Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 778 Meeting Surte Lodge Again

Can Wang Daoyi fulfill Hu Tao's demands?

Of course it is possible,

Although Walnut requires many effects,

But they are all the most common talisman effects, not too profound.

Based on Wang Daoyi's research on Fulu Road, there are at least seven or eight ways to satisfy Hutao's needs.

But this does not mean that Wang Daoyi will agree to Hu Tao's request.

Wang Daoyi: "...It's possible, but it doesn't meet the needs."

"First of all, Hall Master Hu, does he know how much a talisman with more than a dozen effects costs?" Wang Daoyi asked Hu Tao.

Hu Tao tilted her head, her plum blossom eyes flashing with clear stupidity.

On the side, Chongyun slapped his forehead and sighed softly: "The talismans we sold to Qianyanjun cost nearly ten thousand molara each. This is after the price reduction. It was more expensive before.

And these talismans usually only have one effect, which is a single talisman.

If there is a talisman that combines more than a dozen effects as Hall Master Hu said, even if the technical difficulty is not considered, just based on the number of effects, one piece would cost hundreds of thousands of molas. "

One piece costs more than 100,000 molas!

Xiangling covered her mouth. She didn't expect that the talisman could be so expensive.

Talismans are consumables and disposable.

Hu Tao was also stunned for a moment: "Is it actually so expensive?"

"Ha, Hall Master Hu doesn't seem to know enough about talismans. Not to mention talismans with more than a dozen effects, even a compound talisman with three to five effects. Unless you find an immortal, only his elder Su can complete it."

Wang Daoyi smiled and pointed at Chongyun, and then continued,

"For such an old man, hundreds of thousands of molas cannot afford to hire them."

Wang Daoyi remembered very clearly that the Alchemist family awakened Mr. Su and helped him cast the "Secret Book of Forbidden Exploration", although it seemed that they did not pay much price.

But secretly, Wang Daoyi gave a lot of things.

To put it simply, casting the handed down magic weapon gave those elders a chance to go further.

And can Hutao afford such an opportunity?

...It’s affordable. The foundation of the Rebirth Hall is really affordable.

But for a few talismans, the foundation of the Rebirth Hall was consumed, and this kind of business was obviously a loss.

"Damn it, is it so difficult? What about you please do it?" Hutao looked at Wang Daoyi pitifully.

Wang Daoyi raised his eyebrows: "My price is probably a little more expensive than those Su Lao."

Hall Master Hu was silent.

"Then two kinds, Chongyun, how many molas will it cost to order a thousand calming and calming charms?"

Chongyun calculated: "If the materials are released from the Rebirth Hall, I can get three thousand molas per piece."

The price given to the Hall of Rebirth and the price given to the General Affairs Department are naturally different.

The Department of General Affairs provides all-inclusive services, and it is a public company. There is no shortage of money, so the price is naturally higher.

But Shengshengtang is an old friend for thousands of years, so we can make half a package, and we can make concessions on the price and earn some salary.

However, even so, the price still surprised Xiangling.

One talisman costs three thousand molas, and one thousand talismans equals three million molas.

It turns out that all the business of my friends is so big?

A meal at Wanmintang only costs a few hundred molars.

A mola with a talisman can have a meal at Wanmin Hall.

However, Wang Daoyi felt it was normal.

No matter how you say it, the talisman is a manifestation of extraordinary power.

Don't think it's nothing to Chongyun, Hutao and other Eye of God holders.

But for ordinary people, a talisman may be their greatest confidence when facing evil spirits.

When the Qianyan Army cleans up the siltation in the earth veins, the help of Fu Lu is indispensable.

The simplest account,

The life of a Qianyan Army, or the talisman of ten thousand molas, which one do you think Qixing cares about more?

Mora is nothing to Qixing.

Since the Seven Consuls established the Seven Kingdoms, Mora has become the most orthodox currency in Teyvat.

And Liyue has held the distribution rights of Mora for thousands of years.

