Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 723 The first shot is fired

"The Star God is still too far away. It is not something we should touch at the moment. Let's turn the topic back to the [Tree of Imaginary Numbers] or the [Tree of Existence] first."

Wang Daoyi shook his head slightly and turned his thoughts back to the previous topic.

"If the power of the sky intervenes and makes it impossible to find traces of these two trees in the World Tree, then it means that our search is meaningful. Since the sky hides them, it means that they are really useful."

When something is hidden, it means it has value.

After all, no one would try to hide something worthless unless a new value has been attached to it.

It sounds a bit convoluted, but everyone can understand it.

Nasida nodded: "If this is the case, I can support you in exploring the World Tree, but you must ensure that no new damage is caused."

The World Tree is related to all living beings in Teyvat, and Nasida must be very careful even when operating it.

Because if you accidentally break a branch, it may cause a devastating disaster in an area.

Accidentally picking off a leaf can completely erase a person from the history of Teyvat.

Before Abedo and the others spoke, Wang Daoyi nodded: "In the next time, I will teach Abedo how to use the World Tree."

As we all know (probably), exploring the World Tree requires strong strength and sufficient character.

Just like the skirmisher back then, only he who had been to the divine realm had the ability to explore within the World Tree and modify certain data within the World Tree.

In the end, the skirmishers died out and the wanderers were born,

And then because I can’t delete myself,

This eventually led to the birth of Ah Mao.

So, is Abedo capable of exploring the World Tree?

Actually, there is.

Just as the Fate Seat shows, Albedo’s Fate Seat is a baby in a test tube.

It has initially revealed its true nature and is close to the gods.

As an artificial being imitating the original man.

Albedo possesses great power, although he doesn't use it much.

His status among Teyvat is second only to the Demon God.

Therefore, Albedo is fully capable of exploring the World Tree,

The only thing you need to pay attention to is that when exploring the World Tree, you must not hurt the World Tree.

"That's good, I will check again before you come next time." Nasida said seriously.

As the manager of World Tree, this is not the first time that he has encountered that World Tree has been hidden and modified.

This made Him very uncomfortable.

It's like the things in your home are hidden by others.

The most important thing is that after hiding it, you can't find it.

Wang Daoyi nodded slightly: "Then it's all thanks to you."

"It's nothing hard, this is what I should do." Nasida said softly.

The two looked at each other and both understood what they meant.

"Then let's take our leave first."

As soon as Wang Dao said this, he was about to take Albedo and Nicolaide away.

The golden man also nodded to Nasida: "In that case, I will prepare lessons first. If anything happens, just come to me."

"Everyone, walk slowly." Nasida said to everyone.

On the way out of Jingshan Palace,

Wang Daoyi was silent for a moment, not knowing what he was thinking.

Abedo glanced at him and suddenly said: "Are you thinking about the little Lucky Grass King?"

"What?" Wang Daoyi didn't react for a while.

"Were you thinking about the little Lucky Grass King just now?" Abedo asked again.

Wang Daoyi smiled: "It doesn't really count. I am mainly thinking about the relationship between the Seventh Consul and Tianli."

"The teacher once said that there is no need to be hostile to the Seven Gods." Abedo said, "I know that it was the Seven Gods and the laws of heaven that destroyed Kanrea. According to the theory of revenge, the teacher, as a remnant of Kanrea, should be hostile to the Seven Gods. That's right, but actually, she didn't."

Hearing Albedo's words, Nicorette looked envious. He had never been taught like this by his mother.

As a failed product of the experiment, Nicored was originally going to be destroyed and fed to the demon dragon Dulin.

Later, it was because of the abnormal heart movement of the demon dragon Dulin that he was resurrected.

He was jealous of Albedo at first and became like Albedo. In fact, what he envied most was because Albedo received the upbringing and education of Reindot.

That's right, Nicolaide doesn't actually look like Albedo. He became like Albedo because he was envious of Albedo.

