Great Medicine Without Borders

Chapter 455 It’s crazy and rainy

The voice was somewhat familiar. Chen Weiwei trembled with fright. She turned around and saw a familiar figure striding towards her in the distance. That person was clearly Yang Mufeng.

Looking at Yang Mufeng who had come back from the dead, Chen Weiwei's eyes widened with fear. She didn't bother to open the door, turned around and ran towards the elevator.

The person behind yelled: "Chen Weiwei, stop!"

Chen Weiwei panicked and ran towards the escalator. Inadvertently, her foot missed the mark, her body lost her balance, and she screamed and rolled down the escalator.

During the fall, her neck hit the hard step, making a crisp fracture sound.

"Chen Weiwei! Stop!" The man who looked exactly like Yang Mufeng was actually his twin brother Yang Mulin. Yang Mulin didn't know Chen Weiwei, but by chance, when he came to the nail salon, he happened to see Chen Weiwei opening the door, so he shouted Chen Weiwei’s name.

When Chen Weiwei saw him, she thought she had seen a ghost, and her first reaction was to flee the scene. Yang Mulin therefore determined that she was Chen Weiwei and immediately chased after her.

Yang Mulin chased to the elevator entrance and saw Chen Weiwei lying motionless on the elevator, her head twisted on her shoulders at an exaggerated angle. He realized something was wrong, turned around and ran away in the opposite direction.

A man suddenly rushed up to him, twisted his arm and pushed him to the ground. Yang Mulin struggled with all his strength: "Don't touch me..."

"Be honest! I'm a policeman!" The person who appeared in time and restrained Yang Mulin was Li Zhong, who was responsible for tracking Chen Weiwei. In order to prevent Chen Weiwei from being alert and discovering the police following him too early, they kept a distance. When they realized something happened, it was already too late to start. .

There were exclamations and screams from the elevator entrance. The policewoman who was partnered with Li Zhong pressed the emergency stop button of the escalator. When she saw Chen Weiwei still lying motionless on the elevator, she knew something serious had happened and hurried to Chen Weiwei's side. , reached out and touched her carotid artery, but could no longer feel any pulse. She also checked her nose and couldn't feel her breathing. The policewoman quickly dialed 120.

The crowd of onlookers at the scene grew larger and larger, and some people exclaimed: "He's dead! He's dead!"

There is no shortage of spectators in this world.

On the stage, traffic star Xie Weiting is dancing crazily. I have to admit that the scene is very lively. All the people who came tonight are special guests and media reporters. They are mainly to create an atmosphere and create an impact. It is right to exclude fans. If thousands of fans all entered the bar, their current security force wouldn't be able to maintain order.

Thousands of fans of Xie Weiting have gathered in the small square outside the OMMIA bar. They cannot enter without an invitation. They can only enjoy Xie Weiting's performance through the big screen. Even so, many people are already hysterical with excitement.

Hua Zhuyue danced to the music. Although she encountered some troubles in business, it did not harm her mood. Xu Chunliang went to bring two glasses of wine.

Hua Zhuyue said: "It's really good. If this continues, our bar won't be far from closing."

Xu Chunliang saw Hua Zhuyue taking a sip of wine and said to her with a smile, "Aren't you afraid that I will put medicine in it?"

Hua Zhuyue rolled her eyes at him, thinking that his joke was inappropriate. She knew that SEVEN STAR was in trouble but still said it, which was a bit like rubbing salt into the wound.

Xu Chunliang said: "Is it possible that a competitor did it?"

Hua Zhuyue shook her head. Although He Dong and Lan Xing were competitors, they both belonged to the Orchid Sect. Ji Buyao was the leader of the Orchid Sect. Pan Tianhua didn't have the courage to cause a murder in their place, right?

Hua Zhuyue has been investigating. During this period, Hedong has been making small moves and poaching many of Blue Star's key players. Such methods are not uncommon in shopping malls. If Ji Buyao hadn't stopped him, Hua Zhuyue would have already turned on Lu. Yumeng's flow has started.

It was Ji Buyao's laissez-faire that led to the continuous loss of talents in Blue Star. She really couldn't understand why Ji Buyao gave in to Pan Tianhua like this? Does he have any leverage that Pan Tianhua holds? That's why I chose to hold back.

After Xie Weiting's performance, Pan Weidong came to the stage to speak. He was particularly proud tonight and said with confidence: "Thank you all guests for coming tonight. Our Hedong Group has always been committed to creating top domestic entertainment, and OMMIA is our top In the bar, here, everyone can enjoy the top-notch environment, top-notch lighting, top-notch performances, and top-notch service.”

There was a round of applause.

Pan Weidong found Hua Zhuyue in the crowd and said with a smile: "I can guarantee that in our OMMIA, you will get the most comprehensive safety guarantee. Just feel free and bold to enjoy and release, friends, and enjoy the fanaticism, unrestrainedness, and passion of OMMIA. Have a dreamy night!”

The music with a passionate rhythm sounded and Xie Weiting led four fair-skinned and beautiful enchanting girls to the stage again and shouted: "Are you ready?"


"Burn your blood and enter the wild night with me! COME ON!"


