As soon as Huixin and others heard that Jinghan was back, they all came over to get together. Zhide and Han also came over, along with Wenxing and Wenxing's wife. Wenxing got married in the first month of this year. It was a critical time in Xizhou at that time, so Jinghan was not informed.

Wenxing's wife is very delicate and dignified, smiles whenever she sees people, and has a gentle and kind temperament. Jinghan heard what Xue said before, but she prepared a copy for the meeting, and quickly gave it to Wenxing and his wife. "The second sister was busy at that time and couldn't come back. Don't blame the second sister."

"What did the second sister say? At that time, the second sister and her brother-in-law were fighting against the enemy. It was an important matter to protect the family and the country. Since the sister-in-law learned about it, she has always admired the second sister. The second sister is A role model for women in this world." Wenxing's wife, Fang, stood next to Jinghan and said with great respect.

Wenxing, Zhide, Qingnian and others over there also kept asking about Zixuan's situation at that time. Zixuan smiled gently and told everyone about the danger at that time. For a while, even the old man was fascinated.

Jinghan asked how Jinghe was doing now, and Han told her that Jinghe's husband had passed the imperial examination in the autumn of last year, but failed in the spring of this year. "Jinghe is doing well too. She already has a son, and now she is pregnant again. The young couple get along well and come back to visit often." Mr. Han is also very concerned about Jinghe now.

Jinghan nodded. Except for Jingshu and Jingyi who are younger, the remaining daughters of the Xu family seem to be marrying well now. "They still live in the county? After the autumn harvest, Zixuan and I will go and see them. We should also go and see our third uncle."

"You don't need to go. Your third uncle should be back in a few days. Now Wen Chengdu comes back to the village when the sticks are played, decides with others what they want, and then asks them to make the goods according to his instructions. When the sticks are dry, just come and take them away. Now, Wencheng has basically taken away the sticks in the village." Mrs. Chen said happily there.

After Jinghan heard this, she was also happy for Wencheng. Wencheng was able to achieve this level of business. Wencheng was considered good. "Okay, then I'll wait for brother Wencheng to come back."

Jinghan and his wife stayed at Xu's house for five days. Zhiming and Wencheng just happened to come back. When everyone met, they felt emotional again. When Wen Cheng heard that Zixuan and his wife would not return to the capital for the time being, he sighed and said that he would take Zixuan out for a visit. The old lady said that Zixuan was still in the period of filial piety and could not go out with Wencheng, so Wencheng could forget it.

The village has decided to hold the stick on August 12th. The Lin family only bought the ginseng soil in the spring of last year and planted the first crop last fall, so most of the sticks are still in the ginseng field. So on the twelfth day, Zixuan followed the Xing family and several servants from the family to the market to play sticks.

Originally, Jinghan also wanted to go, but with three children at home and Qingning being young, Jinghan had no choice but to wait at home. He and Jinghan took the maids at home and cooked a lot of delicious food. This was a happy event, so the workers had to eat something good.

This year, the Lin family still made goods in a hundred feet, and more than ten people went to the house, so Zixuan and the others came back before night. This year there is no need to hand in the mallet anymore. One hundred feet equals 1,890 kilograms of mallet. Looking at the nearly twenty sacks of mallets on the ground, Jinghan felt that this was the happiest thing.

"Dad, have you dug up the ginseng soil this year? If there is more, give some to us. I also want to plant some sticks. I don't know if the seeds at home are enough." Jinghan remained the same. , I have no time to spare and always want something to do.

"It's simple. Tomorrow you ladies will watch the work at home. I will take people up the mountain to dig the soil and get a hundred feet of soil for you. We may have a few ginseng seeds at home. I will give them to you in the village then. You can buy some. Your father can also get some from him and it should be enough. It’s right to plant sticks. This thing is our root." Xingjia heard what Jinghan said. He was very happy and promised to get another hundred feet of ginseng soil for Jinghan.

"Okay, tomorrow I will go up the mountain with my father to dig the soil. In the past few years, I have never done any good farm work at home. Speaking of the work in the ginseng fields, I haven't done it yet. Jinghan does a lot." Zixuan also thinks that Jinghan is right to do this. Besides, they have nothing to do now, so they can't just stay at home all day long, right? Going up the mountain to do some work is just a form of exercise.

"Where can I use you? You have never done any of this work. You should rest at home." Mrs. He felt sorry for her son and refused to let Zixuan go up the mountain.

"Mom, I haven't been able to do anything for you at home all these years. Now that I have the chance, just let me work. We have to live at home for at least a year. We can't just play around every day. ?" Zixuan persuaded his mother with a smile.

