Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 492 ‘Going Home’ (800 monthly tickets for additional updates this month)

With a jumping mushroom,

Ying also walked into Jingshan Palace,

"Nacida, we encountered a very strange mushroom beast and we would like your help to look into it."

Ying's voice just fell,

The mushroom beast behind her jumped to Nasida's side and made a sound of "Na Na Na".


Nacida lowered her head slightly and looked at the mushroom beast that kept screaming.

"You want my help?"

The mushroom beast nodded repeatedly.

"You want me to go with you?"

The mushroom beast made a sound of pleasure.

Nasida nodded and looked at Wang Daoyi: "Do you want to come with Daoyi?"

"You guys go over first, I'll take someone with you." Wang Daoyi smiled.

He and Nacida had just talked about Apep.

Someone came over with a mushroom beast.

In addition, Wang Daoyi knows about elemental mushroom beasts.

The moment he saw the mushroom beast next to Ying, Wang Daoyi understood the general idea.

"Bringing people?" Ying and Nasida were both a little confused.

Wang Daoyi smiled: "Well, I'll be here in a minute, you go first."

As he spoke, a faint blue light emerged, and Wang Daoyi was swallowed up by the earth channel.

Seeing Wang Dao disappear, there was a trace of thought in Nasida's eyes, but she didn't think about it for too long.

She turned to look at Ying: "Since Daoyi wants to find someone, let's go first. By the way, how did you meet this little guy?"

Ying nodded and explained: "Paimon and I just came back from the desert. When we walked to Xumi City, we saw this little guy wandering at the gate of Xumi City. He wanted to get close but didn't dare. He didn't seem to be that aggressive. I tried to get in touch with the monster."

"As a result, this little guy got stuck with us. There was no other way, so we brought him to find you."

Nasida nodded: "I see, I understand. Let's go and see what it wants to show us."

Led by the floating water mushroom beast, the group left Jingshan Palace and walked outside Xumi City.

the other side,

Deep in the alchemy workshop of Chisha headquarters,

Wang Daoyi emerged from the earth channel.

Nicoreid glanced at Wang Daoyi speechlessly: "I should press the leyline confinement device here to prevent you from showing up from time to time to destroy my experiment."

"Ha, you won't have trembling hands like an apprentice, right?" Wang Daoyi laughed, then looked around, "Where's Abedo?"

"Yesterday's experiment didn't go well. He said that maybe the experiment took a long time and he needed to take a break and play with Keli."

"Okay, I have something for you." Wang Daoyi shrugged nonchalantly and said to Nicored again.

Putting down the experimental device in his hand, Nicholas looked at Wang Daoyi: "What's the matter? If it's too troublesome, please allow me to refuse. The experiment in my hand has not been completed yet."

"Well, it is indeed a bit troublesome, but it is also related to your experiment."

Wang Dao opened his mouth and said,

Nicored's experiment was to extract pure elemental power. This was the research goal he firmly chose after the sacrifices of his elemental mushroom friends.

"Huh? Please tell me." Attracted by Wang Daoyi's statement, Nicorette became more serious.

"In Xumi City, an elemental mushroom beast has appeared. Do you want to take a look?"

In fact, for a long time, there have been no elemental mushrooms in the Chisha headquarters and the camps in Qianhe Sand for a long time.

This made Nicholas very worried.

You know, elemental mushroom beasts came to Chisha from time to time before for help.

After hearing Wang Daoyi talk about the elemental mushroom beast,

Nicored's eyes lit up: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's go there."

For Nicored, the most important ones are Albedo and Keli, followed by the Red Sand Tribe, and then his elemental mushroom friends.

[People] are so strange. Once they are emotionally moved, it is difficult not to care.

Showing a faint smile, Wang Daoyi snapped his fingers, and the earth's veins surged, swallowing the two of them.

Outside Xumi City,

The thirty-man group saw Little Lucky Grass King and Ying following the mushroom beast.

One of the thirty-man group said: "Lord Grass God, we cannot guarantee whether this mushroom beast is safe."

The implication is to keep the grass god away from the mushroom beast.

Nasida shook her head slightly: "Don't worry, it has no malicious intent."