Wang Dao's eyes fluctuated slightly: "I know that not only Reindot, but also Dainsreb and the Abyss Order, as the remnants of Camrea, have not expressed hatred towards the Seven Gods."

Even Dainsreb, at most, expressed that he did not want to get close to the realm of the Seven Gods, but never expressed hatred.

The Abyss Cult is even more so. Prince Kong of the Abyss said it himself - [I still have an unfinished war with Tianli. 】

See, it's because of Tianli, the Seven Gods are not on the hate list at all.

"So, the Seven Consuls are our [friends], at least we can cooperate." Abedo said.

Wang Daoyi smiled: "We pursue knowledge and yearn for the unknown, but the laws of heaven hide the truth and destroy history. From this point of view, we are already enemies. As for the seven rulers, what they ask for is nothing more than protection for their own people. That’s all.”

Putting aside the relationship between Wang Daoyi and Qi Ruizhi, and considering it purely from the perspective of interests,

The Seven Consuls will not be Wang Daoyi's enemies, unless Wang Daoyi does something that harms Teyvat.

But will it be king for a while? Of course not, because he is also a demon, and [lover] is also engraved in his heart.

"Then what were you thinking about just now?" Abedo changed the topic back.

Wang Daoyi was silent for a moment, turned around and glanced at the huge holy tree and the Jingshan Palace on the holy tree: "Because Nasida is also going to join the game."

Among the seven rulers that Wang Daoyi knew,

Among them, Feng Yan and the two old antiques seem to be a drunkard and a street kid, but they do the most things.

After Thor changed his path, Inazuma gradually entered a new era and began to use another kind of eternity to get closer to heaven.

Not to mention the Water God, who entered the game with his own body in an attempt to defeat the Son of Heaven.

Only the God of Grass, as the manager of the World Tree, can theoretically do nothing. As long as she still controls the World Tree, she is absolutely safe. Just like the battle of Kanrea, when all the seven rulers came, The Great Merciful Tree King can also protect the World Tree without moving at all.

But now, after today's meeting,

Nasida is also about to officially enter the venue.

She will support Albedo in exploring the information about the two [trees] outside the world.

He openly and directly resisted the modification of the World Tree by the laws of heaven.

In a sense, Nacida is tougher than the Ice Queen.

After all, the Ice Queen was just shouting slogans and saying she was raising a flag of rebellion, but in fact she was just collecting the remains of the third descendant.

But this time Nasida clearly wanted to cut off Tianli's control over the World Tree.

In other words, while the Ice Queen was still shouting slogans in preparation, Nasida turned over the table and turned her face on Tianli.

After a slight silence, Wang Daoyi shook his head again: "With Nasida's wisdom, this may not be a test."

Nacida and the World Tree coexist, even if she rebels openly, what can the law of heaven do to her?

Killing her caused the World Tree to shake and cause the circulation within Teyvat to collapse?

All the laws of heaven could do to Nasida was to imprison her.

But was Nacida afraid of being imprisoned?

The great sage may be able to give the answer.

After thinking about everything, Wang Daoyi raised the corner of his mouth slightly and looked up at the sky, showing a hint of ridicule.

Then he waved his hand, and the earth vein channel appeared,

"Nascida will handle it herself. Let's go back and show me how the underground base is doing."

Abedo and Nicoreid didn't know why, but they didn't say anything more. They turned around and followed Wang Daoyi into the earth channel.

In the Jingshan Palace,

Nacida's sight fell to the inside of the World Tree,

On the image of the World Tree composed of illusory general data, countless lights and shadows emerge,

All of Teyvat's existence was reflected in Nasida's eyes.

"No matter what, you can no longer be allowed to modify the World Tree arbitrarily."

Her eyes were cold, and the controller's will descended into the World Tree,

The huge World Tree slowly awakened like an ancient beast, and the vast data recording Teyvat's past and present slowly flowed, and a long self-examination began.

As the controller's will conducts self-examination of the World Tree, some loopholes or backdoors hidden deep in the World Tree are discovered one by one.

