In the bathroom, Xing Yunzhi, who had already taken her share of the night's bath, put a towel on her wet black hair, looked at herself in the mirror, and showed a cold, angry smile.

good very good.

It's already eight o'clock in the evening, and I can't get through the phone, nor can I get any messages...

I really belong to you, Cheng Jinyang!

She sat down on the sofa in the living room in silence, dried her hair with a hair dryer, and then stared at the night outside for a long time.

He took out his cell phone, tapped it with his fingers, and made a call.

"I'm Xing Yunzhi." After the communication was connected, she said coldly, "Connect me to the [Ground Network]."

Hejian Xingshi Group is involved in many industrial fields. Most of the public transportation and logistics companies in the entire Yangtze River Delta region are basically directly or indirectly controlled by Hejian Xingshi.

Relying on the "mass effect" of family members to carry out long-term and regular storage weight reduction, thereby significantly reducing the cost of warehousing and transportation, there are few other companies in the market that can compete with the Xing Group.

This is a clear statement.

In fact, Hejian Xingshi is not just willing to stop at its status as a "logistics overlord".

Using the construction of logistics distribution stations as a guise, they weaved a secret underground network in the Yangtze River Delta, digesting all smugglers and intelligence dealers from the north to the south into the huge tentacles of this [underground network] group.

Soon, the person in charge of the ground network in Pukou District got through and said respectfully:


"Check someone out for me."

"Please say."

"Cheng Jinyang is a descendant of the Cheng family in the capital of Shendu. His father is Cheng Qinghe. He should have been at the 'Wu Quemei Clinic' on Buyue Road, Wujiang Town, Pukou District at 10 o'clock this morning, and then lost his whereabouts. Help me find out his current location and whereabouts. Who’s together.”

"Okay, Miss, we have his information. The results will be sent to you later."

Xing Yunzhi hung up the phone, a cold light flashing in her cold eyes.

On the third day of living together, I actually learned to stay up all night... Cheng, Jin, Yang!

She threw her phone on the sofa and walked to the bathroom angrily.

Let’s take a bath to calm down first, but unfortunately we don’t have a bathtub.

Gotta buy one.

KTV in this world is called "nightclub" by literati.

As the name suggests, it is a place used for entertainment at night.

Of course, karaoke, loudspeakers and wine culture were also brought over by the time traveler Sima Yi. It is said that he also planned to promote pop music in his later years, but finally failed: this proves that even an emperor through the ages cannot determine the content of the people's preferences.

Therefore, the karaoke machine was filled with classical Chinese lyrics and music, which made Cheng Jinyang a little overwhelmed... He really couldn't sing.

In the box at this time, in addition to the mature and charming eldest sister Cheng Xinnan, there were also her two younger sisters and a younger brother, all of whom were called over by the eldest sister.

Cheng Jinyang naturally knew that Sister Xinnan was asking him to get to know the children of the Cheng family and rebuild family connections, so he greeted his cousins ​​with a smile.

The second daughter, Cheng Nan'an, is about seventeen or eighteen years old. It is said that she is married to the Yang family in Tai'an. She is a frail girl wearing glasses; the youngest daughter, Cheng Nandi, looks like a girl of fifteen or sixteen years old. She is very interested in the relationship between Cheng Jinyang and her sister Xinnan. I was very curious and tried all kinds of things inside and outside my words.

As for Cheng Yan, he is the youngest brother in their family. There is no doubt that he is unanimously loved by his three sisters. However, this young man showed no signs of being spoiled. He only respectfully addressed him as "brother Jinyang" during his conversation, which made Cheng Jinyang have a very good impression of him.

"There are no lawsuits and banquets, and a gentleman with beautiful hairpins~ Apply Zhu Fu powder, the muscles are plump and the bones are clear, and the appearance is innocent..." At this time, Cheng Xinnan was holding the microphone and sang a love song affectionately—— The reason why it was a love song was completely guessed by Cheng Jinyang, because he couldn't understand the meaning of the lyrics at all.

"... In the light of the dancing flower fan, the snow turns back, and the clouds stand in the sky. The beautiful mat is faded, the phoenix lantern is bright and extinguished, who is the beloved one. Oh oh oh, who is the beloved one - "

She ended with a gorgeous high note, and two little fans, Cheng Nanan and Cheng Nandi, applauded wildly in the back row. Cheng Yan sat next to the karaoke machine with a smile on his face and was very proud of his eldest sister's singing ability.

"Brother Jinyang, don't you order a song?" He turned around and asked.

Cheng Jinyang:? ? ?

Don’t tell me you haven’t heard it before, there are some words in the lyrics just now that I can’t pronounce!

"If you can't sing, you'll have to drink as a penalty!" Cheng Xinnan laughed loudly, threw the microphone to the two sisters, then picked up the wine bottle and started pouring wine.

Cheng Nandi jumped up quickly to catch the phone, and immediately called to her brother and shouted:

"Quick, quick, quick! Give me some of Yan Shu's Butterfly Love Flower! It's the one about chrysanthemums worrying about smoke, orchids weeping dew!"

Cheng Yan quickly swiped the screen and switched songs.

At this time, Cheng Jinyang suddenly glanced at a song on the list:

"Shui Tiao Ge Tou. When will the bright moon come", lyrics and music author: Sima Yi.

Okay, let’s not mention the plagiarism of the title. Since the song was also composed by this senior, could it be that the classic song "When Will the Bright Moon Come" by Teresa Teng was copied?

Eighty percent yes! I don’t believe that senior Sima Yi would compose other music if he didn’t copy it already!

"I think I can sing this," he said.

"Ah, brother Jinyang, do you want to sing the water tune?" Cheng Yan was a little surprised, so he ordered this song for him.

"Yeah." Cheng Jinyang smiled, "I'll give it a try."

"Why, you also like Emperor Xuan's lyrics and music?" Cheng Xinnan suddenly came over and asked, staring at the screen of the karaoke machine.

At this time, her face was so close that Cheng Jinyang could clearly see the exquisite makeup on her face, the deep and bright eyeliner, the bright red lips, and the charming aura mixed with the smell of wine and perfume. Time seemed like I couldn’t even move my body.

At this can kiss me just by turning your head slightly, right? Then just say it was accidental...

Such devilish thoughts collided crazily in his heart.

No, wake up, you have a fiancée!

Then a balance soon appeared in Cheng Jinyang's heart:

On the left is the incomparable fiancée. Although she has no emotional basis and only stays with him based on interests, at least it is a legitimate cohabitation relationship, and he should take care of her feelings both emotionally and rationally.

On the right is the delicate and charming cousin of the family. Although she has no relationship foundation, and her sudden appearance after so many years is very suspicious, after all, she used to give herself money every month, and she is currently the key connection between herself and the Cheng family in the capital city. Bond, shouldn't we have a good relationship with her?

Of course it should! But Ah Zhi...

Cheng Jinyang's psychological balance shook violently, and his mind was filled with thoughts of his fiancée and his cousin playing games with each other. One voice begged him to be restrained, while another voice begged him to let himself go.

Then someone hugged my shoulders.

In the almost shocked eyes of Cheng Nan'an and Cheng Nandi, Cheng Xinnan hugged his shoulders affectionately and laughed:

"I thought you were going to be an audience member all night! Ayan, turn on the duo mode later, I want to sing with brother Jinyang."

As for Cheng Jinyang... the balance in his heart has been completely tilted and overturned: the weight at the right end smashed the chassis completely, and followed his gaze all the way along the open collar of cousin Cheng Xinnan, towards the bottomless Sliding down the valley.

All I can say is sorry, Ah Zhi!

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