After a brief exchange,

In the wary eyes of the thirty-man group,

The floating water mushroom beast took Nasida and Ying away from Xumi City.

"How did you bring the mushroom beast to Jingshan Palace just now?" Nasida asked curiously.

Paimon scratched his head in embarrassment and did not speak.

Ying showed a hint of shyness: "Some small tricks."

She came to the Jingshan Palace with the mushroom beast over the wall and climbing the tree.

"There's nothing we can do. Those thirty men were on alert when they saw the mushroom beast. They couldn't get in without using some tricks." Paimon complained.

Nasida: "Just like mushrooms cannot understand human behavior, it is also difficult for humans to understand mushrooms. In order to ensure the safety of Xumi City, the thirty-man group must do this."

"That seems right, why can't the mushrooms speak?" Paimon complained.

Follow the strange floating water mushrooms,

A group of people saw two mushroom beasts on the roadside.

One of them was already unconscious.

Nacida: "So that's it? It's because this mushroom beast fainted, that's why it asked for help."

Paimon flew aside and looked at the three similar mushroom beasts: "They should be a family."

"So this mushroom wants someone to treat his family?"

"It should be so. It may have sensed my elemental power, and it has been trying to get closer to Xumi City to seek help, and then it met you."

Nasida thought for a moment and then said, "You have the aura of the grass element's care about you, so it clings to you."

As she spoke, Nacida bent down and looked at the fainted mushroom.

"Huh?" Nasida was slightly startled.

Paimon's face tightened: "What's wrong, Nasita?"

Nacida frowned slightly: "This mushroom beast is not evolved from spores, it is an elemental creature."

"Huh? Elemental creatures?"

Paimon was a little confused, she didn't understand the difference at all.

Nasida nodded: "Well, although the mushroom beasts you usually see can also use elemental power, they just borrow the elemental power from nature."

"But under the appearance of the mushroom beast, this mushroom beast does not have a structure similar to the mushroom beast. Instead, it is the flow of elemental power."

"Only in the shape of a mushroom?" Ying raised her eyebrows slightly, "That is to say."

"That is to say, this mushroom beast is not a mushroom beast, but an elemental creature that looks exactly like a mushroom beast."

The blue earth channel opened, and Wang Daoyi and Nicoreid walked out of it.

"Huh? It seems that Daoyi and you guys know something about this mushroom beast." Nasida looked at Wang Daoyi and Nicored curiously.

As the goddess of wisdom, she has a strong curiosity for knowledge that she does not know.

"Well, we'll talk about it later." Wang Dao nodded and looked at Nicorette aside, "Let's save it first."

Nicored flipped his right hand, and an elemental reagent appeared in his hand. He walked to the unconscious Yuanshui Beast and examined it.

"Oh, its elemental power is very chaotic, and it seems that there are holes, which makes it weak. As long as these holes are filled, it will be fine."

As he spoke, Nicoreid slowly injected the elemental reagent in his hand into the elemental mushroom beast.

On the side, Paimon was still a little puzzled: "Is it because of the lack of elemental power? But isn't elemental power everywhere?"

From Paimon's point of view, elemental power is everywhere in the world and there is no shortage of it.

Nicored shook his head while treating the elemental mushroom beasts: "There is also a gap between elemental power and elemental power. What they need is pure elemental power, which is completely different from the elemental power in nature."

"Just like food, there are good foods and bad foods. What do you think will happen if Paimon keeps giving you bad food?"

Nicored's wonderful metaphor made Paimon understand at once: "No, you can't feed Pamon unpalatable food, Paimon will die."

"Oh, the deficit is huge, one reagent is not enough." Nicored looked at the elemental mushroom beast in front of him, stretched out his hand, and another reagent appeared in his hand.

As the two elemental reagents entered the body of the elemental mushroom beast,

This elemental mushroom beast slowly recovered,

On the mushroom-like body, bright blue eyes opened.

"The King of Grass, he is actually the King of Grass, ah, and the King of Sand, my God, did you save me?"

Paimon: "Wow, the mushroom beast is talking!"

Elemental Water Fungus: "It turns out that a strange creature can make such a sound. I am as surprised as you are."