Looking at these unknown wills parasitic in the World Tree,

Nacida's face looked calm, but her eyes were unusually cold, as if she were looking at a dead thing.

She stretched out her little hand and wiped it gently, as if wiping away dust.

Countless unknown wills rooted in the World Tree were wiped away like dust by the Little Lucky Grass King.

"I never want to see the days when the World Tree is arbitrarily modified."

The will of the leader of the World Tree is carried out throughout the world, and as these unknown wills are erased, the gods are praised.

other countries,

The gods in charge of power all looked in the direction of Xumi,

There was shock and a hint of disbelief in their eyes.


"It's... amazing." Barbatos put down the wine bottle in his hand, "I never thought that the God of Grass would be the first to take action."


Zhongli put down the tea cup in his hand, looked away from Xumi, and then looked at the sky: "It's coming, it's coming."

rice wife,

In the Pure Land of One Heart, the meditating Thunder Movie opened his eyes. Above the castle tower, thick thunder clouds rolled, and the vast sky light roared to the higher sky with the will of the Lord of Thunder.


Inside the Opera House Opécle,

[Cardinal Advocate] was trembling slightly, as if he was excited for some reason.

In the Momang Palace, Villette looked sternly and turned to look in the direction of Xumi: "Is this the decision of the gods? It's really... amazing."


Countless dragon species raised their heads and roared, seeming to be celebrating something worthy of happiness.

The blazing flames shot into the sky like beautiful fireworks.

to winter,

In the palace shrouded in ice, on the cold throne, a hazy and cold figure opened his eyes.

A trace of respect flashed in the frozen endless loving eyes, and then the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

In the abyss and unknown space,

"Your Highness, all the hidden piles we have in the World Tree have been cleared away." The Abyss Chanter looked respectfully at the figure in front of him.

Kong's expression was cold. He had been immersed in guilt since the last time he saw Ingehilda's remnant soul.

After hearing the report from the Abyss Chanter, Kong waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, the Lord of Grass has finally begun to exercise his authority."

Which god is Kong most afraid of?

Some people may say that he is the powerful rock god.

Some people would also say that he is the powerful ice god.

But he knew his own thing. The god that Sora was most afraid of was actually the God of Grass.

As the controller of the World Tree, the authority of the God of Grass is actually much higher than that of other gods.

Other gods, in addition to their own authority, can only control one element at most.

And what about the God of Grass?

He also controls the authority of the World Tree.

Just kidding, He can’t defeat you, He can really try his best to delete you.

You can't defeat other gods, but you can still hide,

And if the God of Grass wants to delete you, you can't even hide.

The God of Grass has the qualifications to die with any demon god.

"Let the apostles within Sumeru stay calm and don't be regarded as a target by the God of Grass." Sora ordered and ignored the Abyss Chanter beside him.

Rather than using his authority, the God of Drafting is more concerned with restoring the glory of his motherland.

Sky Island.

The weak figure slowly opened his eyes,

If Wang Daoyi were here, he would find that this was the maintainer who had taken him to the outside world.

"The God of Grass...can't you finally bear it?" There was a trace of anger in His eyes, but it quickly disappeared, "I no longer have the power to stop it...Throne, what on earth do you..."

His eyes looked deep into the sky island, and finally he closed his eyes weakly.

He doesn't have much power anymore, and even if he wakes up for a moment, it will consume his life.

Deep in the sky island, the hazy figure trembled slightly, but returned to deathly silence.

Ordinary people in Teyvat would not know that just today, they had just survived a crisis that could trigger the second Demon God War.

Back to the underground base,

Wang Daoyi also glanced in the direction of Xumi City with some sigh.

Nasida, who wanted to be hugged by herself at first, has finally grown up.

Her fierceness is even stronger than other gods.

Compared with the biting wind, the thick rocks, and the shining thunder,

Now, the loving grass has fired the first shot.

Thinking, Wang Daoyi looked at the sky again, his sight passed through the thick rock formations, and the protective array of the underground base could not block his gaze.

