Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 668 Secret Transaction

"I just felt something changed, so I turned my attention here. Meeting you was just a coincidence."

Nico did not admit that he came to see Wang Daoyi.

Instead, the reason was pushed to ‘change’.

Wang Daoyi showed a trace of curiosity and said: "Change? Sorry, Ms. Nico, I don't understand. I didn't do anything special. Will this also affect the changes in the world?"

He is really curious,

Nico found him before, but only after he had done certain things.

But this time Wang Daoyi didn't have time to do anything.

The only thing he did was peek at Dadalia for a while.

Could it be that taking a peek can also cause changes in the world?

"No, it's precisely because you haven't done anything that I'm here. If you wait until you do, the changes will have already happened and everything will be irreversible."

Nico explained to Wang Daoyi.

After hearing Nico's words, Wang Daoyi became even more interested. The meaning behind these words seemed to be quite interesting.

"You mean, you predicted what I would do next, so you came to stop me?"

Because it is irreversible, so to stop it in advance is not just predicting something.

"It's not that I predicted what you were going to do. You are a god and protected by the Law of Teyvat. Even I can't observe you." There was a hint of helplessness in Nico's tone.

As an observer of the world, she is also helpless towards the existence of gods.

God is the darling of the world, the holder of authority,

Even she couldn't see clearly the future of the gods.

"Then why are you here?" Wang Daoyi asked.

"Because the world line has changed, Your Majesty, although you cannot be observed, the things you affect are still changing under my sight. I have observed changes in the Fool Executive. Through him, Found you.

So, as I said before, I'm not looking for you specifically, I'm just here because you are the source of the change. "

Nico's words were a bit long, but Wang Daoyi understood them.

Wang Daoyi cannot be observed,

But if Wang Daoyi touches something and changes something, then the things he affects are not protected by his ability to remain unobserved.

Therefore, Nico found Wang Daoyi through the surveillance Wang Daoyi left on Dadalia.

I have to say, Nico is indeed a witch with this skill.

"So, even though you're not here for me, you're still here to stop me from doing something, right?"

Wang Daoyi understood Nico's logic.

Nico is here to prevent the world from changing. She will look for whoever causes the world to change.

‘So, one of my thoughts will change the so-called [main line of destiny]! ’

‘No, that’s not right. I have already made a lot of changes in this world, and Nico has not come out to stop me. Therefore, the things I will change next should have something to do with Nico, so she will come forward. ’

Wang Daoyi's thoughts kept flashing in his mind, and he quickly deduced an answer.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I am here to dissuade you from some actions, but since you cannot be observed, I don't know what you are going to do, so I cannot dissuade you."

There was helplessness in Nico's tone.

This is a refutation.

Nico knew that Wang Daoyi's next move would cause a bad reaction.

But she didn't know what the specific move was.

Due to Wang Daoyi's unobservability, she could only wait for Wang Daoyi to make a move before she could confirm that move.

And as soon as Wang Dao made that move, things had already happened.

Changes in the world that have already occurred cannot be modified.

So Nico got stuck.

If you want to persuade Wang Daoyi, there is only one last way.

Be honest with Wang Daoyi and know what Wang Daoyi will do in the future, and then pick out the actions that Wang Daoyi decides on that may lead to changes in the world and dissuade them.

But, how can she gain Wang Daoyi's trust?

"Interesting, so now you want me to tell you my next... itinerary, right?" Wang Daoyi said with a smile, but his tone was very cold.

This is the same as when you are found by someone, and then that person asks you: "What are you going to do next? Tell me obediently."

This situation really makes people unhappy.

Of course, Nico's tone wasn't that bad, and her voice was pretty nice.

"Although I really don't want to admit it, Your Majesty, I need your next itinerary to compare and correct the future world and find out the points of change. Of course, it only needs to be the itinerary related to the Fool Executive Officer. That’s it.”

Nico's tone was helpless. She knew she was 'provoking' a god.

But based on her understanding of this mysterious master of eternal glory and power, she could be more direct and state her requirements. As long as the conversation didn't break down the first time, it would be possible to achieve her goal.

The other party is one of the wise gods, a being who can communicate.

Being able to communicate means being able to trade.

"Price, Ms. Nico, everything has a price. What price are you willing to pay for the thought of a god."

There was a trace of amusement in Wang Daoyi's eyes.

Actually, Nico has another option,

That was to trap Wang Daoyi in this room before the things she cared about were completed.

Once Wang Dao can't get out, he can't do anything, so naturally everything will be fine.

But Nico chose a compromise deal,

This shows one thing, either she can't beat Wang Daoyi, or there is something restricting her from taking action.

Wang Daoyi felt that there might be two reasons.

"The price..." Nico's voice continued, "I'm sorry, I can't measure the value of a god's idea. Your Majesty, please give me a price."

Nico knew that the fact that Wang Daoyi didn't fall out immediately showed that the deal could be carried out.

