Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 762 Visitors from outer space

"Have you finished your work?"

Xiang Ling asked curiously.

It hasn't been long since Wang Daoyi left, why did he come back?

Wang Daoyi leaned on the bar and nodded: "I have completed one thing, and then I just wait for someone to come to me."

Xiangling tilted her head in confusion: "Then you're going to stay here today?"

She hopes that her lover can stay with her,

Even just staying in a tavern is a very happy thing.

Wang Daoyi naturally heard Xiang Ling's desire,

"Well, even though that guy is allergic to cats, he probably won't come to me so quickly. At this point, he is probably still drinking."

He wanted to wait for Wendy to come to him,

After all, Wang Dao revived Istaru.

In any case, this matter is inseparable from Wendy.

At the very least, Wendy has to consider whether Istaru's resurrection will have any impact on the world today and whether it will affect the people of Mondstadt.

Don’t think that since Wendy was once part of the Thousand Winds of Time, she will unconditionally obey Istaru.

In the heart of the Ruler of Wind, Istaru is not as important as the people of Mondstadt.

He can repay whatever he owes to the Winds of Time, but he will never affect the people of Mondstadt.

Therefore, once Wendy discovers or meets Istaru directly,

Then, he will definitely come to Wang Daoyi.

However, Wang Daoyi thought about it and said,

Wang Daoyi had previously promised Wendy to cover his drinking expenses for a period of time, and Wang Daoyi was not prepared to break his promise.

The bartender Charles also knew about the angel's gift.

So, Wendy must still be drinking at this point.

After finally having endless drinks, Wendy will definitely drink back her money.

Thinking about it this way, there shouldn't be any problems if you stay here for a day at Mao Tail Tavern.

Besides, if Wendy really wanted to find him, he could just blow a breeze and he would know.

After careful consideration,

Wang Daoyi nodded to Xiang Ling: "Well, there should be nothing to do today. You can stay here for the whole day."

Xiang Ling showed a happy smile: "Then let's make a cake together. I'm going to learn Mond's cake making and teach it to Funina after I return to Liyue."

As Wang Daoyi's bed partner, Xiang Ling could naturally see that Wang Daoyi had a different attitude toward Funina.

It's not love, but a feeling similar to distress,

Although I don’t know why my husband feels sorry for a girl from Fontaine,

But Xiangling trusted Wang Daoyi and was also willing to help Wang Daoyi comfort the Fengdan girl.

Therefore, after arriving in Mondstadt, Xiangling deliberately learned about Mondstadt's desserts, such as cakes and so on.

Just to give Funina a surprise when she returns to Liyue.

"If she knew, she would be very touched."

I don’t know if Funina moved Wang Daoyi, but Wang Daoyi is very moved now. He can completely sense Xiang Ling’s inner thoughts.

This girl who had entrusted her whole life to her, when she saw her being "close" to other girls, not only did she not act jealous, but she quickly felt her true attitude and began to help.

What more can a husband ask for when his wife is like this?

"Then let's go together. Fu Nina likes sweet food. It's better to have a refreshing taste. It will give people a feeling of surprise."

Wang Daoyi also walked into the back kitchen of the tavern.

Wang Daoyi is very familiar with the chef of Mao Wei Tavern, and this is not his first time here.

Memorize the placement of various materials and cooking utensils.

And Diona watched Wang Daoyi and Xiang Ling busy in the kitchen together,

There was a little envy in his eyes, but more of a blessing.

at the same time,

Beyond the world of Teyvat,

A strange spaceship passed through the endless imaginary space and came to this cosmic space.

"It's unbelievable that there is such a rich life planet in such a remote place."

A man wearing a protective suit similar to a black armor spoke.

Beside, there were more people dressed like this.

Obviously, these people come from a unified organization, and the power of the organization is not small enough to travel across the universe.

However, these people are obviously not the ones who really call the shots on the spacecraft.

"Do you need to wake up Ms. Black Tower?"

Someone's eyes moved to a room in the center of the spacecraft.

There, a puppet clone of a true genius club member is kept.

Although many criminals who run rampant in the universe call him the "Black Tower Villain" with great disdain.

But for these company members with low functional levels on the spacecraft,

The puppet of Ms. Black Tower is also an existence that they need to fear.

The reason is simple. After Ms. Heita agreed to cooperate with the company, although her attitude towards cooperation has been very negative,

But just relying on this woman's name, the company has achieved huge profits from its industries in the star field of the Black Tower Space Station and all nearby star fields.

As a member of the Genius Club’s rare public events,

Ms. Black Tower has an immeasurable number of fans across the universe.

Because of her genius status, fans of Ms. Black Tower are usually not idiots.

Most of them have money, status and knowledge.

Although the company has invested immeasurable wealth in cooperation with Ms. Heita,

But the company still believes this is a very profitable deal.

Therefore, most company employees are unwilling to offend Ms. Heita.