There was not even a dark cloud in the clear sky.

Wang Daoyi smiled: "You are really so weak."

At the same time, there were many other gods who smiled like Wang Daoyi.

The Lord of Grass gently touched the World Tree, not only erasing the backdoors of countless unknown wills left inside the World Tree.

It also erased the last fig leaf of Tianli.

It erased the last reverence the gods had for heaven.

It also made the gods see clearly that the current laws of heaven are no longer the ones that could suppress the entire Teyvat.

He was so weak that he couldn't even stop the Lord of Grass.

Wang Daoyi can believe that in the next time,

The movements of other gods will speed up, and this will be reflected in their people.

For example, from now on, the fools may move faster.

"Lord of Red Sand, the energy laboratory has arrived."

Nicored's voice interrupted Wang Daoyi's thinking,

After returning to the underground base in the desert, Wang Daoyi began to inspect the structures here.

Turning back, they had reached a white metal gate.

"This is the first gate. After entering, there is a disinfection room. After passing the disinfection room, there is a protective clothing room. Only after putting on protective clothing can you enter the energy laboratory."

Nicolaide introduced Wang Daoyi.

"That's right, let's go in and take a look." Wang Daoyi said, then walked towards the disinfection room.

Nicorette and Albedo quickly followed,

In front of the white metal gate,

The hidden camera flashed slightly, and the void system recognized the identities of the three people.

[Your Majesty, the Lord of Red Sand, Master Nicoreid, Master Albedo, welcome to the energy laboratory, please follow the guidance and carry out disinfection work. 】

The void system projected subtitles in front of the three of them, and mechanical sounds rang in their ears.

Nicoreid took a step forward: "Void, guide normally, prepare protective clothing."

[Void received, please enter the disinfection room, the three of you, protective clothing is being prepared...]

The white door slowly opened, revealing a large disinfection room.

Wang Dao and others also followed the guidance and walked in.

After the three people entered, the white door slowly closed.

Around the room, several nozzles stretched out, and white gas was sprayed out.

"Disinfection spray No. 364 can effectively remove toxic bacteria and energy-phagic bacteria. It is specially used for the protection of energy research laboratories."

While enjoying the spray, Nicolaide introduced Wang Daoyi.

"Energy-eating bacteria?" Wang Daoyi raised his eyebrows.

Nicorette: "Well, it is the name given by the following scholars. It is a kind of bacteria carried by the elemental life in Apep's body. It is widely distributed in the desert. They inherit some of the properties of twisted elemental life and like to devour Energy, before we discovered it, it influenced a lot of our research on energy."

Wang Dao nodded. Even he couldn't say he was proficient in this kind of microscopic research. Bacteria that could parasitize the twisted elemental life would definitely not be easy to deal with.

After a while, the disinfection nozzle was retracted.

[Disinfection is over. Please enter the next room. The protective clothing is ready. 】

The second door slowly opened,

"This is a protective clothing wearing room. Energy research is usually accompanied by high-intensity radiation. Now our energy research is becoming more and more dangerous, and protective clothing is essential."

Wang Dao nodded,

Although he himself is the biggest source of light radiation, he still does not stand alone.

Without saying anything else, he followed everyone and put on protective clothing.

After everyone has put on protective clothing and the void system scan has been checked correctly,

The third door slowly opened,

Entering the scene are busy experimenters.

"In addition to my alchemists, there are also many scholars from the Order Academy here. They don't know where this place is and they were seconded to do research."

Nicored whispered in Wang Dao's ear.

Wang Dao nodded: "You can control it yourself."

Soon, someone from the experimenters came over,

"Teacher, Master Abedo, you two...this, ah, my god..."

The person who came should be Nicoreid's apprentice. He greeted Nicoreed and Albedo, and then saw Wang Daoyi on the side.

A flush of excitement appeared on the face inside the protective suit.

The sound of "My God" attracted the attention of all the researchers around.

After seeing Wang Daoyi, everyone wanted to salute.

