Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 9 The battle over the nature of magic

"Class! Class!"

At dawn, the freshmen who had just arrived at Hogwarts got up excitedly and came to the auditorium in groups to have breakfast. After wandering in the messy stairwell for a long time, they finally found The first class is the classroom of the Charms class. While waving their wands, they excitedly flipped through "Standard Spells: Elementary" and discussed the various magics recorded in it, as well as the theories they couldn't understand at the moment.

The house where Hufflepuff takes the Charms class is Slytherin, and there is only one person in the entire classroom wearing a green lined robe, who is sitting quietly reading the textbook.


As soon as Avada walked into the classroom, she saw the only person sitting in the front row of the classroom and was a little surprised: "You got up so early too?"

As a time traveler, he was more excited than ordinary freshmen last night, and his sleep quality was also worse. He is still a little tired now.

"Good morning, Ken."

Baron smiled and said hello: "I didn't expect to meet again so soon. Do you want to sit over? It's hard to get the front row seat."

"I couldn't ask for more, thank you very much."

Avada thanked her, pulled out her chair, put down her backpack, sat down on the seat next to Baron, and pretended to flip through the textbook - he had already thoroughly read this stuff during the summer vacation.

Gradually, the Slytherin students and the Hufflepuffs who had better sleep quality also entered the classroom one after another, and sat down in groups according to their respective houses, forming two distinct areas, one yellow and one green. In this way, Avada and Baron have become the only border areas.

Finally, a wizard as short as an elf came in wearing a robe that trailed on the floor. He waved a stack of books to the bottom of the podium, and then jumped up in one step, allowing himself to reveal half of his body from behind the podium.

"Introduce yourself," he said in a high-pitched voice: "I am Filius Flitwick, who teaches Charms and is also the Head of Ravenclaw House."

"Before class, let's take a roll call..." He pulled out a piece of parchment and looked at the names on it, his brows twisted a little.

"Mr. Ken!"

"Here." Avada responded feebly, which attracted a few side glances and murmurs - Cedric only reminded the Hufflepuffs not to ask for his name, Slytherin didn't know.

"Mr. Baron Shafiq!"


Baron was stunned for a moment before responding. He didn't know why his name had to be prefixed with "Mr."

"Mr. Sharpie Knott!"


Avada then discovered that Flitwick had added the prefix "Mr." or "Ms." to all the students after pronouncing his name.

"Very good, everyone is here."

After reading the last name, Flitwick put away the parchment with satisfaction and looked around before saying: "When I walked into the classroom just now, I found that most of the students were looking through the textbooks in advance. This is a good habit. .So, what do you think of the content in the textbook?"

Several hands were raised in unison.

"Mr. MacNeil." He pointed to a Slytherin student.

A tall and thin boy stood up and replied with a proud look on his face: "The spells above are very simple. I knew quite a few of them when I was at home!"

"very good."

Flitwick smiled warmly and lit up another Hufflepuff girl: "Miss White, how do you feel?"

"It feels... amazing!" She replied shyly: "I never thought there would be so much wonderful magic in the world and that it could do so many incredible things!"

There was a low laugh from the Slytherin side, making Balon frown slightly.

Flitwick called a few more students and received various answers before he nodded and said: "It seems that everyone is very interested in learning magic. Then let me change the question: Is anyone paying attention? Read the preface to the book?”

For a moment, the classroom fell into silence - they were all eleven-year-old children. Faced with novel magic spells, who had the heart to care about the long and obscure preface?

After a while, a hand slowly grew out from under the table.

It's Avatar.

He actually read the preface, which was of great help to him in understanding the magical world. Originally, he wanted to keep a low profile, but he couldn't bear to see the atmosphere that Flitwick had managed to stir up become cold, so he reluctantly raised his hand.

"Oh, there really is!"

Flitwick was a little surprised: "None of the previous first-year students has read the preface... So Mr. Ken, can you share your thoughts?"

Did you mean to co-author it?

His face twitched as he stood up, and after a while he replied: "The preface is very profound, and I can't understand much of it. But I can probably tell that it is discussing the nature of magic, and why we can Use magic, as well as some of the latest results of magic research. As for the various terms mentioned in it, such as 'essentialism' and 'coverage theory', I don't understand it at all."

"It's okay if you can't understand. If everyone can understand everything in the book on their own, why do you need me as a professor?"

Flitwick happily asked Avada to sit down: "Two points for Hufflepuff."

"Ken is right. Ever since wizards discovered that they had extraordinary abilities and stood out from Muggles, discussions about magic and magic have never stopped and continue to this day."

His face became solemn: "Why can wizards cast spells but Muggles can't? Why does the seemingly orderly nature allow 'magic' to exist that breaks the law? What is the essence of 'magic'? What?"

"These questions still have no answers."

"However, with the development of the times, the research on the mysteries of magic has gradually deepened. We have eliminated many wrong fallacies and are getting closer to the truth. For example, there was a popular 'ontology' in ancient times, which believed that magic is inherent. Supernatural energy in the body of wizards. But with the discovery of new theories, this statement has been proven wrong. We at least confirm that magic permeates nature, and wizards can only use certain characteristics of themselves to influence and control them .”

"So Professor, how do the current mainstream views explain magic?"

one Slytherin asked impatiently, without even raising his hand.

"There are three mainstream views now."

Flitwick did not blame him, but followed his question: "They are 'essentialism', 'coverage theory', and 'intrinsic theory' which has only appeared in recent decades."

"Essentialism believes that magic is the essence of all matter and energy in the world. Everything can transform into and out of magic and be unilaterally affected by magic."

"The covering theory believes that magic is a substance or energy that transcends all entities, covering the entire world from a higher dimension, thus affecting everything in the world."

"The intrinsic theory is a theory inspired by Muggle science at the beginning of this century, and it became widely popular soon after its birth. It believes that there is no such thing as 'magic' in nature, but that all matter and The inherent properties of energy. Everything can spontaneously produce magical effects without the influence of external forces. The so-called magic is just the medium that triggers this effect."

Flitwick looked at the expressions of the students in the classroom who were either shocked, confused, or thoughtful. He smiled and stopped explaining, giving them time to think and digest.


After a while, he continued: "There is no absolute ironclad evidence for these three theories. If someone here can completely confirm or falsify any of the theories, then congratulations, you will leave a lasting name in the entire magical world. Not even the First Class Order of Merlin can cover one percent of your achievements!"

"I very much hope that the great wizard who will go down in history can be born in this classroom."

Looking at the students' increasingly eager eyes, Flitwick knew that he had stirred up the atmosphere. He couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction, then took out his wand and knocked on the blackboard: "Then, let's start towards this goal and take the first step to explore the mysteries of magic!"

"In the first lesson of school, let's learn the spell 'Levitation Spell'!"

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