Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 640 Tool Man (1000 monthly votes last month plus more updates)

Another half month has passed,

The peaceful and comfortable life made Wang Daoyi seem to have returned to his time as a mortal.

Accompanying Xiangling to wake up, work and sleep every day almost made Wang Daoyi forget his identity as a god.

The red dust is rolling, especially charming.

"Daoyi, Xiangling, are you here~"

Wang Dao, who was settling accounts at the counter of Wanmin Hall, heard a shout from outside the door.

Xiangling also poked her head out of the kitchen: "Who?"

"It seems to be Keqing." Wang Daoyi replied to Xiang Ling, then left the counter and looked out the door.

Outside the door, the tired Yu Hengxing was looking at the signboard of Wanmin Hall, seeming to be thinking about something.

Wang Daoyi looked at her: "Keqing, why are you here? Come in and talk."

Greeting Keqing to enter Wanmin Hall,

Xiangling also came out of the kitchen, holding tea in her hand.

"Come on, let's have a sip of tea first. Judging from your appearance, have you just come back from outside?"

Keqing nodded: "There is a group of treasure thieves running around at Shimen. Mondstadt cooperated with us to carry out a cleanup. I just came back."

He took the tea from Xiangling's hand, took a sip, and then spoke again: "Before I went out to do the task, I met Master Mao asking about making wedding clothes, so I agreed to help. I happen to have time now, and I want to take you there. Measure the size."

"Wedding clothes?" Xiang Ling and Wang Dao looked at each other.

"Huh? Don't you know?" Ke Qing was also a little confused, "Didn't Master Mao tell you?"

"I guess I've been too slow recently and forgot about it." Wang Daoyi explained to Master Mao.

Keqing nodded: "It's possible, sometimes I'm so busy that I forget things."

Now Qingqing is busy, she is really busy.

She and Gan Yu can be called Liyue model workers.

"Hey, I already have the clothes prepared by Yun Jin and Xin Yan." Xiang Ling said.

"Is that so? What about you, Dao Yi?" Ke Qing was also a little embarrassed. She only knew that Master Mao was looking for a place to make clothes, but she didn't know that Xiang Ling had already decided to wear the clothes prepared by Yun Jin and the others.

"I'm not prepared." Wang Daoyi was really unprepared.

As for getting married, this was his first time doing this kind of thing. He had entrusted everything to Master Mao and Zhongli, so naturally he wouldn't prepare it by himself.

"Then Daoyi, come with me." Keqing greeted.

She has always been so straightforward.

"Hey, wait, let me go too. Bring the clothes prepared by Yun Jin and the others. They must be matching." Xiang Ling quickly stopped Ke Qing.

In a hurry, Ke Qing blushed again. She just thought about making a wedding dress for Wang Daoyi, but she didn't think about matching it at all.

Xiangling went to the room and took out a box. Fengguan Xiapei was placed inside.

"Let's go."

After bringing the rice dumplings and putting a sign saying Wanmin Tang was out of business, Xiang Ling spoke.

Keqing nodded and led the way: "When Master Mao said that we were looking for a place to make wedding clothes, I remembered the clothes Ningguang made for us last time. Nishang Pavilion only accepts pre-ordered custom orders. I specially ordered it from Ningguang. If you ask for an order over there, I will definitely meet your requirements."

As a country of silk, Liyue produces the best silk fabrics from the seven countries. Naturally, it also has a large number of garment factories.

The place called Nichang Pavilion is the best clothing store in Liyue.

Moreover, only customized ready-made clothes are sold here, and the clothes are sold as luxury goods.

"Oh, I've heard that many of Yun Jin's costumes are custom-made there." Xiang Ling's eyes sparkled.

She focuses on cooking and doesn't care much about dressing up, but she is still a girl after all, and she still has a yearning for beautiful things.

Yun Jin's costume is basically the most gorgeous in the eyes of the Liyue girl.

"That's right, Yun Jin, as a member of the Yunhan Society, most of her costumes are customized. In the original "Goddess Pi Guan" play, Nishang Pavilion specially customized the goddess costumes for her. Now in "Goddess Pi Guan" It’s already hard to get a vote.”

Keqing also sighed with a hint of emotion.

She also likes opera, but due to her responsibilities, she really doesn't have much time to listen to operas.