"It's a research powerhouse. There's no need to bow. Please introduce your research to me."

Wang Daoyi waved his hand, stopping the researchers from leaning over.

The researchers paused slightly, not knowing what to say.

They are all purely scientific researchers, and the job of introducing products is not suitable for them.

"I'll do it." Nicored sighed slightly and glared at his unsatisfactory apprentices.

Introducing research to the Lord of Red Sand, what a great opportunity to showcase yourself.

As a result, everyone is stupid.

Wang Daoyi smiled: "Then you do it."

Nicorette stretched out his hand and led Wang Daoyi to the research platform in the center.

He introduced to the Lord of Red Sand: "What is being studied here is a variant of Red Sand Energy Crystal."

Red sand energy crystal is an energy body unique to red sand that is fused with the main body of light energy and the substance of Athos.

At the beginning, this energy crystal was white gold, also known as red sand platinum energy crystal.

A piece of red sand energy crystal is about 20-30 times larger than an Athos gemstone of the same volume.

It was the emergence of this energy gem that triggered Chisha's huge technological breakthroughs in engineering machinery and energy wires.

Energy and materials are always the two big mountains in science and technology.

Breaking through any one can trigger a technological explosion.

The team under the leadership of Nicolaide was not satisfied with this energy crystal.

According to Nicolaide's words,

This kind of energy crystal is sufficient for people's lives and even large-scale projects.

But when it comes to spacecraft projects, this kind of crystallization is too backward.

If this energy crystal is used to drive a spacecraft, the engine and energy bin will need to be enlarged, which will greatly affect the structure of the spacecraft.

Therefore, Nicolaide established the current energy laboratory, dedicated to miniaturizing energy crystals or developing better energy bodies.

Generally speaking, it is to study the variants of red sand energy crystal.

"So, has anything been accomplished now?"

Wang Daoyi is like a bureaucrat who comes to inspect,

Don’t look at the difficult aspects of the laboratory, just ask what the results are.

If his status hadn't been noble enough, a researcher might have spat in his face.

However, in the face of Wang Daoyi's question, Nicolund's expression remained unchanged and he continued: "So far, there have been two relatively successful results."

He picked up two pieces of information from the experimental table,

"The first one is the extremely efficient light energy crystal, which adjusts the ratio of light energy to Athos matter, turning the energy released by the energy crystal into purer light energy. Its cost is slightly cheaper than the platinum energy crystal. , but in terms of energy release, it is about 5% less. It was originally thought to be used with the [Light Sail], but now that the [Light Sail] project has been denied, its role is much smaller, but it can also Used to replace energy sources for people’s livelihood.”

As soon as Wang Dao received the information, he found the extremely efficient light energy crystal. This is a pure white energy body that looks very beautiful. It is also a crystal that can be used as a gem.

Wang Dao just glanced at it and put down the information: "There's another one."

Seeing the actions of the Lord of Red Sand, the surrounding researchers became increasingly stressed.

To be honest, they are very satisfied with the extremely efficient light energy crystal.

The price is low (compared to red sand energy crystal), and the energy released is sufficient. It is a very good product.

But the dull reaction of the Lord of Red Sand made them have some self-doubt.

Abedo looked at the expressions of these researchers and shook his head slightly in his heart. They were scientific researchers after all, and they had no idea about the sinister nature of people's hearts.

How could the Lord of Red Sand be dissatisfied? In Abedo's view, this situation of reading the information without saying a word was obviously a sign of great satisfaction.

Otherwise, he would have cursed a lot.

You know, the energy laboratory is the second most expensive place in terms of capital consumption after the spacecraft laboratory.

The Lord of Red Sand did not curse, which meant that they had passed the test.

Nicoreid also saw what the Lord of Red Sand meant, and submitted the second piece of information with a calm face: "The second one is the auxiliary material for the energy system.

During many experiments by researchers, a special substance was accidentally produced. Its ability to conduct energy has exceeded the energy conduit used on the "God of Zhengji".

