forget it. I already collected one yesterday, and it can be used as a representative.

Chen Mo watched the group of people follow the trails all the way deep into the forest.

He began to manipulate the giant python into action.

After a night of trying, Chen Mo has controlled the giant python through hallucinogens and telepathy.

In the forest, the towering trees could not see the sun, and the soldiers were extremely vigilant.

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed past.

Da da da!

The soldiers immediately opened fire.

A soldier carrying a bazooka also put the bazooka on his shoulder and removed the safety cover at the same time.


The captain sneered, this time he was prepared, if the other party dared to come over, it would definitely kill him.

"Run away."

However, the sound of the snake skin rubbing against the ground became farther and farther away.

"There is still some blood! The other party can't run far!"

A soldier checked the place where the giant python was entrenched just now, and said excitedly.

"Keep in battle formation! Chase!"

The captain ordered immediately.

Everyone began to follow the traces of the giant python's crushing, all the way forward.

The psyker also raised the shotgun in his hand.

This uses a single warhead.

Bullets specially designed to attack elephants.

The weapons specially prepared for this operation, one shot, is enough for an individual weapon to knock down an elephant.

The recoil is so powerful that only one bullet can be fired at a time.

At the same time, the rest of the soldiers also hung grenade launchers under their guns.

After all, the heavy machine gun did not leave this monster yesterday, so today it will be replaced with a more powerful one.

See if that monster can hold up.

But today this monster was obviously scared of being beaten, and turned around and ran away when it heard their movement!

This makes everyone not succeed once.

The two grenades that were fired in a hurry were all emptied.

The opponent heard the terrifying explosion and ran even faster.

But fortunately, the other party seemed to have lost too much blood, and he couldn't run anymore.

There is no way to hide the tracks.

The soldiers followed the traces, and soon caught up again.

Just chasing and chasing, and then, everyone chased to a strange mushroom field.

A large piece of mushrooms grew on the ground.

A long trace is the trace of the giant python rushing through the mushroom forest.

Without even thinking about it, everyone rushed in.

"Brothers in the back, hurry up, we will catch up with the python soon, bring some freezers!"

The captain shouted into the satellite phone.

The support troops are already on the way, and they happened to be here to carry the big snake together.

"Slow down, we still have hope to catch this snake alive!"

At this moment, the captain became a little excited.

After all, after chasing here, everyone has already noticed that this big snake is about to die.

What they have to do is to slowly drive each other to exhaustion.

Everyone walked out of the mushroom forest safely.

keep catching up.

But the more you run, the more it feels wrong.

In front of my eyes, everything is a little blurred.

Some soldiers even had hallucinations, and directly took out their weapons, da da da!

In fact, there is nothing there.

"Calm down! No monsters!"

shouted the captain.

The psyker on the side is the calmest.

Of course, this is only on the surface.

In fact, Chen Mo is using telepathy, trying to control the other party.

But it's obviously difficult.

I just didn't bother to do it, the hallucinogenic spores released slowly for a long time, all the way to the present, the soldiers are also crazy exercise, it is already working.

Cooperating with telepathy to interfere with everyone.

Soon, the men were attacking targets that didn't exist.

Slowly, fear began to spread, and one person suddenly started to retreat, and everyone followed.

When the support team arrived, the team was already in chaos.

close to the brink of collapse.

Count the number of people, one less.

"Bastard! Who told you to retreat!"

Check out the combat recorder.

The captain was furious, his face extremely ugly.

If this bastard hadn't retreated suddenly, the battle formation wouldn't be scattered, and no one would be lost!

"Captain, it was you who gave the order to retreat!"

The soldier was very wronged.

He could hear clearly, and the captain's voice came from next to his ear, saying to retreat immediately!

Seeing his extremely serious and aggrieved look, everyone was immediately puzzled.

Could it be that what he heard was not the voice of the captain, who could it be?

Looking at the dark forest again, everyone couldn't help but feel a little chill in their hearts.

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