"Unknown mysteries and knowledge, you know, there are mysteries in my authority." Wang Daoyi said.

His divine name - the Lord of Yongyao Holy Power, Inheriting Dharma and Mystery

Yongyao represents the mastered light element and the people's eternal shining blessing to the gods.

Holy power represents the power of [authority],

Chengfa represents the source of the power system, inheriting Morax and Akhmar.

And his main title is the Lord of Mysteries, which represents profound knowledge, secret knowledge,

In other words, mystery is Wang Daoyi's most important authority.

In fact, normally it should be called the Lord of Inquiry, but Wang Daoyi kept a secret and hid the authority of [Inquiry] and replaced it with a similar mystery.

Those who come out to fool around always have to hide something.

Sure enough, after hearing Wang Daoyi's words, Nico had no doubt that he was there.

"Unknown knowledge and mysteries, I don't know how much you have mastered, so I will give you my price.

A secret about the world, a secret about destiny,

A secret about gods, a secret about witches,

You can choose any of them. "

Transactions are subject to equivalence, and equivalence is a matter of personal judgment.

In other words, Nico needs Wang Daoyi to reveal his itinerary, which is a secret of the gods.

So Nico trades four secrets that are equivalent to the secrets of the gods.

However, Wang Daoyi shook his head: "No, it's not enough. Equivalent transactions are based on equal situations, and now, you have the demand, so I choose to increase the price."

The air was slightly stagnant, and the atmosphere seemed a little bad.

However, since Nico did not show up in person, Wang Daoyi still enjoyed the dessert with a contented expression.

a long time,

Nicole finally spoke up again: "A reasonable request, I agree to your premium offer, you can choose two secrets."

Two secrets for one.

Wang Daoyi knew that this was not Nico's lowest price, but if he continued to press, he would undoubtedly be making her angry.

Although he was not afraid of the other party, the mystery of the witch association still made Wang Daoyi choose to give up as soon as he could.

"I choose the secret of the world and the secret of the witch. Let's talk about it first. If the secret you tell me is something I already know, I have the right to reject it."

"A reasonable request, so what secrets of the world do you want to know?" Nico's voice returned to calmness.

"What do you know about the outside world?" Wang Daoyi asked.

"Beyond the world is the universe, a land of countless stars, where is the real starry sky..."

"Stop, this rejection, this is the information I know." Wang Daoyi stopped quickly.

It’s better to reject it quickly. It’s better to wait until the other person has finished speaking. If you reject it again, it will appear that you are lying about the news.

Nico was silent for a while and then continued: "As for the outside world, it is generally impossible to go there, but everything has accidents. In Fontaine, there is information about the outside world."

"Then what?" Wang Daoyi's eyes lit up. Fengdan had information about the outside world. This was really great.

"This is related to what I came to stop you. As for more, sorry, I cannot tell you due to the contract with Fukalos."

"Fukalos? Do you know about Fukalos?" Wang Daoyi asked.

"Sorry, this is a secret belonging to the gods. Do you want to replace the witch's secret to obtain the secret of the gods?" Nico did not answer Wang Daoyi's question, but asked a question.

Do you want the secret of Fukalos or the secret of the witch?

Wang Daoyi weighed the gains and losses in his heart.

The secret of Fukalos can probably explain why Funina is the way she is now.

The secret of the witch involves what Wang Daoyi has always wanted to know, why the witch exists.

After thinking about it, Wang Daoyi decided to choose the witch's secret.

The secret of Fukalos has arrived in Fontaine. Under the [predetermined fate], it will definitely be revealed. There is no need to exchange it for a chance.

Instead, it’s the Witches’ Guild. This organization has always been hidden.

Even Ying's journey only revealed a little bit.

It's not a loss to exchange an opportunity for a witch's information.

"No, I still choose the witch's secret."

"So, which witch's secret do you want to know?" Nico asked.

Wang Dao grinned: "What I want to know is why the witch exists."

The room fell silent again.

"Your Majesty, your question is too broad and it is not equivalent."

Nico's voice reappeared in Wang Daoyi's ears.

Nico did not answer this question, Wang Daoyi was not surprised.

It's like the teacher asks you to ask questions and you ask the teacher for the answers to the final exam.

Let’s not talk about whether the teacher knows. Even if he knows, he can’t tell you everything.

Therefore, Wang Daoyi smiled: "Then choose part of the answer. You should know what I am interested in."

If you can't answer them all, just choose the key questions and tell me.

There was another moment of silence,

"Witches pursue the secrets of the world. No matter what it is, as long as it is the secret of the world, that is the goal that the witches pursue."

Wang Daoyi's eyes lit up: "So, the witch is not the one who protects the world?"

"Guard the world? Oh, you mean Alice? It seems that her work has left a deep impression on you." There was a smile in Nico's tone, "Your Majesty, pursue the secrets and secrets of the world. There is no conflict in protecting the world.”

