Glory Riding and Cutting

Chapter 54 The Siege

After throwing off the pursuing team, the rescue team finally arrived at the fortress after five days of fleeing. The fortress was built in a forest and built against the mountain.

The fortress is really not big, estimated to be less than 700 square meters. There are some scattered stone houses scattered in the open area of ​​the city. The city wall is about five meters high and more than two meters thick. There are several slightly higher watchtowers. The location is a castle that occupies most of the area, about as high as the city walls, but with deep underground spaces.

Seeing Dario, Ronan and others, the guards on the city wall quickly opened the gate. The gate is a thick iron gate, which can take off and land. The mechanism is in the watchtower directly above the gate, which is the most important place for defense. After all, iron gates cannot be smashed open by battering rams. The only way for the enemy to open the gates is to break into the watchtowers and shake the gates.

Ronan and the others were already exhausted. Guided by the soldiers guarding the city, Ronan, Dario and the others quickly tied up the horses, and then walked into the castle to eat in the cafeteria on the first floor. something to come.

The food was not rich, only dry and hard noodles and air-dried beef that could stab people to death, but the hungry people could no longer care about these, and took up knives and forks to cut them vigorously. Ronan also noticed that the soldiers in the city took out the birdcage and released a dragon eagle after their progress, presumably to report to the city of Terra.

Using a knife to cut off a piece of jerky along the texture of the meat, tied it up and put it in his mouth to chew, Ronan was the first to break the silence.

"So, we have to rely on more than 70 people to defend here for two months?"

After chewing hard on the food in his mouth, he swallowed it. After taking a sip of water, Daario said:

"These soldiers are the elite of the selected elite. They are skilled in combat and have a firm will. It is impossible for the enemy to send a large force to attack us. The castle is small and only needs to defend two sides. We are enough. It is still very powerful. Chance!"

Those soldiers did look very strong, completely different from the militiamen Ronan had seen in Taiweisi. They were physically strong, wearing double-sleeved full-body chain armor, with a sealed dome that only leaked the eyes and nose. Helmet, with a feather inserted into the edge of the helmet, a spear in one hand and a round shield in the other, and a short-handled broadsword hanging from his waist.

"So you're not sure? If the enemy really sends a large force to chase us, they only need to arrange rotation and attack day and night, and we can't hold it at all!" Gao Gen said, who had almost replied.

"If this is the case, then we can only break through desperately. Whether we can get out alive or not will depend on our ability! And you are not as important as you think. The goal of Volantis and Eredar is to destroy Terra. It doesn’t make much sense to catch you as an heir, because it’s impossible for the King of Terra to give up resistance and hand over the entire Terra to others just because of you.”

Without waiting for Dario to answer, Ronan spoke first, and his words were merciless, which relieved Dario of the trouble of composing lyrics.

Gao Gen's expression changed, and he quickly ate the food in his hand before turning around and leaving.

Ronan sneered after seeing him walk out of the cafeteria: "Is this guy still a child? It seems that your education of the heir is not very good, Terra!"

"Prince Gogan's education is not bad, and he is very smart and can learn everything quickly, but there is only one crown prince on Terra, and those teachers dare not object to his opinions. As time goes by, he thinks that he is always right. that's it!

Prince Gao Gen is used to looking at no one, and has never suffered setbacks, so he has developed a self-willed character, and he still doesn't listen to other people's advice. I hope he can change after this time. " Dario said with a sigh.

"If he is still like this, when the king of Terra abdicates and he succeeds, Terra will still have to play sooner or later!" Ronan chatted with Dario. As for Inera and her elves, she still said coldly No hair, just sullenly eating.

"After eating, let's go to the arsenal to change our equipment, and then we have to rest quickly. The traces we left behind are not difficult to find, and the pursuers may arrive at any time."

Nodding his head, Ronan speeded up his eating.

After dinner, Ronan and the others were led by the soldiers to the underground equipment storehouse. After picking and choosing, Ronan took a longbow, a two-handed sword about the size of the Slayer, and a round shield. .

The armor only has the same full-body chain armor as those soldiers. Because it is double-layered, the protection is not bad. Ronan finally took a standard helmet and left.

In order to go into battle lightly, Ronan's original heavy plate armor and great sword were left in Taiwei San and Mario took care of them. In front of so many people, Ronan couldn't put them in his backpack directly, and the rest of the soldiers also Temporarily led by Mario.

By the way, after Volantis withdrew, Ronan completed the second ring task of defending the Taiwei for 40 to 60 days, and the reward thick iron shield was in Ronan's backpack at this time.

This shield is a round shield, but it is about twice as thick as a normal round shield, and it is made entirely of cast iron, which is very heavy. Ronan can only use it flexibly with the blessing of the ape arm stunt, and he doesn't know how this shield was made Who is it for.

The task was also updated as a new third ring task after rescuing Prince Gogan.

"Protect Prince Terra until he returns to Terra City

Rewards: 5000 experience points, 100 gold coins, 50 honor points. "

Not to mention, 50 points of honor, Ronan was shocked at the time, he finally knew the real way to get a lot of honor, the honor that grows with the reputation bit by bit is just a minimum guarantee, the rewards brought by completing tasks and defeating powerful enemies Honor is the big head, and those high-level arms and various artifacts in the Honor Store are finally no longer an unattainable dream.

In his head, he fantasizes about riding a golden dragon on his crotch, with an angel in his left hand and a great demon in his right hand. Behind him, there is an elf female ranger feeding him fruit on his shoulders. There are endless types of high-level troops on the ground. Ronan gradually fell asleep. caught.

It was near noon the next day that Ronan was woken up by Dario and had a solid sleep. Ronan made up for the lack of sleep during the past few days while fleeing.

"Get up, the enemy army is coming!" Hearing Dario's words, Ronan shuddered, hurriedly chased away the remaining sleepiness and crawled out of the bed, quickly put on the chain armor and picked up the weapon, Ronan followed Dario and ran out. castle.

Climbing up the city wall, Ronan saw clearly the appearance of the enemy army. It was the group of barbarians wearing horned helmets and leather armor that he had seen in Taiweisi. At this time, they were gathering more than 500 meters outside the city. While cutting down trees to build a camp, while making a fire to cook and prepare to eat.

The update time will be changed to after 11pm tomorrow (ω)

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