Paimon stamped his feet: "I can tell from the first glance that I can talk! And I'm not a strange creature, I'm Paimon."

Elemental Water Fungus: "Hello Paimon, I don't know how to judge the intelligence level of a creature by its appearance for the time being. Only when you speak will I know that you can speak."

Paimon drifted aside in embarrassment: "You don't have to answer me so seriously."

"And don't I look like I can't even speak? I'm not that stupid, am I?"

Ying glanced at her: "You don't have to doubt yourself like this."

"Ha, Paimon, you misunderstood. In the eyes of the elemental mushroom, the mouth is not only used for talking, but also for eating, breathing and many other functions. Therefore, it will not see that you have a mouth and think that you can speak."

On the side, Nicorette explained with a smile.

The elemental water mushroom nodded repeatedly: "Yes, this benefactor is right. Even if Paimon looks similar to a human, he is just like a mushroom and a slime. They look similar, but they are also very different inside. common."

"I really want to know how you became like this. I have been in contact with many elemental mushrooms, and none of them have suffered from symptoms like yours." Nicored interrupted the elemental mushrooms' long speech and asked. .

"Has the benefactor come into contact with many of my family members?" The elemental water mushroom seemed to be even more excited than Nicored.

Nicorette nodded, his expression suddenly a little sad: "Yes, a lot, I sent them home."

Thinking of the batches of elemental mushroom beasts embarking on their journey home, Nicored felt a little tingly in his heart.

The sharp blade called friendship was cutting back and forth on his artificial heart.

"Go home. Yes, go home, we want to go home."

The elemental water mushroom beast became excited,

"No, home, where is home? I seem to have forgotten."

It suddenly became sad.

On the side, Wang Daoyi explained to Nasida:

"These elemental mushrooms are essentially elemental beings born in the [Garden], the world inside Apep. After Apep was contaminated, they escaped from the [Garden] and sought a way to save their homeland. In the desert, we have many This is the first time to escort such an elemental mushroom home."

"Go home? But Apep's pollution was not removed at the beginning?" Nasida asked with some confusion.

Wang Dao nodded: "Yes, but they can feel Apep's pain. Apep needs more elemental power to suppress pollution. After they return home, they will reverse everything about themselves and turn into the purest elements." The force is absorbed by Apep.”

Nacida's eyes flashed slightly. As the God of Grass and the leader of the World Tree, she knew very well the cost of this approach.

Reversing oneself in exchange for strength,

If it is not burned out, it is easy to say, but once it is burned out, it will really disappear.

In the history of Sumeru, the [God of Grass] has had several experiences of reversing itself, and these experiences have been covered by the World Tree in Nasida's memory.

"Now it seems that these elemental mushroom beasts also have elemental holes. Presumably, Apep's condition will be more serious." Wang Daoyi said.

After seeing the illness of the elemental mushroom beast, Wang Daoyi completely understood Apep's situation.

The erasure of forbidden knowledge will inevitably also erase the elemental power infected by the forbidden knowledge, resulting in the appearance of terrifying elemental holes in Apep's body.

A small hole tortures the elemental mushroom until it almost dies.

So what kind of hollowness is Apep enduring?

"Nasida." Wang Daoyi suddenly said,


"I want to go to Qianhe Sandfield."

Nasida frowned slightly: "I'll go with you."

She guessed what Wang Daoyi was going to do, he must be looking for Apep.

Wang Daoyi shook his head: "No, you need to finish the story left by King Daci Shu. I will discuss it with Apep. You just need to arrive on time with your daughter."

One of the images that [The Authority of Time] showed him originally appeared in Wang Daoyi's mind.

['Wang Daoyi' stands in mid-air, endless light gathers behind him, and in front of him is a super giant beast covered by yellow sand.

The scene changed, 'Wang Daoyi' and the 'Giant Beast in the Yellow Sand' were fighting. On the other side, a green light appeared, bringing a group of 'Mushroom Beasts', preventing the two sides from continuing to fight. 】

What was once a prophetic picture seems to be coming true now.

However, Wang Daoyi, who knew a lot of information, was not ready to fight Apep. He had a better solution.

Although the desert is huge, if a fight breaks out between two god-level beings, the unlucky ones must be the people of the desert.

