Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 93 The Principal’s Speech

Dumbledore was silent for a while, giving everyone in the auditorium ample time to digest their emotions, even many professors in the teachers' seats. After the audience gradually became quiet, Dumbledore's not-so-big but... The clearly audible voice sounded again:

"Yes. Just this year, Voldemort, who once poisoned Britain and disappeared for eleven years, sneaked into Hogwarts for some reasons, but was discovered by Mr. Ken in time, so he, Mr. Potter, and Shafi Mr. Grams and an unnamed gentleman jointly implemented a bold, meticulous and genius plan to completely capture Voldemort."

"In the past eleven years, many people have always worried that Voldemort is not completely dead and will one day come back... and this is indeed the case. But from now on, this issue is no longer worth worrying about."

"Everyone, please take a look."

He raised the bottle that sealed Voldemort's main soul high, and used magic to create a magnified projection, so that everyone could clearly see the strange gray mist and the human face emerging in it: "This is Voldemort What he looks like now - he has been living in this bodyless form for eleven years, and now he has no chance to make trouble anymore..."

"However, since he also has considerable attainments in black magic, it will take some time to make him full of evil. But this time will not be too long, I assure you."

As soon as Dumbledore finished speaking, the roar of people came over again. The reporters pressed the shutter anxiously, or raised their hands desperately to ask questions - if Dumbledore hadn't accumulated too much prestige, they might have been able to rush to the teacher's seat directly.

"Quiet, everyone, please stay quiet for now and listen to me."

He had to use magic to amplify his voice again to calm the scene: "Although Voldemort has been sealed, what I want to say today is more than that."

He looked around and took in everything in the auditorium: some were excited, some were confused, some were so ecstatic that they almost fainted, and some seemed a little nervous...

"Voldemort, his real name is Tom Marvolo Riddle."

He spoke slowly, his voice becoming deeper: "He was born in 1926, his mother is a descendant of Slytherin, and his father is a Muggle... Be quiet, everyone, listen to me."

"He grew up in a Muggle orphanage, entered Hogwarts in 1938, was sorted into Slytherin House, and became a prefect and president of the male student union..."

"As for what happened after his graduation, everyone knows it - Voldemort began to recruit party members and summoned dark wizards. He advocated pure blood theory and believed that the status and power of wizards should be superior to Muggle-born wizards and Muggles, and should be Let them become slaves of pure-blood wizards... This trend of thought once attracted a large number of wizards to join his command, and the 'Death Eaters' organization was born."

"They began to persecute Britain's evil - they openly violently spread terror, suppressed public opinion, and created the darkest decade. Many of you here have fully experienced that era, and the horrors of that time must not need me. Talk too much.”

"But even though the terror is over and Voldemort is about to be killed, there is still a problem that we have never solved or even faced..."

"Why can Voldemort's ideas attract so many wizards? Why are those wizards willing to obey and sacrifice their lives for a stranger for an illusory theory?"

"The size of the Death Eaters is far greater than the number of pure-blood wizards - this means that there are a considerable number of mixed-bloods among the Death Eaters, which are the 'inferior people' in the blood theory... Why are they willing to believe in the pure-blood theory? ?”

Dumbledore paused, but the entire auditorium remained silent.

"I have always believed that wizards are the happiest and most blessed beings in the world."

He continued: “With a wave of a magic wand, we can make comfortable houses rise from the ground, let barren land grow with food, make cold places warm, and make ourselves appear wherever we want to go... "

"And if you are not satisfied with this and still want to live a dignified life, even if you just grow fresh vegetables in your own vegetable field, getting paid will be enough to have dignity. Even if you want to squander and enjoy yourself, as long as you strictly abide by the confidentiality law, You can also easily get food and wine from Muggles..."

"Each of us can turn our efforts into results, and each of us is qualified to create a better life with our hands and magic wand."

"So, why would a wizard who could have such a wonderful life harm others and destroy their rights to freedom and happiness, even at the risk of being caught or even killed?"

Dumbledore's eyes suddenly became sharp, and he slowly scanned everyone in the auditorium, especially staying on the Slytherin table for a while...

"I think it's due to greed and ignorance."

"Voldemort has a greedy ambition. He not only wants to be happy for himself, but also wants to be above everyone else. To this end, he uses the banner of pure blood to deceive others and trick others into working for him."

"And among those who work for him, many are just as greedy and evil as him. Some of them are pure-bloods, vested interests in Voldemort's theory, and want to gain more benefits through Voldemort; some are interested in it. Voldemort's power, thinking that he can use him as his backer to indulge himself in misbehavior and realize his greed..."

"And the rest, those who, although unprofitable and even at the lower level in Voldemort's philosophy, truly believe in his theory from the bottom of their hearts, believe that pure blood theory is truly correct, and are willing to commit evil deeds for it, It is ignorance—hopeless ignorance.”

"The lineage theory that has lasted for nearly a thousand years in magical society has been deeply engraved in their minds, making them like a machine, unable to think, without logic, only blindly discriminating and hating the so-called 'lower people'. ', but never think about whether what they think is really as correct as they think. They refuse to accept any other information, turn a blind eye to the outstanding achievements of those Muggle-born wizards, and ignore the tragedy caused by Voldemort , not thinking about the horrific future he may cause..."

"People like this are the main force of the Death Eater organization. Voldemort once occupied half of the UK."

"They may not be bad people, and some are even quite kind. In their daily lives, they may be kind to others, help their neighbors, and rescue animals... but they seem to have a theory called 'pure blood theory' in their minds. Once that switch was flipped, they immediately became hysterical and turned a blind eye to the bloodshed, sacrifice and tragedy.”

"So, guys, what I'm trying to say is,"

Dumbledore took a deep breath, and a small but extremely firm voice reached everyone's ears: "Voldemort is not a person, but an idea, a concept."

"As long as discrimination, prejudice and hatred remain like cancer in the minds of all of us, sooner or later the next Lord Voldemort will appear and stir up darkness again, plunging us all into misery."

"Although we must admit that the existence and spread of blood theory has its origins: in the era when wizards were in danger thousands of years ago, it was those pure-blood families with rich heritage who protected the magical society, united wizards, and protected our ancestors from persecution. , thus establishing the glory of pure blood... But we should also recognize that times have changed."

"In this era, Muggle-born wizards are the same as pure-blood wizards. From awakening magic to possessing a wand, they enter Hogwarts ignorantly, study hard, and after graduation enter the society, work, live, and organize The family... they have never owed anything to anyone, and they have never taken anything from anyone.”

"On the contrary, their joining also injected fresh blood into the magical society, making the society more dynamic, more innovative, and better able to develop and create resources... And even after suffering from Voldemort's poison, the vast majority of them Instead of developing extreme hatred for purebloods, I cherish the hard-won peace even more..."


At this time, some people below had already realized what was happening. Those people's eyes widened, their expressions were horrified, and they could hardly believe what they heard -

Dumbledore is openly declaring war on bloodline theory.

As he said, he wanted to completely eliminate "Voldemort".

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