Of course, the difficulty of getting tickets is also a major reason.

"I reserve a table at Yunhan Club all year round. Usually only Mr. Zhongli goes to the theater. If you don't mind, you can go to the theater with my name." Wang Daoyi said with a smile.

When Ke Qing helped get the wedding clothes, she naturally had to respond. Anyway, the table was reserved all year round for Zhongli's use and Ke Qing's use as well.

Keqing's expression moved slightly. Her love for opera was not just an act.

Originally, with her family's power, getting a seat at Yunhan Society was nothing, but as she succeeded Qixing, she always had to pay attention to some impacts.

There were some things that Ningguang could do, but she couldn't do with Keqing.

Wang Daoyi was willing to share his seat with her, and she was moved.

"This..., I can't refuse, so thank you very much. However, I don't have much free time all year round, and I probably won't need it a few times." Ke Qing nodded to Wang Dao.

"Ha, as long as you don't mind Mr. Zhongli sitting next to him, that's fine." Wang Daoyi smiled, thinking about the way Keqing and Zhongli were sitting together.

Ke Qing, on the surface she is Emperor Black, but in fact she is Emperor Pink.

As for Zhongli, the emperor’s number one kid.

It's interesting to think about these two sitting together.

The three of them walked towards Feiyun Slope talking and laughing.

But he saw two ragged guys face to face.

If you look closely, it looks familiar.

"Tsk, how did you two end up like this?" Wang Dao looked at Xingqiu and Chongyun walking towards him and couldn't help but feel curious.

Young Master Xingqiu, who was originally the most dignified man, not only had his hair messed up, but also many of his clothes were damaged. You could vaguely see a wound on his right hand that had not healed yet.

The cold Chongyun's face was abnormally pale. It was different from the usual snow-white color. It was a sickly white color from a serious injury that had not yet healed. The clothes on his body were also torn, and the aura around him was mixed with several lingering talisman auras.

Obviously, these two guys who went to collect gems in the layered rock abyss met a formidable enemy.

"Ahem, I was about to go to Wanmin Hall to find you." Xingqiu showed a forced smile and took out a box from his arms, "Here, Chongyun and I have been looking for it in the depths of the abyss for a long time."

As soon as Wang Dao took it, he didn't open it and handed it directly to Xiang Ling.

With a flick of his hand, two golden lights entered Xingqiu and Chongyun's bodies.

Their pale and bloodless faces quickly turned rosy.

"What did you encounter?"

"The contaminated rock dragon lizard almost died down there." Xingqiu said with a hint of fear.

Chongyun rolled his eyes at him: "If you hadn't insisted on it, nothing would have happened."

"Hey, that guy is blocking the entrance of the passage. How can he come back if we don't kill him." Xingqiu retorted.

Chongyun rolled his eyes even more: "You obviously want to take that gem..."

Before Chongyun could finish his words, Xingqiu blocked his mouth.

Wang Daoyi's eyes flashed slightly, he probably understood, and looked at the wooden box in Xiang Ling's hand.

Naturally, the mere wooden box could not block his view, and the bright gems were revealed one after another.

Sure enough, Xingqiu probably fought with the rock dragon lizard guarding the gems just because of these gems.

As the saying goes, wherever there is treasure, there must be a guardian.

It is normal for a place that can breed such a dazzling gem to have a rock dragon lizard that can threaten the combined efforts of Xingqiu and Chongyun.

With slightly warm eyes, Wang Dao looked at Xingqiu and Chongyun: "Thank you!"

Xingqiu's movements stagnated for a moment, then he scratched his head in embarrassment: "Ha, it's nothing."

Chongyun broke free from Xingqiu's blockade: "It's nothing. Who is drilling back and forth in the rock tunnel? The miners below thought that the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce was going to develop the giant rock abyss."

With the control of the stratiform abyss, some miners have resumed work, but only on the surface of the underground area, and the depths are still full of threats.

Naturally, Xingqiu and Chongyun's actions below could not be hidden from the miners.

When I saw the second young master of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce appearing in the Layer Rock Abyss, I naturally thought of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce.

Seeing Xingqiu desperately searching for things, the miners thought that Feiyun Chamber of Commerce was going to develop this place.