Don’t forget, there are many red sand development camps in Qianhe Sand Land.

"This" Nasida hesitated.

Wang Dao bent down and touched Nasida's forehead slightly: "Trust me."

Nasida loosened her pinched hands and said, "Okay, sure, you must ensure your own safety."

Wang Dao nodded.

Then he looked at the others: "Everyone, I have to take a step forward, so I'll excuse you."

After saying that, the earth's veins surged, swallowing up Wang Dao.

Ying and Paimon looked at Nasida curiously: "Dao Yi, are you leaving now?"

Nasida's expression has returned: "Well, he has something to do, so he needs to leave first."

Only Nicored's eyes fluctuated slightly, as if he knew where Wang Daoyi had gone.

"Your Majesty Buyer, this elemental mushroom wants us to help it get back some of the things left by its family." Nicored said to Nasida.

"Something left behind by the family?"

"Well, it's probably the Dead Realm." Nicored said,

His bright eyes flashed slightly, and he remembered something: "I remembered that in Huachengguo, those holy warriors from the desert would use instruments to collect the remaining elemental power after clearing the dead zone. "

Hearing Ying's words, Nicored nodded: "Yes, that's what I ordered them to do. The birth of the Dead Realm is essentially the spread of the pollution in the body of the elemental mushroom beast on the earth after the end of its life. After clearing out the dead realm, the elemental power left behind is the last remnant of the elemental mushroom beasts."

"Out of nostalgia for my friends, I have been doing research on pure elemental power."

"So I ordered the soldiers of Chisha to collect the purified elemental power after clearing the dead zone."

Ying nodded and roughly understood something.

On the other side, Nasida also nodded: "In that case, let's go."

Elemental Water Fungus: "I'll settle my family first. They will be scared when they see me talking to you in a strange language."

The elemental water mushroom turned and looked at its two family members: "Na, na na."

Floating water mushroom: "Na~"

The elemental hydra comforts its family.

Then he looked at everyone again: "Then, everyone, please come with me."

Under the leadership of the elemental water mushroom beast, everyone came to a dead area.

Nicored turned to look at Ying.

Ying waved her hand helplessly, and a long sword appeared in her hand: "Leave it to me."

A clean fight,

Amidst the devastation, the elemental water mushroom beast emitted blue light, absorbing all the elemental power scattered on the ground.

"Although he is dead, the elemental power is still there. You can take it home."

It tried hard to explain its behavior to Yin and Paimon.

Nicorette shook his head slightly: "For elemental life, the end of life is not death. The demise of elemental power is death. It absorbs the elemental power of its companions. As long as it [goes home], it means that it brings My companions all returned home."

The elemental water mushroom beast turned around and looked at Nicored gratefully: "My benefactor, you are right."

Then he jumped up to Nasida: "King of Grass, great King of Grass, you will take us home, right?"

Nacida looked at it and reached out to touch her heartbeat: "This is what [I] promised you, right?"

The elemental water mushroom beast turned around in a deceptive manner: "The King of Grass said that the disaster will end, and after the disaster is over, He will take us home."

A trace of apology appeared on his face: "Sorry, I also have a problem with my memory. I can't remember it."

"No need to be sorry, no need to be sorry, King of Grass, Great King, you have driven away the disaster. Now, let's go home."

"Go home. Do you remember the way home?" Nasida's eyes wavered slightly.

Elemental Water Mushroom Beast: "No, I don't remember, but if I have companions, more companions will definitely remember."

As he said that, the elemental water mushroom beast's mood suddenly became depressed again: "[The doomsday disaster] has made us suffer. Many family members have already reached the end of their lives. I don't know who else has survived."

"Don't worry about that, we can find them."

Nasida took a step forward.

"You can leave it to the Lannaros in the forest. As for the city, please leave it to some kind-hearted children."

On the other side, Nicored inspected the place where the dead domain had dissipated, and looked at the elemental mushroom beast and Nasida on one side, somewhat silent.

In fact, he knew the way home,

After all, he has been through it once before,

However, he didn't want to say something.

In other words, he didn't want to watch the elemental mushroom beast sacrifice himself on the [home] journey again.

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