Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 466 God, don’t interfere too much in people’s affairs

After going through Keli’s gift-giving session,

Wang Dao and others are not in a hurry to leave.

After all, if you want to leave, you must take Keli with you.

But Keli has a client now,

Take Keli away directly. The person who accepts the commission may go crazy.

Moreover, I just heard from Kelly that Bennett and Fisher were the ones accepting the commission.

With Bennett's luck and temperament, if he took Kelly with him without saying hello,

Bennett might be dying of anxiety, and his bad luck might cause something in the end.

So the group stopped in front of Keli’s small tent.

Listen to Keli tell the story of her recent big adventure.

It is said to be a big adventure, but it is actually just completing certain tasks within the scope of the Adventurers Association.

After all, Keli is just a child, even if her destructive power may be more terrifying than the entire Mondstadt Adventurers Association,

The managers of the Adventurers Association would not let Keli go on a real adventure mission.

Moreover, the Adventurers Association has already prepared some cool summer activities suitable for children, and also has special arrangements.

Activities at the foot of the snow-capped mountains avoid the scorching heat and there is no danger.

There are also people from the Adventurers Association taking care of it.

So not only Keli came here, but also many ordinary children from Mondstadt came here.

Listening to Kelly talk about her summer adventure,

The three of them couldn't help showing friendly expressions.

Wang Daoyi smiled and touched Keli's little head.

"So, does Kelly want to go to the desert?"

"Hey!" Keli's eyes lit up slightly when she heard Wang Daoyi's question, "Desert, Keli knows about desert, her mother told Keli."

"Yellow sand, whirring and flying, as well as beasts of burden and oasis."

As she talked, Keli didn't know what she thought of, and a silly smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Then his little face turned and looked at Albedo aside: "Brother Abedo, Keli wants to go to the desert."

Abedo touched Keli's head: "Well, I came back this time just to ask for leave from Captain Qin, and then take you there to play."

"Really, okay, Keli is going to the desert, Keli is going to the desert."

The little guy rolled around happily in the tent.

Abedo, on the other hand, looked at the little guy with a doting look on his face.

On the side, Nicorette shook his head slightly. Albedo also said that he would spoil Keli. Now look, Albedo's pampering of Keli is no weaker than his.

The three of them played with the little guy for a while.

Only then did voices come from outside the tent.

"It's all your fault, Bennett. If it weren't for you, the snow pig just now would never have been able to escape."

"Yes, Your Highness Princess, but that place is already the territory of the Snow Mountain Wild Boar King. If you get too close, there will be problems."

"Miss, I think Mr. Bennett is right. Your current strength is not enough to deal with such a dangerous place."

"Hmph, stop talking. Remember to tell Xiao Keli about my glorious image later. You can't slander me, you know?"

"Okay, okay, Your Highness."

"Just think of it as telling a story, miss."

While they were talking, two people and a bird opened the curtain of the small tent.

"Kelly, we are back."

"Hey, why are there so many people?"

Fischer rushed into the tent to surprise Keli, and then he saw three handsome guys in the tent looking at him.

"Ah, it's Mr. Abedo, and His Excellency Wang Daoyi." Bennett was very polite. After looking at everyone, he immediately called out their names. However, after seeing two identical Abedo, he was still a little dumbfounded, " Ah, two Mr. Albedo."

"Haha, Bennett, long time no see, I'm Nicored."

Nicored held out his hand to Bennett.

When Nicolaide was pretending to be Albedo in the snowy mountains, he had dealt with Bennett many times.

This silly-looking young adventurer made a very good impression on Nikolaid.

Enthusiastic, cheerful, lively, and responsible,

He is a very qualified adventurer.

"Hey, Mr. Anigred knows me?"

Bennett thought carefully and couldn't remember when he met a person like Mr. Abedo.

Nicorette smiled: "Back in the Snow Mountain, you helped me find some star silver mines for research. However, at that time, you probably thought I was Albedo."

Bennett: "Huh?"

On the other side, the shy Fischer also calmed down under Oz's comfort.

In fact, Fischer is a very bold girl, which can be seen from the fact that she calls herself the princess of another world.

But no matter how bold a person is, he will become shy in front of certain people.

This is the situation for Fischer now;

Having seen Abedo's power in killing the Golden King Beast with one sword, she really couldn't stand up to him in front of him.

It's like a middle school boy meeting his most respected teacher.

I was really embarrassed to continue speaking those secondary words.

"Haha, did you two go on an adventure just now? I heard from Keli that the activities here are pretty good."

Wang Dao smiled as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Yeah, the Adventurers Association arranged it very well. According to the route they arranged, we encountered many interesting mechanisms and enemies along the way."

Bennett said with excitement.

With his luck, he could actually complete the adventure smoothly.

This shows how smooth the activities arranged by the Adventurers Association are.

"Hmph, if you hadn't made a mistake, Bennett, the first place should have gone to my princess."

Speaking of the event, Fischer glared at Bennett again.

Wang Daoyi smiled and shook his head, these two people were quite interesting.

Due to Bennett's bad luck, many adventurers really didn't dare to continue teaming up with him, so he was alone.

