
Chapter 525 The Rod of God

In the Badge Canyon, the smokeless stove has been dug and the camp has been set up. The Eastern Corps has received its first rest after the high-intensity assault operation.

The team members were not exhausted, but most of them were exhausted. Some even fell to the ground and fell asleep before they even had time to take off their shoes.

This was actually a rather unscientific way to rest. Chen Chen inspected one by one, waking everyone up and falling back to sleep. After looking around, he finally returned to the stove and threw the compressed dry food piece by piece. Bring the pot to a boil.

At this time, there was already a lot of messy food in the pot, including dehydrated vegetables, lunch meat and dried meat. At first glance, the shape may even cause physical discomfort, but I have to say that the aroma it emits is , it is quite appetizing.

Chen Chen filled a bowl for himself, then handed the spoon to the white dog who just sat down, and said:

"Our food consumption is less than expected. From the current point of view, food and fresh water can sustain activities for at least three days."

"However, after three days, we will have to find a way to obtain new food sources."

"This place in Raqqa Province is really different from other places. Residents' dry food mainly consists of pasta, and commerce is not developed. It is not that easy to purchase food suitable for us."

"If there is really no other way, we may have to stay near Tarbet for half a day to replenish supplies."

"When the time comes, there will definitely be a risk of our whereabouts being exposed, and we must be prepared in advance."


Bai Gou nodded slightly, thought for a moment and then said:

"Food and water are actually a small issue. After all, this is not a no-man's land, so we won't starve to death."

"Our biggest problem now is fuel and ammunition."

"Let's talk about fuel first. At present, our reserves can support the convoy to travel about 1,000 kilometers. It is enough for marching, but for combat maneuvers like ours, the error tolerance rate is too low."

"There were too many emergency maneuvers and the time was too tight. We had no time or opportunity to replenish fuel."

"If there is a subsequent shortage of fuel, we may have to abandon some of the vehicles."

"At that time, we will also face problems with ammunition supply."

Having said this, Bai Gou paused for a moment, and then continued:

"Of course, the biggest problem now is ammunition."

"I feel that there is indeed something wrong with our direction. Everyone is a little too unscrupulous when fighting."

"Just like just now, dozens of artillery shells were fired, and the result was a bandit armed force with less than a hundred people."

"The excess firepower is too obvious and our ammunition management is under great pressure."

"How much ammo are left?"

Chen Chen interrupted Bai Gou and asked.

"It can no longer be measured by ammunition base."

"There are 12 rounds left for the 120-gun, more than 60 rounds for the 60-gun, 12 rounds for the thermobaric rocket launcher, 400 rounds for the AGS-30 grenade, and only the last tube of 107-fire, 18 rounds left."

"There are about 4,000 rounds of heavy machine gun bullets left."

"The quantity of other light weapons, ammunition and projectiles is quite sufficient. Basically, each person can have four to five bases."

"However, even based on the most optimistic scenario, based on five base numbers, three or four more large-scale battles will be enough to drain our supplies."

"We have to find a way to get the Syrian side to establish logistical support for us. If we want to fight, we can't even give them bullets, right?"

After hearing his words, Chen Chen sighed helplessly, and then said:

"It's not a question of whether to give bullets, it's a question of whether they have the ability."

"You may think that we are not far from Damascus, but this is Raqqa province after all."

"The Syrian government's control over this place is already very weak. Coupled with the large-scale JD armed activities, the logistical environment is quite harsh."

"The closest government military base to us is Tabqa Air Base, but it is nearly 40 kilometers away from us, and there is Ressafa in the middle."

"You can't expect them to use helicopters to deliver supplies to us, right? It's possible now, but what happens when the situation really gets messy?"

"They still can only use land transportation channels, and the troops capable of establishing land supply lines unfortunately do not exist in Syria."

"Doesn't exist?! Are you kidding??"

Bai Gou looked at Chen Chen in astonishment and continued to ask:

"If it doesn't exist, how did they fight the previous battle?"

"Draw the blood of big cities. If you are in Aleppo, draw the blood of Aleppo. If you are in Damascus, draw the blood of Damascus."

"Their various battlefields are completely separated and have no connection or coordination with each other."

"Otherwise, why do you think the siege of Tal Rifat was so difficult?"

"To put it bluntly, the Free Army only has so many people. If it can really concentrate on fighting a decisive battle, how can the Free Army still play with a hammer?"

".It makes sense what you said."

Bai Gou had read relevant reports about the siege of Tal Rifaat. He had not paid much attention to it before, but now he thought about it, the situation really tilted in the direction of the government forces. It was indeed from Syria that a large-scale attack on Tal Rifaat was launched at all costs. The mobilization of troops began.

The arrival of the 104th Armored Brigade changed the situation there, but... then what?

Then, they were stuck there, unable to move to other areas.

“So why are Syria’s logistical capabilities so weak?”

Bai Gou asked slightly unwillingly.

".You have been in the Dongfeng Corps for a long time, and you think that all armed forces in the world have complete logistical supply capabilities."

"Syria is pretty good. At least its armored forces have the ability to maneuver over long distances."

"In other countries in the Middle East, when the troops are about to leave, it's normal for them to not even fill up the tank yet, right?"

Chen Chen spread his hands helplessly, while Bai Gou continued to ask:

"If you can't maneuver well, what's the problem with supplies?"

"The terrain throughout Syria is relatively flat. Even if we don't rely on roads, supplies can be completed using light trucks, right?"

"First of all, you must have a car, and secondly, you must ensure that your car will not break down, or in other words, you must be able to repair the car."

"Do you think the Syrian government forces can do it?"

".Can't do it."

