Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 670 Love

"Whoever wakes up from a big dream first will know it in my life."

Waking up in a luxurious room at Northland Bank,

Wang Daoyi stretched out enjoying himself.

Although they are always hostile to the fools, they have to admit that these people will enjoy it.

At least the top brass will enjoy it.

The luxurious bed, from the cushions to the quilts, even the pillows, are all top-notch choices.

It gives people a sense of enjoyment and comfort when they wake up.

Probably I heard Wang Daoyi’s voice,

The voice of ‘room service’ soon came from outside the door.

"Your Majesty, breakfast is ready. Do you need me to bring it in for you?"

At the door of Wang Daoyi's room, a group of fools stood respectfully beside the door.

There was also a dining cart next to him. The dining cart was steaming hot, and it was obviously equipped with insulation measures.

Although the senior management of Northland Bank does not like this His Majesty who lives here,

But what can be done?

Unless the Ice Queen personally orders a break-up with the Red Sand Lord, these little soldiers will have no choice but to suffer.

"Send it in." The voice of the Lord of Red Sand came from the room.

Push open the door,

The Lord of Red Sand has not yet gotten up from bed,

The whole person is half leaning on the bedside, with the waist below still covered by the quilt.

He was flipping through a metallic book in his hand, and a mysterious aura spread over the book.

Under the illumination of the light, the profile of the god who was reading seriously was extremely handsome, even a little charming.

Among the fools who brought breakfast, a few girls lost their minds for a moment.

It wasn't until the colleague next to them tugged at the corner of their clothes that they realized.

He blushed instantly and said cautiously: "Your Majesty, breakfast has been delivered."

"Put it down and inform Isothe that I'm going fishing at Haimo Village today and let her make arrangements."

Wang Dao didn't even raise his head and ordered directly.

There is no need to be polite to fools,

It's not his resources that are being consumed anyway.

Foolish people and money are not used in vain.

The girls who delivered the food nodded quickly: "Okay, Your Majesty."

As they said that, they took out the breakfast one by one and placed it on the table.

Then he pushed the dining cart and left the room.

After Wang Daoyi had breakfast and went out, they would clean up the room again.

After all the fools left, Wang Daoyi got up and walked to the table.

"It's quite rich."

The fools probably wanted to entertain this man with good food and drinks, so they were very practical in eating and drinking.

The table is filled with breakfast, which not only has a wide variety of styles, looks good, but also tastes good.

Even if Xiang Lingyang got his appetite, Wang Daoyi couldn't find anything wrong with him.

The fools really didn't want to give Wang Daoyi any chance to get angry.

Half an hour later,

The door was knocked again,

"Your Majesty, the guide and entourage are ready, are you ready to set off?"

"hold on."

He took out a handkerchief, wiped his hands, and replied Wang Daoyi.

"Okay, Your Majesty, we are right outside the door. You can call us at any time."

The fools who were left out by Wang Daoyi didn't have any dissatisfaction, at least not on the surface.

Wang Daoyi took out the "Secret Book of Forbidden Exploration" again and started reading it.

Knowledge lies in reviewing the past and learning the new.

Learning is about perseverance.

Well, he definitely didn't mean to target the fools on purpose.

Cang Jing District·Erinas·Underground Area

Standing in front of a huge heart fossil, Albedo looked slightly moved.

Compared to Dulin in Longji Snow Mountain,

The strength of the brother in front of him was obviously much more deadly.

Even the heart stopped beating.

Du Lin was not resurrected because he was suppressed by the Nail of Cold Sky.

And this brother didn't resurrect, probably because he really didn't want to.

Albedo could feel the power in his heart trying to suppress it.

"Okay, father asked me to take you here. Next, I am going to collect paint." Mameh said to Abedo.

Abedo nodded: "Well, please, I can do it myself."

Mameh nodded and skipped away.

Abedo reached out and touched the heart fossil in front of him. A ray of pure life force flowed out from his fingertips, trying to merge into the heart fossil.