"We have reached the set destination. This is an unfamiliar area. In order not to affect Ms. Black Tower's affairs, I think it is better to wake up Ms. Black Tower first. Making one's own decisions usually does not end well. I don't want to be caught. Demoted.”

The company's hierarchy is very strict, and most people can't even pass the company's interview.

Not to mention promotion and salary increase.

"Then wake up Ms. Black Tower, and I'll prepare the long-range remote sensing connection and synesthetic beacon."

"Okay, all units, please pay attention. We are preparing to wake up Ms. Black Tower. Please keep the spaceship clean and civilized."



Soon, with the operation inside the spacecraft,

In the central room, a girl-like mechanism puppet suddenly opened its eyes.

The next moment, a lively look appeared in the machine's eyes,

The protective chamber where the girl's machine puppet is placed automatically opens,

The girl's machine puppet walked out directly,

The center room opens,

Dozens of company members were waiting obediently at the door.

After seeing the girl puppet come out, he respectfully shouted: "Welcome, Ms. Black Tower."

The girl puppet, or rather the clone of the Black Tower, waved her hand casually: "Forget about the red tape, tell me the current situation. Have you reached your destination?"

Someone immediately came forward and said: "With the help of the cosmic silver track, we passed through hundreds of imaginary airspaces, and finally made several jumps. Now we have sailed to the designated target point. Not far away is the planet in the intelligence, but because there is no For more information, we have not contacted them."

Navigating the universe is not that easy,

The simplest way is to use the cosmic silver track left by the Star God, which is both convenient and safe.

This operation of the company's spacecraft took a lot of time, and most of the time was spent jumping behind the Milky Way.

Without the blessing of the silver rails of the universe,

Every space jump requires a lot of calculations and statistics to ensure safety.

The Black Tower clone walked to the huge spaceship wall, stretched out his hand and gently said,

The huge metal wall quickly became blurred and turned into a piece of transparent glass.

Through the glass, the Black Tower clone looked at the beautiful planet in the distance.

"What a strange planet. The external circulation has been destroyed, but it can still function normally. It's really interesting. If Ruan Mei sees it, she will definitely be very interested."

Heita said to himself.

Behind her, the company's employees were trembling and did not dare to speak at all.

Of course, the main reason is that the Black Tower's ability to turn metal walls into transparent windows is not something that comes with their spaceship.

It was the Black Tower that directly modified the spacecraft by some means.

And the people in the company didn't notice at all that this transformation was going on.

The leading company employee suddenly remembered that he had heard his seniors say that although the people of the Bosho Society were already evil enough,

But compared to the members of the genius club, they are still too normal.

I didn't think much of it at first, but now I see that the Black Tower is just a clone and can modify their spaceship at will.

This kind of method is really not something that the Boshi Society can do.

As for Ruan Mei mentioned by Heita, the company employees even lowered their heads.

This person is even more of a heavyweight. Among the company's internal lists, he is also considered a person who cannot be offended.

"I'm already looking forward to what this meeting will bring me."

Heita showed a smile,

When she learned from Bo Shizun that the Genius Club would have one more member, Heita was already very happy.

Because this means that in this boring universe, there is one more person with whom we can communicate.

Therefore, before anyone else could react, Black Tower directly asked the company's exploration team to bring a clone of her to the planet where the newcomer was.

But now, after seeing Teyvat's unique situation, Black Tower's inner interest became even more intense.

"Are everything ready?" Heita turned to look at the company employees behind him,

"Synesthesia beacons and ultra-long-distance remote sensing are ready and can make announcements in the direction of the planet at any time."

As one of the largest forces in the universe, the Interstellar Peace Corporation

They have sufficient experience in the exchange of civilizations between different star regions.

After finding a living planet,

Don't get close yet, use synesthesia beacons and long-distance remote sensing to shout.

If the other party has interstellar level strength, then he can naturally reply. In this way, the company will communicate as a collaborator and businessman.

If the other party does not even have the ability to leave the planet, then the company is the messenger who brings civilization and hope. They will spread the will of "preservation" to the planet, support the local civilization by the way, and bring the planet into interstellar peace. The company's trading network.

In this regard, most people are unable to evaluate whether Interstellar Peace’s approach is correct.

But almost no one can deny that Interstellar Peace Corporation has used its credits to truly monopolize space business.

Even if you have to compete with Interstellar Peace Corporation on certain projects,

When you do business, you also have to use credits.

The company controls bargaining power, pricing power, and even the right to issue currency.

Therefore, if it is a low-level civilization and can join the company's trade network, it does not seem to be a bad thing.

Of course, none of this is important to the Black Tower.

The Black Tower has absolute control over its own planet.

She can tell how much rain or sunshine there is on the planet.

For Heita, the biggest benefit of cooperating with the company is that he no longer has to worry about experimental funds.

As long as she is free, she can attend a conference or publish some random papers.

The company will provide terrifying funds for her research.

"Then let's start contacting him. I hope the other person is a genius who is willing to communicate." Heita said.