"Ha, thank you." Wang Daoyi thanked him again, "Keqing is taking us to Nishang Pavilion to customize wedding clothes. Do you want to come with us? You should be very happy to see the gems you collected decorated on the wedding clothes. ."

Xingqiu and Chongyun looked at each other,

They originally planned to hand the things to Xiang Ling and Wang Daoyi and then go back to rest.

But now that the injury has been stabilized by Wang Daoyi, it seems that the wedding clothes decorated with gems are not bad.


Before Xingqiu and Chongyun could answer, Xiangling was slightly startled when she heard Wang Daoyi's voice, and then opened the wooden box in her hand. The next second, a bright light shone in her hand.

Xiang Ling's eyes widened. Although he didn't know much about gems, such a dazzling gem was not simple to look at.

On the side, Keqing couldn't help but take a few more glances: "What a beautiful gem. Did you find this from the Great Layer Rock Abyss? It's amazing!"

Keqing gave Xingqiu and Chongyun a thumbs up.


The duo smiled proudly after being praised.

Well, the main reason is that Xingqiu is proud, while Chongyun still looks indifferent.

"This is too precious." Xiang Ling looked at Wang Daoyi with some embarrassment.

This box of gems is considered priceless.

If it is put on the market, it will probably cause competition, and even Ningguang may not end up personally.

Wang Daoyi patted Xiang Ling's little hand and comforted him: "No matter whether it is precious or ordinary, it is the heart of Xingqiu and Chongyun. Don't care about its value, just remember the friendship of friends."

"That's right, we should value love over profit!" Xingqiu agreed excitedly,

This kind of statement is truly correct for Xingqiu, who likes the theory of chivalry.

Pay more attention to friendship than interests, act chivalrously and act righteously, serve the country and the people,

Although Xingqiu cannot see it usually, these qualities are deep in his soul.

"Okay, okay, let's go to Nishang Pavilion first, don't talk on the roadside." Ke Qing interrupted quickly.

A group of people with God's Eyes were conspicuous enough on the roadside, and since they were all 'celebrities' in Liyue, there were already people around who were leaning over to listen.

"Yes, yes, let's get out of here first."

Everyone took stock together and hurriedly left, heading to the other side of Feiyun Slope.

Feiyun Slope, formerly owned by Northland Bank, was no longer rented out after it was liquidated by Seven Stars. Instead, it was used by Seven Stars as a place of operation for certain units.

Not far from the former Beiguo Bank Pavilion is the Nishang Pavilion.

As a private customization place that is not open to the public, there are not many people coming and going here, and only a few truly wealthy people come here to make customizations.

Of course, whether it's sunny or autumn, you will definitely be a distinguished guest here.

Walking into the attic, Keqing showed the reservation voucher she got from Ningguang.

Then a woman in palace attire came out to receive her: "It turns out that Yu Hengxing is here. Are you satisfied with that [Liaoning neon skirt], Master Yu Heng?"

"Satisfied, I'm here to bring you business this time." Ke Qing replied with a smile, and then pointed at Wang Daoyi and Xiang Ling, "I specially took the reservation qualification from Ning Guang and customized it for them both. A wedding outfit.”

The woman in palace clothes followed Ke Qing's fingertips and looked at Wang Daoyi and Xiang Ling: "Oh, it turns out it's Miss Xiang Ling and His Excellency Wang Daoyi. Their wedding is coming soon, and I've heard about it recently."

"Do you know us?" Wang Daoyi didn't remember seeing this woman.

The woman in palace clothes chuckled softly: "Your Excellency, you are joking. Although Nishang Pavilion is not very famous, many of the people who come and go are rich and powerful. Naturally, your reputation has been heard."

"Nujia Nishang, since you two have obtained the reservation qualifications from Master Tianquan, please come with me and let's talk in detail."

Nishang stretched out his hand and invited everyone to go inside Nishang Pavilion.

Enter the attic.

"Do you two have any requirements for wedding clothes? We support diversified customization. If you want styles from other countries, we can also do it."

Nishang whispered,

The confidence in her words revealed her confidence.

As the best ready-to-wear pavilion in Liyue, they have studied the aesthetics of the Teyvat countries.

They can do what other ready-to-wear pavilions in Liyue can do, and they can also do what other ready-to-wear pavilions cannot do.