However, what surprised Albedo was that the heart fossil clearly rejected the vitality that could activate it.

"You seem unwilling to come back to life."

"I'm too big, fam."

The will of Erinas responded,

"The children are small, and the house is small. I am the big one, and the big one will destroy the small one."

In Albedo's perception, Erinas' will is extremely pure.

The will of this giant beast has never been suppressed and put to sleep like Dulin.

It really doesn't want to be resurrected.

And the reason is because there are a group of its children living in its body.

The Meroxins were born in the body of Erinas, and they established villages here.

And Erinas took care of their growth,

Although most Meluxins are no longer able to communicate with it.

But Erinas still regards them as his children.

In Erinas' view, once he is resurrected, its powerful body, surging blood, and strong muscles will destroy Meluxin's village immediately.

The melons living in its body will probably be dissolved by it.

Therefore, for the sake of Melu Xin, Erinas was unwilling to be resurrected.

"If this continues, your power will disappear bit by bit. In the end, you may not even be able to retain your own consciousness."

Abedo said worriedly.

Although [Gold] Reindot's creation has brought many disasters to this world.

But in Abedo's eyes, these giant beasts are indeed his family.

Just as he had tolerated Nicored impersonating him, he cherished his family of behemoths.

If Erinas is unwilling to be resurrected, he cannot absorb energy from the outside world.

Then, as time goes by, one day it will truly die.

"It doesn't matter. We were in a dark place, and it was my mother who brought us to a bright world. As long as the children can grow up happily, I can go back to the dark place."

Erinas didn't feel worried at all, and its tone was full of joy.

It likes a world full of light,

Breeze, ocean, flowers, sun,

Everything is extremely loved by the creatures in the dark universe.

Although its body has died, its will can still see all this through the Meluxins.

This is enough for it.

Compared to the huge disaster caused by his resurrection, Erinas would rather live in silence in the small beauty.

Feeling the consciousness transmitted by the will of Erinas,

Abedo was silent for a moment, and finally nodded: "I understand, just like the teacher loves us, you also love these children."

"Love? Love! I like this word. I love this world and my children, just like mothers love us."

The will of Erinas rejoiced beyond measure.

Speaking of his mother, he is always very happy.

It was the mother who rescued the brothers and sisters from the endless dark void universe,

It is the mother who gave the brothers and sisters the body to perceive the world.

It was my mother who let my brothers and sisters know that the world is so beautiful.

Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, [Gold] Reindot is the culprit that unleashed the beast disaster.

But in the memories of giant beasts like Erinas,

Mother is the best person, it is mother who gives them everything.

It's a pity, their power is too powerful.

They cannot integrate into this beautiful world, and every move they make destroys this beautiful world.

"By the way, family, do you know where my mother is? We can't find her."

Erinas asked, his happy tone fading away and a hint of sadness appearing.

Abedo's palm stroking the huge fossil paused slightly: "Teacher...she is doing an important experiment."

"Oh, experiment, I know about experiments. We are all born from mother's experiments, everyone is." Erinas' tone became excited again, "Mother will come to see us after finishing the experiment, right? It used to be In this way, mother will come to see us every time, and the children will definitely like it when she sees it."

The beast's tone was full of respect and admiration for his mother.

[Gold] Reindot is the person they respect and love the most.

Abedo's calm expression fluctuated slightly, but finally he smiled: "Well, the teacher will definitely like Meiluxin, they are so cute."

"Yes, we are cute. Meiluxin is cute. Mother also said that we are cute." Erinas' tone became more and more happy.

Abedo smiled bitterly inwardly,

The cuteness of Meiluxin and the cuteness of these giant beasts probably have different meanings.

However, teachers who pursue the mystery of the original will probably smile when they see these lives born from the bodies of brothers.

After all, this is also a new life.

The death of the giant beast brought the birth of Meiluxin,

Death and birth, life and death, endless reincarnation.