“Among us there are beings like Alice who protect the world, there are also beings like Reindot who bring trauma to the world, and there are even people like me who are wandering around, but there is no doubt that we are all here to explore the secrets of the world. "

"But I remember that there are mortals among your members." Wang Daoyi said.

The mortals here refer to short-lived humans, not people who have no extraordinary power at all.

"You mean J and M? They are indeed deceased, but how can you be sure that they have not touched the reality of the world? Maybe they have gone further than us, but not necessarily."

With half of the transaction completed, Nico's tone became much more relaxed.

"Your Majesty, I have paid the reward, it is your turn."

Nico wanted to know what Wang Daoyi wanted to do to cause changes in the world.

"Of course, if the deal goes through, I'll give my information."

Wang Daoyi had nothing to hide. He told Nico what he thought.

"Before you arrived, I was already hostile to Dadalia. If nothing else happens, I will find an opportunity to capture him and then study his secrets."

The reason why Wang Daoyi didn’t take action against Dadalia immediately was because

On the one hand, it's because this is Fontaine and this is not his country.

On the other hand, it is also because the relationship between Ying and Dadalia is not directly hostile.

Although Ying and Paimon know that Dadalia is not a 'good person', they can indeed be called friends.

Considering Ying's feelings, Wang Daoyicai did not take action immediately, but carried out surveillance.

Once Dadalia is completely alone, Wang Daoyi will still take action.

The friendship we had together in Liyue, listening to music, watching operas, and wandering the streets, had long since faded away when Dadalia released Osel.

The room became quiet again,

Nico already knows the reason for the changes in the world,

As expected, Your Majesty is ready to take action against that Fool Executive.

No wonder it caused such a big change.

After a while,

If Dadalia's vision wasn't still hazy, Wang Daoyi would have thought that Nico had left.

"Your Majesty, please give me a price." Nico's voice sounded again.

She didn't say what price she was offering, but she knew Wang Daoyi would definitely understand.

Wang Daoyi did understand what the other party meant.

"Haha, it seems that Dadalia has quite a secret." Wang Dao's eyes became more and more interested.

Nico is willing to pay a certain price for Dadalia, which proves that Dadalia is very important in the 'destiny' of this chapter.

Of course, this does not mean that Dadalia is important, it may be that something contained in Dadalia is very important.

For example, his teacher, such as [it].

Wang Daoyi quickly thought of the conversation between Dadalia and Ying just now.

Dadalia felt an inexplicable force affecting him within his body.

It seems that this unknown power is the key thing.

As for the gray hazy power Wang Daoyi discovered at the beginning, it is most likely the anchor point that Nico left on Dadalia.

"He is very important now." Nico replied, seeming to confirm Wang Daoyi's guess.

However, the word ‘now’ is very spiritual.

‘Now’ is important, that is to say, after this period of time, he will no longer be important?

"Then let's continue the deal, I want Fukalos' secret."

Wang Daoyi had a smile on his face, his eyes were filled with gold, and he looked curious.

He has seen many gods,

But Fukalos is definitely the most mysterious one.

He still doesn't know whether Funina is Fukalos or not.

In other words, are Funina and Fukaros twin demons like Raiden and Raiden?

Everything is a mystery, but what is certain is that there is definitely something wrong with Funina.

Therefore, using Fukalos' secret in exchange for not taking action against Dadalia is not a bad deal.

"The secret of Fukalos..." Nico said with a hint of sigh in his voice, "I can't say much until the plan is completed. I can only say that Fukalos is an [absolutely great] god. He has never failed Him or His (Egolia) people.”

It seems like there is no information at all.

But it was enough for Wang Daoyi,

Phukalos is an absolutely great god!

Just this sentence can prove that Funina is definitely not the Fukalos that Nico said.

At least, Funina on the surface cannot be Fukalos.

The real god of Fontaine is indeed someone else.

Also, what does He and Him mean?

However, Wang Daoyi immediately showed a hint of dissatisfaction: "Such vague information, Ms. Nico, is not very useful."

"This is the limit of what I can reveal." Nico was unwilling to reveal more.

"Then let's add a question, does Villette know Fukalos?"

Wang Daoyi knew that Nico could understand what he meant by asking,

The Fukalos here does not refer to Funina currently in the Momang Palace, but the truly great god.

After a moment of silence, Nico replied: "This is the last question, Your Majesty, my answer is, no, Villette does not know Fukalos."

Then Villette doesn't know Fukalos!

This confirms an important piece of news: Funina on the surface is indeed not Fukaros.

Wang Daoyi smiled: "Very good, our deal is successful, Ms. Nico, for the next period of time, as long as Dadalia is still in Fontaine, I will not take action against him."

"Thank you. Then, I will leave first. I wish you greatness forever, Your Majesty." There was a trace of relaxation and joy in Nico's tone.

Obviously, the witch was very happy to receive Wang Daoyi's promise.

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