Because of his middle-class soul, Fischer speaks in a garbled way, and most adventurers are unwilling to interact with him.

When these two people come together, they are considered a match.

Well, plus Lei Ze who has been active in the Wolf Leader,

These three people are the youth group of Mondstadt.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Wang Daoyi's mind,

Anyway, it’s okay to take Keli there alone.

It's better to just bring more people.

After thinking about it, Wang Daoyi looked at Albedo: "Tell me, if I let the Adventurers Association of Xumi and the Adventurers Association of Mondstadt jointly organize a desert adventure, can this attract adventurers to the desert, and then drive Economic development of the tribe?”


Looking at Wang Daoyi helplessly, Abedo shook his head: "Compared to Lord Barbatos, you really care a little too much about your own people. Why do you need a god like you to hold events to attract people? Think about it."

"Haha, is there? Haha, they are my people, so naturally I have to think about them." Wang Daoyi was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, and continued, "They regard me as their savior, and they put their bodies and souls into their care. Dedicated to me, if I can’t take them into my heart, am I still worthy to be their god?”

"That guy Barbatos didn't just ignore things at the beginning. He gradually dispersed the wind and snow in Mondstadt, cut off the mountains in Mondstadt, and gave the people of Mondstadt a fertile land. He is hiding behind the scenes, and his eyes are always looking at Mondstadt."

Although I usually complain about Barbatos being unreliable,

But that's just a rant. In fact, Barbatos is a very responsible god.

It's just that his responsibility matches Mond's freedom, which seems a bit irresponsible.

"Forget it, in my opinion, if the desert wants to develop, your ideas alone are not enough. You should mobilize the power of the desert people."

"Form the Adventurers Association in the desert. I know you don't like the Winter Solstice people, but the Adventurers Association is not just a force of Solstice. You can completely accept the Adventurers Association into the Red Sand area."

"With the Adventurers Association, Chisha can radiate his voice through the Adventurers Association's communication network."

"There is no shortage of wonders, ruins, ancient civilizations, monsters, and legends in the desert. As long as adventurers see the information about the desert, they will naturally venture there."

"And the only thing you have to solve is the control of the desert by the Order. Well, this shouldn't be a problem for you."

Abedo said, Wang Daoyi nodded.

Although he knew and understood everything Abedo said,

But speaking from Abedo's mouth, this information is a little more true.

"That's good. It seems that the joint activities of the Adventurers Association are promising. In that case, let's give it a try."

Wang Daoyi smiled and said,

Then he turned to look at Fischer and Bennett: "Both of you, do you know who is in charge here?"

"Ah." Listening to Wang Daoyi and Abedo's talk about deserts, gods, and people,

Bennett and Fischer didn't react for a moment.

After hearing Wang Daoyi's question, they were stunned for a moment, and then answered: "It's President Seleus. He is in the center of the camp."

"OK, thanks."

"Albedo, how about we go talk to President Seleus later?"

"Yeah, that's okay. President Seleus is a powerful adventurer. It is said that he once killed three evil dragons, wiped out two transnational robbery organizations, and even participated in the legendary story of saving Teyvat. However, I don’t know whether it is true or false.”

Abedo obviously knew President Seleus, and he told some of President Seleus's 'deeds'.

Slay the evil dragon, destroy the transnational organization, and save Teyvat?

Wang Daoyi showed a trace of amusement and shook his head slightly: "Unless you see this kind of story with your own eyes, everyone will regard it as drunken nonsense."

"Ha, many people regard these stories as President Seleus's bragging. However, when you meet him, you will understand that he is very strong."

Hearing Abedo's words, Wang Daoyi couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

He remembered that the president of the Adventurers Association of Mondstadt was a man without the eyes of God.

To make Abedo say something very strong,

So another physical transcendent?

Just like the current grand leader of Mondstadt, he can crush many Eye of God holders with the power of his body.

There are always some perverted beings in Teyvat who are purely physical.

In a sense, Liyue's Beidou is also a similar being.

Beidou's Eye of God does not add much to Beidou's strength.

The Southern Cross fleet can sail across the sea outside Liyue, but Beidou is stronger than her God's Eye.

"Ha, interesting. As you said, I immediately want to meet that President Seleus."

"Well it's still early, so it's too late to go over now."

"Then let's go."

Wang Daoyi stood up and looked at the two little adventurers beside him: "You two, do you want to go over together and take a look?"

"Hey, is that okay?"

Bennett's eyes lit up. Although he didn't know much about the topics Wang Daoyi and Abedo talked about about gods and people just now,

But he still heard something, that is, Wang Daoyi wanted to cooperate with the Adventurers Association to carry out some activities.

And Bennett's favorite thing is adventure activities.

"Of course. Since we are discussing adventure activities, we can naturally let the adventurers listen together."

Wang Daoyi smiled and said,

"Besides, it just so happens that you two are serving as our guides."

While joking,

Wang Daoyi hired these two young adventurers as his guides and walked to the Adventurers Association tent in the center of the camp.

From a distance, Wang Daoyi saw a tall figure telling some stories to some children.