Xingjia over there also advised, "Yes, we should do some work. We don't have to think about the future. If the emperor doesn't need you anymore, then we can just plant ginseng and land at home and live our free life." I thought it was the emperor who didn't allow Zixuan to go back.

"Father, the Emperor will not leave Zixuan idle all the time. We just feel that we have been too tired in the past few years and have not been able to accompany you properly, so we decided to stay at home. When the filial piety period comes next year, the Emperor will I ordered Zixuan to go back." Jinghan quickly explained to Xingjia that it would be bad if they didn't make any more gossip.

Everyone ate together, talked and laughed, and then went to rest separately.

The next day, Zixuan followed Xingjia to the mountains, while Jinghan was at home, leading her family members to make goods together. Qian and Chun Cao had never seen Bangchui before. Now, looking at the white, fat and baby-like Bangchui, they were all very curious.

Especially Qian, she had only seen dried sticks in drug stores, but never seen fresh ones like this.

The mallet, which weighs nearly two thousand kilograms, cannot be finished in a day or two. Jinghan asked someone to put the sack in the shade of the warehouse, so that the mallet would not rot. Thanks to the large number of people in the family, everyone worked together, and within three days, all the sticks were removed.

We still make red goods, and we have two large steamers in the yard for steaming sticks.

Qingyuan and Qingyao had seen it once last year, so they didn't think it was too strange. Compared with this, they wanted to go up the mountain to see it. But at this time, the mountain is also very busy, so how can we dare to let them go?

Everyone in the family was busy, so Qinghe helped look after Qingning. The little girl Qingning is only a little over ten months old and can just stand holding something. Qinghe was either carrying her on his back or hugging her. Anyway, he never left Qingning's side for a moment. The two sisters have a very good relationship. When Qingning sees Qinghe, she will smile happily and let Qinghe hold her.

With a careful sister like Qinghe, Jinghan felt a lot less worried. Everyone started working together. Those who steamed the sticks and those who dried them on forks were busy.

Zixuan hasn't worked in the ginseng fields for many years, especially digging the soil, which is even more tiring work. Every day when he comes home, his back is sore. When Mrs. He saw it, she felt very distressed and had to say that she would not let Zixuan go up the mountain. Zixuan laughed and said, "Mom, look at you, I just work randomly and haven't gotten used to it. I'll be fine in a few days."

When she went to bed at night, Jinghan held Zixuan's hand and saw blisters on his hand. "At first glance, it looks like he is used to being pampered. His hands are blistered. Otherwise, you should not go to the mountain. It will make my mother feel even more distressed when she sees him." Jinghan also feels sorry for her husband.

"It's okay, then don't our dad and the others have to work all year round? It will be fine in a few days." Zixuan didn't care, he lived a very stable life like this. "Madam, next year, why don't we go back to the capital? I want to take you out for a walk and look around. You have been married to me for six or seven years, and you have never had the chance to go out and look around. He's busy worrying about me." Zixuan put his arms around Jinghan and kissed Jinghan's cheek.

Jinghan leaned against Zixuan's chest and smiled, "You have a good idea, but I don't know if the emperor is willing to let you get what you want."

"What's the point? Things are changing in the court. Since I'm not here, the emperor will gradually forget about me. There are so many talented and learned people in the court. A new generation replaces the old ones. Where can I go? Is there a place for me? We can be happy and at ease." Zixuan has always felt that he owes Jinghan, so this time he went to court and stayed at home for a year. In fact, I just want to spend time with my family.

"Well, if the emperor can still think of you, then I will write a letter to the emperor and say that you want to accompany me to visit various places. Let's treat it as helping the emperor to pay a private visit in disguise." Jing Han had so many evil ideas that he immediately found a good excuse.

"Well, that's a good idea. Let's just say so when the time comes." Zixuan nodded, feeling that this was a good idea. "It's getting late, let's go to bed."

During the period of observing filial piety, husband and wife are not allowed to have sex. It just so happened that Zixuan was too tired from working, so he didn't think about it at all. The two of them just hugged each other and fell asleep until dawn.

When the farmers are at their most idle, the sticks come back and the crops in the fields are confiscated. The Lin family originally had a strong foundation. The old man was very capable back then. In addition, with only two sons, the expenses were much less, so they saved a lot of land. Later, after he started his family and got married, he saved some more, so now the Lin family still has more than 100 acres of land to recycle.

What Jinghan thinks about most is the autumn harvest. Mrs. He felt sorry for Jinghan and refused to let her go to the fields with her. She just asked Jinghan to take care of the children at home and then lead others to pick corn. So Jinghan asked Qinghe and Qian to help take care of Qingning, and she took a few girls to pick corn in the open space outside.

There will be another update tonight, the finale.

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