This is also a mystery.

"What do you wish for?" Abedo asked.

Compared to Dulin, who cannot communicate, Albedo is more sympathetic to Erinas, who still retains his wisdom.

"Wish?" Erinas thought for a moment, "No, it's wonderful now."

"No?" Albedo hesitated slightly, but quickly understood Erinas.

These behemoths called disasters are indeed naive.

For Erinas, watching the Meluxins grow is good enough.

People don't even care about their lives, how can they still have any wishes?

"That's great." Abedo sighed.

Compared to these simple behemoths, Albedo felt that he was a little too complicated.

"Hehe, that's great." Erinas also said.

Abedo smiled and did not continue to speak. He just pressed his palm on the fossilized heart of Erinas and felt the warm will in it.

Erinas is really happy.

At noon,

On the beach not far from Haimo Village,

Wang Daoyi sat on a beach chair with a fishing rod next to him.

On the other side, there are fruits, drinks, and barbecue grills.

It’s not so much that I came here to fish.

It would be better to say that he came for a picnic.

How thoughtful the fools are...

All I can say is - he really made me cry to death.

"Well, the cuties are here, let's get some grilled fish."

Wang Dao lifted the fishing rod one by one, and a big fish jumped out of the sea.

He casually took it off and threw it to the side of the Fools' part-time barbecue masters.

Before the fools could understand, they saw a group of people approaching not far away.

Strictly speaking, it is one person and a group of beautiful people.

But it doesn't matter, in Fontaine, Meluxin is equal to human beings.

"You look very relaxed." Abedo walked to Wang Daoyi's side.

Wang Daoyi waved his hand and motioned for Abedo to sit down beside him: "Of course you can take it easy. I'll leave the matter to the fools."

"...Don't they have any objections?"

"Can they have an opinion?"


"Hey, what about you? It seems you have gained something?" He casually threw a bottle of Fengda to Albedo.

Don't tell me, this special drink is really delicious.

Wang Daoyi asked the fools to prepare a lot.

Not only for Abedo, but also for you, Meiluxin.

Some of the little Meluxins are already familiar with Wang Daoyi. Last time he fished here and roasted it for Meluxin.

Several Mei Luxin who knew Wang Daoyi were already pulling at Wang Daoyi's clothes.

However, Wang Daoyi really liked these little guys.

After opening a bottle of Fengta, Abedo took a sip and said, "Well, not bad. Maybe we can suggest that Chenxi Winery also develop one."

"Oh, then it's best not to infringe the rights. I don't want to see Diluc fight a transnational lawsuit."

"Don't underestimate Mond's alchemy power. For this drink, sugar alone is enough."

Abedo showed a trace of pride on his face,

Mondstadt's level of alchemy is much higher than that of other countries, and this is the foundation he laid.

Of course, it is alchemy,

Compared with the overall academic level, Xumi and Fengdan are not weak either.

Wang Daoyi smiled and did not continue the topic.

"I went to see Erinas, indeed the creation of the teacher, my brother."

"So, these little guys are your relatives?"

"From an ethical perspective, yes, it's just that there is no blood relationship."

Abedo does not reject Meluxin, and even likes it a little.

There are not many beautiful flowers in Fontaine, but there are definitely a lot of them. The number of people in the Albedo family suddenly exploded.

Well, in Mondstadt, the Albedo family is already a huge family.

"Haha, that's great. Let me just say, the first time I saw these little guys, I felt that I was destined to be with you."

Wang Daoyi picked up little Meiluxin and rubbed her big ears.

Maybe she was a little shy, so she put her hands around Wang Daoyi's neck and buried her face.

The aura on Wang Daoyi's body also made Meiluxin like it.

These simple creatures don't have many thoughts. If you like them, get close to them, and if you hate them, stay away.

Therefore, they are willing to get close to Wang Daoyi.

"Fish, fish."

Meiluxin loves to eat fish.