"It doesn't have to be that troublesome. There are two main requirements."

Wang Daoyi said softly, and then patted Xiang Ling.

Xiangling reacted and opened the two boxes, one large and one small, in her hand.

"A friend has already given us phoenix crowns and harems. The first request is to help embellish these gems. The second request is to help make a matching wedding suit for the man."

Wang Daoyi pointed at the two boxes in Xiang Ling's hands and said.

Nishang was attracted by the phoenix crown and gems.

"Huh? This craftsmanship... was made by Yun Jin, it's not difficult to modify. As for these gems... they are such pure gems."

Even though she had come into contact with a lot of precious jewelry, Ni Chang couldn't help but be a little amazed after seeing the bright gems in the wooden box.

Beside them, Xingqiu and Chongyun looked at each other and saw the satisfaction in each other's eyes.

Nishang's exclamation was undoubtedly an affirmation of their adventure.

Nishang took the Fengguanxiapei from Xiangling and observed it carefully for a while.

Then he gave the answer: "Yun Jin's craftsmanship is good, but some of the stitches are not done well. It looks like it was done by a novice. It is not difficult to repair. With the decoration of gems, it will take about half a month."

Xiang Ling's expression changed, and she suddenly said: "Miss Nishang, please don't repair those messy stitches, just keep them, okay?"

Xiang Ling guessed that Yun Jin's craftsmanship could not be wrong, so these chaotic stitches were probably Xin Yan's craftsmanship.

Both Yun Jin and Xin Yan worked hard for this phoenix crown harem.

Those chaotic places can actually reflect Xin Yan’s sincere friendship.

Nishang was slightly stunned, not expecting Xiang Ling to make such a request, but she was a smart person, and looking at Xiang Ling's look, she knew that there must be a story to these chaotic stitches.

"That's it. Then if I decorate the surroundings with gems, I can turn chaos into order and add a bit of beauty." Nishang said with a smile, "However, it will take a few more days."

Xiang Ling immediately nodded happily: "Okay, we still have nearly two months, there is no rush."

"Two months? Including His Excellency Wang Daoyi's wedding clothes, we can almost deliver it before the good day." Nishang calculated the days and confirmed the delivery time.

Nishang looked at Wang Daoyi and Xiang Ling: "Then please come with me to measure the size. For important events in life, clothes must fit well."

Then he turned around and bowed slightly to the others: "Guys, please wait a moment. You'll be fine in a moment."

There was a maid nearby bringing snacks and tea.

Watching Nishang take away Wang Daoyi and Xiang Ling,

Keqing looked at Xingqiu and Chongyun: "It seems that I won't see your gems adorning the wedding clothes today."

Xingqiu waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, it's also fun to go with your friends."

Chongyun didn't speak, but stuffed a few pastries into his mouth. He looked really hungry.

In the dark abyss of rock, two people couldn't bring much supplies.

Not everyone carries the Chensong Pot with them like Wang Daoyi and Ying.

Here Keqing and the three of them are chatting.

In the Nishang Cabinet, Wang Daoyi was being manipulated by many girls, stretching out his hands and spreading his legs.

Although it looked like they were just measuring his size, he always felt like these girls were taking advantage of him.

Someone definitely touched his abs just now.

"Sir, please turn around and sit down. We need to measure the width of your shoulders."

Wang Dao was expressionless, being manipulated like a puppet by these women.

Listening to these girls whispering and discussing his figure, there was no emotion in my heart.

Is it customized? It’s normal for people to discuss it.

Wang Daoyi kept hypnotizing himself in his heart.

If it weren't for the importance he attached to the wedding, he would have wanted to leave now.

Not talking about the majesty of the gods or anything like that, but just being measured and discussed like this, he felt like he was being studied.

That's right, that's what he did when he was studying skirmishers.

Now he had a very strong sense of déjà vu.

"Your Excellency, please don't move."

The girl took a cloth ruler and kept measuring Wang Daoyi's body.

Shoulder width, hand length, waist circumference, chest circumference, leg length...

Although they were joking and discussing all the time, they were really professional.

While measuring, someone was writing and painting beside me.

Gradually, a three-dimensional picture appeared on the white paper.

Wang Dao turned his head and took a look. It was almost the same as his body data.

It seems that this wedding dress will be the most suitable one for him.

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