Bai Gou finally sighed and said with emotion:

"To be honest, I have always thought that the local armed forces in Pubei were good enough, but now it seems that the Syrian government forces are not much better."

".Then you are a bit embarrassed."

Chen Chen smiled and replied:

"No matter how good the Syrian government forces are, the local military in Pubei cannot compete with them."

"But having said that, from a logistical perspective alone, they are really not much better."

"So, we cannot rely on the Syrian government forces for supplies, we have to be self-reliant."

"Only in this way can we continue to be active in Raqqa Province; and only in this way can we have a chance to achieve the expected combat goals."

Hearing Chen Chen's words, Bai Gou nodded slowly and said:

"It's difficult."

"Of course it's difficult."

Chen Chen replied nonchalantly:

"However, this process will not last long."

"Tabka Air Base will be ours soon. By then, all our actions will become quite simple."

Having said this, Chen Chen finally picked up the bowl of "gooey" that had been left to cool down. After drinking it in three sips, he fell directly to the ground without paying attention to the white dog next to him, and fell asleep within a few minutes. .

At this time, outside Badge Canyon, the sun was gradually rising.

After a night of freezing cold, this land once again ushered in a blazing heat.

What is heating up at the same time is far more than just the gravel on the ground.

On the other side, in a courtyard next to Rezafa Castle.

A bearded man sat upright on the ground. In front of him was a golden AK-47.

The man sitting opposite him whispered the latest information to him, and he listened carefully with a calm face.

"A large number of brothers from ISI have crossed the border and entered Raqqa Province. At the same time, more brothers have entered Syria from the direction of Turkey and started their journey."

"They will enter Raqqa Province within a week and join up with ISI brothers in Suluk to strengthen our strength."

"In addition, the Legion Army has also sent a new force into Syria. They will most likely arrive near Hasakah within three days and establish a temporary stronghold there."

"Our primary goal is to control Tal Tamir and Hasakah, and rely on these two towns to continue attacking the entire Raqqa province."

"At that time, we will form three main forces and launch attacks on Raqqa City from three directions."

"The fighting is likely to be over within a month. After capturing Raqqa city, we will slow down and confront the government forces on the west side."

"The Free Army will not attack us for the time being - in fact, they do not know our plans."

"But even if they knew, they are unlikely to turn against us because they have more difficult problems to deal with."

"We are quite safe - especially after the consultants arrive."

"The defeat of Waterfall Well Village was just an oversight. In fact, we did underestimate our enemy."

"However, this kind of thing will never happen again. In every subsequent battle, our brothers will go all out."

After the man finished speaking, the bearded man nodded slowly. After a few seconds of silence, he spoke:

"We should probably evacuate."

"That unit is very special. If you carefully study what they did in Pubei and Indonesia, then you will find that they are different from any mercenaries we know."

"It is impossible for us to eliminate them in a short period of time, let alone ease the relationship with them and make them give up the attack on their own initiative."

"In this case, we should make a more rational choice."

"It is a good idea to evacuate temporarily. We should not stay in dangerous places for too long."

"I see."

The man nodded solemnly and then said:

"Everything has been arranged and we can evacuate towards Hasakah at any time."

"Not anytime, just now."

The bearded man spoke decisively.

The man was stunned for a moment and replied:

"Understood, now."

Half an hour later, in the city of Hasakah.

A convoy consisting mainly of Humvees has completed the final preparations, and the leader of the convoy, a man wearing heavy protective equipment and holding a FA MAS 5.56mm assault rifle, stands in front of the convoy and is making final inspections of his team members. briefing.

".Our mission is very simple, drive over, open the channel, and then pull back."

"The traveling distance is two hundred kilometers, and most of it is on paved roads. We can go very fast."

"You don't need to ask who it is or why. What you have to do is use the weapons in your hands to clear all obstacles and ensure the smooth progress of the target."

"Please note, this is not an escort mission."

"We are not responsible for target safety, we are only responsible for smooth roads."

"So, even if the target is in danger, you don't need to consider rescue."

"If we cannot eliminate all dangers when we pass, then our mission will be considered a failure."

"Everyone, cheer me up 100%."

"There is no afternoon tea, no dessert, there are only bullets, only blood and glory, do you understand?!"


All the team members responded in unison. The team leader nodded with satisfaction and ordered:

"Now, everyone, let's go!"

At the same time, inside the JSOC command headquarters.

Craven sat calmly behind his desk, and the huge screen in front of him displayed real-time images captured by drones tens of thousands of kilometers away.

In the picture, dozens of armed militants gathered in a small courtyard, and outside the courtyard, there was a motorcade ready to go.

There is no doubt that this is the location of bin Laden mentioned in previous intelligence, and now, the recognized leader of the world's terrorist organization is trying to leave his sanctuary and go in a direction that no one can predict. .

Bin Laden's actions deviated from Craven's, JSOC's, and the president's predictions. He seemed to have smelled the danger and couldn't wait to stay away from the dangerous area that made him uneasy.

Faced with this situation, Craven was caught in a dilemma for a while.

The operational members of SEAL Team 6 are ready. Taking advantage of this opportunity to launch an attack may not fail to achieve the expected results, but the problem is that too much uncertainty will seriously affect the "perfection" of this operation and even cause harm to our own side. bring unpredictable dangers.

And if you don't attack at this time, you have to wait for the next opportunity, and you don't know when.

Perhaps, he really should call for air support, directly bomb the target area, and then let the commandos move in to clear the area?

This seems to be the best option.

There was no time to hesitate.

Thinking of this, Craven took a deep breath.

Then, he picked up the phone on the table and said:

"Operation Neptune Spear cancelled."

"Enable backup plan."

"Operation code name, Rod of God."

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