Before Wang Dao could say anything, the part-time barbecue masters from the Fools on the side brought the grilled fish over.

This is not the first time, they have already been prepared.

Everything is to prevent the Lord of Red Sand from finding an opportunity to get angry.

"You make good use of fools." Albedo couldn't help but sigh.

Think about the fools who were watching with eager eyes in Mondstadt, and then look at the fools here who grilled fish for Meluxin.

Albedo even wondered if Mond was really useless.

However, this is just a thought,

The main reason why the fools dared to force Mondstadt was because the grand leader took away too much of Mondstadt's combat power.

"It's useless if you don't use it. Only after you use it will you know that it is really useful."

Wang Daoyi had a smile on his face,

Their conversation did not avoid the members of the Fools on one side,

And these members of the Fools have obviously been specially trained.

After hearing Wang Daoyi's words, his expression didn't change.

Abedo shook his head and then turned the topic back to his brother.

"I originally wanted to activate Erinas' heart so that it would remain active at least as well as Dulin and extend the existence of the will, but Erinas refused."

"Oh why?"

"Because of Meloxin, Erinas believes that once its heart is reactivated, its power will begin to revive, and by then, it will be completely resurrected."

"Completely resurrected? Isn't that a good thing?"

"It may be a good thing for itself, but it may be a disaster for the Meluxin living in Erinas."

Wang Daoyi's smiling expression froze, and he turned to look at Albedo: "So, for the sake of Meiluxin, it chose death?"

"That's probably it." Abedo nodded, not in a good mood.

Albedo absolutely supports Erinas's choice.

This is a decision made out of love, and no one is qualified to deny it.

But on the other hand, Erinas is Albedo’s brother,

Watching his brother gradually fall into destruction,

This is not an easy thing to feel.

"Can't the will, or soul, of Erinas be separated from its remains?" Wang Daoyi asked with a frown.

Abedo smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I know what you mean, create a new body to accommodate Erinas' will, but unfortunately, it can't be done."

After a pause, Albedo explained: "Whether it is Dulin or Erinas, they are not the original life of Teyvat. Theoretically, they are cosmic life, the will wandering in the dark universe, and were guided by my teacher. Go to Teyvat and grant them bodies to become invincible beasts.”

"It's not that my teacher took them in to create giant beasts, but only the bodies of giant beasts can accommodate their personalities."

"If you want to create a body that carries the will of Erinas, you must create a giant beast that is at least as big as a mountain. Moreover, the materials used cannot be much lower than your divine body."

After listening to Abedo’s explanation,

Wang Daoyi was slightly silent,

It couldn't be much lower than his divine body, and it couldn't be as big as a mountain.

This level of resource consumption...

Kamria was probably dragged to death by the [Gold] experiment in the first place.

With this kind of consumption, a giant beast can directly drag down Chisha.

“And even if we consume these resources and resurrect Erinas, it may not be a good thing.

A giant mountain beast who yearns for all kinds of beautiful things,

If it takes just a few steps, it's a disaster. "

Abedo gave another reason why Erinas could not be resurrected.

Wang Daoyi continued to remain silent.

After a while, Wang Daoyi finally said: "It's not completely impossible."


"It's hard to say for now, let's wait for now." Wang Daoyi gave up.

The will that comes from the dark universe is not allowed to be born,

This kind of thing seems to be particularly suitable for his space navigation plan.

A terrifying body as big as a mountain cannot be cultivated,

But what if it becomes an invisible life of pure energy?

A very powerful and very ancient technology appeared in Wang Daoyi's mind.

Soul calming technology.

The dynasty of the Red King Civilization cut Zhenling's soul into pieces and used it to create a machine that never stops.

But what if the soul of Erinas was used to execute this plan.

No need to cut its soul.

As for the spaceship planned by Wang Daoyi,

Erinas seems to be a very good ship spirit.

Isn't it just right for the will from the dark universe to be the ship spirit of the spacecraft?

Wang Daoyi felt that this was very interesting.

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