After our research and reproduction, a new composite material was obtained, which the researchers called [No. 1 conductive material].

This kind of material can reduce energy conduction consumption to no more than one ten thousandth. "

The transmission of energy involves consumption. How to reduce energy consumption during energy transmission has always been a long-standing research subject.

For example, Wang Daoyi’s power transmission in his previous life,

When electric power is transmitted to thousands of households through power plants, it must go through [self-supply and self-consumption power of power plants] - [loss of transmission lines from the power plant outlet to the substation, loss of the substation] - [loss of the substation line outlet to the distribution transformer] - [loss of the substation line outlet to the distribution transformer] Losses from distribution transformers to residential households].

After this process, at least 20% of the electricity has been lost before it is delivered to people's homes.

Generally speaking, from power plants to thousands of households, it includes losses in lines, transformers and meters. Line losses are related to the length of the line, the cross-sectional area of ​​the line, the voltage level, the power transmitted and the temperature (this is why The reason why room temperature superconducting materials are very important.).

Back to now,

Nicoreid handed the information to Wang Daoyi, talking about materials whose energy loss would not exceed one ten thousandth.

Wang Dao's eyes finally glowed,

If the extremely efficient light energy crystal just now is qualified,

Then, this super energy conductive material is a perfect score.

Looking through the information in his hand, Wang Dao saw gold flowing in his eyes, authority and power surged in his mind, and he reviewed the information and data above.

Time passes little by little,

Finally, when the researchers were hesitant to speak out, Wang Daoyi closed the information.

After a short pause, a smile appeared on his face,

"Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay." The Lord of Red Sand said five hellos in a row, and then patted Nicored on the shoulder, "I will inform West Germany later that the salary of everyone in the laboratory will increase by twenty. In addition, the funding for the energy laboratory has also increased by fifty points."

Wang Daoyi didn't know how much money was consumed here, but as long as the information in hand was implemented, no matter how much money was spent, it would be worthwhile.

This kind of material can not only be used on spaceships, it is a real killer in normal people's livelihood.

Let’s put it this way, it turns out that you have to pay an electricity bill of one hundred yuan a month.

After this kind of material becomes popular, you may only need to pay eight or nine yuan.

It can be said that it will greatly reduce energy waste and reduce people's consumption in daily life.

And these reduced money can be invested by the people in places they like.

To put it mildly, it benefits the people and allows them to spend less money.

On a larger scale, it benefits the country and gives the country some extra living money.

After seeing the Lord of Red Sand laughing, the surrounding researchers breathed a sigh of relief, and then thought of what the Lord of Red Sand had just said,

Everyone couldn't help but feel happy.

Although as researchers, their material desires are not high, it does not mean that they do not like Maura. The salary increase is always something to be happy about.

"Not bad, a good start. I'm looking forward to the next trip." Wang Daoyi said with a smile.

Nicholas looked relaxed: "The next step is the materials laboratory, which is mainly responsible for developing new materials. The breakthrough direction is high-strength metal materials."

The materials studied in the materials laboratory are not the same category as the energy conductive materials discovered in the energy laboratory.

The current main research direction of the materials laboratory is the main materials for building spacecraft.

High temperature resistance, low temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, radiation protection, solid toughness and strength...

It can be said that if there is no breakthrough in the materials laboratory, then the spacecraft will be nothing more than empty talk and a daydream.

Wang Dao glanced at Nicored: "Looking at you, I think there will be a surprise waiting for me over there."

"Haha, why don't we go over and take a look now? Seeing it with our own eyes will be a surprise." Nicored also smiled.

"Okay, let's go."

The three people left the energy laboratory and walked to the next area.

On the way, we passed through another disinfection tunnel.

According to Nicoreid, different research fields have different taboos, and they must be cleared in a targeted manner before entering the corresponding laboratory.

Wang Daoyi agreed with this, and this rigorous attitude deserves recognition.

The underground base has already produced results, so the cumbersome inspection has become an excellent system.