Over the course of a thousand years, how many molas have been issued and how many molas have been accumulated in Liyue?

Only Qixing, who holds Liyue's biggest secret, knows.

Not everyone in the Seven Stars even knows about it, and there is a greater probability that only Ning Guang knows about it.

Probably because of this confidence,

Only emperors would never care about the so-called financial wars of the rich.

After all, no matter how much you spend on your finances, you can't stop others from printing money. What you print is currency that has world legal rationality.

The more Wang Daoyi thought about it, the more he felt that the emperor was awesome.

It is obviously a very simple currency issuance system, but it is played like an iron barrel by him.

It seems that anyone can deny the orthodoxy of Mora, but if you think about it carefully, it seems that there is no currency more suitable than Mora.

The excellent properties of Mora in extraordinary rituals are destined to be consumed all the time, or in a very expensive way, and a currency with stable consumption channels is difficult to depreciate.

It’s scary to think about a currency system that won’t depreciate.

In other words, Mora is not a simple metal currency, it is closer to material currency or even energy currency.

It itself has relatively precious value.

It's too far to say,

Turn your gaze back to the door of the Hall of Purity,

Hutao finally negotiated a business deal with Chongyun.

Three million molas and one thousand talismans were traded in multiple batches.

Although the Rebirth Hall is not short of money, it will not hand over three million molas.

"By the way, what are you looking for me for?"

After finishing his business, Hall Master Hu remembered Wang Daoyi and Xiang Ling.

Xiangling was helpless: "We have brought kite materials, do you want to play with us?"

"Oh, kite, okay, okay, I want to build an A-Piao kite." Hutao became excited again.

Hall Master Hu seems to have endless energy.

Chongyun hesitated slightly.

Wang Daoyi took a step forward and patted his shoulder: "There is still something to do over there in Xingqiu, so just come with us."

Chongyun was speechless, then nodded.

"Then let's go. Let's go find Yun Jin and Xin Yan, and then go to the foot of Tianheng Mountain together. There's a big place over there."

Xiangling said happily.

At the foot of Tianheng Mountain,

On a flat hillside,

A group of young people laughed happily,

"Oh, Xin Yan, you got my paint."

"Haha, red looks so beautiful, just use red."

Two girls stood in front of a hung kite and laughed.

This kite has a very obvious opera color, but something is wrong. It seems that the details have been changed.

This is the kite Yun Jin and Xin Yan made together,

And on the other side,

Hutao kept cutting the materials in his hands, and an Ah Piao kite gradually took shape.

A 'snot-nosed ghost' poked out from behind Hu Tao, looking at the kite that was eighty-nine times similar to itself, and tilted its head, seeming to be very curious.

Beside the walnut is Chongyun. There is nothing special about his kite. It is square and the board is upright. At first glance, there is only an impression of "uprightness".

This is also in line with Chongyun's character. As a magician, the word "zheng" itself is the best portrayal of him.

And on the other side of the hillside,

There is also a family of three playing with kites.

The original plain white paper has been cut into the shape of a rice cake, and then the paper is glued to the frame made of bamboo with special slime.

Then while waiting for the slime to dry, color the kite.

Of course, this job was left to Xiangling.

I just suffered so much that I worked as a model for a long time without moving.

"Brother Dao Yi, how about taking a look at the kite?" Xiang Ling smiled charmingly.

Wang Daoyi was lying on the grass on the side with a sweet flower in his mouth.

The environment in Liyue is really good. It's like spring all year round. The wild grass in the mountains is so lush that it feels like a thick mat when you lie down on it.

The sweet flower is also good. If you put it in your mouth, even if you don't suck it, a burst of sweetness will overflow.

"Not bad, not bad, let Guo Ba take a look." Wang Daoyi praised unconsciously, and felt comfortable in the breeze.

There have been a lot of things recently, and now that he has relaxed all of a sudden, he feels a little tired.

Hearing his name, Guo Ba ran over in a hurry.

Then I looked at the kite that looked exactly like me,


It made a cheerful cry and looked very fond of it.

