Glory Riding and Cutting

Chapter 98 Picnic

Ronan found that many nobles brought ferocious looking hounds. A dog's nose is much better than a human's nose. With these big dogs, Ronan and the others are at a disadvantage when it comes to finding prey.

So Ronan approached Mario and whispered to him:

"Why didn't you bring a hound?"

"I don't know how to train a dog, didn't you bring it?"

"I just took over the manor. How can I have the time and energy to raise a dog? Aren't you a child of a noble family? Why don't you even have a dog?"

"... Well, with this skill, you might as well hunt a few more prey, this is not a competition, why ask so much!"

"Daisy and those noble ladies are waiting outside! Could it be that we will go back with two sparrows each when there will be deer and wild boar?"

Seeing that Mario was a little bit annoyed, Ronan shrugged his shoulders, dismounted first and walked into the forest. Mario followed Ronan and dismounted into the forest. As soon as they entered the forest, the hunters scattered in all directions, and several of them walked in one direction.

"Hey, Mario, can you follow?"

"I'm not a scout, how could this happen!"

"Then how do we find prey?"

"It's fate!"

Ronan rolled his eyes at Mario, and thought in his heart that it was over, that he was going to be lost today.

"There are footprints!" Mario's eyes were sharp, and he found the footprints in the depression on the ground.

"Do you know what animal it is?" Following Mario's hand, Ronan also found the row of footprints.

"I'm neither a hunter nor a zoologist, how would I know!"

"I noticed that you seem to be drifting a little lately. Go back and compete?" After being slapped by Mario several times in a row, Ronan looked at Mario unkindly. After being stared at by Ronan, Mario remembered the last time he was dominated by Ronan. out of fear, he smiled and said:

"No, no, no, we'll find out what it is when we catch up!"

Not surprisingly, the footprints soon became indistinguishable due to the fallen leaves and intertwined tree roots on the ground. Ronan and the two lost their way, which made Ronan look at Mario even more unkindly. I thought I could hold Mario's thigh, but Mario thought the same way, which is very embarrassing. Two people who are not even half-baked are hunting in the forest, and they will be considered amazing if they don't get lost.

"Fortunately, I was a bit prepared! In desperation, Ronan could only exchange two points of honor from the honor store for a universal bait, which is said to be irresistible to beasts.

Ronan pretended to take it out from his arms, but actually took it out from the system backpack. It was a piece of meat about the size of a palm.

After choosing a location, put the bait in the open space, and Ronan and Mario hid in the bushes and waited for the beast to take the bait. Where the bait was placed, there was a fragrance that Ronan and the other two could not smell.

Soon, the two of Ronan heard rustling sounds coming from one side, and something was stirring the bushes on the other side.

The eyes of Ronan and the two were fixed, they clenched the longbow in their hands, set up the arrow, and were always ready to shoot a fatal arrow.

The target soon appeared. It was a wild boar. It looked around, and after confirming that there were no other predators, it walked slowly to the side of the bait. The two old concealed cold arrows inside were hit.

One arrow hit the lower back, and the other directly hit the head. The sharp arrow directly sank deep into the wild boar's head under tremendous force, penetrated the skull and hit the brain, and the wild boar fell straight down, its heavy body lying on the ground. There was a splash on the ground.

This one prey is enough, and this wild boar is also very heavy. It seems that it has developed well, and it should weigh more than two hundred catties. In order to prevent the smell of blood from attracting other predators, Ronan and Mario could only lift the wild boar back and forth and walk back. Ronan also took the bait back into the backpack, and it should be used in the future.

Ronan and Mario were the first hunters to come back. Seeing the two of them carrying the wild boar back, the noble ladies who stayed behind all exclaimed, because they did not expect that the two of them would be able to fight together so soon. Such a big wild boar.

Unlike domestic pigs, wild boars are not fed by anyone. When they need to be self-sufficient and are threatened by other predators, they can grow to more than 200 catties. Wild boars can only be considered large if they have enough food and no natural enemies. It can only grow to more than 500 catties under certain circumstances.

Other nobles also came back one after another. Some of them brought some rabbits and badgers, and some hit deer. The most powerful one was Marquis Yuri. His team came back carrying a huge black bear.

Everyone praised Marquis Yuri for being old and strong, but Ronan knew that this was his hunting ground, and his team was very familiar with it. It was very easy to find this black bear. , if a small team of two or three people encounters this black bear, it is still very dangerous.

The subordinates of Marquis Yuri took the prey from the nobles, and the cooks and attendants began to decompose and light a fire to roast on the spot, while serving barrels of beer.

Soon, the smell of meat and wine wafted away. Everyone forgot the rules and regulations in normal banquets in the past. They ate meat, drank heavily, and talked loudly.

"Ton, ton, ton!" Ronan raised his head and drank a large beer mug, and then took a big bite of the meat torn from the wild boar leg. Marquis Yuri's team of chefs was really good. The wild pork was roasted just right, and Ronan's mouth was full of oil.

Picnicking after hunting is also one of the Hinterland customs. With barbecue and beer, young people will also sing songs, wrestle and fight, and show their bravery and strength to the girls they like.

After a few rounds, Mario was successfully drunk by Ronan and fell to the ground. When the gang broke up, Aldridge could only lift Mario with one hand, put him on the horse's back, and help him back to the residence.

Not surprisingly, Mario successfully vomited all over the horse under the bumps. It seems that the young man in charge of taking care of the horses has something to do after returning. I don’t know if he will also vomit after smelling the smell.

Ronan was also very happy. He would have one more thing to make fun of Mario in the future. He kept humming a ditty when he went back:

"We ordinary people, I'm so happy today!" Of course, he used Chinese that other people could not understand.

After returning from the hunting ground, it was getting late, but Ronan couldn't sleep because of the strength of wine. He looked at the moon and was homesick. He climbed to the roof and looked at the moon in the sky. Ronan gradually fell into memories.

When he was a child in the previous life, he always liked to climb to the roof to see the moon and the stars, but later, when he grew up, he found that there were no stars in the sky.

Now looking at the twinkling stars in this unpolluted starry sky, Ronan stretched out his hand and gestured. Since he can travel to this world, then maybe the star in the sky is actually the earth?

But even if this is the case, with the technological level of this world, unless he can live for thousands of years, he probably has no chance to cross the universe.

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