If there are no results, then no matter how prioritized the system is, it will still be cumbersome rules.

Of course, this is just the view of ordinary people. For Wang Daoyi, he understands that this rigor is the basis for success.

Come to the materials laboratory,

There are more people here than in the energy laboratory, and the space is much larger.

Seeing Wang Daoyi and others coming, the people here did not stop what they were doing, but continued the experiment.

It’s not that experiments with materials are more important than experiments with energy.

Mainly more frequently,

When Wang Daoyi went to the energy laboratory, there were no experiments in the laboratory.

In the materials laboratory, experiments never stop.

"Every time the reactor in the laboratory is ignited, millions of morads are needed, so the reactor here will not stop, and the material experiments will not stop."

Nicolaide explained.

Wang Dao nodded, he also knew about this large furnace unit.

Sometimes, the loss of a flameout may be more expensive than rebuilding a reactor.

"Then don't bother them and just take me to see the results."

Wang Daoyi said softly,

Interrupting other people's experiments is also taboo.

Nicorette nodded and stopped several researchers who were about to come over with his eyes.

Then he took Wang Daoyi to a corner.

"This is the information cabinet. Generally, the data of completed experiments will be collected and placed here."

As he spoke, he casually pulled out a stack of revised documents and handed them to Wang Daoyi.

Wang Daoyi raised his eyebrows, so confident?

Any document can be reported to the gods. What a harvest this material laboratory has!

While thinking about it, his hands were not slow, he took the file and started to read it.

[Daozuma·Yugang Materials Research Revised Edition 864]

The title immediately attracted Wang Daoyi’s attention.

Wang Daoyi is no stranger to Daozu’s jade steel. As Daozu’s best material, jade steel is almost one of Daozu’s brand products.

This excellent material from Tatar sand is the best steel. The weapons made are not only sharp and strong, but also have good elemental conductivity.

In Daozuma, many nobles are proud to have a real jade steel weapon.

“Yugang, as Daozuma’s best export material, is naturally within the scope of our research.

After more than 800 large-scale experiments, we have completed the reproduction of this material. "

Nicored said softly.

More than 800 large-scale experiments do not mean that more than 800 experiments have been carried out. Before each large-scale experiment, there will probably be hundreds of small tests.

In other words, more than 800 large-scale experiments, when broken down, are probably hundreds of thousands of small-scale experiments.

Wang Dao didn't reply at all, and looked at the data and experimental procedures on the document carefully.

After seeing the researchers replace the chalcedony in the jade steel with the remains of the holy beast, Wang Dao pulled out a smile.

This was a big improvement move. Wang Dao knew without even thinking about it that it would definitely succeed in the end.

Because the bones of the Holy Skeleton Beast are, in a sense, the same as the chalcedony in jade steel, they are both remnants of a great being.

The two are very similar and fall within the range of replaceable materials.

Sure enough, in the subsequent experimental report, after only hundreds of experiments, a relatively low-end jade steel was successfully reproduced.

Then along this direction, mature jade steel technology was soon copied.

Even compared to Inazuma's dwindling jade steel production, Chisha could directly blow up their industry if he wanted to.

After all, Chisha lacks everything but the Holy Skeleton Beast.

"Yes, it's interesting." Wang Daoyi closed the document and praised, then looked at Nicoreid and asked, "Just jade steel can't meet our needs, right?"

Although jade steel is excellent, it is also a weapon material and is not qualified for use on spacecraft.

First of all, it can’t survive high temperatures. Yugang’s ability to withstand high temperatures is probably between 1200 degrees and 1500 degrees.

Aerospace materials must be resistant to high temperatures of at least 1,500 degrees.

Note that it is at least, so Yugang is destined to be inappropriate.

"Yes, after re-engraving the jade steel, we found that it was not good enough in terms of high temperature, so we re-engraved Liyue's [God's Forged Bedrock]. However, after the re-engraving, the performance was reached, but It's just too heavy to be used as a spacecraft material."