Xiangling was satisfied with Guoba's love and started playing around with other friends.

The kite continues to dry on the kite stand.

Wang Daoyi continued to lie aside and watch the kite.

"It's quite pleasant."

A voice sounded from not far away.

The deep purple flickered slightly, and a big man walked out from behind the portal.

Wang Dao raised his eyes and looked,

It's Soult Lodge.

Sitting up and stretching, Wang Dao stretched out his hand and pointed: "Come, sit down."

After Soult Lodge came over and sat down, Wang Daoyi continued: "Let me guess, if you come to me now, have you already contacted your old friends?"

Wang Daoyi and Surte Lodge talked about his battle with Tianli before, and also said that he might continue to fight against Tianli in the future.

And Soult Lodge also expressed to Wang Daoyi that he must help the field in dealing with Tianli.

Not only him, he will also contact some strong men who are also hidden deep in Teyvat, and we will fight against the laws of heaven together.

Of course, it's not free. Inviting those people will require Wang Daoyi to pay a small price.

Show them the power that truly belongs outside the world.

A group of people who have reached a certain limit within the world of Teyvat cannot resist the temptation from outside the world.

"Hahaha, I can't hide it from you. I have already contacted [Gold] and [Prophet]. As for some others, I really don't know where they went." Surte Lodge said a little ashamed.

Originally, he thought he could contact at least eight or nine friends.

But in fact, because there has been no contact for too long, many old guys are no longer where they were a thousand years ago.

It was not easy for him to find [Gold] and [Prophet] according to some traces.

Wang Daoyi didn't feel much disappointed when he heard that Surturoch had only found two extreme people.

After all, just these two people are enough.

[Gold] Reindot, the existence that almost single-handedly dragged down the Seven Kingdoms of Teyvat.

The horror of the dark beast disaster is still recorded in the history of various countries.

Although the fall of the first digital rulers cannot be entirely attributed to [Golden] Reindot, it is indeed inseparable from her.

From the birth of Albedo, we can know that the research of this extreme person has been close to one of the biggest secrets of heaven [original man].

Only gods can break free from Teyvat's fate, and Reindot's creation almost accomplished this step.

As for the other [Prophet] Visefnir, although Wang Daoyi still doesn’t know much about this person’s deeds, he understands one thing.

That is Teyvat's prophecy, not a prediction of countless future destinies, but an elaboration of history that has not happened.

In other words, for a true master of prophecy, the predictions he makes are equivalent to spoilers, and everything he says will happen.

Divinations at the level of Mona may still be interfered with, but predictions at the [Prophet] level do not fail.

It is undoubtedly a great help that these two strong men are willing to join the plan to fight against Tianli.

So, Wang Daoyi sat up straight and looked at Surte Lodge seriously: "When can I meet them."

"Haha, they can't wait to see the power of the so-called destiny, but unfortunately, [Gold] is still exploring the depths of the world, and [Prophet] is still wandering in destiny, and they are not able to come to you in person for the time being. Let’s meet,” Surtroch said.

Wang Daoyi still looked at him and said nothing. Since there was no way to meet him in person, it meant there were other ways.

Sure enough, Surtroch quickly spoke again: "However, they have a way to project themselves into the abyss, and you can meet in the abyss."

As for why he was in the abyss, Surturoch didn't say, but Wang Daoyi could guess it.

Both [Gold] and [Prophet] have already touched upon the taboos in the sky.

Although they are not afraid of the law of heaven, they definitely do not want to provoke the law of heaven casually.

Therefore, going to the abyss and avoiding the sight of heaven is the best choice.

Of course, to put it bluntly, I still have doubts about Wang Daoyi's strength, and I can't believe that someone can really confront Tianli head-on.

After all, [Gold] has already lost once, and the price was the destruction of Kanria.

As for the [Prophet]... he may also be related to Camrea,

Not only the [Prophet], Wang Daoyi even speculated that the [Evil Rider] is also related to Camrea.

