Glory Riding and Cutting

Chapter 31 Redbeard

It was noon when Ronan and the others entered White Harbor, and everyone was hungry. Daisy also pestered Belica to eat the special seafood of White Harbor. The largest and most famous tavern in White Harbor - Shrimp Soldiers and Crab Generals.

The group was divided into five tables, and each table ordered a series of seafood such as crabs, lobsters, and abalones. Because it was Belica's treat, Ronan was not polite, and secretly told the Nord people to show their true level .

Pots of seafood were served, and Ronan and the others dipped them in the tavern's special sauce and started eating. After one bite, the umami taste of the seafood and the peculiar taste of the sauce exploded in the mouth together. It was completely different from the seafood that Ronan had eaten in his previous life, but it also had a special flavor. Ronan couldn't help but ate a lot.

Seeing Daisy cutting a piece of abalone with the table knife in his hand, Ronan couldn't help but think of the poem "Why is it too urgent to fry?" But Ronan didn't dare to say it, otherwise he would be pestered by Daisy to ask What's the meaning. And if Daisy knew the true meaning, Ronan might have to die to apologize.

Ronan and the others were having a good time eating, and a group of new guests came to the tavern. This group of people immediately attracted Ronan's attention, not because there were any beauties among them, but because they all had hair coiled on their heads. A snake, a real and living snake, is still spitting out letters.

Ronan couldn't help turning his head to look at Belica, Belica understood what he meant, and couldn't help rolling his eyes, thinking that Captain Ronan is good at everything, just like a curious baby, but there are still many things he doesn't know. Belica leaned over his head and whispered to Ronan:

"Those are Snake Worshipers, also a religion from another continent, but they are not very popular on that continent, because most of their followers are ruthless and cold-blooded like poisonous snakes."

"Isn't that a cult?"

"Hush, keep your voice down! But you are right to say that, but there are many religions coexisting and hostile to each other on the Slovakian mainland. The Snake Worship Cult also has a city-state in the Slovakian mainland, and it is very powerful."

"Does the Holy Cross Kingdom not care?"

"After all, they came here for trade, not for missionary work. Although the Holy Cross Kingdom rejects heretics, except for some fanatics, they will not be too hostile to heretics, and they will engage in crusade against heretics at every turn."

Ronan secretly glanced at the few Snake Worshipers again, then he stopped caring about them and concentrated on the food in front of him. But what Ronan and the others didn't notice was that when they entered the tavern, a man in a black robe quietly left in the corner.

The danger is approaching, and Ronan and the others are still eating and drinking.

There are six wooden boats about 30 meters long sailing slowly on the sea outside White Harbor. Judging from the flags flying on the boats, they should be a group of pirates, but pirate groups with six boats are very rare. Not united.

On the leading ship, a man wearing only a sleeveless waistcoat, showing his eight-pack abs and strong arms, walked to the high platform above the captain's cabin. This man looked very young, but he had a bushy red beard.

"Brothers, look here!" With Redbeard's shout, all the pirates who were drinking or wrestling on the deck stopped and looked in the direction of Redbeard. It seemed that he was still quite prestigious.

Nodding in satisfaction, the red beard shouted to the pirates again: "Brothers, I have another big plan!"

"Roar!" The pirates below roared. After all, every time Redbeard had a big plan, they would get a lot of fun. As a result, Redbeard's pirate group gradually grew, and sea people came to join him from time to time.

"Who are we?" Redbeard asked.

"Brave sea folk!" the pirates responded.

"What are we?"

"Redbeard Pirates!"


"We are invincible!"

Seeing that the pirates' emotions were mobilized, the red beard nodded in satisfaction, and raised the wine glass in his hand to have a "ton ton ton"

Then one of the pirates closest to him asked a question. He was the first mate of the Redbeard Pirates.

"So, boss, shall we grab that caravan this time?"

"Good question, let's grab White Harbor tonight!"

The noisy pirates around suddenly fell silent, and the red-bearded man who was "ton-ton-ton" frowned and put down his wine glass to look around.

"What's wrong?" the red beard wondered,

"Boss, are you talking about White Harbor?"

"Yeah, what's the matter?"

"Boss, White Harbor of the Holy Cross?"

The red beard slapped the first mate on the head. "Fast fart!"

"Boss, there are thousands of troops stationed in White Harbor. We only have less than 300 soldiers. How can we rob it? Besides, no seaman has tried to rob the port of that kingdom in the past thousand years. It would be death!"

"Nonsense, I'm an invincible red beard, do you think I don't know what you said? I have a careful plan, but in the end we will be like this, that, and we will catch them by surprise. Then quickly evacuate, their warships are patrolling the channel at this time, and they can't catch up with us!"

"We will leave this sea area to move to a new area immediately after completing this vote. As you said, no sea people have ever accomplished such a feat. If I succeed, I will definitely become famous, and countless sea people will fight for it." Let’s go together, becoming the Pirate King is just around the corner!”

After hearing what Redbeard said, these simple-minded pirates felt that it was really possible to succeed, so they cheered again. Seeing the atmosphere on the ship was warm again, Redbeard laughed loudly, holding up the wine glass and having a "ton, ton, ton" meal.

The red-bearded pirate group was slowly approaching White Harbor, and the Moran assassins hiding in White Harbor City also gathered together.

"Are you sure it's them?"

"It's not wrong. According to the information you gave, they are completely in line, but they have some personnel changes, and some guys seem difficult to deal with."

"Anyway, this is the last chance. I have already contacted the red beards. They will attack the port tonight, and they will cause chaos to attract the attention of the guards. Let's take action and make sure to capture the girl alive, regardless of other life or death! "

"You arrange some people to pretend to live in the room next to them. Have I asked the mercenaries you are looking for to find them?"

"Yes! The mercenaries have already negotiated. These guys are from the Slovakian mainland. They will go back with the caravan tomorrow."

"Well, let's get ready!"

The people in black robes around nodded their heads in unison, half of them went out and began to prepare, and the other half also took off their hoods.

"My lord, we forged an order to call the kingdom's secret sentinel hidden here, will there be hidden dangers?"

"As long as you catch the girl and bring her back to the kingdom, nothing will happen. If it doesn't work, we'll probably die here. What can the kingdom do for us?"

The last person took off his hood, revealing a dark brown-skinned orc head. It was Gul'dan, and he didn't know how these alien races got in here.

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