Liyue's [Godly Forged Bedrock] may sound a bit strange,

But if you change the name, everyone will understand that it is the casting material of Qianyan series weapons.

The performance of this material is almost incomparable, and it can perfectly handle high temperature, low temperature, radiation, corrosion, or any other test.

But it had a fatal flaw, it was too heavy.

Using this material to build a spacecraft will put great pressure on the power of the spacecraft.

"Then what?" Wang Dao looked unmoved as he listened to Nicored's words. Since he mentioned such defective material, there must be a solution.

"Later, we experimented with a large number of other materials, all of which were the best materials from each country, but the results were more or less defective." Nicored said with a smile on his lips, "Finally, we remembered one thing, In this world, there is actually the most perfect material, which can be blended with any material and is the most perfect fusion agent.”

Wang Daoyi paused for a moment, then his eyes lit up: "Moura?"

Nicorette nodded: "Yes, Mora, this is the most common and expensive material. It is a blessing from the God of Gold to alchemy. Mora can be used in almost any alchemy ceremony. When we Using [God's Forged Bedrock] as the base, various precious materials as auxiliary materials, and Mora as the fusion agent, the best materials in the world were naturally born."

As he spoke, he took out a document from the information cabinet and handed it to Wang Daoyi.

As soon as Wang Dao knew it, this was probably the information of [World Tree's most excellent material].

[Red Sand Material Research File, codenamed ‘God’s Metal’ test report. (Top Secret)]

The two large red fonts "Top Secret" on the document describe the importance of this document.

Wang Dao flashed interest and opened the document, which contained dense experimental data.

[1. Determination of material decarburization layer depth: qualified

2. End quenching test of material hardenability: qualified

3. Material low magnification structure and defect acid etching inspection: passed

4. Material hardenability test: qualified

100. Material fracture inspection: qualified

101. Metallographic determination of material microstructure: qualified

500. Acid leaching inspection of longitudinal low-magnification structure and defects of the material: passed.

501. Acid leaching inspection of transverse low-magnification structure and defects of materials: passed

502. Determination of grain structure and primary carbide distribution of rolled high-temperature alloy strips: qualified

Report submitted by: Materials Laboratory.

Inspection parties: Nicolaide, Albedo, Abatuyi.

Reviewer: Void System.

Final reply: The material has met the test requirements and is allowed for in-depth experiments. 】

The documents are densely recorded with more than 500 tests, and every one of them has passed the test.

Note that qualified here does not mean that the material is not excellent but only qualified.

But the highest evaluation of the test is only qualified.

If you pass the test, you have passed the test; if you fail, you have failed.

And for a material that has passed 500 tests, you can imagine how excellent it is.

Wang Daoyi closed the document and couldn't help but smile.

And Nicholas also sent a small piece of bright silver metal to Wang Daoyi.

"This is the main body of the material. The current cost of this piece is about 10-12 times that of the red sand energy crystal of the same volume."

Wang Daoyi's raised corners of his mouth froze slightly and calmed down again.

10-12 times that of Red Sand Energy Crystal...

Chisha simply couldn't afford this kind of price.

Therefore, Wang Daoyi turned his attention to Nicored.

"Well, we are working hard to improve the technology. It is expected that the price will drop to 2-3 times in a month. If mass production is carried out, the price will drop by more than 30%."

2-3 times and then reduced by 30%,

Wang Daoyi's eyes softened a little. Although the price was still high, it was within the affordable range.

Taking the bright silver metal block in Nicored's hand, Wang Dao applied force with his palm, but the metal block didn't move at all.


After praising him, Wang Daoyi continued: "The treatment in the materials laboratory should be the same as that in the energy laboratory."

Staff salaries will increase by 20%, and experimental funds will increase by 50%.

"In addition, some materials were opened to West Germany to ease his financial pressure."

With so much expenditure added at once, West Germany would go crazy if they didn't give some feedback to West Germany.

Nicorette grinned: "Okay."

Taking money from West Germany was Nicoreid's favorite thing.

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