Even people who are not from Kanrya may have been involved in Kanrya's affairs.

After all, Surturoch is bent on pursuing the ultimate power in the abyss, and in Teyvat, the one who has studied the abyss the most is Kanreia.

Wang Daoyi once read in some ancient books that in the middle and late period of the Kanreiya Dynasty, an organization called the "Deep Secret Academy" was formed.

It was also this organization that reported an important matter to King Kanria - [Double stars were captured by the gravity of the earth. 】

Moreover, this matter was not observed, but predicted.

In this way, the title [Prophet] seems more like a nickname left by Kanreia.

Just like Kanria's highest alchemy title [Gold].

In short,

[Gold] and [Prophet] are probably the people that the law of heaven wants to wipe out.

That's why I hope to meet in the abyss.

"In that case, let's wait until after the Sea Lantern Festival. Then I will go to your place, and I will also go to see the 'Yuan'." Wang Daoyi said.

The four-legged dragon and snake ‘Yuan’ has not been seen for a long time since we last parted.

It’s not that Wang Daoyi doesn’t want to see it, or that it doesn’t want Wang Daoyi.

But as an advanced abyssal creature, it is a very dangerous existence in itself.

Even if it doesn't take the initiative, if the abyssal aura on its body leaks a little, it will be a disaster for mortals.

So after seeing Wang Daoyi, it returned to the abyss.

If you want to go to the abyss to see [Gold] and [Prophet], then just go and see this child.

Wang Daoyi is quite concerned about the two children he created with his own hands.

"Then it's settled, I'll be waiting for you in the abyss." Surturoch waved his hand, and a deep portal was opened.

Wang Daoyi: "Leaving now? Won't you stay for dinner?"

Surturoch shook his head: "No need, the abyss has not been peaceful recently. Several wars broke out in the shallow abyss, even affecting the deeper layers."

A war broke out in the abyss?

Wang Daoyi was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly said: "Zhi Dong?"

There are people in Zhidong who have been exploring the abyss, and Wang Daoyi knows this.

And it's not just an ordinary exploration. Zhidong has troops deployed in the abyss.

Before the Stranger became a skirmisher, he had accepted the order of the Winter Queen and went to fight in the abyss.

He has also officially obtained enough military exploits from the abyss, and the doctor's transformation of him has become increasingly successful.

Only then did Qingqizhe finally become one of the executive officers.

Of course, Skirmisher successfully deleted many of his deeds, and his personality has changed into the wanderer he is now. These past events only circulate in the memories of a few people and some fairy tales.

"Hey, you know?" Soult Lodge was surprised. He really didn't expect that Wang Dao could know what was going on in the abyss without leaving home.

Wang Daoyi smiled: "Haha, when you talk about the shallow layer of the abyss, and it's about fighting, I think about it, only Zhidong and the Abyss Cult are there."

The abyss is deep. It sounds like nonsense, but it is actually a statement.

The abyss is really deep. The place where Soult Lodge is located is the deep part of the abyss, where many ancient civilizations and secrets are buried.

The places occupied by the remnants of Kanria are the shallow layers of the abyss, where they established the Abyss Order.

Therefore, if you see the Abyss Chanters in Teyvat, don't directly identify them as the Abyss Order. It may also be an older civilization that came out of the deeper depths of the abyss.

Moreover, in the civilization after Kanria, it is not that there are no people who have entered the abyss.

According to the news that Wang Daoyi knows, some people in Fontaine once fell into the arms of the abyss.

However, this is also a rumor, and there is no actual evidence to prove this matter.

"Well, I don't know why the Queen of Zhidong has gone crazy. Recently, Zhidong's activities in the abyss have become more and more intense. A huge conflict broke out between them and the Cult of Kanria. The battle is becoming more and more fierce day by day. It's already It affects the depths of the abyss.”

Surte Lodge was speechless, this was a disaster for Chi Yu.

"So I have to go back and keep an eye on it to prevent my home from being robbed."

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