Not every genius is willing to communicate with others.

Since the establishment of Genius Club,

Most geniuses choose to live alone or even hunt other geniuses.

But those who are willing to communicate with other geniuses are abnormal.

Geniuses have the pride of genius and their own ideas.

When different ideas collide, in addition to harvesting different sparks of wisdom, physical conflicts may break out.

If I can't convince you, I'll solve it for you.

This kind of thing is not uncommon among geniuses.

Of course, the main reason why geniuses don’t communicate is because they are busy.

Every genius has his own project, and except for a lazy guy, most geniuses are extremely busy.

Just like the Black Tower, why did she create so many clones? Isn't it to save time.

Under the orders of the Black Tower,

The spacecraft began to send out waves of signal fluctuations in the direction of Teyvat.

Transformed by synesthetic beacons, these fluctuations are between visible and invisible,

Only when these fluctuations touch intelligent life,

These fluctuations will be transformed into information that the other party can understand under the influence of the synesthetic beacon.

Of course, on the spacecraft side, they knew what information they sent.


‘Ms. 84th Xiheita, a member of the Genius Club, is here to visit. Please come forward and meet me. ’

This is just the simplest translation, which omits hundreds of words of praise and praise.

Make sure that those who receive the information will not become hostile.

However, no matter what the people in the company thought, they never thought that

This information was directly intercepted before it even entered the mainland of Teyvat.

The throne that suppressed the void storm shook slightly, and this information stayed outside the world forever.

on the spaceship,

There was a hint of surprise in Heita's eyes: "This planet is blocked."

Blocking a planet is actually very common in the universe. Whether it is war or business, blocking a planet is a very effective intimidation act.

But what’s going on here?

A remote planet with life was actually blocked.

The most important thing is that there is still a genius club member on the planet.

"Someone got the message and came to kidnap him?"

Heita couldn't help but think.

Bo Shizun only announced the joining of a new member, and did not disclose the news about Wang Daoyi, let alone the news about Teyvat. Therefore, the Black Tower really didn't know the situation here.

After all, if Bo Shizun reveals that there is a ray of [immortal] divinity here.

Then, the first to come here should be the Immortal Boat Alliance,

Don't even think about achieving immortality according to the laws of heaven. The Dragon Masters will frantically explore Teyvat, and even directly capture the planet Teyvat and take it away.

The forces of destruction and cosmic scourges such as the Fertile People that will come next will definitely break out a war here.

The general Yao Qing will definitely go to war with his sword,

It won't be long before this airspace will be completely destroyed.

Based on the above considerations, Bo Shizuncai did not disclose the news about Wang Daoyi.

It is just to notify everyone that a new person has joined the club and the coordinates of the new person.

"The throne seems to be stabilizing the outer circulation of this planet. I can't destroy it, otherwise it will definitely lead to instability or even destruction of the planet."

Looking at the Void Throne that intercepted and destroyed the signal, Black Tower frowned slightly and suddenly felt a little restrained.

If her true form comes, or she brings some trump cards, she can naturally solve the problem at hand easily.

But unfortunately, she only came with a clone, and there were no props at hand, only a company's exploration spacecraft.

"Ms. Black Tower, this..."

The company employees nearby were also a little helpless. There were some offensive weapons on their spaceship.

But if we really attack this planet, what should we do if the genius club member on the planet misunderstands?

After seeing the Black Tower's ability to modify their spaceship at will,

They fully believed that it would not be impossible for someone to fly out of the planet and blow up their spaceship.

If someone really pinches him to death, the employees don't think the company will fall out with the other party.

It is more likely to settle with the other party, and at most, you need compensation.

But if he could live, who would have to compensate? Besides, since everyone is gone, I can’t afford to compensate myself.

Probably seeing the embarrassment of the company employees, Black Tower did not allow them to continue transmitting signals.

"Pause signal transmission, let me study this thing first."

Heita waved her hand and looked at the throne in the distance. She was very interested in this throne now.

This thing looks like a very advanced technology,

It has the ability to extract the planet's external energy and convert it into usable energy to supplement the planet's external cycle.

Black Tower also has this kind of technology, but most of it is very expensive and not very cost-effective.

"Converting cosmic rays, as well as void storms, well, we also established a subspace to reflect the real starry sky. This technology is good."

Heita stretched out her right hand, and projections appeared on her palm.

If you look carefully, you can find that these projections are the dismantling of the Throne of the Void.

Even though he didn't come into close contact with the throne, he just glanced at it from a distance, and the secret of the throne was no longer a secret.

As a veteran genius club member, Black Tower's ability to analyze and reconstruct new technologies is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

As recognized by many cosmic civilizations, every member of the Genius Club is not inferior to any Star God envoy.

Even because the power of these geniuses comes from themselves, they are even more difficult to deal with than the envoys.

"It's really good. I've gained something new since I came here."

Heita looked at the projection appearing in his palm and was very happy.

She felt that she would definitely gain a lot from this visit.

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