"President Seleus, we are here with guests."

From a distance, Bennett shouted,

The tall figure who was telling a story with the children glanced here.

Then he took out a bunch of snacks from his pocket, distributed them to the children, and let them disperse.

"Oh hahaha, it turns out to be Bennett. How is it? The adventure is pretty good, right? How are your dads doing?"

"Hehe, adventure activities are fun. I have already completed them. Dads are very good. They even said a few days ago that they would go on adventures again."

Bennett scratched his head in embarrassment and answered President Seleus's question.

Then he took a step to the side and made way for Wang Dao and others behind him.

"President Seleus, I am bringing a guest to you."

Seleus looked at Wang Daoyi, Albedo and others,

"Oh oh oh, it turns out it's His Excellency Wang Daoyi and Mr. Abedo. Why, do you two have anything to do with me?"

Seleus knew Wang Daoyi. When Wang Daoyi pushed back the avalanche on the snow mountain by himself, Seleus was watching from the camp below.

Ordinary people may not be able to see Wang Daoyi's appearance, but Seleus is obviously not an ordinary person.

As for Abedo's identity, Seleus was even more familiar with it. The Adventurers Association's purchase of alchemy equipment was indispensable from dealing with Abedo.

Perhaps because of this familiarity, Seleus was not surprised when he saw Nicored who looked exactly like Albedo.

As an alchemist, it is acceptable for an identical existence to appear.

"President Seleus, I would like to ask what kind of preparations are needed if the Adventurers Association is to hold a cross-border adventure event."

Wang Dao opened his mouth and asked,

He looked at the other person and felt the power in the other person's body like a rushing river.

The stories Abedo told before, about slaying the evil dragon, maybe weren't bragging.

Although it is impossible to kill the elemental dragon,

But with the power within the opponent's body, it might not be a problem to kill a few dragon-like sea monsters.

"Oh, it turns out that His Excellency Wang Daoyi also wants to hold an adventurer event? Can you tell me where it will be held and how far you want to achieve it?"

Seleus was full of excitement, he was a pure adventurer.

For him, promoting the Adventurers Association is the happiest thing.

It is also his greatest wish.

"Well, I have this idea. The approximate venue is the desert of Xumi. There are a large number of dangerous ruins, ancient relics, and a harsh environment. It fully meets the definition of adventure."

Wang Daoyi introduced the situation in the desert to Seleus.

Seleus nodded while listening: "It turns out to be the desert of Sumeru. I went there several times when I was young. The Gilded Brigade there is not easy to mess with."

"Hey, President Seleus, you may not need to worry about issues like the Gilded Brigade. The King in front of you has now unified the desert."

Abedo said something beside Wang Daoyi.

Seleus stared: "Unified the desert?"

Although I haven’t been to the desert for a long time,

Although he has been staying at the Adventurers' Guild in Mondstadt,

But it doesn't mean that Seleus doesn't know what the desert is like.

The Adventurers Association is an upright organization spanning the seven countries.

In terms of intelligence, they are even better than the fools.

Even the harsh environment of the Sumeru Desert can be unified by others?

After hesitating for a while, Seleus looked at Wang Daoyi and said slightly: "God?"

It must be said that Seleus is a powerful adventurer, but in just a few breaths, he roughly guessed Wang Daoyi's identity.

"What should I call you?"

Seleus looked cautious, as if he had really met a god during his adventure.

This made Wang Daoyi feel that the other party was indeed not simple.

"Ha, it doesn't have to be like this. In the land of Mondstadt, you can just call me Wang Daoyi."

Wang Daoyi didn't care about these titles.

In other words, even if gods like Barbatos, Morax, and Balzebul go to other countries, they will not let people from other countries shout the names of gods to them.

Seleus nodded, then looked at the people behind Wang Daoyi,

"It seems like you have other things to do. Let's do this. I will compile an activity plan for the Adventurers Association for you later. If you follow the plan, it may be easier to understand."

I have to say that Seleus is a genius;

He saw Abedo and others behind Wang Daoyi, and then looked at Keli who was being held by Abedo.

He guessed that Wang Dao and others could not have come specifically to see him. There was probably something else.

And the activity planning of the Adventurers Association cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences.

So the previous plan was proposed.

Wang Daoyi raised his eyebrows and suddenly laughed: "Seleus, you are really good. That's it. When I leave Mondstadt, I will come to see you and ask you to compile a planning document. Come out and cooperate with the Desert Adventurers Association, and others will contact you."

That's right, Wang Daoyi is not ready to follow up on this matter himself.

As Abedo said, as a god, he cares a little too much about the lives of his people.

Perhaps He, who had just become a god, borrowed the fate feedback from all Sumeru people,

Sometimes it’s natural to think about how to make Xumi better.

But with Nasida in the rainforest, her center of gravity shifted significantly toward the desert.

It is this excessive concern that sometimes makes Wang Daoyi do things that should not be done by gods.

Fortunately, he didn't discover it too late.

God, sometimes, is better to stay away from people’s lives.

Sometimes, people can communicate normally, but with God's intervention, things may go wrong.

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