Music and cheers intertwined, and the arms of the guests danced to the music.

Hua Zhuyue also swayed her body with the rhythm, and the undulations were quite enchanting. She picked up Xu Chunliang's wine glass and put it aside, put her hands on his shoulders, and taught him how to dance. There was nothing wrong with accepting the excellence of others.

Xu Chunliang said: "When the sky is crazy, it will rain, and when people are crazy, there will be misfortune."

Hua Zhuyue chuckled, looking into Xu Chunliang's eyes with a pair of beautiful eyes: "I would have forgotten if you didn't tell me, you beat someone in front of the OMMIA bar in Beijing."

Xu Chunliang said: "This grandson of Pan Weidong asked someone to give false testimony, and I almost got caught by the police."

Hua Zhuyue said: "The matter is over and you are fine, so don't keep it in your mind." Although Xu Chunliang is very capable, it is not wise to fight the entire Hedong Group with one person, and the same is true for Hua Zhuyue Think about him.

Xu Chunliang said: "I originally wanted to be magnanimous and repay evil with kindness, but tonight, my grandson is sarcastically mocking you in front of so many people. It is unbearable."

Hua Zhuyue smiled and said, "You don't need to worry about my affairs, I can handle them myself."

Xu Chunliang said: "It's not up to you."

"What do you want to do?" Although Hua Zhuyue is a strong woman and has never thought of relying on a man, Xu Chunliang still feels warm in her heart because she wants to stand up for her.

Xu Chunliang took out a black N95 mask from his pocket and helped Hua Zhuyue put it on. Hua Zhuyue was a little surprised. She didn't know what he was doing. She took a breath and felt a faint orchid fragrance.

Xu Chunliang also got one and put it on, and said with a smile: "This place has been recently renovated, and the smell of formaldehyde is too strong. I'd better take some precautions to prepare for a rainy day."

On the stage, when Xie Weiting was dancing and singing passionately, he suddenly smelled a stench that almost made him hold his breath. He thought it was the backup dancer who couldn't hold it in and farted, but he saw The backup dancers all had distorted faces, and they probably smelled the same stench as him.

The four backup dancers were professional enough, and they could still keep dancing under such circumstances, looking at each other, wondering who had let go? Xie Weiting of the center is also among the suspects. This situation has happened in the past, but no matter how bad the performance is, it has to continue, and it has to force a smile and pretend to enjoy it.

The smoke created by the dry ice dispersed around with a stench, and the guests at the scene cheered in unison. However, the cheers stopped not long after, and almost everyone smelled the stench.

The smell was so special, like body odor mixed with onions and cumin powder, it made me sick to smell it.

When the smoke cleared from the stage, Xie Weiting and the four backup dancers covered their noses regardless of their manners. The pungent smell had already made them cry. Xie Weiting secretly cursed, who the hell is this? I found out and had to open her.

The four backup dancers were also very innocent. They tried to stay as far away from Xie Weiting as possible, but did not dare to leave the stage. Xie Weiting had body odor, so he usually liked to spray perfume, but the smell wasn't so strong in the past? Could it be that today’s dance is full of energy and the smell is particularly strong?

They soon discovered that there were two yellow creatures at Xie Weiting's feet. They stood there, seemingly frightened by the crazy scene, and seemed to be enjoying the crazy and exciting scene.

Only then did Xie Weiting notice the creatures around him. His first reaction was a rat, but he soon realized that it was not a rat at all, but a weasel!

The DJ at the scene didn't know what happened on the stage. One of them was Xie Weiting who forgot his lyrics. It's normal for popular celebrities to forget their lyrics. After all, they are not very professional.

Like putting out a fire, the DJ started playing more intense dance music.

The two weasels looked at each other, and then farted at Xie Weiting in unison.

Xie Weiting was so smoked that he couldn't breathe and fell straight up on the stage. The security guards who rushed over in a hurry saw the weasels on the stage. They rushed to catch them. Two weasels ran off the stage at an alarming speed.

From every corner, dozens of weasels rushed out in the frenzied dance music. They fled in all directions, rushed back and forth, and kept releasing their unique biochemical weapons as they ran.

For a moment, the whole bar was filled with stench. Several beautiful beauties in gorgeous shapes were suffocated by the smoke. The guests who were dancing with passion just now fled in all directions. The bar is a relatively closed space and lacks air circulation. The stench lasts for a short time. It was impossible to dissipate the feeling, and the entire bar was filled with a stinky smell.

Hua Zhuyue wore a mask, and Xu Chunliang had put spice patches inside it beforehand, so she couldn't smell the smell.

Xu Chunliang, who was also wearing a mask, had quietly retreated toward the gate before the incident. While retreating, he was admiring the chaotic scene from the perspective of a bystander.

Pan Weidong endured the stench and directed the security guards to drive away the weasels. Suddenly he felt a furry thing getting into his pants. Pan Weidong wailed: "Quick! Come and help me..."

The weasel actually farted in his crotch. The two security guards who came close to help were so smoked that their eyes watered, and they couldn't tell whether it was the weasel or Pan Weidong who farted.

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