In this world, there are not only books composed of words, but also books composed of pictures, and even books composed of codes, so it is not surprising that there are books composed of smells.

Different smells represent different meanings, just as different words can compose different articles, this old ant seems to be writing a book by leaving a smell.

This really stunned Wei Huo. The natural world is full of miracles. Unexpectedly, Wei Huo witnessed a miracle again here.

The old magic ant put down the stone, and then came to Wei Huo. It observed Wei Huo carefully. Finally, it raised its tentacles high and stretched out to the top of Wei Huo's head.

Wei Huo frowned, and the air inside formed a protective cover. He was worried about what tricks this old ant was playing.

But from the social panel, Wei Huo can clearly see everything.

"The ant warlock is trying to have a friendly exchange with you."

Wei Huo immediately let go of his vigilance when he saw this string of words. Then, the tentacles of the old devil ant touched Wei Huo's eyebrows. The next moment, Wei Huo suddenly felt a large amount of information pouring into his brain. It was countless pictures. , videos, and finally countless smells and what the different smells mean.

Wei Huo was stunned.

Still have this kind of operation?

After all the information was transmitted, the old magic ant immediately withdrew its tentacles. It seemed to have grown older, but at this moment, Wei Huo could suddenly "understand" their language.

In fact, Wei Huo was able to understand the meaning of the smell they emitted.

The magic ant leading the way suddenly asked the old magic ant with concern if he was okay, but the old magic ant said that he was fine.

The old devil ant emitted a scent, which was automatically translated into Chinese by Wei Huo's brain: "Foreign ants, what's your business in visiting our home?"

Are they treating me as an ant from another group?

Wei Huo didn't know how to answer, he didn't have that kind of organ that freely emits different smells, but he picked up a stone very cleverly, there was still the smell of the old magic ant on the stone, and that smell represented "travel" ".

That was the story of the old magic ant's travels when he was young, which was recorded on the stone by the old magic ant, and other magic ants could learn what happened during this experience through this stone.

The old magic ant understood what Wei Huo wanted to express, and it "said" sympathetically: "So you are a traveler, but it's really a pity for the ants, I didn't expect you to become dumb at such a young age."

Wei Huo: "."

What a big misunderstanding!

But now standing in front of Wei Huo is a group of ants without eyes and ears. Naturally, they can't distinguish themselves, and the reason why they misunderstood themselves is probably not because they smell like ants, but because they show Wisdom different from ordinary creatures.

(The automatic translation function is turned on below, and the following parts involving magic ants all use the description method of "synaesthesia".)

The old devil ant continued: "When I was young, I traveled to many places, visited many different ant colonies, knew the languages ​​of many ant colonies, and saw many strange animals. Then I realized that we devil ants, It really is the primate of all things."

Wei Huo finally understood why the opponent's colony of magic ants treated him so politely. They mistook themselves for another colony of magic ants, dumb magic ants.

In their consciousness, there is only one species of magic ants in this world that possesses intelligence and intelligence. If they encounter other intelligent and intelligent creatures, they must be magic ants. It’s just that they have different shapes, smells, and languages.

This is a ignorant and arrogant perception.

But this kind of cognition makes Wei Huo feel worried. If the magic ants continue to develop, will they surpass humans one day, and will they live in peace with humans in the future?

Wei Huo clenched his fists suddenly, should I kill them in the cradle before they are strong?

Wei Huo suddenly remembered a sentence: This son is so terrifying since he was young, he must not be kept, he must be strangled in the cradle.

Why do I behave like a villain, Nima, could it be that the magic ant in front of me is the protagonist?

Wei Huo loosened his fists again. He thought he was thinking too much. Maybe this magic ant is just a test set up by God for human beings. We humans are players, and we have all kinds of powerful props. , the God of Thunder is the same as cheating, you are just a magic ant.

"Boom!" A flame suddenly appeared in the old magic ant's hand, and he said braggingly, "This is my latest discovery, using a special energy in the air, and then turning it into fire, electricity, etc. This kind of energy is the foundation of this world, I call it 'Qi'!"

Wei Huo: "."

Hey, everyone is hanging up, this game is unplayable!

The old devil ant looked at Wei Huo: "I feel the qi on you, you are also a qi training ant, right? Sure enough, I am not the only ant with this ability, which means that this ability can be taught to other ants. Magic Ant, let us work together to study Qi energy, we can study the secrets of Qi training, and then pass it on to the younger generations!"

Wei Huo suddenly frowned, passing it on to the younger generation? You actually intend to pass on this qigong method to the younger generation?

Wei Huo couldn't help but think of a scene. Hundreds of years later, tens of thousands of magic ants with qi training skills ran rampant. At that time, human beings had just recovered time. Before they understood what was going on, they were besieged by countless powerful qi training ants , and then suffered heavy casualties, and even perished as a result.

Wei Huo kept thinking and imagining, and finally came to the conclusion: this magic ant cannot stay!

Wei Huo looked at the demon ant leading the way. The little demon ant seemed to be the apprentice of the old demon ant. It seemed to have sensed Wei Huo's anger, so it invited him to join the ant nest. Its purpose was not pure, they were not Must be a friendly creature.

Wei Huo can't think too much. As the only human being who has not been stopped by time, he must think about the future of mankind. This is an instinct. In times of crisis, individuals will involuntarily think about the collective, and even sacrifice for the collective.

Unless, the collective makes the individual feel hopeless.

Of course Wei Huo did not despair, his parents, his friends, his relatives, and the girl he had a crush on, this group has things he remembers, so he never wants human beings to be extinct because of this.

As a member of the human race, Wei Huo has only one choice: kill the magic ants in their cradles, at least kill the Qi training ants in their cradles!

Wei Huo made up his mind, and then used his skills, and a small electric current shot out from his finger.

The apprentice magic ant was startled, and hurriedly backed away, while the old magic ant was surprised again and again, it said in surprise: "I feel a very powerful aura."

Thank you for the reward of 1000 starting coins!

Thanks for the reward of 500 starting coins from Hey Yaoyaolingma!

Thanks to Fan Feiren for the 200 starting point reward!

Thanks to Cheng Zhi for being a great coach and laO_biao for rewarding 100 starting coins each!

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